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VIP Member
that's not visible on any other images so I'm gonna say that's her false teeth plate just slightly out of place and the black patch is the hole where they are not flush with the gums
I don't know I never really look in her gob that much 😂 but I've noticed it a few times .


Okay I just watch the latest video with the baked spuds. What a load of messing about but it is not the potatoes, it is her coronation chicken which looked horrendous. I am Australian so I could be wrong but I have been to the UK and eaten coronation chicken, it is very nice, hers looked so wrong she was complaining it was not orange enough so she was chucking turmeric into it to get the right colour but isn't mango chutney that makes the orange colour?


Chatty Member
Are you talking to me? i've re-read your reply twice and not sure if you are or not.

If you are, just to let you know I haven't read the last 5/6 if not more pages so don't even know (or care) what's happened. You're welcome to disagree with what I wrote which is sound. I have no issue with that - I haven't even mentioned anything in particular to highlight anything, in particular, = Just generalising tbh.

Again i'm not sure if you are replying to me or not becasue i can't quite see what i've done to "Things were just settling down on here and now you've rehashed things." - Can't see how i've done that if i've not really bothered myself with whats been said here throughout most of Dec.

I agree as per my post above that I agree/d with lots that have been said but some people have gone too far in the past.

It was a combination. So, yes in part something you've said.

''So much being said about Lexx on here now = This thread is not about Lexx.'' you wrote earlier.

1) That prompted the dampened down/ rehashed comment from me as people had slowed right down commenting on it and her anymore, that is until you brought her name to the fore once more. You weren't to know if you haven't been following closely. Apologies.



Chatty Member
Latest Calorie crush video, around 5.50 min in, just think if she's trying to be honest with herself why pick and choose what to show and what not to show!?

Oh, that description of her introductions is spot on! With the low voice and fake laughs thrown in for good measure! Forget the fringe love and wash your floors or get a piece of clean carpet!!!
Who are we talking about?


Well-known member
Yes, if she was 15 but she's in her mid twenties and presumably quite happy to be in her mother's videos. Either she is being horribly exploited or she does it by choice. (I think there are many 'lower' things in life but maybe my life isn't as sheltered as yours)
Secondly, and here is where your mental gymnastics make no sense. A broken front tooth is a medical issue and not just aesthetic. It causes difficulty eating and speaking. It will most likely get infected and discolour. It will cause issues with her other teeth which will shift position. Psychologically it is debilitating and I speak from experience. How do you feel about a parent neglecting a medical problem? My beef is with Carla's parenting and not Nat. Carla should leave her out of her videos but instead films her at every opportunity. I hope she shares the ad revenue at least (although she didn't share the cake so probably not).
Exactly, she's an adult and chooses to be in the blogs so it's not her Mum's decision whether or not her daughter has her tooth fixed to her audiences liking. Whether it's a medical or aesthetic issue it doesn't change the fact that people who ( probably) don't know her are judging her on her appearance when she hasn't asked for it 🤔

Just a thought, why on earth do vloggers insist on putting their kids lives online? If they want to be in the public eye themselves that's fine, but when they run out of content or views they inevitably start to invade their family's privacy. Would you do that to your worst enemy, never mind your loved ones? Don't get it!
I agree, I wouldn't do it with young children who have no choice. People behind a keyboard can be really cruel


VIP Member
I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with Nat tagging along to quiz night but doesn’t she have any mates her own age to go out with?

The godmother1

Active member
Totally agree that if you're going to have multiple pets you cannot be expecting other people to pay their vet bills, subscribers or not. If she put as much money into pet insurance as she puts into eating out five times a week then it would be sorted!
The older your dog gets the more difficult it gets to get insurance and they will only cover a condition for a certain amount of time. My daughters dog had a heart problem and the insurance only coughed up for his tablets for so long then she had to pay for them herself and they were pretty expensive.


in regards to the Judy Blume thing, there are some places saying she has died but I read an article she dd for a newspaper in March,she has her own web page with it being updated regularly, on her twitter there was a post on the 21st September however on her Instagram account she hasn't posted since 2015, so still confused


Well-known member
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most direct of them all?

