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Good Egg

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Here we go with the really exciting boring advent calendar constant and the moaning when she dosent get the chocolate she wants plus it wasn't Cadburys fault last year you got the wrong calendar Babs.
I can't be doing with her I've had some devastating news that my dad is dying and hasn't got long probably days and I don't think I'll have the energy to tolerate her so I may lerk but will take a break for a while and will be back soon ❤
I’m so sorry - Thinking of you my love x

That reminds me, I must buy some wide foil for the turkey.
I laughed so loud at this my neighbours dog is barking!
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VIP Member
Here we go with the really exciting boring advent calendar constant and the moaning when she dosent get the chocolate she wants plus it wasn't Cadburys fault last year you got the wrong calendar Babs.
I can't be doing with her I've had some devastating news that my dad is dying and hasn't got long probably days and I don't think I'll have the energy to tolerate her so I may lerk but will take a break for a while and will be back soon ❤
Love to you and you family.
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It’ll be back to the insane gurning pit stories tomorrow like nothing happened.
Either that or she couldn't sleep from the stress of the day, sugar and caffeine combo. All so much that she's having a netflix and chill day ready for her paper pamphlet relaunch.
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So I took new for the IC200000 and watched the flog and my goodness she’s been to Thomasland that many times but doesn’t know the name of the train. Henry is BLUE it was bloody Percy you moron! So invested in her children she can’t even name the characters
To be fair, her youngest probably outgrew Thomas around 5 or so years ago, so long she probably can't remember! 🤣 only reason she still goes to Thomas land is coz its free! 😂
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So she cried for 45 minutes over a ceramic library ornament, but when someone that she was that close to to be doing a reading at the funeral died, she went to disneyland 🤣

Also - open toe shoes with tights 🤢
i had to look more closely at her trotters in the photo of her posing next to the waterstones sign - a dramatic contrast between that old photo used on the poster, and her actual face - because at first glance, i thought she was parading around in just a pair of tights and had ditched her clompy docs somewhere. 🤷🏻‍♂️

as for the ornament, she totally bought that for herself on her recent garden centre trip. despite her claim that she buys one new tiny house a year to add to her tat village, she splurged on two, and didn't want to share her excessive spending with the babettes, so she resisted the urge to share and then used it as a #couplegoals post claiming it was. a huge romantic gesture from 🪜, when we all know she bought it for herself. her babanory tales of dramatically "weeping" for 45 minutes are a blatant lie, as her 🤡 make-up would have been smeared all over her face and her cheeks more puffy and swollen that usual.

and as for 🪜 not being able to attend the event due to "childcare" - i call babshit. babs would quite happily have dumped the kids on claire or the wets. he obviously used it as an excuse to avoid babs making a total embarrassment of herself, claiming that the toddlers needed him to read to them and ensure they stuck to their usual bedtime routine - especially on a school night. i wonder how babs managed her "anxiety" having to travel to brum on her own? likely demanding waterstones pay for her to travel on the NON slow train, downing alcohol on the way to settle her nerves. i'm actually surprised we haven't had a rehashed story about a guy complimenting her on her hair and how she felt threatened because it was dark and she was a woman. equally, the lack of claims that multiple women complimented her grellow hair/frock/belt/excessive blusher etc. 🙄🙄
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This irritated me too 😂 they'll be a load of Babettes descending on Warwick now looking for Asda and "prime". I can't be dealing with that 😂
I reckon she gets in the car, demands that🪜drives and she buries her head in her phone/tattle. She has no idea where she is! She did this when she said that home bargains was “just by Webb’s”. It’s actually about 2 miles down the road.
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Regardless…. Why are you going to see a Santa on the 26th November?!
Opening day at Warwick Castle for their grotto. I'd imagine as it's free they have to go otherwise a guilt trip from the mothership

