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Active member
ohhh ...another Tattle reference ... her eating quickly 'has nothing to do with my mum' (which was suggested here a couple of weeks back.) She loves the mystery of saying 'it was something else' that makes her eat fast ...!!
Prison then? 😂

If it’s not something in your childhood that makes you eat fast, then it must be something in your adulthood.

People who have been in prison tend to eat fast so I guess thats it 😆
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VIP Member
Oh classic comparisons right there! She would be the same person to call out someone for using a filter and not admitting it. Some of Lexxs are photoshopped to within an inch of their lives
Her forehead looks completely out of sync with her jawline ,almost alien like :alien::giggle:
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Chatty Member
Just can't understand why Carla thinks she can loose weight while consuming enormous amounts of food, the portion sizes are huge and I'd be thrilled to lose half a pound while still eating out four or five times a week - even if I could afford it. What a don't like is that she blames a lot on her circumstances, sore legs, sedentary job, having a period (TMI) - reaching the menopause - nope, just too much snacking love. Maybe if she gave herself a monthly weigh in it might kick start her enthusiasm again.
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Chatty Member
Conspiracy Theory Time

have you all not wondered, if she's eating more breakfasts and biscuits- as well as eating out more as you all keep mentioning it ?

she might be doing it on purpose as she knows it would get a response from you :unsure:

i only say this as on weeks where she does eat out more or does slip up it definitely causes a reaction here

food for thought
You could be right, 'cause if she didn't keep answering the questions posed on here she'd probably have no content... Other than cleaning floors of course!
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How embarrassing for her to ACTUALLY take the comments and put them in her video!!!
I reckon she hoped there would be a pile on with her fans coming on here and defending her. I'm surprised that not one person has. She'll have to set up a different account and do it herself.

Also, Who the fuck buys a WHOLE cake for themselves when they are trying to lose weight????? not only that they are about £15! ----- YAY FOR THAT!!!! not.
She once said that a GP had told her she needed to address her binge eating. She was predictably very thin-skinned about this and insisted that her problem wasn't binge eating but just portion control. Hmmm. I'd say that eating a whole cake definitely counts as binge eating. I am convinced that many of her channel fans are feeders because there are a lot of 'don't worry, who hasn't eaten a whole cake in one go - you're still doing amazingly well' comments. No one dares tell her that she needs to address her underlying issues with food otherwise she will fail in the long term. People did try to give advice in the past and were swiftly shut down. It's all very weird.
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Chatty Member
I’ve bought off EBay many times and had a few problems with delivery, product etc but I can honestly say I have never received a rude reply yet from a seller. Just recently I haven’t received an order which was due last week, but the seller’s reply was very courteous and sorry for the delay and assures me they will look into it. She is a very sarcastic and rude woman and doesn’t like criticism of any kind.

Well observed!

This woman, on receiving criticism (real or imagined) immediately goes in for the kill this often results in a full on back down and becoming all apologetic. Seen it so many times. Could be why this thread is gaining traction. Could be 😊
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The bauble gifting on the 20/12/20 around the 22-minute mark gives a bit more context.
On Carla’s or Lexx’s channel?

Ok just found it. I’m now seeing that only one of them is sick & twisted (the one who bought both Jimmy Saville and Fred West baubles) and therefore Carla is just the foil for Lexx.
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Chatty Member
Cherryz contacted her, just like how they contacted Hyacinth (Mrs M) and other resellers, They do a lot of sponsored stuff in the reselling community. especially the Instagram lot. so yes she would be on their radar seeing as they mainly focus on the vloggy and bloggy youtubers and instagrammers who are also resellers

Carla is also a great person in the sponsors eyes. her cherryz haul has 3.1k views it cost the company £50 to get that amount of traffic and all they need is for people to spend £250 and they are into profit on the sponsor, which is easy to get (based on a %20 profit markup per item sold)
Sorry, don't buy it, but if you know that for sure feel free to to run with it! Wouldn't have thought 3k would have been seen as 'great' but again you seem very certain of your facts! Do you work for Cherryz?, if not, how can you know that Carla is great in their eyes? Just wondering hmmmm! It certainly wouldn't entice me to buy anything from them, a big box of sugary rubbish tbh! 😊
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Chatty Member
Well. Supporting JS is one thing but a joke about a leg falling off is a strange thing to take offense against as it is very rare an unlucky person suffers from a condition where their legs literally and randomly fall off.
The thing is Carla talks before she thinks, she's forever pretend apologising for inappropriate things she says. No one is allowed to mention the ToOtH situation or we're bullies, but old Calorie munching Carla thinks she's a comedian of sorts. Still not funny.
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It was an open event, buts let’s just say it’s the same faces every time.

From the footage I’ve seen she was very close to Ste rubbing him on the head.

And we got a mention in the comments on one of the channels containing footage of their reselling lovefest 👋 😘
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Chatty Member
Well yes, we could all never watch again and never express a negative opinion but for me it feels a bit like I've left a cult and I can't understand why other people can't see it. The 'friend mail', birthday gifts (even if you love her you have to admit that she mentions her birthday A LOT), when her sales are low, she will sell tat to her viewers, the begging bowl, the way she will endorse absolutely anything. And still people will watch and tell her how great she is. I saw yesterday that she has taken the number of likes and dislikes off her waffle. A very Mrs M move. The tide is turning .
Agree about the begging bit, never expected but always appreciated 🙄 she must be making enough money from reselling and YouTube to refrain from doing it though? I cannot imagine asking strangers for dosh if I was already making enough to pay my bills! Where will it end? Carla calendars to pay the vet bills? Kofi donations to fund the Sunday fry ups? And so it goes on....
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The godmother1

Active member
So funny! Her complete lack of awareness is hilarious😀
I’m quite aware thanks very much

This is hilarious! You DO know you are totally contradicting yourself? New quote, 'Be Kind - but I hope none is forthcoming when YOU need it!😂😂' CLASSIC

This is hilarious! You DO know you are totally contradicting yourself? New quote, 'Be Kind - but I hope none is forthcoming when YOU need it!😂😂' CLASSIC
on the contrary…. It just confirms how nasty commenters are on here but thanks for the input
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when you have been watching since day 1 you tend to know a lot about a person so yes I am a #superfan and I will use my knowledge to answer peoples questions where appropriate - Carla is a very open person and has spoken a lot about her past and current life especially recently in regards to her weight loss and health
I don’t get if you say something that is not negative people get all Super fan your a ass kisser. To me Tattle Life is talking about not strictly bashing. I enjoy reading on here but some get just vile And say inapporate things and that is fine and dandy.

i Get you were just stating things she had staged before

if something pisses me off that bad I don’t watch. I have family that can piss me off if I just want irritations in my life.

prepared for name calling and bashing ………
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when you / Happyland (it's very confusing) have zero self control.
i am flattered that you think i am Carla honestly however you are very much wrong, i am nothing more than a humble viewer. I expect Carla is reading your message laughing her head off.

As for your 'diet coke' comment caffeine addiction is a very real problem for many people, I am however glad you agree with me that she's looking very good after her weight loss! could the caffeine be stopping her going any lower ? who knows! perhaps only time will tell.

It makes my day to know that you think i am her Mwah x
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VIP Member
Carla’s day out to see Lexx (with Nat in tow of course) and she comes home exhausted and in bed by 7pm? What the hell were they doing all day? I could understand it if she’d just climbed Machu Picchu in Peru but a day out and she’s totally knackered? I’m much older than her and I’ve never gone to bed at that time unless I’m ill.
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