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Posting about going for two lots of food in the same afternoon, no fucks given 🤷🏻‍♀️

Followed by… “I’m so outraged, im SHAKING” because she has seen a frame that people may want to use for motivation on losing weight.. are you triggered Babs because you know deep down you’re so grossly unhealthy 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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To be honest I find her normalising of unhealthy behaviours far more offensive - lunch AND a burger at the weekend, one of her favourite things is watching box sets and eating sweets, endless buying of junk food. She shared a reply to one of her posts recently where a woman had said she was feeling sad about gaining weight but after watching Emma’s posts she’d decided not to bother trying to lose it - I found this so depressing to read because it showed that she really is affecting other peoples lives and not in a good way.
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She’s giddy with excitement at going viral, Twitter is ripping her a new arsehole - happy days. I’m just going to sit in my manky blanket, cock in hand (bit rude) mainlining sugar all day watching housewives of whocares.
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I’ve just realised, the trick we all missed

She. Doesn’t. Read/watch/listen. To. The. News. Because. She. Is. So. Immature. She. Cannot. Cope.
so how did she realise she was even on the bbc website?
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On a train down to Great Ormond Street with my son. He’s watching a film, I’m watching Tattle & Twitter 😆 This is pure gold!
Not forgetting the irony that despite the ridiculous love note, she won’t be giving Erin a second thought. Twat.
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
On tonight's Corrie Fizz just said "most brides are meant to be losing weight before their weddings but I'm about to eat a cream cake"

Watch out ITV, Birmingham's Emma Conway will be protesting outside the studios next!!!
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She’s going to explode 🤯 torn between TTs day at big school and reading the twitter comments!! She’ll need a lie down!! And fruit day? What fruit day!!
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The tiki bar hasn’t even brought in 2.5k likes in 3 hours. I’m no data analyst but even I know that’s no good 😂

Just when you think she can’t lower the bar she goes & gets a tiki one.
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Lady Doodle

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Oh the scenes in Casa Conway tonight 🤣🙄🤦‍♀️

She'll be firing up her troops, it'll be like a scene from Les Miserables!

She's on a right old crusade now isn't she 🤣

Emma, get back in your PJ's, put a boxset on and calm the fuck down. This'll do no good for your already too high bloody pressure! Infact, think of your fake asthma love 🙄 All this campaigning for fat womens rights could bring on an attack 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I’ve have spent far too much time on here today , neglected work and the dog . Also may have made myself look like a right idiot laughing out loud at the comments in the waiting area at GH hospital.

Night all .
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
She probably did leave the shop shaking, she was probably overdue her next sugar fix and getting withdrawals from sitting on the sofa! 🙄🤦‍♀️
Oh do shut up Emma!
Trying to act outraged on other peoples behalf does not suit you.
You're an overweight lazy slob who cannot stand straight in a photo without trying to hide your TRUE size, and who CONSTANTLY says you are a SIZE 18 - when you’re not! But only you can't see that actually NOBODY GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR SIZE!

Jeez, i need a lie down!!!!!
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Bit sad that she's absolutely manic over the tiki bar, we never see her this enthused over her kids...specially the boy. She absolutely reeks of desperation...thinking how much content this bollox will provide ...well for a week and Saturday flog/vlog only for it to disappear!
her manic behaviour always seems to coincide with severe aggression. like, she's supposedly super excited and joyful about owning the tiki tat bar, yet the rage shown in her facial expression screams anger, not delight. if this is an example of babs when she's enthusiastic about something, it actually kinda makes me glad that she doesn't show much interest in ethan's hobbies or life, because the poor kid doesn't need to deal with her aggressive attitude and facial expressions, clenched jaw, clenched fist and gritted teeth. it's like steve struggles to express any form of emotion ever - hence his standard, expressionless, gormless face regardless of the occasion or situation - while babs only seems able to express excitement and happiness through a manic form of aggression. 🤷🏻‍♂️

issues with displaying emotions in a way that her outward expression doesn't align with how she's feeling inside? probably a struggle you should address with your Groupon counsellor babs, as supposedly happy events in your life shouldn't result in expressions of violent rage, manic rants with clenched fists and angry facial expressions. learning to recognise the emotion your experiencing and express it would probably be a beneficial learning experience. 👌🏻
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Why is she following the tweens round town? Why doesn’t she just go and sit in a cafe somewhere and meet them when they’re finished? Doesn’t TT have a go henry card? I’m sure she did an ad for them a while ago if I remember correctly? So she doesn’t need to be there to pay for stuff in shops that don’t take cash.
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Chatty Member
Can’t wait for her and AP to trot out their usual bullshit about how “women need to support women”. Nah just cause we’re the same gender doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything you say, we aren’t a hive mind.
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
I wonder HOW ON EARTH she managed to choose to take Erin to the theatre, and not Ethan 🤬🤬🙄🤦‍♀️

What an absolute cunt!!

Its not even 2 weeks since she was losing her mind because people expected her to choose one child to take to the Lightyear premiere! Does she think people are as thick as her and won't remember this stuff. She'll no doubt update us later and say Ethan is either :
A. Too young to go the the theatre at night
B. Not interested in Musical Theatre
C. Wouldn't enjoy it
D. Wouldn't understand it!

Side note, Erin looks an absolute state! There, I said it! I know she's a child and probably needs a bit of guidance. Let's face it, with Emma "add a belt" Conway as her mum she's already doomed in the fashion stakes! 🤦‍♀️
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