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5 isolations so far at our house spread across our 3 bubbles-we ended up not leaving the house as a family for over a month sept-oct because 3 bubbles popped consecutively. I don't know anybody with school aged children that hasn't had a bubble pop...this is not content worthy Kebab we have all gone through it (your actually a bit late to the party)
Touch wood, we've been ok 🤞 there was only 2 class bubbles burst in our whole school sept - xmas, I know how lucky we are, my little brothers bubble burst twice in that same time, and my mums school bubble once too!

Also, hi all! 🤣

I feel really sad for Ethan bless him, he’s clearly a ‘big feeling kid’ which is completely normal and this whole situation has been hard to understand as an adult let alone when you’re 8 💚 I really hope she prepared him that this could happen though, I get the impression she didn’t and it’s come as a huge shock!!!!
She definitely didn't, her world is getting back to normal remember!
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Chatty Member
So she's doing the drawers next. How long till this new hobby bores her and she gives up? Too much like hard work (if done properly), you don't just slap the paint on Babs or it'll look shit.

Yeah i noticed that with the pink bit, it’s annoying me more than it should 🤦🏼‍♀️
A babette has questioned the pink too 😂
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I did wonder about the gym get up! I use mine for erm... the (home) gym. Cleaning & DIY is old leggings & t shirt only!!
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Why does she have to hold the plate so near to her crotch 🤢

QUOTE="AliceInWanderLost, post: 4370382, member: 44860"]
the conways evening meal pretty much always consists of nuggets, waffles and a sprinkling of pea confetti, with a few veggie fish fingers for ethan, if he hasn't mean bullied back into eating animals yet. babs' cooking skillz basically extend to fake-baking jus roll cinnamon buns, and shoving trays of beige frozen food in the oven. on a sunday, they are treated to king ste cooking them a roast, consisting of dried out chicken, aunt bessie's frozen roast potatoes, a splodge of instant smash, no gravy, and the standard sprinkle of pea confetti.

they may occasionally eat fajitas or pizza, y'know, when they’re doing so to create content for an ad, and they treat themselves to a beige buffet whenever they're celebrating. but that is all the knowledge i have of the conways meals - presumably because babs is embarrassed to share her family's meals. and yeah, anyone else would take that as an indication that they should make changes to their nutritional intake, but any opportunity for babs to actually try cooking a meal in her slow cooker that's been sat collecting dust for the past three months is quickly rejected. because it would require a tiny bit of effort on babs' part - and she's far happier ordering ste to shove trays of nuggets in the oven.

literally 97% of the evening meals in the conway household:
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Lady Doodle

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The stories on the mug account are so shit but I really can't be arsed to snark on them properly.

I will say though - she has confirmed that they used movers to move last year. Did we know this? I think we did. Who does she actually think she is using movers in the middle of a fucking pandemic 😖 the entitlement is so far off the charts it astounds me. I don't like to play armchair psychologist (lies, we all know I love it) but sometimes I really do wonder if she has genuine narcissistic personality disorder or if she's just a selfish twat.
Definitely just a selfish twat!!!
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Oh yea I totally understand not homeschooling today, but the way she worded her story was as if the poor boy was making a list to last the next 2 weeks 🤣🤣🤣
I wonder as we get nearer to the easter break whether schools will keep these bubbles at home when there's only a couple of school days left.. 🤔

I meant to add btw. I don't care that she's spent that much at Disney. Whether or not I agree with how she's earnt her money, it is her money, that she's "worked" for and she's entitled to spend it exactly as she wants.

But I can't stand the disingenuousness of it. Of pretending that every family can just drop £150 at Disney on a whim (although she kept repeating that she never treats herself so extravagantly) and that she's underpaid just like the rest of us. It's the same with buying 14 Lush bath bombs and then just showing them off as if that's normal, and justifying it by saying she buys the £3 ones rather than the £6 ones.

What a way to alienate your fan base and make them feel they're completely inadequate. She just has no compassion.
I wonder how she differentiates business expenses between items bought for the vlogs and the goods for own use element given it all gets put in the hobbit hole for the future?!
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She’s such a fucking liar. OCS didn’t play the “Dome” it was the opening of The Academy and she’s doing her exaggeration of a few again. It was either 2009/10 twat
Well it's taken her since Saturday when we said she'd spout rubbish about OCS 🤣
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This whole talk of lawyers - really? She cannot help herself. Her address was posted online just by searching her blog which SHE promotes. SHE posts pictures of her kids uniforms. SHE announces when she’s on holiday. FGS she has done NOTHING to safeguard her family. Is she really that STUPID that it’s OK to post this stuff. The internet lasts forever. Basic internet safety. It’s the kids I feel sorry for. I actually think Ste is cohersive and controlling.

Just think Babs instead of blocking and deleting honest followers who call you out on your bullshit why not be sincere and treat them with respect.

It’s bizarre - the most sincerest and honest of Vloggers have zero posts on this site - why? Because they treat their audiences with respect and engage with their audience and create an honest community.

Has anybody seen @MrsBriggs ?? I’m actually worried about her and miss her posts and wonder if Babs has something to do with her disappearance.

As a side note: Babs you know FUCK ALL about mental illness so please stop patronising your followers with bollocks posts. You don’t give a shit about nobody apart from yourself. This I am certain.
Mrs B was about yesterday morning, hope she's ok!
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Good Egg

VIP Member
Has anybody seen the Sainsbury’s Tu advert? The one with the kids who show their teeth?? It’s on TV.
I swear it’s Ethan. Could be wrong but it’s odd how she advertised for Tu and then mentioned his teeth yesterday. Keep a look out on TV. I’ll try and catch it x
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