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An ex senior school teacher claiming NOT to know that ALL secondary school place allocations are announced on the same day 🙄🤦‍♀️ I've worked for the NHS my whole life and I knew this before applying for my own kids! She is so thick and lazy it drives me mad.
She won't say hardly anything about the actual school tomorrow as she'll want to protect the golden girl child's safety but Q the post ALL about how Emma feels,,,,,

"The one that made me a Mum (mot Mom) is going to Big School 🤮🤮🤮 One minute she's fighting with her younger more annoying brother, the next minute she's off to Senior School" blah blah blah

There'll be some reference in there to "11 year old Emma, or Emma of the past". A load of old pics of the scrunched up nosed little brat, some helium balloons, and possibly even a Costco Cake 🤦‍♀️🙄🤷‍♀️🤣
But no reference will be made to the damage she has done to her kids constant over sharing until she starts at secondary school and her daughter is relentlessly bullied …..all on the back of her mothers selfishness
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Ok, so I grew up in the 90's. I'm an ACTUAL 90's kid Babs (I was almost 16 when they ended and almost 6 when they started). I remember the Backstreet Boys being very popular whilst I was at secondary school in the mid-late 90's. Their first UK top 10 album (according to Google ) was in 1997. I was 13. I am six years YOUNGER than Babs which means at the time that she was screaming over The Backstreet Boys and seeing them in concert, she would have been in her late teens/early twenties. Am I the only one who, by my late teens, had outgrown this phase? I was working part time and going to college at this point not screaming like a banshee at boybands.

Why does she always talk about experiencing the same things I did when we are two completely different generations? It genuinely baffles me. She always goes on about the boybands that were popular during my teens when she would have been an adult by then. It's bizarre.

Oh and "The Call" was released in 2000, so she would have been 22.
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25/10/18 Blog

Sometimes I am pretending to put the washing away upstairs. When really I am hiding watching Netflix praying no-one finds me.

Sometimes I only shave the bits that people can see. Like an ankle. If no-one can see it (and by no-one I mean like other women who may judge me. My poor husband doesn't count). I don't shave it.

Sometimes I serve my kids fruit whilst I hide in the kitchen eating a Crunchie bar.

Sometimes I lie there. Not breathing. Awake. But closing my eyes so my husband gets up with the kids.

Sometimes I pretend I have a 'bad leg' and can't take the kids swimming after school on a Thursday so my husband does (god I hate swimming lessons).

Sometimes I say to the kids "research it and tell me and I will tell you if it's right!". When I literally have no f*cking clue what their homework means.

Some things never change 🙄
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Erin has been led to believe her mum is famous and so important, she's probably going to go to senior school expecting special treatment. Instead she's going to be ridiculed and likely bullied. How does Babs not realise this?
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Did she also say “fry-yay we survived another week” (I can’t listen I just look at the bloody subtitles) - of all weeks to say that - she’s hardly had to flee her home to survive has she. TONE DEAF
This I actually felt sick hearing her say that- how can you be so fucking oblivious to what’s going on. Or simply not care enough to realise how ignorant you sound.

I’m actually surprised at this point she’s not said “to any of my fans in Ukraine I’m sure you’re feeling wobbly and that Putin is a mean man. But sending lots of love”

And of course she shared to post to ensure everyone knew she made a generous donation. You can’t just do a good deed and keep your gob shut can you?
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So Emma is doing a talk for Women's Day at the local Uni, called 'Breaking the Bias'.. apparently she is Frank, funny and fearless on social media challenging stereotypes by lifting the lid on the reality of life of being a fourty-something Mum of two....

I mean, what utter Bo**ocks. She does not have an atypical life, she doesn't do a full time job, she doesn't parent like any parent I know, her main aim is filling their lives with tat. I know she'll go on about body confidence etc while hiding behind her child or getting her husband on a ladder to take a photo! Ridiculous they are hosting her to be honest! Maybe she's hoping they'll ask her to be a lecturer!
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That she was weird and annoying, they mainly laughed about her. They can’t believe she’s a influencer now.
It’s odd that she doesn’t seem to be friends with any of her colleagues from teaching or PR. I have three best friends and I met them all from through working with them. Or even uni friends, I still meet up with the girls I lived with during my uni days.

