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I think that getting vulnerable people to compete on a public page for prizes could definitely be phrased as a safeguarding issue! Even if they just have an eye on her as a result it’s something. I agree that GDPR related complaints would make sense too. I wonder if there’s a financial comeback such as fines etc.
and (sorry, I’ve said it before) the fundraising regulator?
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Where are they getting their info from? Is she going around telling her equally thick-sounding friends that the government are out to get her to punish her for all the good she does?
She’s probably got a core of supporters who are deep into all the conspiracy theories about the Tories wanting to murder all the poor and disabled people - she’s helping the poor and she’s disabled so they’ll be all over the idea the government are setting her up to fail.

(Don’t get me wrong, they’ve got some harmful policies for both groups but I don’t think they want to murder a load of people - but many people truly believe that).
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When I did olio there was rules about how you store the donated food, how quick to give it out, etc. I guess Tesco zero waste don’t give a f**k.
reminder of the voucher “giveaway”
View attachment 2603647
I guess all the people who don’t win can just carry on feeling alone.
Can’t find the £92 voucher post on her page.
she’s not long posted this
View attachment 2603658
(The voucher post is on the Meal on Me with Love group page)
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Does anyone know how GFM works? Does this imply she took the cash out?

ETA: Here is the guy from the other group who have succesfully done what she was trying. He's right. The fees are less for a charity. He is no longer in her FB group for some reason...


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Yeah, sorry, not trying to start a witch hunt but it was a bit silly of someone to use the same name for both those comments. I'd hate to be giving Carlz fodder for her "boo hoo internet trolls are coming for me and I just wanted to feed the world FOR FREE" tiktok.

I'll shut up now. 😁
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I'm a bit confused by this. So, i was diagnosed with MS and you end up on a3 year medical driving licence. But I never had to actually send my licence off to anyone. I filled in a form for the DVLA and then they got in touch with my consultant. I only sent my licence back to DVLA once I'd received the new one. I don't understand why she's sending her driving licence off at all for medical review to a consultant - it's just a form to the DVLA.
She did say at one point that it had been revoked (so she would have had to send it to the DVLA) and she was applying to have it given back.
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and at least with Olio, there's some sort of background mechanism, or peer-based accountability. I was reviewing all their guidelines and if you are reported for any of the below like a) store stuff (even to be photographed) on the floor, you get a warning (aup Carly), store stuff on soft furnishings, you get a warning (aup Carly!) or c) distribute stuff past it's use by date, immediate ban (a-fucking-up CARLY)
I noticed when reviewing the Facebook group timeline that she seemed to be treating the food with a bit more respect in the early days. Actually raised up from the ground and organised. There also seemed to be less quantity and more variety. Just recently it really does seem to be primarily a mountain of bread and some salad.
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hang on

Because I'm a boring bastard, and I love a spreadsheet, I'd been working out the fees for Simon Harris's formula GoFundMe. And as I'd got the formulas worked out already, I thought I'd give Carly's a go.

Caveat: this is based on what is visible on the GoFundMe - the total amounts and the number of donations.

View attachment 2615440
I also did a calc and came to a similar figure to you (can't remember what it was now but a bit above £11k) and not what she said which was £13.5k.
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This was not very good crisis comms from Carly. None of the substantive points in the original piece were answered.

All the interaction with the Your Harlow page will have got the piece in front of more eyes.

Her own FB group now has everyone talking about A Thing That Happened but there is no evidence of it. People will look for information elsewhere.

The comments threw up lots of other scandal from disgruntled locals that we did not know about.
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Another page identifies it as AI. From the writing style that’s what I’d suspect to be most likely- AI pulls from existing sources which would explain why it sounds vaguely familiar 🤣

ETA Scribblr seems to have a decent plagiarism checker, if anyone’s able to convert the text into Work or PDF (I can’t on this phone alas).
Scribbr says it's high risk for plagiarism but I'm not paying to find out what with lol

And FFS my brain is broken, you can guess how I automatically read this and what word I added in my head
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Hold my beans

VIP Member
So many random items from various shops; maybe her and Wayne are collecting from store donation baskets 🤷🏻‍♀️ So instead of heading to local foodbanks, the items are now in the hands of Saint Carlz and the boyz and headed to those who blow the most smoke up her bum she considers most poor and worthy
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