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Opened the curtains this morning and had a smile to myself, screamed!!!! (I didn’t)

...but couldn’t have put it better myself!

(photo heavily cropped as pretty sure this will end up in the files)

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they didn’t leave school you dick. They also went back sept-Dec and you and your unit fucked off on 2 holidays, numerous days out and you threw your kids into summer camp so please stop being such a melodramatic twat.
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I can't believe my stupid thread suggestion won 🤣😭

Thank you, trolls, for this honour. Every year on this day I intend to post this moment on my Instagram, in a post dedicated to 2021 Chipstick. Every year. Every single year. Forever. And ever and ever and ever and ever.
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If every one of us went on to her page and told her she “didn’t deserve to live” “looked like a slag” etc etc, if she had paps following her every move then and only then can she compare to CF. CF had a history of mental illness, a history of MSM invading her privacy, twisting stories, hounding her. CF did not put her private life out there just her professional one. She didn’t sell her soul for the next quick buck. She didn’t sell her family online for ads that were completely shite. She didn’t go on to the gossip forums looking for stories about herself. It was there in black and white in newspapers, magazines, Twitter on her SM platforms every day. CF was a victim of bullying from all angles. Seeking out a platform and using someone else’s tragedy for her own gain does not make you a victim it makes you a narcissistic twat.
The majority of people on here were critical of Emma’s actions, wanted clarity or to highlight politely where she was wrong with a post or reached out to offer support and they were met with block/delete.

Also remember if you think this site is now a problem. Neverbad mouth someone to a friend or relative again. Never slag of the guy at work for not pulling his weight. Don’t comment on someone’s hair or appearance in the real world, you can’t comment on MPs or how you feel they are behaving, the list goes because #bekind #everyoneisfightingabattleyouknownithingabout. Everyone has an opinion on others and calling out business because that’s what influencers are, on false advertising, faking mental health crisis, being disingenuous and lying is not bloody trolling.

sorry I’ll put my soap box away
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Recap - I decided for a new task to keep myself entertained I would count her stories each day!

Wednesday - 18 stories including biscuit poll (still dragging out the Jaffa cake/is it a biscuit chat 🙄) OOTD (tracksuit bottoms are now TBs 🙄), an underwear brand want to work with her 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣, bath bomb and face mask 🤮 and a reshare of a post about Harry & Meghan that really conveniently just happens to sum up exactly what Babs thinks so she doesn’t have to articulate it herself! Handy.

Crap vlog about her Easter decorations and all the drama they entail when you’re Babs and can’t do anything right.

A grid post about her at home in complete silence, no one needing her, so she is going to have time for herself. LOL.

Thursday - a grid post to explain that she starts therapy today, she’s still lucky (smug) she can pay for it.

18 stories - first a written one to explain how she got her therapist (Google. Who would have thought?!?). Then the usual morning talkie ones - she mentioned it being a “big day” twice, she was clearly nervous, which I get, but I don’t get why she’s making so much content out of it if that’s the case 🤷🏼‍♀️ Biscuit chat and the poll😴 Popped up with a full face of her best shiny make up to say thanks for all the lovely comments on her grid post, then because of all the headlines around the murder of Sarah Everard she shared a post by someone else and a blog she wrote three years ago.

Grid post also relating to a promise about bringing up poor Ethan to respect all women; I get what she’s trying to say but her inarticulate wording made it sound like they’re holding him back from harassing a woman on the street on a daily basis because he’s pre-determined to attack🙄.

A fancy envelope that she will reuse, a motivational picture for her wall (aka a collage of crap!), her feet on a “walkity walk walk walk” (thought that was going to die with home school but sadly not 🤬) because it’s been an “intense day” and then some really weird chat apologising for her “heavy content”. Yeah biscuit polls can be hard 🙄 She seemed to be on the defensive, as tho she’s been accused of being too serious, but she’s so ridiculous she can’t even use the words suicide, murder, assault etc so not sure how she’s got that idea.
And then she jumped straight onto a TV recommendation, except an even-more-than-usual pointless one because she couldn’t remember the name of what they’re watching. Maybe she’d already drank away her “intense day” with some cocks in a can by then.

