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Her make up is vile and does nothing for her. A few years ago I was feeling a bit low, very conscious of getting older, feeling a bit frumpy and generally out of sorts. I’d been doing my make up in basically the same way since I was a teenager. I eventually took myself off to John Lewis and asked one of the girls at a decent make up counter to help me update my look. She was lovely, spent ages discussing what I wanted and showed me how to apply things for a more up to date look. I had a great time and for the first time in ages I treated myself to a whole load of new cosmetics which I’ve added to since. Think of the content and buying opportunities she could gain from doing the same. Hope that helps Bab.
That would take actual effort from Babs, she wouldn’t do it she prefers immediate gratification.
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If not Emma then Ste's second hand smoke is certainly having unprecedented affects on her chest and cough. Could is be she's allergic to that? Ask your allergy specialist Babs!
Surely she'd need to be nearer than the opposite sofa though? 😄

I’m cross , yesterday she was going on and on about no pressure on world book day ( kept what her children were going as , so competitive )
Why not do a video showing a few easy ideas and tips rather than showing off .. tut
This involves effort from Babs.
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God that reel 😳🙄 have I missed something? Has she said anything about E’s school? Imagine all that ruminating over it and then nothing…
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Sorry if this is a stupid question but realistically how much can she really be earning?
She has bought the very expensive small house and she spends money all the time but how much can she really be earning

Is it really that lucrative to be a cunt on the Internet?
I think it’s less to do with that they earn and more with what they don’t have to pay for. Free trips etc. if I had family days out and holidays paid for my disposable income would be greater giving the illusion I earn more than I do. However, I think ads pay well.
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I really do hate to babfend, but I'm with her on the driving. I'm fine if I know where I'm going, places I'm used to, driving in Leicester Town, not a problem. But somewhere I'm not familiar with, or if I don't know where I need to park etc, I do get nervous, especially if its at night!
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Apologies if this has been posted already, I do try and keep up but don’t always manage it. Is it true that the grid post of her flange flashing reel is the bit with her pants out? I just went on her grid and almost threw up my lunch. Does one choose the part of the reel to be the ‘advertisement’ for it on the grid?! 🤢🤢🤢

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I don’t know how it works, do you see how much much claimed as expenses?
Her "expenses" (tax free shit) will be lumped in with "tangible fixed assets" - this covers things like purchases to do with "werk" (train tickets, tat, clothes, office supplies etc.,). Last year's tfa's were less than £600, so I don't think she claims her holidays as "werk" expenses. If she was just self-employed, she could possibly claim the holidays, along with a portion of her gas/electric/phone/internet/council tax bills, some of the interest on her mortgage (as she has an "office" at home and works from home) & tax, insurance & fuel for her car; but she has a Limited Company, so she can't as the rules are different. She does view her "Brummy Mummy Ltd" as a "going concern" that continues to thrive, though 😶😂

Just catching up so apologies if this has been said but I've heard that whilst influenzas might not earn much from things they aff link, if you follow the link you leave cookies on the website so anytime you purchase anything from that site in the following 30days (or however long cookies remain), the influenza will get a cut so they might not make much from their original post, but could rake it in from other purchases especially if they link things from Amazon as most people buy from there. I'd love to be wrong about this though.
No, you're not wrong and I covered this point a few comments after the one you quoted. That's why I say NEVER EVER click their links (previously they were "swipe ups"), always just read the comments instead, to see if anyone asks where the goods are from & the Instahun has replied, or screenshot the goods and Google Image Search whatever it is. It's one great and easy way to stop lining their grubby pockets.

Oh look, it's Ozzy Babby Osborne 😬🤢🥴


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Fuck me, another book deal just dished out - as I've said previously they're handed out like smarties to insta wankers

Well Babs, here's an idea/prediction of what it will entail - particularly if like someone just mentioned it's a Christmas pamphlet.

