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Chatty Member
The thread about this on twitter is making my morning, someone literally replied to bbc that babs wasn’t a size 18 😂 come on own up which one of you was it
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This is going to make her year!
I’m disappointed that this is the picture they went with. I preferred the puffer fish one…
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Someone on this thread said this last night didn't they?! I can't tell if this comment is genuine or trolling Babs 🤣

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Oh shut up babs there are loads of reasons people need to lose weight and if buying one of these helps them then fine, maybe she should fine the motivation to sort her weight and health out and not get so angry she is shaking, stop making a big deal from nothing.
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Typical narc behaviour she is gonna dine on this big time today when any other parent with a child going to secondary school today would be focusing on her, bad day for this to be on national news website , she’s setting Erin up for a fall before she even gets to the school gate ….cunt

Fucks sake …..they are all as deluded as she is
This is literally the worst thing that can have happened for Erin today, her mother with her smug face plastered all over the internet. People who don't even know her will see her at the drop off and the parents meeting and be sending the article to WhatsApp groups and pissing themselves they met a Karen in the wild.
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She's such a fucking hypocrite when she also says she's a 'real women' - fuck off Babs. Skinny women are 'real' to. Does she realise how fucking offensive it is to call women her size 'normal' and 'real'. That's fucking damaging!!! Thick twat.
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The latest vlog. Babs, your children are ELEVEN and NINE. Not toddlers. Erin is almost TWELVE YEARS OLD and you've bought her stickers and a scrap book for her holiday. Seriously? She's one year from being a bloody teenager!
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They really don’t offend me? If I want to drop a dress size I will, if I don’t want to I won’t. Also, quite a lot of women like to lose weight before they wear their bikini, or before they get married. It’s not quite so common with men as far as I’m concerned? I can’t imagine a man buying something like this? People look into stuff way too much nowadays and make everything offensive. I think thinks like that are good motivation if you want to lose weight 🤷🏻‍♀️ glad it’s not just me that disagreed with Emma 😂
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Why on earth would you call it a date night? It's just a night out with your daughter. Idiot.

My kid is the same school year as Erin and I took her to a concert the other night (Billie Eilish, not Barlow!) And took a beautiful photo of her so asked if I could post it, she deigned to allow it, and then she said "thank you for asking for my consent" which is totally off the back off doing PSHE recently and learning about being safe online, consent etc. Erin will have done the same lesson (I assume!) and it makes me a bit sad for her that she must now realise, despite what her teachers will have told her, that she actually has no control over her own image online and her mother would never ask her consent to post a picture.

Or maybe she's been brainwashed and thinks she's a mini celeb like her mother.
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do you know what genuinely is triggering - and returning to your usual "light-hearted" twatting-around bullshit content - babs hinting that she suffered from an eating disorder with her references to how she briefly ate only soup for one of her meals over the course of a whole day, and body image issues - a short-lived phase of doing sit-ups because a ex-boyfriend supposedly commented on her stomach and she felt insecure - despite reassuring her followers that she was definitely slim at the time, as she weighed eight and a half stone - because obvs body confident role models not bothered by weight/clothes size and confident in their body remembers their exact weight at the age of nineteen/twenty. 🤦🏻‍♀️

not gonna do a babs and makes this all about ME, but it just fucking irritates me when anorexia has entirely destroyed my life, yet she's purposefully implying she struggled with an eating disorder to garner herself sympathy - it really fucking grates, i imagine similarly to how 🐮🛍 with personal experience of anxietety, PTSD, asthma, PMD etc feel when she exploits those diagnoses for her own benefit. 😡

and as for those awful weight loss countdown products from range. yes, they're fucking awful - but that's not the reason babs is "FUMING". there have been outraged posts about similar products in previous years, and bab has obvs seen those products in real life, felt "inspired" by popular posts she's redd previously and jumped at the possibility that writing an insincere post about the pressure on women to lose weight - copied entirely from posts she's read before, because these products aren't new - may increase the likelihood of her viral dream. note how she isn't incensed by the impact diet culture has on society in general, and the impact that has in exacerbating the increase of eating disorders, but instead focuses on the unfairness of how women are encouraged to lose weight but not men. newsflash babs; men also struggle with body image issues, eating disorders and feel pressured into altering their bodies. as with her previous posts about the use of filters, where she focused entirely on the impact they would have on erin as she grows up, her son being entirely immune to experiencing body image issues, simply because he's male. 🤦🏻‍♀️

babs, just fuck off using your platform to pretend you care about the damaging impact of diet culture on society, when realistically you only care about posting content which will earn you attention, regardless on your actual thoughts or opinions on the topic. i absolutely do not agree with the existence of the products she's showing, but equally, it seems hypocritical for a woman with a "calories don't count" on prominent display in her kitchen to be whinging about products inspired by diet culture.

