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VIP Member
Never mind the teeth, those Instagram feet are putting me off my lunch 😵 put them away!!
Between her🦶🦶 and Nats bogie pickin 🤢 her channel is sure helping the nation shed the pounds even if unintentionally #thegrossdiet🤮


Active member
Thanks for the explanation, not that it's needed. I don't get why people think it's OK to comment on other people's appearances like that even if they do all look like Claudia Schiffer themselves. It's up to Nat how she deals with it, and it's not even her blog. Since when is it OK to pick on the appearance of bloggers family members, it's so shallow

It's her business, maybe she's happy how she is and if she isn't then judgemental strangers on t'internet aren't going to make her feel any better. I think dissingthe appearance of vloggers kids ( no matter what their age) is the lowest of the low. How many of us look perfect ? Whatever perfect is...
I personally was discussing nat's immaturity rather than her appearance. Not sure how or why her tooth was brought up again.

The OP who explained the carla/Nat relationship was spot on. Carla treats her like a child to Nat acts like one. Sad really.

Thanks for the explanation, not that it's needed. I don't get why people think it's OK to comment on other people's appearances like that even if they do all look like Claudia Schiffer themselves. It's up to Nat how she deals with it, and it's not even her blog. Since when is it OK to pick on the appearance of bloggers family members, it's so shallow

It's her business, maybe she's happy how she is and if she isn't then judgemental strangers on t'internet aren't going to make her feel any better. I think dissingthe appearance of vloggers kids ( no matter what their age) is the lowest of the low. How many of us look perfect ? Whatever perfect is...
However.... Nat is in carla's blog Vlogs more and more and seems to be very OK with being on them too. I'm a fatty - people call me fat in the street. It's just the way of the world unfortunately. It's not OK but shit happens.

I see she STS again on her 'journey' - working a treat isn't it Carla?
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Chatty Member
she's literally doing it to wind you all up, its so obvious now

i don't blame her, some of the 'advice' isn't advice its just people thinking they know better like those who keep telling her to lower her calories when she doesn't need to and has explained 3 times now why that is. they still don't listen and tell her she's wrong 😂
If showing Tattle quotes on your vlog is your idea of winding up, you are mistaken, the best way she could wind a forum up is to IGNORE IT!! But she insists in fueling the fire by eating a whole cake, trying to to be a nutritionist and pulling the wool over the eyes of her subs! She's now tagging Five Guys on her Instagram account, does that sound like someone who's serious about her health? #doublestandards


Chatty Member
Saw the reseller group meet up in her house last weekend, weird or what? Why does this person insist on showing us her unsupported chest at every opportunity, this time while attempting to skip, seriously think she does it for certain of her viewers! I've seen more of her underarms in the past six weeks than I've seen of my own! Also why does that reseller Josh spend so much time with women twice his age? All in all she's starting to grate so may give her a miss for a few months or until Nat gets her new tooth, might be gone a while....
Is Nat getting a new tooth?I know she has a chip to her front tooth but haven't heard her mention getting a new one


VIP Member
I see from her C/Crush video she said "one of you commented on the video about the error in my voice over" - wasn't it on tattle that it was mentioned???

I've always thought this.

I've watched myself for a very long time and can't say i remember 'that' much about her tbh! I know the odd facts but I can't specifically remember what she says on most videos.
Yes it was mentioned on here it wouldn't surprise me if Carla is among us ;)


Chatty Member
to catch those up who are newer to Carla's channel

Nats being herself a very openly bubbly character, as for her tooth this was discussed in a waffle by Carla (has to be at least a year and a half ago now) and mentioned that the issue is complex and is something to do with an allergy against the numbing injection or something odd like that, Carla brought it into discussion after people started mentioning it on the Mrs M thread just before lockdown 1

also worth adding trying to get a dentist appointment at the moment is crazy hard! so wouldn't expect it to be done this year
Just can't stand people making excuses!!!! this girl looks permanently embarrassed, it is just that other issues have been prioritized. I had to get dental work during the height of lockdown and if you are prepared to pay it can be done! I earn a low wage but managed it! As,for allergic reactions - lots of alternatives are available, all they have to do is ask! It could be done within a month if they even cared!