"A Conway Christmas"

"I do Christmas from the 1st November
If you follow my insta you will remember
The Dec's are up, the hot cocks are in
I guzzle on Bailey's, canned cocks and gin

Gifted freebies and days out galore
I vlog these which you may find a bore
Three trips to Santa for my tween kiddos
They may be a bit old, but it's gifted yanno

I dote on my girl, but scold my boy
It's obvious who will get the best toy
Costco with San and her matching teeth
Shame I forgot to hang up the wreath

Tubs of quality street, roses and heroes
Calories don't count as per don't you know?
Candy canes, sweets to make my teeth rot
I don't care, I'm just thankful it's not hot

But wait, Christmas bedding must be put on
Fifty quid a pop, when it won't be on long
Squeeze myself into tight Christmas PJ's
I should probably wash those and my face

House of Conway, it's now Christmas Eve
Not a creature stirs, except for old Steve
Slaving away to finish last minute wrapping
I'd help but I've done my fanny and back in

So raise a cock (bit rude) to Christmas day
I'll film some stories of my big yellow face
Stuff yourself silly, with cocks - god I'm rude
Three cheers for Christmas - all about the food!"

Babs, you can have that one for free 😘😘
You are bloody brilliant😂😂❤
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Same, but I always do a "dry run" prior, with my Husband - and I use my Sat Nav. Got to drive to Leamington Spa in a couple of weeks & I've never driven there before, so we'll do a pre journey dry run this weekend. Oh, & I also avoid motorways at all costs, even if it adds an hour or sixty to my journey 😂😂😂

Sidenote : can't believe so many of us go to the B&M and Asda at Minworth 😂😂😂😂 We should all have a secret signal 😂 Any of you go to the Stechford one? I go there, too - Argos, B&M, Matalan, Home Bargains, Poundland, Iceland Warehouse all in one retail park. I've never seen Babs there 👀

About last night..... she really is a moon face, isn't she? 😬🌚 somewhere to house her giant hooter, I guess 🤷‍♀️👃😆
Anyone go to sainsburys castle vale 👀👀👀 that’s our local im yet to see her yet
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I think we all have moments driving where our nervous kick it, but we don't suddenly declare it on insta moments before attending a free event to seem relatable and up our engagement.
She's fine driving to Cannock outlet which is a bit of a drive for her. It's all for content. Her life if just for (crap) content.
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I'm pretty sure Babs herself is of no particular religion, maybe vaguely "Christian", so for once (and once only no doubt) Ste has taken the lead and I would imagine that it's firmly his responsibility to take the kids to Mass (if he does), since they've evidently been baptised in HIS faith.
I really, really doubt any of them go to Church Mass. Babs would have absolutely told everyone that, to tie-in with her being "Head" 🙄 of R.E., & she would have posted about Christmas Mass and Easter, showing their reed crosses etc. Babs wasn't raised Catholic, another thing we know from her Mum Wet San her posting on "BrummyNannySan" a wedding pic, & they were married at a CofE Church in Hodge Hill (We used to go to the Christmas Fayre's there, it's demolished now).

Still on a mission to get that clothing deal, blazers & a smart dress (is Babs going on a job hunt?)
She'll be wearing it for the "talk" she's doing at a local University.
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No changing sheets isn't the worst
Having your home bombed and fleeing with your children to another country is far fucking worse.
Changing sheets is just fucking basic hygiene you daft fucking twat

Oh and Babs you look like a 70 year old in the picture. Im not sure why you think looking like a pensioner is your unique selling point on insta. But you do you hun
tbh, that seems a little offensive to the average 70 year old? when i saw that photo and my genuine first thought was that she resembles a corpse...
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interestingly, babs' old vlog posts highlight that there was a point in time when she fully understood the concept of being different clothes sizes in different shops. sure, she was FUMING that she didn't fit into a size 16 in topshop - this was obvs a while ago, before she was claiming to be a size 18 plus-size body confident role model 🤦🏻‍♀️ - when she could fit into a size 12 in wallis. fully aware of vanity sizing and the variation of sizes depending on shop/brand/style - sure, she's still enraged by the fact that others may fit into smaller sizes because she is the KWEEN of body shaming anyone who does jet look exactly like her - but i wonder what happened to cause her to reach a point where she started denying that she could ever be any size other than a size 18? she seemingly coped with "sizing up" from a 16 to an 18, yet accepting she is now a size 20 or above is entirely incomprehensible and unacceptable! i wonder if it was the change from fitting into "standard" sizing to plus sized clothing and d coding she could use th body confidence movement to her advantage, but that she would never, ever exceed the lowest-possible plus size - y'know, since she bases her entire identity and self-worth on her clothes size!