Friday - 19 stories, starting with bed chat, muddled words, incoherent etc. She’s looking forward to her Saturday breakfast, already 24 hours ahead of herself 🤷🏼‍♀️ Still putting “ity” on the end of words with the sole intention of annoying me I think - I’m collating a police file and crying “trollity trooooolll” as we speak 🤣
Final of the biscuits, beg for engagement/everyone to do her work for her as she asked who should be in her best Irish person poll, a really unflattering OOTD boomerang where a handbag and gift bag were spotted on the side 🕵🏻 then a tree as she was out walking.
An AD on her grid, where it will sadly live forever, where she “rapped”, and continued to succeed at her never ending mission to embarrass herself and her family as much as humanly possible for money. Awful.
Stories continued with headbands modelled with selfies in her daughter’s bedroom, pic of the kids from her mummy corner, cleaning her make up brushes - Hi Babs 👋🏻 - and clearly drunk at 7pm with a cocktail in a can, a really shiny face and watching kids programs with Erin.
Self indulgent FB post asking for a bit more attention because she’s going to therapy followed by more Insta stories with her giggling uncontrollably about being on a chair lift at a water park, Erin dragged into the hot mess that is Babs’s content to act it out. Basically a drunk text to thousands of followers, she shouldn’t have sent it, she should have stepped away from the phone. Embarrassing.

Saturday - 19 stories, beginning very aggressively in the kitchen as she proclaimed her plans to do nothing and stay in her pyjamas all day - she might as well have put two fingers up and said “so there Tattle” - Hi Babs 👋🏻 She did mention the winner of the biscuit poll so that’s two weeks in a row she’s shared - of all the things we say on Tattle it’s hardly the most important but it’s a small win, along with slightly improved captions - Hi Babs👋🏻 (she’ll never mention a winner again now I’ve said that, in case we think we’re winning again 🤣)
Saturday beg for engagement asking what everyone’s up to (again didn’t bother to share any tho) and a quick (insincere) mention of how hard it must be for some people Mother’s Day, followed by a memory of her nan. An Easter tiered cake stand of complete tat, more decorations and crappy bits than you’ll see in the aisles of Poundland crammed into the tiny house (TOO much Babs, it’s too much), gross cinnamon rolls, a threat that Erin will do more re-enactments of Babs falling over 🙄 and the kids out in the rain.
Sofa snuggles, ‘blue light glasses’ to stop her eyes watering 🤷🏼‍♀️, drawer organising 😴, a candle for Sarah and then some waffle about it being “a funny old week” (she has such a way with words!) and how Mother’s Day can be hard so stay off social media. So smug and insincere, if she really cared she’d monitor her content a bit more and stop constantly showing off how “lucky” she is 🙄

Sunday - annual mother’s day grid post celebrating Nanny San and herself. Insincere mentions of people who find today hard but she clearly doesn’t really care.

18 stories - starting with Tiki Room tribute set up. She claimed it was a surprise, much screaming, rabid, emotional etc. IF PUS and the kids did that, which they didn’t, she did, then lovely. But she’s seen it all and done it all and reacted to it all, through her phone. So the kids will remember, mum’s phone. Not only that, but she’s shared it to thousands of people. Why can’t anything be kept just for them in that family? Even if she recorded it for herself, one photo of it after she’d enjoyed it all with the kids would’ve been more than enough to share.
Her present seemed to be a month’s (or maybe a week’s in her case) supply of canned cocktails which says a lot about her. Plus some other gifts she didn’t mention so expect a “What I got for Mother’s Day” haul to come soon 🤬🤮

Second grid post of the day with all the same Tiki photos from her stories, to explain what the Tiki room is - Hi Babs 👋🏻- and I guess so they stay forever to remind us all how adored she is, and so the Babettes can blow smoke up her arse about how lucky she is 🤮
Watching a film in bed on her laptop on her own then seemingly drunk by 1pm talking about the meal they’d had delivered.
The Tiki room photos popped up on FB, cos every social media has a different audience don’t you know? She was in bed again with more cocktails in a can late afternoon and then whatsapping mates to arrange meet ups.

