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Fucking unbelievable you selfish bitch.I want to post something to that effect but also don’t want to be blocked cos I want to be around when the shit hits the fan with this bitch!
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As always, not here to body shame but you can see through that dress that her bra doesn't fit properly (I know we've seen in the Tu ad and on the "bingo wings is not really my charm" reel, but it's again really visible here). She'd look and therefore feel so much better if she just got measured and bought appropriately sized clothes - that's what real body confidence is.

Why is the swing barely moving? If you’re going to go to the effort of looking like a tit by getting your kids to film you, at least go for it 😂
It's not moving because Emma's not pushing it. You can see her mum is but Emma's just standing there. She probably doesn't even know how to make a swing move without being pushed, she's got the intelligence of that log she's standing on.
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To be clear I only sprayed him as I knew he wouldn’t do it. I don’t normally put my 19yr kids spf on for him. He’s a grown up but he was rushing this morning. Hung over from last night and rushing to get his train.
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Babs it is ok to be bigger but what is not ok is to be as unhealthy as you are and to promote that to thousands of people. I follow a lot of people who are bigger and they exercise regularly, eat well with treats, drink water (Babs this is really something you should do) and don't bang on about it all the bloody time. Change the record Emma, it is boring.
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Firstly those nails look like shovels on the end of her fingers.

Secondly just because you're a size 18 (🤣) and over 40 doesn't mean that you have to dress like a nun.

Thirdly, really hoping there's a tattler on the cruise to witness the shit show first hand.
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The only person I know who used to fan her fanny was a woman I worked with at Woolworths. In the summer she would hitch her skirt up, squat over the fan we had on the floor behind the till and say "Ah, that's better"! In fact she was very much like Babs in terms of hygiene, or lack of it. As a 16 year old it used to fill me with fear that once you got to middle age that is how you behaved 😂😱😂
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Her boobs don’t look good they look like they’re resting on her belly! She needs a decent bra. A decent hair cut.
What happened to the dresses from her hauls? She’s always wearing old stuff?
I think she actually looks really uncomfortable posing on the bench.
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Lady Doodle

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What's worse is that she made such a big deal out of it this morning saying she's "taking Ethan out",,,,,, when all along its just another Ad.... 🙄 Cos that lazy slob of a bitch does nothing if she isn't being paid for it 🤬🤬
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I am HOWLING at those nails, I’ve never seen acrylics look so shitty! Her hands are obese, I just can’t cope with her anymore. Everything she does is a disaster
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I LOVE the summer holidays- no rush to get out the door, time to chill etc. Its ace. Yes I’m lucky i dont work right now but i just look forward to spending time with my teenager and my grandkids. I dont dread it

Shes just a twat who is so desperate to remain relevant and keep this gig going co she has NOTHING else in her life!
I feel sorry for those kids having to go go go all the times. I remember summer holidays being a lovely lazy time. I was a real bookworm as a kid and was so happy to just have days and days of reading and doing art. When I was a little bit older than Erin I was allowed to walk or bike down to the local library by myself, there was also an art supply shop and a newsagents. I actually think my summer holidays around Erin's age and a little bit older were really important experiences in me finding my independence and discovering who I am. It's a shame Emma won't allow her children to have this.
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I'm going to say it, it's almost a babfend.

I think she's very very sad, and very very lonely.

She see all the other insta mom's building their brands and she isn't moving forward at all.

The kids are already moving on from her.

Her husband is completely disinterested.

5000 likes out of "134k" followers isn't great really.

Her physical health is suffering it's very obvious, her mental health can't be great.

Posting body positivity messages to convince herself that she's ok and to gain the admiration that she needs to function.

Step away Emma, ween yourself off insta and whatever your chosen numbing drug is whether it's sugar , shopping or alcohol.

2 years down the line the babetts will have moved on, you need to as well.
I don’t think that this babfend is bad. I think we all know she’s spiralling. Knowing she or her fam read here each and everyone of us has offered constructive criticism, advice and support networks that could help and support her during this time
Only we are ignored. Accused of trolling and bullying our words twisted to suit her narrative for content, engagement and growth.
She needs to end this career whilst she still can
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All of this influencer malarkey is still pretty alien to me. So, a haul is buying an excessive amount of something then showing it off to your "fans"? I don't get it, I really don't. Who needs such a crazy stockpile of snacks. If they were spending a month hiking in the Peak District or cycling through Snowdonia, a snack haul would make a bit more sense but Emma's chosen activities or places to visit are never out of touching distance of a doughnut or a packet of iced gems. I've not once seen her showcase a food item with any nutritional value either. What a role model she is.
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Omg those nails are vile!! Acrylics are so awful for your nails and I didn’t think anyone had them anymore! Her rings look like they need a good clean too - mind you Babs
always looks like she needs a good clean and scrub so I guess it follows her rings would!
I will laugh if she tries to remove the acrylics herself- ripping her nail bed in the process!
They are quite possibly the most revolting nails I have ever seen and I say this as a woman who was living in the USA in 2000’s & had some dodgy Dallas style acrylic talons myself!!🤣🤣🤣

ETA : grow the fuck up Emma why are you astounded by a man doing a pedicure? I nearly always have a guy doing mine and he’s ace. And he’s not beating your legs you moron it’s to aid circulation and drainage from lymph tissue and every pedicure I’ve ever had has incu
luded this. But you are filthy dirty, scabby unwashed bitch who has probably never had a pedicure before, so no surprise you try and use this as content. I bet the guy was glad he had mask on when he saw your minging filthy fat ugly trotters which probably stank to high heaven.
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With breasts that low its little wonder she mistakes where her waist is. There is no defination to where the breasts end and her waist should be! Side on she is like a ball.
I'm a bit concerned she may strap her tits to her waist with the belt...and not notice 😉🤣.
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Just me or did she seem more excited about popping to Costco than the “date” 🤢 with Ethan??
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She didn’t get enough attention on her love bench post.
She had less than 3000 likes so she’s sat all night thinking ‘what can I post that will get me more attention’

Bingo! Fake body positivity. Works every time.
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All of this influencer malarkey is still pretty alien to me. So, a haul is buying an excessive amount of something then showing it off to your "fans"? I don't get it, I really don't. Who needs such a crazy stockpile of snacks. If they were spending a month hiking in the Peak District or cycling through Snowdonia, a snack haul would make a bit more sense but Emma's chosen activities or places to visit are never out of touching distance of a doughnut or a packet of iced gems. I've not once seen her showcase a food item with any nutritional value either. What a role model she is.
I feel like doing ‘hauls’ is a dated concept. Loads of people used to do them on you tube a few years ago but I think people are realising it wasn’t great for the environment to just encourage people to buy stuff. It’s pretty lazy content….
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Emma. Nobody. And I mean nobody gives two shits if you had a cold shower and spread your legs naked on your bed. Tell you who will give a shit this information is public knowledge, YOUR CHILDREN. Stop being vulgar.
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Jeez she's smug! She's got a face I could happily slap.

Since when has being hot a personality trait? It's hot, it's summer, people sweat. It's not a new phenomenon. It doesn't make you funny - it's not content!

Yesterday, I saw so many instashammers doing stories about sweating. Another putting frozen peas on her flaps (which, I'm sure if Babs bought veg she'd be all over this idea).

My advice: put on some deodorant, enjoy it while it lasts, have a solero (they're calorie free) and shut the fuck up!!! 😘
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