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Chatty Member
Is that why he lives in a shithole?

He works for the government doesn’t he? Says it all really. They’ll employ anyone, the sleazier the better. He fits right in.

Glorifying serial killers. What total @rseh0les

Was it the video with #AD for the toy company in it? I bet that company wasn’t too happy using someone who reveres pedophiles to advertise their games to children?

How does anyone think that’s a clever thing to do... zoom in on a well known child abuser and then #AD gifts for children. Senseless
No he doesn't work for the government
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Chatty Member
That video would put me off curries for life...why did she have the whole thing in front of her, instead of portioning it out into a smaller serving? Bet she said it was 50 calories and she lost half a stone this week!
I went and watched And the contents had slopped all around inside of the bowl . For presentation purposes a piece of kitchen paper would have helped tidy it up a bit.
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Like I say everyone’s different but I don’t think they look good as you age
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I wouldn’t use Lexx as a shining example of weightloss, she’s put on some timber recently. Granted, she’s not as fat as she used to be when she worked in her shop, but she’s definitely piled the pounds on again in the last 6 momths
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Chatty Member
that's not visible on any other images so I'm gonna say that's her false teeth plate just slightly out of place and the black patch is the hole where they are not flush with the gums
I was thinking the same.I have a partial denture and it has a habit of moving around
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I’ve bought off EBay many times and had a few problems with delivery, product etc but I can honestly say I have never received a rude reply yet from a seller. Just recently I haven’t received an order which was due last week, but the seller’s reply was very courteous and sorry for the delay and assures me they will look into it. She is a very sarcastic and rude woman and doesn’t like criticism of any kind.
Yeah definitely ! I was taken aback at those replies that's why I posted them ,I hope the people reported her for her rudeness I know I would of .
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Well-known member
Feet out again and wiggling toes in the leggings try-on!

Now, when vloggers give out these personalised discount codes, do we think they get a kick-back or are they doing it out of the goodness of their hearts?
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Chatty Member
Moving her jaws, walking from one restaurant to another, and exercising her right to only show certain parts of her weight loss 'journey'! Chips are about her only vegetable and she always has some sort of dessert! Less of a plateau and more of a grand canyon moment! How are people believing this!
Updated info, she eats absolutely enormous salads covered in mayo, bacon and onion bits. My apologies for misleading anyone.
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VIP Member
So apparently Carla doesn’t claim benefits 🤔 I’d find that hard to believe given her mobility issues.
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Chatty Member
Well I enjoy the weekly blogs and I also enjoy enjoy a Subway. I don't enjoy hauls or lives so I don't waste my time watching them. It's simple really. Why would you put yourself through it ? 🤣😅
You and Happy land really need to get together, a bit like Carla and Caroline, then you could swap stories about floor cleaners and trips to the vets, cause that about sums up the weekly vlogs, this week's was 40 mins of eBay wrapping! #lazyfilming
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VIP Member
How the heck did she lose weight this week. Carla must have great metabolism or I have the worlds worst lol. I am a few stones lighter than Carla and this week I walked I went over calories once by 200 and never ate out, I just ate very healthy food at home and I put on a half a kilo. Bloody hell I am so jealous of Carla and her ability of being able to eat crap and still lose weight, it seems like she has a superpower.

Yep, her superpower is the ability to bullshit on the daily.
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Active member
nats new tooth 😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Howler.
I've started to really pick at her videos now so much so that i know her introductions to every video.
Hello (looks to her right)
Welcome back to my channel (looks to her right)
Talks about hair/messes with fringe/talks in funny voice.

I've not watched the weekend and not watched the calorie crush because i just can't at the moment. She's becoming one annoying person.

I do wish she would STOP with the hair. She doesn't need to keep mentioning it on EVERY.SINGLE.FUCKING.VIDEO
No-one notices what you notice carla, no-one gives a hoot about your fucking hair - UNTIL YOU MENTION IT!!! 😡😡😡😡
Funny how she don't mention the cola stained teeth in every video 🤮🤮🤮
And to quote myself. I did use to like carla. I would normally stick up for her but she has changed and she's not the carla she used to be and now she pisses me off. I wouldn't normally mention someones teeth, hair,weight etc but if carla is gonna mention her hair every fucking week then the teeth need attention too.

Is Nat getting a new tooth?I know she has a chip to her front tooth but haven't heard her mention getting a new one
Probably not hence why she will be gone a while.
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I follow someone else that promotes them from time to time and someone on the thread posted the info from their site where you have to apply and they contact the successful applicants .
i think you are on about their affiliate program which isn't what Carla and Caroline are doing as they would legally have to say they are a part of that program when they did the hauls, they would have to declare that they were 'Brand partners' or something like that - Cherryz just like to send them free tat it seems
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VIP Member
I'll make this Clearer. There has been a handful of posters who have specifically made a post to just to state the meaning of another posters words !

Just one example:

Poster 1 '' I have always thought that both Lexx and Carla are as thick as pig shit''

Poster 2 '' I don't think the poster was making excuses for them by saying they're thick ? it came across like she was agreeing that only thick people would find amusement in something like that . ''

Again someone totally misses the point ! It's not just about the comments what dont you get ?? Never mind !

And The narrative isn't being twisted ,it's out there for all to see.

There's more ,but I'm not allowing this important thread to become derailed, so I'm going to ignore the deflectors. There's enough of us who have worked out what is going on .
Wow! I think you’re way more engrossed in the subject than just a normal interest. I think it’s right we’re put on ignore if talking about it in civilised terms bothers you but know this ,it’ll be a cold day in hell if you think I’d ever justify a p e a d o or their actions or anyone that would for that matter,twist that whatever way you want! You’re the one making the thread about Jimmy Saville ( he has his own btw) are we not allowed to discuss other attributes to Carla that we don’t find appealing besides her love of Jimbo 🤷🏼‍♀️
I don’t know what accusations you’re throwing at Carla but if it’s what I’m thinking Maybe you should act off your own back and keep Tattle well out of it it is a serious thing to throw at people,the YTer that closed her thread saw what was written here about her we never once took it off Tattle.
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