Monday - 23 stories, talky morning ones where she admits she has nothing to say but sadly it never stops her because she’s GOT to be on first thing for the algorithms! She did say she had lots of work which is good apparently because she “really loves” her job 🤣 Not sure who she is trying to convince, herself or us! She loves the money but if she loved the job maybe she’d take a bit more pride in it and do it better!
6 mugs4mugs with their new owners, OOTD with her usual “I want to look slimmer than I actually am” pose, trying out the new glasses while on a screen and a bag for Disney pins “the kids” got her for Mother’s Day but that she probably ordered herself with the new plates that came from Disney last week.
She’s obsessed with sticking crap up with command strips and she ate a “cat egg”.....a creme egg she had in her caR but despite being so good at her “werk” she doesn’t proof read and just presses send without bothering to check anything 🤦🏼‍♀️

A grid post and some stories for the underwear AD she’d hinted at before - turns out it was TU. In principle I’d say go Babs, a plus size mum has just as much right to feel comfortable being photographed in undies as a supermodel. But she doesn’t look comfortable. She’s being filmed from above, she keeps her hands awkwardly by her side, her voice and eyes are weird. And the undies don’t quite fit because she won’t seem to admit she’s a bigger size than she claims 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s all well and good to be “happy to represent us over 40 size 18 ladies” if that’s what you’re actually doing, but Babs is trying to fool her Babettes, and more than likely herself, with her slim poses and filming from a height. It’s just tricks.

Tuesday - 16 stories - began with 4 from the pit - the tales of snoring are back 🙄 and her curtains aren’t blackout. Shooketh. Amazed. This is the thrilling content I am here for 🙄
OOTD, more chat about her glasses, photo of her crammed “office” space, lunch before 12, her toes on a walk.....boring boring boring!

Grid post of her and PUS on their walk - all make up free because everyone was so lovely about her underwear AD and she’s so confident because of all the lovely support she gets. On her grid. Where she can delete. Not always the same when companies share her, is it??
She was outed by a Babette who spotted her in B&M, with PUS. I try to go alone to shops personally cos you know, pandemic 🤷🏼‍♀️Interesting how her post and story were focused on a lunchtime walk when it was a shopping trip. Not sure she even knows what is true and what is a lie these days, old Babnocchio 🙄
A selfie of her and Ethan giggling, which is all very cute and all but so unnecessary to share. She must have an alarm set on her phone and when it beeps she has to post a story, even if she has nothing to say or absolutely no content. It’s getting beyond a joke how boring she is at the moment but how much she puts out there!
Confirmed by a post that she’s rewatching New Girl (on a laptop at 6pm. That ever elusive alone time hey Babs??) Then an unattractive, shiny selfie for a random poll to see if we’re all tired. At least three influencers I follow have talked about that this week, bandwagon jumping again Babs?!?

In the time of this thread (just about a week) we’ve had 129 stories, 8 Insta grid posts, a YouTube vlog and 6 Facebook posts. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.
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Yeah @BonBon27 you’re the only one that posts about her on here. No one else 🙄
Fgs on here we comment on what she posts. She doesn’t post our comments dry up, kinda see how that vicious cycle works she sells her children’s privacy, isn’t bothered about them being on porn sites, jokes about dv and suicide and we talk about it. It’s a gossip site.
im more intrigued by those that lurk and don’t join in. I bet they are the ones going back and dming the influenzas.
Just me, the IC1. I tell you it’s exhausting having all these accounts, having to have conversations with myself, react to all the comments, come up with the memes and thread titles and be on 24/7. Completely exhausting 🙄
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Those latest stories about tomorrow, a year since the first lockdown. A year in which she went to Paris and Brighton, moved house, visited every National Trust in the Midlands and blew huge amounts of her unchanged income on tat. I'm not saying that sometimes the last year may have been tough, but please, spare the woe is bloody me. Just because you didn't jet off to America doesn't mean you're hard done by!

