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Apparently Y8 is the year statistically that if they're going to kick off, it will be then. I was told that by several educators when I was a school governor. That's the year that we held most disciplinary meetings for.
I remember at the start of year 8 evening my daughters school did the head was saying that schools are most concerned about children when the ARE 8, and when they're IN year 8. Funny enough I found the 7/8 year 3 times particularly trying too. We were in the process of an adhd diagnosis at that time and I was constantly trying to work out if certain behaviour was adhd related or age related!!
Why does Babs need half term so badly?

It’s not like she has been rushed off her feet for the past 6 weeks!
It's not like they're all looking forward to lie-ins and chilling out for the week. We all know she'll be in Bab Controller mode!
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She claims that people send her nasty DM's. They don't. She reads it here. She makes it far too obvious by using terms we say on here. Her current favourite is what I and a few other 🐄🛍 put on our posts, isn't it Babs?.....


Find your own words, you sad sack.

Also, trying to make Stevo🪜 happen is hilarious. He looks as much like Gary Barlow as you look like Margot Robbie (remember when she claimed that? omfg 😂). She said he films her with a 😑 expression. Yep, that's cardboard cut-out Stevo alright. Babs, he's just not into you. Ok? Hope that helps.

given the way she gives zero fucks about privacy, if she WERE receiving hateful DMs, she would have aPsolutely no qualms abotut sharing them, with the individual's name visible to encourage the babettes to go bully whoever was being "mean" to their poorly KWEEN - in exactly the same way she has repeatedly shared that YT comment from Colin, shared screenshots of whatsapp convos with the Es and her wet parents, and regularly shares DMs from the babettes that she finds funny or that are filled with praise and confidence. it's very clear that she seeks out criticism by reading tattle, otherwise she'd have all the receipts to prove she was receiving DMs. photos or it didn't happen, babnocchio. 🤥🤷🏻‍♂️

also, the annual rehash of the ice cream/ice lolly "pole" which, as always, she was FURIOUS at the results, because she only likes polls where everyone agrees with her 🙄 wasn't it supposed to include the top suggestions from the babettes? because if so, why did she make a point of including a choc ice? she clearly did so because she knew she could use it as an engagement tactic, pretending to be SHOOKETH that so many people told her choc ices were their FAVOURITE (they didn't). the sole reason she demands her assistant organise those polls is because she likes confirmation that SHE is right about EVRYTHING, and guaranteed that anyone who voted in favour of a choc ice or voted against her bloody magnums was immediately deemed a bellend and a found themselves a victim of her block/delete boundaries. perhaps she thinks it is a foolproof way of identifying 🐮🛍, voting in favour of the ice lollies/biscuits/Christmas songs she hates just to spite her, when in actuality she is blocking loyal babettes who have the audacity not to have identical opinions to HER. 🤣🤣
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Our oldest son teaches secondary school and Y8 are the bane of his life. He says they're lovely in Y7 but something changes as soon as they go up a year.
Oh yes
My stepdaughter was genuinely lovely till she started year 8 Jesus she was awful
They go from being a big fish in a little pond at juniors, things are innocent then the first year they start at BIG school they are still finding their feet still a bit green then Year 8 bloody hell
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The comments on the Tesco club card AD are brilliant
I just went to have a look, there’s only 72 comments and half of those are Babs’ responses to the moronic Babettes or other pathetic Instas. I wonder why Tesco bother really with engagement that low.
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Jesus fucking Christ . Is he giving her the finger in that reel? The bit she's wearing flowers around her neck?
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I've been a fierce critic of Alison left but compare her grid post for an ad holiday to Babs effort and it's night and day. With no "I'll take you with me" beforehand either. I've always suspected Alison reads here and we live rent free in her head but it does mean her reviews are what people want. No talk of gussets or anything about her
I bet she’s fuming her thread barely moves on. She’d love this level of attention
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Ok I’m sat in the garden with flip flops on in a summer dress having a vino with the husband…. Is it that cold in Birmingham that you need to wear pretty much winter socks, slippers and pjs? I only landed back from Spain last night and I’m coping (also did two loads of washing but still managed to function!)
It's bloody freezing where I am. I had to put my heating on! Can I come round to yours please?
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She’s taking it in. But that doesn’t fit with the mum of two, struggling like you all persona that’s she’s crafted to lure the sheep for engagement
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Every time she says POPPED I have an uncontrollable urge to vomit 🤢

o yea and the mr beast magnet will remind him of the time his mother was a thundercunt and said he couldn’t have a t shirt
Luckily she said it on a YouTube video, where we can use it as evidence to remind her of her thundercunt behaviour, every time she treats him like shit. Which is daily.
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GCSE photography photo - more like candid shot of them in the garden, hardly portrait standards.

And literally make this make sense "when I stayed at my Nans she would always bring over a bag of treats for my sister and I"

But you were at her house no? So why would she be bringing stuff over.
I read it as the nan's friend brought the bag over (not to babfend of course!)

Would GCSE Photography have been a thing when Emma did them? I'm mid-30s and my school had a huge focus on all arts subjects & even had a dark room!! - but didn't offer GCSE Photography, only A Level.
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