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I too watched the shit show, I mean vlog and at max speed may I add. She is bloody awful at it! You can also tell she hated every minute of the trip to Iceland.

Bab, why do you refuse to share a bed with your husband? Surely the kids are at an age where they can share a sofa bed. The whole sleeping set up just confuses me.
her attitude towards ethan DARING to start putting his stuff on the double bed in the hotel was disgusting 💔 but i had previously predicted that it would be the usual conway-holiday bedroom set-up of babs and the golden child sharing a double bed, and ethan sharing with steve. i'm pretty sure she purposefully specifies that she wants two double beds when booking her hotel room - because she'd be FUMING if she ended up in a room with a double and two singles and had to justify why she couldn't share. with her husband. although she'd probs just claim erin was desperate for a mummy-daughter sleepover, so it made sense for steve and ethan to take the single beds. 🤷🏻‍♂️

obvs she made a HUGE deal in her vlog about the importance of packing earplugs when going on holiday with steve - emphasising the obvious fact that they don't usually share a room, as the earplug drama hasn't been mentioned for months - but despite sleeping slightly close together in proximity, there is absolutely no way in hell she'd actually share a bed with the guy! she may have "treated" him to an £80-with-10%-discount half hour in the airport lounge so she could eat pastries, but in terms of the actual holiday, steve was obvs gonna be relegated to the sofa bed - fortieth birthday celebration or not! tbh, he probably didn't expect anything different as, based on his sleeping arrangements at home, he's clearly pretty used to sleeping on the sofa! 🤷🏻‍♂️

whatever the reason they don't share a bed at home - and i still don't get why babs continues to lie and pretend when the situation is so fucking obvious - it's sad that they can't even force themselves to share a bed for a few nights while on holiday. it's so weird - and surely a strange environment for the kids to grow up in, thinking its normal for parents to never sleep in the same bed. it's not even so much the separate bedrooms thing, but more than fact that she's obviously so insecure and ashamed that they don't share a bed that she actively pretends they do - like the pretence about steve's anti-snoring pillows being on her bed and implying he has his own bedside table and lamp, when we all know he never sets foot in her room, let alone her bed, unless it's for an ad - but that she can't just be honest and use it as an opportunity to normalise couples not sharing a bed. i imagine it's more common than she thinks - in fact a quick google has taught me that it's as common as up to 25%! although admittedly, it's likely for different reasons - not simply because her bedroom is HERS and her husband does not adore her and actually does not want to be anywhere near her unwashed, stinking self wearing dirty pyjamas - and unlikely an arrangement they other couples stick to every single night. i bet steve chucks his own sheets in the washing basket way more regularly than babs' washes her sheets - which would explain how she supposedly washes a load each day, despite the lack of pyjamas/sheets/bed covers/dressing gowns/manky blankets being washed.

and i do not doubt that it is babs with the snoring issue, and the earplugs she packs for holidays are actually for steve and the kids. she didn't even justify in her vlog why she was sharing with erin and steve was with ethan, because it's totally normal for them. the kids are still kids - surely, young enough to share a bed for a few night a on holiday, especially with their own separate duvets - but they've been being used as an excuse for babs to demand steve sleep in a different bed since birth - whether it was ethan sharing a bed with her til the age of five or six, the constant "bed olympic" stories and the apparent demands for sleepovers. but the fact it's so normal to her she doesn't even mention it - except to reprimand ethan and harshly remind him that he will NOT be sleeping in the bedroom, and to fuck off to the sofa - as in that moment, she obvs forgot that she usually puts a concerted amount of effort into feigning that her pink bedroom - complete with plants, her stinking old teddy, with hints of disney and rae dunn - is a room that she lovingly shares with steve! oops, babs! placed yourself at risk of the babettes exposing the big conway secret that you've been desperately trying to prove wrong ever since it was realised on tattle - that steve actually sleeps up in top top/under the stairs/curled up in his shed/on the spare mattress in ethan's room/in the bath/at his parent's house. 🤣
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