Hmm who could this be. I wonder 🤣
Oh here we go 😶

Hmm its an enigma a mystery!

I couldn't watch Karen because it was difficult to see someone work so hard for such little return. She would buy 20 kg sacks of clothes that had already been picked over several times so the only things left were the rags you would see on the floor at a jumble sale. She would then take terrible dark photos and claim she was happy when something sold for 50p. She looked so downtrodden.

Yes, particularly when/if she gives up smoking. I've only watched a bit of the holiday vlog. When I was 25 I wouldn't be going on holiday with my mother and her middle aged friend. Not because I didn't love my mother but because I had friends and interests of my own. She's a 50 year old trapped in a young person's body. It's a very odd dynamic.
I think it's a lovely dynamic if you have it, quite common with Mums and daughters and I've even been away with my adult son. We had a whale of a time because we have some shared interests and enjoyed spending some quality time together ( yes, we also have our own friends !)
Nat already looks a wee bit weighty but I guess it's her business, she goes to the gym so maybe she's conscious of that.
I haven't seen this Karen vlog but it sounds like hard work

Boredom In The Balearics, Mediocrity in Majorca, Sedentary in Spain - take your pick. How can you make a holiday vlog boring? How?? Too many underarms and feet in this for my liking. Eewh. I am at a loss to know why Lexx and Nat put on baby voices? Nat sounded so much better when she was talking about the book she read in a normal voice. Of course to add to the boredom the same waffle song is used, heaven forbid she should try and find an alternative piece of royalty free music. Wouldn't entice me to go in the slightest - yawn.
Yes Nat sounded quite animated when she was talking about the book, it was nice to hear

Boredom In The Balearics, Mediocrity in Majorca, Sedentary in Spain - take your pick. How can you make a holiday vlog boring? How?? Too many underarms and feet in this for my liking. Eewh. I am at a loss to know why Lexx and Nat put on baby voices? Nat sounded so much better when she was talking about the book she read in a normal voice. Of course to add to the boredom the same waffle song is used, heaven forbid she should try and find an alternative piece of royalty free music. Wouldn't entice me to go in the slightest - yawn.
I was laughing at the couple who came out behind her to put towels on 2 loungers, noticed her filming and disappeared never to be seen again 🤣
Unless they were german and planning ahead 😅
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Chatty Member
That's exactly what happened before as Carla did lose a lot of weight a few years ago. If you look back at 2017/18 (?) vlogs you can see.

To her credit, she has done well to lose what she has.

It's a pity that she doesn't try Lexx's keto diet because the sugar cravings would eventually go, she would feel fuller for longer and those meals tend to be healthier.
I've scrolled back through her earlier videos and I can't see her looking slimmer


Chatty Member
Did anyone else notice the reseller Karen has announced (flounced out) that she is no longer part of the reseller community because people (resellers) have been sending her nasty messages. I think she announced this on Insta. I stopped watching Karen because I couldn't understand what she was saying half the time due to talking too fast and mumbling... I wonder who has upset her though???
What was her YouTube name?


Active member
I watched 10 mins of the DITL this morning and she looks like a Les Dawson character (with Ste Green beanie).

The keto diet is terrible for you long term - fine if you want to lose weight quickly for a particular event but generally nutrient poor and way too high in saturated fat. She looks unhealthy. The two of them together is like some kind of government public health warning. I hate it when adults claim that they 'can't' drink water.
Who is ste green beanie? 😂😂


Chatty Member
That's the trouble with just calorie counting as a weight loss method. Calories aren't all treated equally by the body and even though you could have a small Kit Kat for the same calories as a banana the effect on the metabolism and digestion is totally different.
Even my husband said No wonder she's still hungry after eating that
Well said!


New member
I've had old dogs who have been insured all through their lives. It's one of the costs of having a pet.

I think Carla still has a lot of goodwill from viewers but it will wear thin if on one hand you plead poverty but on the other spend regularly on what for most people are luxuries. If I have an unexpected expense I either have to work harder, put it on a credit card and then work harder to pay it off or go without for a while. Carla is luckier than most because she gets super cheap regular stock so actually she should be earning more.

Ah well, we can all express our opinions and respect those of others.
Well said !