and as for the "pity me" bullshit about her feeling weepy at the idea that children will grow up potentially seeing their mother setting herself weight loss targets and trying to change her body, giving them the message that they aren't good enough unless they're skinny etc - again, overlooking the fact they may witness this behaviour from their father/siblings - perhaps she should instead focus on the totally preventable risks she is placing her own kids by exposing them to her own body image issues, her disordered relationship with food and her refusal to address her poor health.

growing up watching your mother weigh herself and monitor her weight isn't the only behaviour that can have a damaging impact on their kids. she's teaching her own kids that they should define their self-worth by their clothes size, that it's imperative you pose specifically in photos to ensure you look as thin as possible and that being "confident" about how you look is about concealing the parts of your body that you feel insecure about, childishly mocking people who exercise or take care of their health, and modelling an unhealthy relationship with binge eating sugar and shunning fruit and vegetables. the risk of her own poor kids seeing her use filters to alter her appearance and place such imprortance on concealing her gunt with a belt and using them as shields to hide herself behind in photos because she is self-conscious of her size, and her decision to only share photos of herself where she has posed/edited the image to appear far thinner that the woman they see in reality - while simultaneously making constant references to "calories don't count" and only wearing clothes with an 18 printed on the label because only the "lower end" of plus size is acceptable - such mixed messages about weight/appearance/food/exercise/health for her kids to grow up with. 😔

and while it may well just be erin's natural body shape and weight, i would certainly be concerned of my daughter was as painfully thin as she is, and focusing my time on ensuring she is doing okay both in terms of her physical and mental health, rather than tatting about on SM desperate for fucking attention. but hey, her young daughter developing a devastating mental illness would provide babs with endless "woe is me" content, so she's likely rubbing her hands with fucking glee at either of her kids developing an eating disorder. 😡

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Tone deaf as usual. Who has £150/£200 to waste on pointless tat.
She has a compulsive need to buy any/everything she thinks looks nice. She is like a spoilt brat - I want so I get.
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What annoys me most about this is people are applauding her saying they don't want their daughters to see signs like this. But they want their daughters to "be like Emma?" Are they fucking serious??? I'd much rather my daughter was exposed to a tacky wooden weight loss sign than the influencer culture.
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Someone put this in the wiki. I wanna remember this moment for forever
It’s better than my wedding day 🤣

Oh Babs, what next? You truly are wonderful. For all the wrong reasons, obviously. But you brighten my life with your stupidity.

I see you as a daft little pet. Like one of those tamagotchis but you live in my phone, and I don’t have to fuck anything up for you, you do it all by yourself.

I’d kiss you, but I don’t want to get too close incase you’ve only had a wet wipe wash.
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Always hated the phrase “women supporting women” - it’s always come across as patronising to me. Just feeds into the narrative that women are bitches and need to be praised if they “go against the grain” and support another woman.

Babs and AP have such a black and white vision of the world. Emma only spoke up about this non issue because she already has a herd of Babettes that she knew would agree with her because most of them watch her have body confidence issues.

If she ever spoke about BLM or Roe it would blow their tiny minds. Imagine praising and supporting someone for removing a wooden sign from The Range when women are having the rights to their own bodies being taken away.
I’m not gonna support someone based solely on their gender. This woman is a hypocritical bitch. She sells her kids, their private moments, her sick father, abused her husband - yes keBabba you are an abuser as a toxic, narcissistic parent/wife
So AP and anyone else that spurts that crap can gtfooh
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Her kids are settled upstairs at 6.30 on a Friday evening so they can watch stranger things. What an absolute shame. Emma if you are reading this, it is not normal to ship your kids off at every given chance. I keep imagining them sat in their rooms alone while other families are having dinner together, playing games, watching movies etc. why did you have kids in the first place?! Mental abuse right there, hope she’s coined enough in to pay for their therapy because they won’t no no how to conduct a normal relationship with partners, friends or their own children. So sad 😐
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Chatty Member
Hi Emma
I'm older than you.
I'm the same size as you (22 but happily working on getting smaller)
I still think you're a self-serving idiot.
You're welcome.

While we're at it I'm the mother of two teenage boys, the pressure to conform and look a certain way is felt just as much by them as any other gender.

So back the fuck off .

Ps you also have a son incase you've forgotten
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So Babs life now just involves her filming herself trying on wrong sized clothes and making it into a reel. Wow she must be so proud of her career

Her award winning sister must be so jealous lol
She may as well do a “realistic size 10” try on. None of them would fit either 🤣
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