And breathe....!
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Good Egg

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Didn’t we just know she was going to milk this for content today. Already four stories on it and now a grid post 🤦🏼‍♀️
Didn’t stop her blocking key workers and deleting comments from keyworkers who said they’d be working on frontline covid wards when she asked what people were doing though. Two faced much?
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Can someone explain how her world has been upside down please . Holidays, house move , endless shopping trips and frivolous deliveries.

No ... didn't think so.

She's not a key worker.
She hasn't lost an income.
She hasn't lost anyone to covid .
She hasn't recently had a colleague take his own life .
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Just catching up on today’s stories. PUS is Irish? Wow that’s totally brand new information 🙄. Next you’ll be telling me she used to be a teacher, has a masters and met Matt Goss. 🤣🤣
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Rightly or wrongly I've enjoyed this chat the last few months. It's been fun. However I've just watched the Caroline Flack doc. I simply can't play a part in some else's downfall. Please all. Have a think. Take care.
I appreciate the sentiment but this is a gossip site. None of our words are sent directly to Emma, she chooses to read here.
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Chatty Member
Rightly or wrongly I've enjoyed this chat the last few months. It's been fun. However I've just watched the Caroline Flack doc. I simply can't play a part in some else's downfall. Please all. Have a think. Take care.
What happened to Caroline Flack is very different to people chatting on a gossip site. The trolling of CF was in national newspapers and all over Twitter. Emma Conway has to come here to look and see what is being said about her. Whenever anything is posted in comments sections (for example on Instagram of Brands she has advertised) the things said are usually pointing out truths about her. When people post negative comments on her own SM those comments don’t say things like ‘I hate you’ ‘I wish you were dead’ etc. Very very different to the actual trolling and horrendous bullying directed at CF.
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I've been blocked on the mugs account already 😂 Her stories were so rubbish, I commented on the question about mugs for males, when she said email in with ideas - I only said surely that was her job to come up with the ideas !!
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She really is! What is her talent? 🤔
- shoving her fist fingers in her mouth?
- her ability to always fit into size 18 clothes, regardless of which shop they're purchased from?
- her ability to shove 50 creme eggs in her mouth all at once?
- ignoring her children?
- her ability to abuse the english language at every possible opportunity?
- her ability to manipulate the babettes?
- the way her nose gets even larger each time she tells a lie?
- completing the whole of netflix?
- her ability to put on a full load of washing every single day, yet never managing to include her pyjamas, dressing gowns or manky blankets?
- that false, squeaky #ad voice?
- her eyeshadow application skills?
- the enviable talent she has for dying her hair yellow?
- her ever-increasing RE knowledge - like how, at age 43, she discovered that not everyone in the world celebrates christmas? 🤯
- her ability to increase engagement just prior to posting an ad by sharing a "poor ME" pity post?
- her continued ability to twist every single situation, regardless of how tragic, to. make it all about HER?
- the way she flares her nostrils?
- that consistently aggressive vibe she proudly promotes?
- her ability to twist every mistake she makes into being someone else's fault?
- most narcissistic mother of the year award: an appropriate certificate ste could whack out on excel?
- her ability to fill every single surface in her tiny house with endless tat?
- her ability to consume the entire contents of her treat box in one sitting?
- the way she can bribe her kids into "doing good sharing" by rewarding them with plastic tat?
- convincing her toddler mum followers that she's relatable by forcing her kids to live as toddlers, plastic plates and all?
- falsely luring brands into working with her under the deception that she will influence people to buy their products?
- her ability to pose in "body confident" photos in ways which make her appear slimmer than she is?
- her ability to make every sentence end in a song?
- her ability to literally stay in her pit for the whole, entire day?
- her jus roll "baking" skills?
- the awkward "twinning" with her ten year old daughter?
- her ability to make a profit from exploiting brummie colloquialisms and her plan to create knock off disney mugs!
- her ability to create a hot cock tat stand for every possible occasion?
- the way she can't purchase ANYTHING without showing it off in a vlog?
- the way she stalks celebs and proceeds to casually just bump into them in lifts?
- her ability to impose boundaries which essentially inhibit her followers' rights to simply share their opinion?

i'm sure that all if the above are "talents" that babs deems suitable to include in her CV. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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