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After picking a donor that looked as similar to her as possible and dreaming of having a 'mini me', she found out it was a boy and then had terrible mental health. 🤨 She wasn't fit to become a parent. She's painfully immature and self-centred.

Her choice to avoid the safest and healthiest birth for her baby and have a higher risk of serious complications in order to keep her vagina like pre-birth is really something.
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It's definitely not the norm to have so many vacations in England. Of course in the UK there's plenty of opportunity for "holidays" due to the amount of days people are given annually off work, but to go on multiple vacations and stay-cations in a year is definitely not something the regular folk do. And especially going away in the school holidays, prices absolutely sky rocket so goodness knows why her and her family choose to go away places in the busiest and most expensive time of the year when they are currently able to go at any time, any where. Guess money really is no obstacle for them 🙄
Every time she talks about her lifestyle I can’t help but think, “Isn’t there a cost-of-living crisis going on in the UK right now?”
I honestly can’t figure out if she’s purposely flaunting her parent’s wealth or so clueless she doesn’t realize she’s flaunting it and it’s tacky.
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Does anyone else find it weird that given they’re well off she’s spent her 3rd trimester and post partum wearing her 60 odd year old mothers clothes? 🤔
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Doesn’t she get enough time to herself in the evenings when she puts him to bed and then ignores him until she feels like getting up in the morning ?
It’s not good enough for her ✨me time✨ she needs a full day to lie in bed and go on her laptop, half a day complaining about her “illnesses”, time for cooking a pot noodle and then a full week to get over her “exhausting” day of being a solo mum and then and only when she has spare time she can play and look after her son! Until then, it’s of to grandmas!
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It's so obvious that she's gleefully back in her element when she talks about his possible cow milk allergy in her Stories and her run to the pharmacy and back to the doctor's because he needs special formula.

Also funny how she specifically pointed out that she washed her hair in preparation for the trip tomorrow. Yuck.
Can we also talk about the fact that she is SO excited to overshare her son’s medical information online? 😡 This is such a huge red flag to me that she’s just going to end up being one of those mommy vloggers who claims that exploiting their kids is advocacy. Like, why does the internet need to know this stuff?
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Well-known member
Noticed she's started swearing a lot.. it was jolting in the hannah collab and now doing it in her last video.. feels very tryhard
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Can you imagine the poor boy in a few years time if he’s unwell in the night or has a nightmare. He’ll probably be afraid to go and get her because not sleeping or waking mum is naughty 😞
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She gets more unlikeable with every video.

She really makes me cringe, the way she tries to categorise everything and educate people with her black and white ideas, and things she has a basic grasp of from books and SM. She's a barely basic beginner first time mum, thinking she knows everything about life, despite being completely uneducated and sheltered with no life experience. I'm almost embarrassed for her.

Weird that she can't grasp why a woman would choose an unmedicated birth for her baby. Her selfishness absolutely shone along with her ignorance. That's fine if you aren't preaching on the Internet for money and trying to influence. She's so arrogant and stupid.
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I don’t really understand the real need for people to have elective c-section unless for a legit medical reason and it doesn’t sound like she had one? She just very conveniently had intrusive thoughts about birth.. could understand if she’d had a baby before and a birth to compare it too but I don’t buy it. Sounds like just an excuse!
I don't think we should be shaming people, even nasty, unpleasant, attention seekers like Bryony, for elective c-sections without a medical need. Quite apart from the feminist argument, it's far from the biggest issue with Bryony. She's had a baby and in less than two weeks has already made his health entirely about herself, for all her comments are attention seeking and probably bollocks her choice of an elective c-section is the least of the problems with her.
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So she kept her failed business technically going for long enough to get maternity pay, now that time is up she's admitting it was failing and has officially shut it down. Just in time to claim full-time benefits as a poor single mum. She had this all planned out, didn't she?