Alternative hashtags for latest Instagram post ...#isthatbeingcountediorignored #itllprobablybefiftycalories #mightevenbesugarfree #notevenalifestylechange #puddingaddict #dontforgettofilmit #caloriedeficitmyfoot #pulltheotherone #iignoremyownadvice #whyusehashtags
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Chatty Member
Seriously these Calorie Crush vlogs are just getting silly! 2lb off for eating full packets of chicken skewers, massive plates of food, this needs to be checked out by the lie detectives! I'm sorry but I've been almost that weight years ago and there is no way Carla is 20 stone, no mission, she'd be in a 20/22 top by now! If she's still under 20 stone after the holiday you can count yourselves well and truly duped! #moneyfromyoutubemustbeworthawhitelie #passmethatsquirtycream


VIP Member
It’s a known fact that cola is really bad for you, especially when drunk in huge quantities. I’ve seen many cleaning hacks where people use cola to clean the toilet, so God knows what it does to your innards.
Yes that's true ! I use it to clean burnt pans at times lol ,the enamel on her teeth is destroyed.
Hi, guys, new to this, had an account but not posted.
It's funny that the more she mentions tattle, the more people come on here who agree with most of us. I didn't know that tattle existed until she mentioned it last year. I do hope she carries on with the rants. It's the most entertaining thing she has done for ages.


VIP Member
That holiday sounds so good 😂 self catering with Carla, Nat and Lexx will be like something from Beetlejuice...weird and eewh. Carla is going to eat full Englishs and bask in the sun, Nat will turn the apartment into a double of her bedroom (hunt the carpet) and Lexx is going to fake laugh all over the place minus the makeup. How YouTubers can make money from being boring is beyond me. She even now admits it, boring waffle, boring fake weigh ins, boring live on Sunday. Watching would give anyone a sore head even you Carla?
Lexx will go on about how many males shes chatted up or slept with on her holiday and eye fuck herself in the camera sorting her hair etc :rolleyes:
I dont actually mind Carla at times


I've bitten the bullet and watched that part of the waffle. Firstly, she is reading the message in a really hostile tone when it is pretty much impossible to discern tone from comments, DMs, texts etc. She even says that the person sending the message said she had been through a similar weight loss jourmey and wanted Carla to succeed. So she is saying, this person is a bitch and how dare she speak to me like that which is a total over reaction to what actually happened.
One slightly direct DM in a sea of gushing positive comments. The horror.
that's most likely because she's not reading all of the comments she was sent, but paraphrasing. You also seem to be miss understanding their motive, they had been through a similar journey to Carla but used surgery to get there, they were disappointed Carla refuses to do the same as they wanted her to succeed - its still the woman attacking Carla for not wanting surgery at the end of the day


Chatty Member
And to quote myself. I did use to like carla. I would normally stick up for her but she has changed and she's not the carla she used to be and now she pisses me off. I wouldn't normally mention someones teeth, hair,weight etc but if carla is gonna mention her hair every fucking week then the teeth need attention too.

Probably not hence why she will be gone a while.
Is Nat leaving home?


VIP Member
Didn’t know she had a thread on here , fair play on her weightloss but this has to be one of my fav vids ( not) airing cupboard with a touch of snot from Nat 🤢


Chatty Member
Think the skincare system video is like watching paint dry, but on the plus side her skin feels ' much cleaner than usual', great, NOW use it on your kitchen floor. I really feel for Nat, she needs to use some of her 90 hours work pay getting a new tooth, she looks so embarrassed, just do it! now to watch the train wreck which is Lexx on the Sunday live....
Looks like there was no live this morning?


I don’t watch Carla often, but in one of the recent vlogs she said that Nat had been gifted stuff!. I think Carla is another u tube begger. There are loads of them now.
Her address is on every Ebay listing she has, People send her stuff without asking which is rude! she's then forced to thank them publicly as that's what you do when people send you stuff. Sadly this then makes her look like she's begging! as she's constantly having to show things and thank people.

Wait till December, its gonna be crazy with people sending her stuff without asking, and I'm fully expecting people to send her a load of chocolate and sweets again like last year - because hey! what do you send someone who's on a diet... oh yes sweets!

but in one of the recent vlogs she said that Nat had been gifted stuff!.
By law she has to state it was gifted if it appears in the vlog, i don't even think she asked for them to send her stuff but they still did anyways. or she could have meant a viewer gifted her something which has happened a few times with bee related items.

Oh do fuck off with your shit leggings, love.
yeah that small business really needs to stop begging Carla for the publicity! and learn how to promote themselves on their own! what trashy leggings they sell


She's going abroad on Holiday ? It only seems like a few weeks back she was crying (yet again ) poor tale . Maybe a Sub has paid ?
holidays are cheap at the moment, i think she said she booked this one a while ago so plenty of time to pay it off bit by bit if she needed to. and 3 of them are going which splits the cost a little more