Omg she really is a pathetic needy mess! You know what I look alright?? Much older than some people ypu see online?? What the hell is she talking about 😂😂😂 I know no other women in their 40s that behave like this 😂😂😂 still needy as fuck, still obsessed with how old she looks. Still taking her fucking kids to see Father Christmas 😂😂😂😂 seriously!!!!! She does exactly what she wants, always her plans not really anyone else’s? No babs you do not look alright! Cos inside you are self obsessed and ugly and it shows in your selfish little face! You look neglected and grey, you need a good face scrub and a decent hair dresser! As of she even put read the caption like she was giving us some worldly advice 😂😂😂😂 grow up you absolute train wreck, maybe some more therapy and staying offline this year would be a great gift to yourself
Truth 👏
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I would love to post a photo of what my daughter wore to Abba Voyage but I would totally dox myself. She went full on 70s (in babs words that’s her aesthetic) she looked so damn good, it wasn’t false or pretentious like this muppets dresses and as for loving Abba she’s never mentioned it before has she? Apart from rinse and repeat slipping through my fingers over everything tt does.
oh and she will be furious they are so strict on mobile usage in the arena I saw them throw 2 people and their groups out for just pulling out their phones 😂😂
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Don't forget the wetwipe wash of her foof that she declared when she did a Q and A with LP afew years ago. Apparently her parents were in the audience. No shame!
Well, someone clearly taught her that a wet wipe wash was sufficient!

Honestly, who does that if they have the option to actually WASH!?
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Bloody hell Waterstones are describing her pamphlet as Emma’s new book?!!! It’s not new it came out a few years ago!!!
Also it’s aimed at mums with kids right? But the event is at 6pm!!! No mum with young kids is likely to be able to go to that as surely it’s teatime/homework/activities etc?! Just because she is on her pyjamas at 4 not everyone is!
especially as she repeatedly clarified that it isn't appropriate for kids, due to already having pre-planned the inclusion of "swears" - likely the obligatory explanation of how she calls hot chocolate "hot cock", for any of the fawning babettes who have somehow missed the multitude of previous rehashes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ #bitrude
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babs still so desperate to prove that she's "cool" that she labels herself as a "cool mum" in captions at every opportunity. awkward that she's entirely missing the point that by repeatedly referring to yourself as "cool", you are the very epitome of NON cool. 🤦🏻‍♀️

as for the comparison between her and TTw, and Eddie and Patsy! all those lies about the babettes flooding her DMs #bitrude with photos, that Ab Fab comparison was obvs a fabrication - yet another desperate attempt by babs to appear "cool". 🙄🙄

although upon reflection, there are blatant similarities between babs and Eddie - just not the similarities babs would choose to acknowledge! her wild and disastrous sense of style - topshop paired with designer bags - is obvs a huge inspiration to babs in her dreams of becoming a style icon, following the latest trends with no idea what actually suits her and "inventing" her own trends - #addabelt is like "fetch" babs, it isn't going to happen!" - to conceal her insecurities about her size, paired with the excessive, thickly-crayoned-on smudged red lips, obviously "inspired" by Patsy, and there is a similarity between babs and Eddie's failing PR career - although Eddie's actually resulted in her meeting celebs without stalking them and wasn't such a total flop that she chucked it all in to exploit her child on SM, and babs will choose to overlook the way that Eddie's frosty relationship with her daughter could teach her a huge amount about her future destroyed relationship with the golden child.

and whilst babs and Eddie are both aged over 40, and her lifestyle is incredibly similar, with the alcoholism, the smoking and comfort eating, her total desperation to be perceived as "cool" and latch onto "friends" based onto their perceived popularity and coolness, the way she dramatically exaggerates the slightest ailment - the "allergies", the "asthma" and thebfucking spot on her nose - with phone calls to the GP and demands for urgent appointments and diagnoses, the way she spent an extortionate amount in her hobbit house and the fact that her husband is also concealing his preference for guys - the main difference though is that Eddie was fully aware she was NOT a size 18, didn't fake "body confidence" and regularly acknowledged her bloated body....

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Has anyone else noticed that on her grid posts, she’s started using reels as photographs? You get more engagement that way.
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She got 'Prime' energy drinks for her kids and this is her response on fb. BUT. She is replying to people that it tastes manky etc.....but posts a shitty dig at anyone that tries to spin a negative on her content.
Warwick doesn’t have an Asda! Leamington Ford thou! Sorry for being fussy but she irritates me! 😂 x
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