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My OH used to go to the Dome ( where babs has said she was doing this) I just asked him were people allowed to dance on the bar? His reply “no, we would have been thrown out, my mate tried it once and got banned! This would have been around the same time babs was there as they are the same age!
More made up stories for attention???
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She pisses me off more and more every time she tells this “story”. It seems like every time she tells it she tries to make it seem worse and worse and gain more pity. MY FAMILY REFUSED. I HAD TO QUEUE ALONE LATE AT NIGHT!!!!!
emmmm ok? You were in a theme park, the rest of the family didn’t care for meeting them so you joined the queue yourself? Big FUCKING deal. “Late at night?!” Really babs. You weren’t meeting the dwarves in a sketchy Dim light alley way at 3 in the morning. Fucking wise up.
Remember In BabLand ‘late at night’ is about 4.30pm in real time.
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WHAT DID I JUST WATCH. My poor eyes may never recover. I’m torn between thinking Stevie is an enabler (as someone said previously) or if he has a cunning plan to make her looked unhinged on the internet so when they divorce he’ll get the kids and house and she’ll be out on her size 18 arse 🧐
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Ok, I have to say something because she’s doing my head in.
1. Who mentioned about she’s not mentioned the Olympics? Tingo - she has now!
2. “not much to do this week” erm, pretty sure we all know you’re off on a bloody cruise. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Lady Doodle

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In the Vlog with the Cruise outfits 🙄🤦‍♀️ she was talking about what they would all be wearing and she was showing the outfit for "the first photo"! Did anyone else pick up on this? Their first photo???!!! Who even thinks like this in normal life. Her whole existence is content for the Internet. Its quite disturbing tbh!
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I've just flicked through her stories. So, she mentions doing the tiktok food thing, then she's all like "they don't have tiktok, but maybe they've seen it through YouTube??" while looking totally baffled. How irresponsible is it to not have a clue what your 8 and 10 year old are accessing online?
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I’m the same age as Babs and my kids are the same age (more or less) as hers- I am also lucky enough to have the school holidays off with them. I just don’t understand this holiday planning and obsession with having stuff booked in all the time. We’ve had a busy first half with a few nights away to visit friends/ family and a long weekend city break as our main family holiday. After this week , that’s it … we will be chilling at home for the rest of the holidays . Yes we will get a bit bored ! But that’s the whole point & we’ll be more than ready to go back to school in September. Yes the kids will spend hours/ days on TikTok/ Roblox ! I’ll spend too much time on here & watching Netflix & drinking wine! It’s the holidays- time to relax 😄
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Holy shit two things: those nails must be stick ons and she fkd up the cuticles trying to glue them on and SECONDLY how the fk can you be frazzled with 2 grown kids?? I had 3 @22 no one to help me as my parents had passed and my poor husband was working every hour he could to pay our mortgage and I managed .. no car sweet fk all but we had a house and food and 3 healthy kids!! How ungrateful is that a-hole. Sorry for rant but I’m sick of her moaning about her privileged life. Cheers and I’ll stfu now in case I turn into her
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Guessing Fabletics have been in touch as she’s mentioned couch to 5k again #ad. Wonder if the cheerleading old man in the park will still be there?
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I wouldn’t get your hopes up @Gl1tt3rUn1c0rn, I haven’t done a scrap book since I was about 6!🤣

What shit have we been through on the last thread I hear you ask…….well here you go! I promise I have tried to keep it short, but she just posts SO much crap!

-Monday started with many a story because she’d had Sunday off so had to fulfil her need to speak drivel to strangers. Ethan is going to bed half an hour later, at 8 🙄, and waking up later in the morning. No shit Sherlock Babs! Poor kid, banished away while his mates and peers and children younger than him will be out enjoying some summer holiday freedom.
Shit poetry reel about her house being full of tat because she’s so relatable.
PUS is snoring so they are going to waste valuable NHS time and resources having him referred. Despite all that lovely money she earns from selling her soul and her family, she wouldn’t go private would she?!? Although snoring isn’t something you even need to go private for because 9 times out of 10 it’s not actually a massive issue, it’s just life.
They went to see Jungle Cruise because Babs wanted to and she’s, again, selfish. Plant crap. Kids talking Roblox and Babs not being interested. “Frazzled parenting day” because someone fell off a scooter and the kids argued. Wow. She really has no idea.

