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So story in her hotel room as that's not her bedroom.
That’s what I thought! She’s trying so hard so that her big giant head blocks the view. Also then posting two pics from home afterwards making it look like she’s still there. These influenzers are messed up in the head and none more so than her!
It must be exhausting playing these pathetic games! What a weirdo!
also very weird the time stamp on the story but it only just went up. Trouble with hotel wifi bab?
In case you’re using the excuse that we’re all just jealous- I can hand on heart so I am in no way jealous of your weekend bab! A Disney cruise is not my jam even though I like Disneyland.
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Has Wet San been pinged lol, thought they were looking after her kids on a Tuesday but the tale from the crypt this morning is that the person who is meant to be looking after her kids has been pinged 😝
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In her cycling shorts and Mickey T's 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She's gonna have a shock!
Wait, the cycling shorts were an actual outfit? not just to stop chafing??

Oh God Babs, no. Please no. i’m the same size as you (20 😉), it’s not a good look.

I mean, in the garden, great. Pottering on a walk with the kids, crack on. But on a cruise ?!!!
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Why is she making out they have nothing to do? She knows she’s told everyone about the Disney cruise right or is she suffering from amnesia? She’s told everyone. I’m honestly baffled. Why does she do this downplay thing? Arghhhhhh
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I watched the latest video.

Gosh, isn’t Ethan just adorable. He always comes across as such a lovely little boy.

Also, I think he’s the one with all the natural charisma in that family.
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What the actual FUCK
4 grand to look at people in plush costumes and eat overpriced grub for two fucking nights

Holding onto her hair as it’s blowing a gale today 💨
fucking idiot! did she actually board boat thinking she was going or be able to hug the characters?! presumably the people dressed as disney characters should risk their health because she, kween babs, believes herself to be immune to covid as a result of being double jabbed - plus covid wouldn't be able to afford a disney cruise, so it won't be on the boat. 🤷🏻‍♂️

if it wasn't for all the cowbags on board - who i hope have a lovely babs-free holiday - i'd hope it would rain! 🤞🏻🤣

i also wish she'd shut the fuck up about that "hidden mickey" on her nail. it's not fucking hidden. it was very obvious in the nail design she shared as "inspiration" and obvs asked whoever painted her nails to copy, and it's not "hidden" on her chunky, badly-painted nail. if anything, the only reason she keeps pointing it out is so that people won't think it's an unintentional black blob - as it could easily appear at a glance - and highlight the fact that it was definitely intentional. feeling insecure about those nails, eh babs?! 🤣
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Lady Doodle

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The best line was I just want to be a good mom I am a good mom
"They're making me not be a good Mum" 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️🙄
Yeah we're making you exploit your kids lives, safety privacy and flogging them for any old Ad. We're making you do all that fucked up stuff aren't we Emma!? 🤬🤬
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Oh and Emma you aren’t peri menopausal, you’re a twat, it’s summer and you’re carrying timber we get hot
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Wonder if today is the PCR tests, she has been veeeeeery quiet
Her “friend” has been round. With the paper Halloween plates and getting her own brand mugs out. She clearly doesn’t trust her or her kids with the good stuff just the shit she doesn’t care if it breaks.
And if I’d done a lunch spread for my friends and their kids when they came to my house and I was served a limp dick of a greggs pasty when they returned the “play date” I’m be telling her just what a lazy entitled cow they were
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Ok, I have to say something because she’s doing my head in.
1. Who mentioned about she’s not mentioned the Olympics? Tingo - she has now!
2. “not much to do this week” erm, pretty sure we all know you’re off on a bloody cruise. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Definitely a tingo! Reads tattle, shoehorns in an Olympics mention, fucks it up
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Why is all their food so pale and undercooked? The pizzas and garlic bread once again look like they were lightly wafted over a Halloween candle.

PS - this is an advert for J20, it's very boring and shit so I haven't bothered commenting on the rest of it.

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All hail the Babbath a day for contemplation & reflection. Not that Babs will do either, she’s probably up in the toptop room of doom frantically searching for bar dancing photos & getting Stevie to do an excel photo montage.

She must realise that her “career” is pretty much washed up. Babs is flogging rice on the washing line meanwhile LP has a CBeebies ambassador, handbag range & a host of insta friendships. The comparison is quite striking & must depress Babs now she’s been sidelined. She can never get it right can she? If she’d stuck at teaching & this as a sideline she would have coasted along nicely. She thought she was going to be a proper celeb & hit the big time. She allowed it all to go to her head & should never have joked about domestic abuse.
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Doing a catch up (as I've been at work) and omg that hoover. 1, why would you need a man to help you try and fix a hoover (unless they personally work for dyson) 2, if your going to take a picture of your hoover BLOODY EMPTY IT. I hate emptying my own as I have to look at all the hair and dirt, looking at someone else's filth was not what I wanted to do today. 3, how the fuck is that content that advertisers see and think ill give this woman thousand of pounds to post our product next to a video of her fanning her bits or a manky photo of her overfull hoover
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Working parent :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . That's funnier than her reels and her poetry pamphlet.

Babs business meetings...
BTech Paul- Another ad has had to be taken down Emma
Babs- But I still get paid though yeah?
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