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KDIL is vile. If Babs goes down that route her children are going to absolutely HATE her. I would never speak to my mom if I was bullied because she had flashed her muff all over social media. Erin is already in for a horrible time. I was bullied at school because I wore glasses and had a different regional accent. Kids are ruthless.
She is a whole other level of grim!! If that's what Emma is going to resort to, then she might as well jack it in now.
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Also, unrelated, but in that story where she’s wearing the red dress and mini ears - it makes me unreasonably angry that she puts her pinky up when she’s doing the peace sign. She does it every time and it makes me so angry😂😂😂
Haha I'm going to babfend here, I have trigger finger in my ring finger and can't put it down on its own, it's like the middle finger controls it, so when I stick my middle finger up at someone and forget to use my left hand I look like a right twat with the ring finger sticking up too!

(God now she's going to make a doctor's appt to find out if she had a rubbish finger tendon too isn't she!)
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Ruby’s mum

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Hmm ... Maybe she treats him mean to keep him keen? :unsure:

You reckon she has a dominatrix outfit (to show off her cracking rack) with a whip and makes Stevo clean the grout (naked) with a toothbrush ... and he enjoys every second?

That is an image I did not need! 🤢
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ahaa, she'd have to keep that quiet since the way babs exploits the body confident bandwagon, it's become an excuse for her to promote the idea of eating whatever you like, never exercising and paying zero attention to your physical health or the risks your placing yourself at as a result, while publiy mocking anyone who has the audacity to take pride in their health and appearance. dieting and actively trying to improve your health or happiness by losing a little weight would go directly against her body confident ideal that babs promotes! the babettes would rebel in outrage if their supposed "body confident role model" lost weight! although we all know babs would be delighted - just a she cannot resist announcing gleefully whenever she purchases a sack dress in a size 16! she's happy to promote herself as a plus size role model - but only when she's the lowest plus size possible! 🤣

for someone so "body confident" that she literally defines herself and her worth by her clothes size, she must be struggling mentally being fully aware that - despite her claims - much of her size 18 wardrobe no longer fits her. the fact that she - as a result of sheer laziness in refusing to try them on before she filmed the vlog - awkwardly revealled that two of her size 18 coats no longer fit her and she cannot zip them over her gunt may well have pushed her over the edge! she even felt compelled to acknowledge her error in her iceland vlog, stating that the babettes who tried to advise her were right and she should have "sized up" bought a coat that actually fucking fit her! inside, she must be FUMING that it was very obvious that both her size 18 coats don't fit her - and she's announced it to the world! again, nobody would give a fuck about her size if she didn't lie about it - like if you physically cannot do up a size 18 coat, then buying a size 20 or 22 isn't "sizing up" - it's literally buying a coat that fits your body, and also doesn't require an enite post dedicated to your "bravery" at "admitting" your "shameful" secret - buying a larger coat. 🤦🏻‍♀️

equally, the fact that she spent the majority of the vlog community bring that it was cold and/or snowy kinda revealed that - despite the endless warnings and advice from the babettes - babs truly believed that SHE knew best, and that a thermal vest and socks paired with primark fleece-lined leggings and a coat she couldn't fasten would be more than adequate. she refused to buy appropriate clothes on principle and was miserable as a result - SO miserable in fact that she's even recommended more appropriate and warm clothing in her vlog to any babettes planning to venture to iceland! probs a good idea to recommend that any parents planning to take their kids actially bother to buy a hat and a pair of gloves for each child! 🤦🏻‍♀️
She needs a new sign that says "calories don't count 24/7"
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It’s not been a day out of some random hasn’t complimented her or some male hasn’t told her she has nice hair.
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What am I doing today you ask Bab? Well seeing as how you asked ,I'm going to comfort my lovely friends family as she died today very suddenly 💔💔- she was 10 years older than you Bab but apparently very healthy. Just going to lurk over the weekend cowbags ...watching the yellow peril will finish me off if I have to listen to any more of her bullshit. !!!!
So sorry. 🥺💔
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I know, I read that and it made me even more angry with her. A lot of influencers are sharing information, ways to support but then also reminding their followers their not political. To me, that is the right way to deal with this. Just like COVID and Lockdown, Babs thinks she can just ignore it. Well read the room Emma, you can’t!
She posted this (lame/pathetic post) on Instagram. I think she is too much of a coward to mention it again.

"I must admit I was completely in a bubble when I was on holiday this week. What a privilege to escape the worries of the real world. Today I’ve spent the day reading about the horrors that are going on in Ukraine.

When you’re online it’s expected for you to comment on huge world events. But I often struggle to find the words. I’ll be completely honest I don’t feel smart enough to express myself coherently. I worry for my kids. Their future. Sometimes I feel guilty that I bought them into a world that has been so awful the past few years.

Once you think we are getting over one thing. Another one comes along. It all seems a bit relentless and heartbreaking.

My aim is to make my very tiny space on the internet cosy and welcoming. A shelter from what’s actually going on. Full of fluff and faff. I know a lot of you often feel anxious so if I can play some small part in easing that I want to help if I can.

Tonight I will be holding my kids a little bit tighter. Feeling so lucky that Stephen is sat on the opposite couch to me. I’ll be here if you need a little respite. And I’m sending huge love to anyone who is affected. I’m so very sorry you’re experiencing this ♥

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No it’s not, it looks bloody ridiculous on a adult!! Clearly doesn’t fit either as it’s pulling across the bust!! Like how can any women think this looks “lush”… it’s like bad fancy dress!!
them shoes need burning too!
My 8 year old daughter would refuse to wear that outfit.
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Lady Doodle

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I‘m pretty sure when I created this thread @Missymoo92 was just ahead of you with the number of likes. maybe you got some likes after the thread was closed, which is why you’re suggestion is showing as the most now? Or I may have genuinely missed your suggestion, I don’t think so though as I do try and double check.

you did everything right, you put thread suggestion which makes it easy to find when I put the filer on for most likes posts.

Hope you are okay, you give some brilliant input on this thread!
Thanks for creating the thread, anyone can do it if they feel something hadn't been done right 🤷‍♀️ just saying.
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IF, and a big IF, I was following Babs for fashion inspo, her haul is so poor. Link each dress, price, where from. Stop doing it as a reel!!! Mrs Meldrum does loads of Ad Affiliate links and they are simple but better.
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Babs is probably crapping her pants that if there's a cyber attack her beloved insta would go down
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She will surely be sweating her “cracking rack” off wearing those cheap polyester dresses in Florida in April- that’s obviously why they never manage to do a day in the parks and have to leave at lunchtime to go back to their rooms!
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Chatty Member
I'm not Babfending, at all!, but I have "garden shoes" for when I put my wild garden birds' food out 😂 and I'm a non-smoker.

However, I'm quite confident that Babs smokes. Her rough voice & chesty cough in the mornings, the excess wrinkles around her mouth (from sucking on a ciggie***), her breathlessness and complexion pallor. I'd wager her Mum WetSan is a smoker, too - judging by her disgusting yellow and brown fangs.

***the only things Babs sucks are ciggies & sweets. Poor PUS #bitrude
The only reason I'd say not a current smoker is that I don't think she could be arsed dragging herself down from top top or even off the sofa for a smoke outside. And she would have slipped up by now and shown either an ashtray or pack of fags/lighter in the background. I think she may be an ex smoker though.
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