-Tuesday’s gross pit stories were her braggity bragging about palming the kids off so she can “werk” AKA film an AD or vlog haul (because she was dressed/made up 🤡) and then sit on her arse all day. Smug face as she tells us how lucky she is and how she’s so sorry for you if you have no childcare and actually have to work for a living.
Looking for advice on shoes to wear with a dress as she’s realised her fugly sandals and converse won’t cut it on the Disney cruise.
Shared some awful TikTok of her - I’m struggling for the word - dancing, shuffling, grinding, wiggling, wobbling?!? Anyway moving around to a song about shaking it while asking if it’s PMT or if she’s just angry, emotional, hungry. Yes Babs, you are all those things, women don’t just have emotions based on their cycles. But also, you’re in your 40s so you’re plenty experienced at life and should know when PMT makes those things worse. You may also be interested to know that being overweight/never exercising/not eating well/drinking too many cocks in cans etc can also contribute to how you feel. Anyway I have no literally no idea what this horrendous video was trying to achieve, or indeed what she was thinking when she had a Pimms and remade it. Like seriously, it was awful enough the first time.
PUS got home from work so Babs shuffled off to Primark to buy (really classy, excellent quality) shoes. She’d had all day without the kids but made sure she went out when they were home! To buy fugly shoes. Obvs.

-Wednesday she treated us to gross pit stories of her looking closely at new wrinkles she’d just noticed. Told us how comfy her new fugly sandals are. Announced a day out - and picnic - with the kids and her sister, because at no point in the summer hols can she be left with those children on her own. The horror. Shared a memory of the golden girl. Put up an AD for rice where she mostly talked about her dressing gowns and waved packets around, didn’t even pretend to cook or eat. Go figure 🤷🏼‍♀️All before 8am!
Moaning about how many bags she has to take…..not sure what she needs to carry around or why she doesn’t streamline it a bit but this is Babs so nothing makes sense. Lunch by 11 and an ice cream.
Vlog about how she’s a “frazzled” mum packing dirty clothes in Butlins and unpacking them at home. Yes, that is the sound of a barrel being scraped you can hear.
The rice people put her stupid AD on their grid page which invited the usual comments about Babs and how awful she is that you get whenever she isn’t in control of the delete button. And then it got taken down. Standard.
Frazzled, again, at the end of the day because that’s her new “vibe” it seems. Even though she has no idea what being frazzled is really like because her life is pretty easy!
Bath bomb, including singing about being naked, putting pyjamas she’s been wearing for 3 days already on after being in the bath, posting about autumn and how people who think you’re too much aren’t your people. Blah blah blah.

-Thursday pit stories were, in her own words, smug because her plan for the day was to go to someone else’s house for a play date and have lunch provided for her. Entitled twat!
Awful reel about wearing cycle shorts and a t shirt. She claims it’s because she’s body confident but really all the tips are about hiding her tummy, stopping her legs rubbing together, being able to wear it even when she’s a “size 18”……so she’s assuming everyone who follows her is the same. What about people who are size 8/10??
Photo of the lunch her friend made, rain in the car, shopping for autumn tat and then home alone (apparently Erin was on a sleepover and Ethan was at the cinema, but this is Babnocchio and these events did come about magically after we’d said on here that you’d think the kids would be busier with things not involving Babs by now) to sort Disney clothes on a rail in the loft. Which led to a grid post about how her kids are older, she feels strange having time to herself, she has to discover what she likes. Yep, that crap again. No thoughts about reading, volunteering, exercising, learning a new skill, seeing friends etc. Just sorting disney clothes and talking to strangers about herself. She knows EXACTLY what she likes. Tat, attention, money and Netflix. Why pretend otherwise?? The grid post was accompanied by some stories of her deciding she’s having a midlife crisis, where she randomly pulled down her top and had a glance at her boobs while talking. What is she thinking?!?