I just don’t think she’s a likeable person. She knows that herself - it’s why she constantly comments about being too much.
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You know what would be a nice thing to arrange for Villa super fans Grandad Rog and Ste? A ticket to watch an actual fucking football match. Why are they only allowed to do tours of the ground and to acquire merchandise? Emma who is a fan of bands has been on multiple trips to see various live artists, but Ste, Grandad Rog and Ethan are only allowed to go to football museums. And only when supervised by babs- SO strange!
I hope it isn't because Roger is too ill to sit through a game?

He does not look well - at all :(

All the more reason NOT to exploit his illness for attention.

Her self seeking attention (behaviour) is repulsive.
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Lady Doodle

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A lady has commented and shot her down saying SEND kids aren't lucky enough to find out secondary places yet as it's a fight! I really hope people start to see her for the spoilt narcissist she is over this school place situation.
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Lady Doodle

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There's so many instances in that vlog where it's quite clear her filming takes priority over everyone and everything. The kids are mute or just off with their dad, 'cos she's rambling a load of bollocks to a blank screen!! The way she says to the camera 'we'll take you along with us to...' is just bizarre! And then she's standing in her hotel room on her holiday talking to her camera about her snack haul!!!!!!!!
Babs, hate to break it to you, but the people that watch your crap are STRANGERS!!! It's just bonkers.
I thought this too, the shots in the Hotel room where CBBSte slyly and quietly closes the bathroom door behind her just in shot, and when Ethan is just standing behind her looking sad,,,,,, what on earth do her family really think of her 🤦‍♀️🙉
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It’s Saturday night and her and Ste are watching Netflix. I’m at my in-laws my ‘kiddos’ are same age as hers and we are all cuddled up watching Ant and Dec my kids love this every week she is really missing out but it’s the kids I feel sorry for banished to their bedrooms. It’s all about balance me and my husband have lots of time the two of us but loads of family time as well. The kids are only young once these times are precious I just don’t get her!
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Why does this talentless moron get given free stuff when there are families out there who cannot feed their kids or heat their homes 😡😡😡😡😡😡
I volunteer with a charity project and we have Referrals for families who literally have nothing. And I mean nothing. This week we bought some toys for a little boy who was turning 4 but his mum couldn’t afford anything for him cos their utilities bill has gone up. She was in tears. We bought some toys and a cake for him. It’s not her fault.
And this fucking twat gets a washing machine because she fucks about on the Internet flashing her fat gunt and pants.
She couldn’t help but boast about donating to that appeal. How fucking classless. She just had to share the bit thanking her for her extremely kind and generous donation. Just couldn’t help yourself could you massive fat twat.
Honeatly she is one of the absolute worst people on instagram. She really is a absolutely horrific bitch.
It’s heartbreaking when there are families who can’t afford a cake to mark their child’s birthday and give them a little bit of joy, yet these idiots get so much for free.

I know it’s about advertising, I know they need people with lots of followers, so therefore, it’s going to go to people who could afford it anyway.

But surely there must be another way. There must be so many people out there who are struggling washing clothes by hand because they can’t afford a laundrette or to buy a washing machine.

It’s unfair that someone like her who can easily afford to buy almost anything she likes gets one gifted for doing jack shit of any use to anyone.

It’s been the worst thing about the whole instagram influencer culture for me. The people who don’t need gifts get them.
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Just because today's thread is a bit quiet I thought I would have a nosey around her blog.

I stumbled across this poem she wrote for "the boy".

Why must she exploit the most vulnerable in her life?



I often watch you
Whilst you sleep
I quietly open the door
And in I creep

I stand quite still
And stop and stare
Too scared to breathe
In case you know I'm there

You're so cross at the moment
And it's hard to see
You shout, you scream
And say you "hate" me

You row with your sister
And call her names
You start off playing nicely
But then ruin every game

You're so well behaved at school
And for that I am pleased
But when you're back at home
I can't quite work out what you need

You scream that you're hungry
Then won't eat your tea
You say you want a cuddle
Then try to wrestle me

I miss my baby boy
Who was fair and oh so sweet
So happy and content
Went shy for people that we meet

I know it's just a phase
And one day this time will go
You will start to say "yes!"
Instead of screaming "NO"

So inside your room
Each night I stand
I kiss your rose bud lips
And hold your chubby hand

You'll always be my best boy
Even when you can be quite cruel
I know that you're just tired
From all that fun in school

So each night I will hover
And quietly look and stare
You won't remember it
But please know I was always there.
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What is Triple Threat going to do when she finds tattle? And realises people she doesn't know are discussing her family life
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