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VIP Member
Does she see a real Dr or just a Groupon one like her therapist?
probably someone she found on groupon who has completed a PhD, thus has the title of Dr - and masters babs interpreted it as a sign they are a MEDICAL doctor, when it's just a total random with no knowledge of perimenopuase except the stuff they learned from Davina's book and documentary - what was that about the menopause not being talked about, babs?! 🙄 - happy to pocket whatever money babs throws at them to play doctor, scrawl illegible fake prescriptions for OTC meds - calpol for her ear "infection" 🤣 - dole out whatever diagnosis she demands - whether asthma or AnXiEtY - and provide endless validation. if babs had answered "yes" to her "do you want anh mroe children" question, presumably the response would have been "bad luck, girlfriend!" or "you snooze, you lose!"

if i understood her stories correctly, she seemed to be saying that she had a "catch up" with the doctor on a Saturday - which seems unlikely if she is talking about an NHS GP, especially as it was only a few days ago she claimed to be at the doctors to discuss her HRT and sore ear. unless she's bribing the receptionist to give her some kind of fastpass golden ticket which allows her to bypass the queue and get same-day appointments. 🙄
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I have given up wearing shoes in the house because thanks to the dog I’m pulling on rain boots once an hour to go out to the garden/mud patch. She would hate it as the mud means actually washing the floor at least twice a day.
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I once served Ashley (the butcher / Fred Elliot’s son) from Coronation Street chicken nuggets when I worked in Burger King at 16. He was a cunt. I must be practically royalty 😂
Look at all of us and our celeb encounters! When I worked for Tesco as a teenager I served Ritchie Neville of the boyband 5ive and his girlfriend at the time who was in Hollyoaks (I can't rememberher name).
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Tender & Tired

Chatty Member
I would assume Stepladder Ste’s wages pay for a lot of it. But she always makes a point of saying she’s treated them to stuff.
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Chatty Member
Also surely this only works for holidays where you are driving (so generally UK, maybe northern France) as can throw it in the car.

If you’re flying (like Babs often is) you’d have to put everything from the basket into a suitcase which defeats the purpose of it!
I thought that too!
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View attachment 2798563
Yeah but you won't will you? It'll be the usual crap bollox with you narrating like Bab Blessed. I have family in Sacramento, due to poor health I can't travel long haul and they've had to come to me. I would give bab's right tit to go there, always wanted to go down the californian sea highway, specially to Big Sur. But here's Bab, she'll be cutting about L. A as if she were at Thomas Land at Drayton Manor Park. She's so uneducated and boring!
BAB BLESSED!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰
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I've met some people including Alex Ferguson not that Brags knows who that is (ask Ste) that must make me an A-lister 🤭
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Apsolutely , not to mention never going with the flow and just living life but being tucked up in bed by 8pm every single night 😴 ... never enjoying one on one time with her husband .. how is she in the remotest bit 'fun' - a fake try hard who contrives , controls or lies about everything to give the impression she's something she's not ..

eta the aggression over Mother's Day - firstly she's lucky to have her mother , secondly I was under the impression it's next weekend ??

View attachment 2790867
why doesn't she put her foghorn voice to good use and go join in with a Free Palestine protest instead of raging about such trivialities as the fucking WEATHER? oh wait, that wouldn't benefit HER so ofc it's not something she'd drag herself off the sofa to get involved in. she mentioned it once, claimed she wished her and Sharky could "save every child", shared a link to donate, and quickly moved on to the usual flaunting if her gunt and bragging about hauls and holidays, having ticked "mention the genocide" off her list, job done. ✅ 😡

sshe's going to be utterly unbearable over the next week - i predicts tingo on the "if you find mother's day hard. and you are feeling wobbly. take time away from social media" with the usual suggestions of having a bath or treating yourself to an entire cake to help yourself feel "sparkly" again - immediately followed by her showing off her haul of mother's day gifts and notes supposedly written by the kids - in handwriting suspiciously resembling her own - praising her for being such a "great mum", declaring that she is SUCH a "lucky mummy" - without a second thought given to those who have lost their mum/lost their child, or find mother's day difficult for a whole myriad of reasons.

sshe'll be delighted that soggy San is on a cruise next weekend, as it means that mother's day can revolve solely around HER. Sharky's mum isn't HER mum, so she won't be given a second thought. 😡
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Emma getting your huge bum out numerous times doesn’t make you anything other than totally unaware of the implications your actions have on your children
the thing is that i don't believe she IS unaware if the impact her behaviour is having/will have on her kids. she reads tattle ffs, it's not as though it isn't highlighted to her on a regular basis - she quite simply does not care. which, quite frankly, only makes her behaviour WORSE. 😡


What’s the “send gift” tab on the left, has she seriously stuck that on expecting people to send their hard earned cash to reward her for that self indulgent crap that she passes off as “werk” what an utterly deluded twat. None of those photos or incidents are organic or real evidence of her wackiness, they’re all contrived and/or made up. It’s beyond weird.
i assume it's her way of hinting at creepy guys that she wants them to send her dick pics as validation that she is attractive and "desirable" . 🙄🤢
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Why can't she just say she's doing the Warner Bros. Studio tour? She knows there's more there than parts of the Gilmore Girls set, right? :unsure:
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Be still my beating heart? I don’t think that means what she thinks it means. Though actually maybe she’s talking to her reflection, we know she proper fancies herself. Twat.
She's copying Tamingtwins with that one
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I'm real life friends with a RHOBH housewife 😬😄 Babs is not, & never will be, on their radar 😂 .. (it's not LVP).

On the topic of the daft sponsorships we did in school, can you imagine Babs doing a sponsored silence?!!! The image in my mind of her face getting redder and redder and her cheeks full of air trying to contain herself is too much 😂😂😂😂😂're friends with a Real Housewife of Birmingham (Harbs)?

Anyone we know ;)
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VIP Member
I'm real life friends with a RHOBH housewife 😬😄 Babs is not, & never will be, on their radar 😂 .. (it's not LVP).

On the topic of the daft sponsorships we did in school, can you imagine Babs doing a sponsored silence?!!! The image in my mind of her face getting redder and redder and her cheeks full of air trying to contain herself is too much 😂😂😂😂😂
Is this an American star or uk star? Or is a star who is English but on the American spinoff who gave blabs a cameo call? I’m invested in this now 😂
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