-Friday was a homey manky pyjama day, not looking straight at the camera while talking about Erin’s sleepover (maybe it’s fictitious?!?) and chatting more boring shit. And then an awful reel about how when she’s talking to someone about summer she’s actually thinking about pumpkins and Halloween. Give me strength. She’s such a bellend, wishing her life away because she’s unhappy, has no ideas for content and thinks liking autumn is a personality trait. If you hadn’t declared it was summer and got your fugly sandals out as soon as there was sunshine in March you wouldn’t be fed up and wishing for autumn already. Bore off.
A thanks for supporting her “mid life crisis” she’s decided she’s having and a recommendation to watch Real Housewives to see women over 40 on your telly. No thanks Babs. I don’t want to rot my brain cells with that crap.
Gin in a can and watching her laptop alone in bed, wearing the same gross pyjamas she’d worn all day, by 7:30pm. I’m sure all of us frazzled mums can relate 🙄

-Saturday began with morning stories where she genuinely looks grey she is so rough. Usual beg for engagement where you tell her what you’re up to.
Vlog modelling clothes and shoes for the cruise - the most excited she’s been about anything for a while. And the side angles = def not a size 18! Not that I care or judge anyone for their clothes size, but don’t lie about it, or preach body confidence when you in fact are not confident at all about your body. Full control of all the outfits for all the family, all matching so photos will look good for the gram and she’s put a lot of thought into which ears will go with which t shirt 🤦🏼‍♀️ If only she’d put that much thought into her lifestyle choices and family 🤷🏼‍♀️

Some thoughts from Tattlers - we haven’t seen much of PUS and the kids since Butlins, and Babs has been particularly erratic, rough looking and seemingly drunk this week. Are things falling apart Chez Conway?!?
They’ve also stayed home a couple of days, maybe because of the PCR tests they have to do before their cruise. And yes, although we don’t wish anyone poorly, the majority of us are hoping someone gets a positive so they can’t go…..just for the entertainment value of watching Babs throw her toys out of the pram 🤣

So we shall see how the week pans out as another thread begins!
I will be away on holiday this week, and although I will still check social media because I’m inherently very nosey I won’t be keeping notes for a recap. Kids to entertain and all that jazz! So I’ll pass the baton along to anyone who’d like to have a go!

Two things -

1. I am home from a 36 hour shift this weekend (including an overnight sleep don't worry 🤣) and this recap has thoroughly entertained me whilst having a nice 💩 - bit of Babs oversharing sorry not sorry!

2. You mean to say you actually take holiday time away from the internet to spend with your children?! What is this monstrosity?? 😉

Keep up the good work cow bags, I'm going to do a Babs and rot in my PJ's and stuff myself with junk food because unlike her I've fucking earned it. Cheers 🥂🍻
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Lose some weight, move more, eat some fruit and veg, drink some water. Then you won’t be a constant sweaty mess and will feel so much better. Nothing to do with being peri menopausal 🙄 Just severely unhealthy.
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unless there’s a photo of her on a bar, chugging a wkd in sun 3 seconds (my pb at uni 😂) with men at her feet fawning over her wearing anything other than a lads, lads, lads outfit, estate agent suit or a Wonder Woman costume I won’t believe it. And that shitty 2tone suit doesn’t count ala posh spice but really from bearwood or swan market and a fire hazard
Also all the photos from that era that she’s posted she’s with her sister and that’s tragic. I’m not bashing sisters going out and being close but where’s her other friends?!?
She should rebrand to brummywomanlivinginthe90s
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Why is all their food so pale and undercooked? The pizzas and garlic bread once again look like they were lightly wafted over a Halloween candle.

PS - this is an advert for J20, it's very boring and shit so I haven't bothered commenting on the rest of it.

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Resorted to pizza and curly fries on the coffee table because there’s a hamster on their dining table 🤢
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She’s already said previously they aren’t “hugging” people, so why would they want to hug characters? 🙄 She’s an attention seeking moron.
Isn't it weird how she loves to hug Disney characters but not her family?

She's fascinating.
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Never known people in their 40s invite friends round to have movie and pizza night???? 😂😂😂😂 such lies you weave babs to earn a few dollar 😂😂😂 can’t even look at the camera properly cos she knows she’s talking complete and utter shit! she would say anything to make the cash, sold her soul to the devil long ago 😂 plus we all know you are in your jamas by 6 so you ain’t inviting no one round are you??? 😂
And IF you did, wouldn't it be a takeaway or a proper homemade "grown-up" pizza, rather than a crappy half cooked frozen pizza? Not an ounce of sophistication between them
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People on that Cruise will be talking about “That dreadful woman and her family “ for weeks after
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