As a healthy adult, she needs to get a grip and get a job. It's frustrating for all the hardworking couples who can't afford to have children because despite working as much as possible the COL makes it unaffordable. Then you get people like her, who deliberately get pregnant to claim benefits just to avoid work. She'll go back to palming off foster kids to her mum and nursery once she can't get benefits, or she'll have another baby to continue the cycle.
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Millennial Pink

VIP Member
FFS. She's so obsessed with being absolutely tiny. Besides, if she couldn't fit into her old shorts, just buy some bigger ones, it's not like she's short of cash. Also, get your own ice cream, you bone-idle mare.
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Well-known member
Bryony - makes multiple videos about not fitting in her old clothes.
Also Bryony - I don't care about my body changes at all.

Bryony - spent 2 months living with her parents as she was lonely and needed help, spends every weekend sleeping over with mummy and daddy and enjoying "long chats" as she's lonely.
Also Bryony - I love my own company and never get lonely, I don't need a partner for company or help.

What a narc to think anyone gives a shit about her "identity". She's very immature and self absorbed. She needs to keep her personality disorder away from the LGBT parent community, it ain't joyful for anyone else being around her 🥴
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I am sure she mentioned in one of her pregnancy/mental health videos that they actually assessed her for autism whilst she was pregnant and ruled that out. I remember she actually seemed quite happy about it, as opposed to her usual glee with any new diagnosis.
I’m highly skeptical she had an actual autism assessment during her pregnancy. It is EXTREMELY difficult to get an assessment as an adult. The waiting lists in the US are many months to years long. My understanding is that it’s even worse in the UK, because the mental health services in the NHS are so overloaded. Maybe she talked about it with someone, but I doubt she actually got in to see someone who was knowledgable enough to do a true assessment. It doesn’t sound like she invested the time either. Assessments take many, many weeks and are a lot of work.
Honestly, at the end of the day, I don’t really care if she’s autistic or not. I just hope she’s not saying she went through a formal diagnosis process when she didn’t. Having one mental health professional who probably isn’t an expert say you don’t have something is way different than going through the formal assessment process and finding you don’t fit the diagnosis.
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Well-known member
Her 8 month old sleeps 15 hours a night and only wakes once or twice. That makes her so tired. The long morning nap to herself, 2 hr afternoon nap, him being asleep by 6pm, and having a day every week without him is just not enough me time, because she has to sort the dishwasher and briefly use the phone "for work".

Baby is usually upset and unhappy to where he needs to be sat right infront of a TV to distract him daily because she can't parent. 2-3 feeds a day, a bottle of formula and a tiny bit of food. Is he under-stimulated and hungry, and is that deliberate 🥺

She had savings to use up and redid her kitchen so she could claim benefits 😡 But it's OK guys, because she has seperate savings for her many holidays. She's so relatable as she can't even move out of her 2 bedroom flat for up to 5 years. How will she even afford a 3 bed when she has her next baby, quick, donate now! The fact she's even considering another child when she can't cope now is very unsettling.
For someone who is an “expert” and has all this baby training through fostering she wasn’t half shovelling that porridge into her son 😳
I'd blocked that bit out! And that's her best parenting for the camera. Imagine how aggressive and unpleasant she is off camera. Any affection comes across forced and fake. She's uncomfortable to watch.
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Chatty Member
I don’t think she looks young whatsoever, she does absolutely nothing to herself that I would consider young or fashionable, in fact her dress sense ages her by a good ten years minimum (especially when she’s wearing her old dears clothes, which I find astonishing!!) I’m early 30s and my own mum is super fashionable, wouldn’t ever dream of borrowing a dowdy old lady frock off my nan though
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Well-known member
No, it's not normal to ignore a young child from 6.30pm to 9am, plus 2 naps, plus most of the day. It's extreme, and detrimental to his development. It'll likely impact on his growing sense of self and how he interacts with others and has social relationships. Young children are interdependent, not independent. Independent play is brief moments when a caregiver is busy or notices their child is engaged in something and gives pause as to not interrupt, but generally they continue to share eye contact and communication whilst the child plays. What Briony does is deeply concerning, this is only a snippet of her presenting her best self publicly.
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Chatty Member
So obvious she heard the term ‘’neoliberal economy’’ for the first time in her life about an hour before making that video 😅
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