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VIP Member
Just wondering babs, where does it say that the sign is aimed at women? It’s a bikini and a dress. It doesn’t say “hey women, you need this”, it’s literally just a bikini and a dress. Or can men not wear those in your world? Because I’m pretty sure Harry Styles has been seen wearing a dress on multiple occasions. Also as an ex-RE teacher as you’re so fond of reminding people, you should know a bikini would go against a lot of people’s religions. So have The Range specifically said the sign is aimed at overweight non-Orthodox Christian / atheist/ agnostic Women? Of course they haven’t. This entire thing is you projecting.

Kids on porn sites because of the swimwear pictures you take? Totally fine, and you post more photos.

Weight loss sign that you believe is targeted only at you? Make a huge deal about it.

Have a word with yourself and an actual therapist about your Main Character Syndrome and why your priorities in life are so wrong. Hope that helps 😘
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So basically Tattle cowbags don’t be mean to Emma because she used to be a little girl 🙄😂

Crisp poll - 🥱 an attempt at keeping engagement up.

Whenever I take part in any kind of fundraising event I like to know how much was raised, why so secretive about the final amount?
All I could deduce from those childhood photos is that she looked like an absolute pain in the arse then as well 🤔
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And now she has managed to offend any of her followers who are losing weight, exercising more, have a goal to tone up for an event, have one of those bikini things in their house……good job Babs! As others have said, it’s such a double standard when she poses with her hand on her “waist”, has the camera angled up, covers her arms, adds a belt etc etc. She’s such a moron. And shaking as she left the shop?!? WTF??

Cow bags it’s my husband’s 40th today - he had two different colour/size balloons 4-0, some banners on the door, I ordered him a McDs breakfast that was soggy and cold and served on a paper plate, I’ve posted on my social media about how much he loves ME, I’ve complained about his choice of outing and how expensive everything is and chosen the restaurant we’re going to at 4pm with the kids so I can be in pyjamas and watching Netflix by 7. Am I forgetting anything?!?🤣
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In the comments, she replied to someone saying she picked it up as she thought it was a cute bikini sign for her tiki bar…😂😂😂 Stay classy babs!
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She's triggered beyond all triggered. Maybe eat less, eat more healthier food and do some exercise. A short dog shuffle a day won't keep diabetes at bay...

Please stop shaming those who are smaller or wanting to lose weight, it's not all about body aesthetics, do something for your health in your super dooper flabletics! Be a healthy role model to your kids.
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Lady Doodle

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I haven't seen her this worked up since we worked out she was staying at The Newport Bay Club Hotel in DLP by the tiles in the background of the bathroom floor meltdown 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Suppose it's better than hitting the headlines because you threatened to smash your husband's face in?

And half of her speech isn't true. Just Emma playing her old game of using stuff from here to embellish the truth.
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This is so true, I bet all of us know at least one person like this. They’ll say things like “I hope you’re not going to lose any more, you look gaunt” to a woman who’s about a size 14 for example. God forbid you ever reach a healthy BMI around these sorts of people. People take the average size of 16 thing as a benchmark to aim for rather than a statistic reflecting an obesity problem.

She did mention she knows people lose weight for all sorts of reasons. I’d like her to share what she feels those reasons are and maybe reflect on that a bit?
Oh, I’ve had it all.

Told I looked ill and that I had lost far too much - I was 16 and a half stone 🙄

Told I was setting a bad example to my daughter. So I should’ve stayed at 22 stone then? Would that be setting a better example than healthy eating and exercise?

Told that I would look haggard and old if Inlost weight. Nope, didn’t happen.

Told that I was losing weight too fast, that I would only gain it back and more.

I haven’t heard one positive thing from anyone!

People can’t stand change.
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Lady Doodle

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She's triggered cos these things hit a nerve with her! That's all there is to it!
She knows she's overweight, lazy, unhealthy and a bad role model. And she hates it!
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
Yes, really sad 💔 She is truly inspiring & raised millions. Please Babs do NOT make this about you.
She will make it about her! She'll go with the angle of her being a young mum and leaving behind a young family and probably tell the Twatette's to sniff their kids hard 🙄🤬🤬
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Maybe be enraged about some real feminist issues not a cheap ass weight loss piece of tat that no one is asking you to buy nor is it jumping off the shelf to harass your 11 year old daughter. Hush up babs.
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Spends £200 on a Tiki bar, people are using food banks can't feed their kids or heat their homes. But you keep spending and shoving it in your followers faces Babs. It'll come crashing down but at least you'll have a shite bar to sit at. She's so unbelievably out of touch it's disgusting. If you read this Babs, have a really good think about that.

The tiki bar hasn’t even brought in 2.5k likes in 3 hours. I’m no data analyst but even I know that’s no good 😂

Just when you think she can’t lower the bar she goes & gets a tiki one.
That's a thread title, right there!! Haha
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Chatty Member
What's more worrying for her kids' futures? Posters in the Range or the fact that their underwear drawer has been posted online? Hmmm 🤔...
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exactly this! it's not the fucking WIN babs is claiming if the range were already removing the product from their range and had no intention of restocking it. 🤦🏻‍♀️

equally, all the comments left by eating disorder sufferers are irritating as fuck - and that's coming from someone who struggles with anorexia. i fully understand how triggering that kind of product can be, in the sense that it reinforces diet culture - although obvs everyone has their own opinions on whether it's harmful or helpful - but it's not as though babs took a stand against the toxicity of diet culture with the intention of raising awareness of eating disorders and the damage they cause - she was "shaking" as a result of the products being aimed at women. her post had absolutely nothing to do with eating disorders, so priaisng and applauding her for getting the products removed from store, thus protecting vulnerable eating disorder sufferers from being triggered etc etc is entirely misdirected, and we all know she will be basking in the praise and adoration, and lapping up the attention from compliments about her taking a stand to highlight the potential damage such products can have on eating disorder sufferers, when her sole intention was to draw attention and awareness to herself, disguised as an attempt to take down the patriarchy! this is someone who mocks suicide and falsely labels herself with mental illness diagnoses for content - she doesn't give a single fuck about eating disorders, unless she can use the illness as a way to. twist the narrative and make it all. about. HER. and her "woe is me, an ex-boyfriend once said my tummy was squishy and i only ate soup for tea". fuck off, babs. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Can someone please tell me why she’s buying bubbles for her kids in the vlog- they’re 9 and 11! 🤯
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God she’s going to be more insufferable than she’s ever been now 🙄
The Range just aren’t restocking them. A decision they probably made before Emma Twatway kicked off. No one’s wandering through all their branches tearing them off the shelves.
She’s emotional because she thinks she’s gone viral so will get new followers and attention and ADs. She doesn’t give a shit about healthy discussion (block and delete anyone?!). And she’s gonna ignore Erin’s day now - no Abba song and sympathy photos needed now she’s made the BBC! She can dine out on this forevvvvvveeeeeeeerrrr 🤬

Ugh - I know I’m preaching to the choir here Cow Bags but honestly 🙄🙄 This has really made my Wednesday morning even more annoying than it already was!
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Babs, just admit you are a selfish cow and when invited to the light-year premiere all you thought about was yourself, Ethan, who supposedly loves toy story so much you changed his bedroom, didn't even cross your mind. It was your childhood dream(apparently, I still don't believe that) to attend a Disney premiere so why would you think of anyone but you, selfish, selfish, selfish.
As others have said you quite easily picked to take Erin, again, to the theatre. Babs, if we notice the favouritism, your Babette's will too, even if not right away, they will eventually.
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