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So I was boredom-scrolling through her old blogs last night and found this.
I thought she was a life-long Disney fan but it seems she hated it back in 2014?! What changed for her?
She always says how her and her sister made their parents take them to DLP when it opened?

She’s so full of shit. She’s one of those people who makes life up as they go along.
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I too watched the shit show, I mean vlog and at max speed may I add. She is bloody awful at it! You can also tell she hated every minute of the trip to Iceland.

Bab, why do you refuse to share a bed with your husband? Surely the kids are at an age where they can share a sofa bed. The whole sleeping set up just confuses me.
Hmm ... Maybe she treats him mean to keep him keen? :unsure:

You reckon she has a dominatrix outfit (to show off her cracking rack) with a whip and makes Stevo clean the grout (naked) with a toothbrush ... and he enjoys every second?

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So Emma slept after not sleeping because she was stressed about the school thing. Imaging living in such a naive bubble that’s your main concern when there’s a horrific invasion going on at the moment.
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Absolute BULLSHIT that she’s donated “keeping it quiet” Emma does not know the meaning of this. She’s disgusting.
Emma, I have a full time teaching job (Assistant Head) I rushed home from work, picked up my daughter and we went off to the village hall to box up donations for the Ukraine Refugees in Poland. I sat down at 9pm!!! Don’t give me your tired shit, you vile woman!
From her latest YouTube vlog.....and which is why she's suddenly put up an Ukraine donation post 😏🙄
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It was the slightly cruel cackle laugh when Ethan was disappointed with the geyser that was horrible. How exciting would it of been to go on the northern lights tour even if they hadn’t of seen any it is the sort of memories that stand out for children but no forced to go to bed. It goes to show they go to the fake forced perfect magical world of Disney to much and can’t handle the real world and real travel.
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Bab, Erin cannot be a better version of you. She isn't you. Bloody hell, Bab really thinks of her family as possessions and extensions of herself, doesn't she
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Hi all. I just wanted to apologise for my outburst last week. Especially to @Rags2Riches ❤ I’m truly sorry.

I’ve gone through hell with 2 family members dying and then even more life changing stuff in addition to that, plus losing my job. I hope I can still take part in this thread and taking down the grellow one. I’ve been here since the beginning and I love the kindness here and I’m gutted I broke my usual character traits.
We shouldn't take things personally on chats like these, as fundamentally we're all strangers and we never know what any one of us is going through in our lives. We can all get spikey at times. Forgive, forget and roll on. We all have one thing in common - our utter disdain for the scummy Brummie. I love my Tattlers, I do. Hope you're starting to feel a bit better, you've been through a lot ❤ Now - back to Babs.....
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God how is she not embarrassed to be so totally predictable? If I was in her position (imagine 🤣) the fact that we can all guess exactly what she’s going to do, say, post, use, comment would make me stop and think “oh I really need some new ideas”. But no, cos she’s such a twat she’ll just carry on and think she’s “winning” against us. Babs take the advice mate - shake it up, try something new, focus on one thing and be good at it! This constant posting of endless shite is just getting beyond desperate now.
I must say I haven’t ever known her to talk about the end of her social media days like this before. I wonder if her meeting in London and dire engagement numbers are actually making the penny drop?!
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I'm so tempted to write on that fucking nause of a gridpost...whilst she's being all self indulgent waiting for news of a school placement...I haven't slept for the last 3 nights worrying about my sil and the very real possibility he'll be posted out to the Balkans soon 😡. Also this Babette ...wtaf !!!⬇


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She has pissed me off today. Here buy some hun's soap, as a token gesture to Ukrainian refugees. Now look at me with my free washing machine, that I won't use as I'm a lazy cow.

Bab, get off your fat arse and do something good for bloody once.
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Hi all. I just wanted to apologise for my outburst last week. Especially to @Rags2Riches ❤ I’m truly sorry.

I’ve gone through hell with 2 family members dying and then even more life changing stuff in addition to that, plus losing my job. I hope I can still take part in this thread and taking down the grellow one. I’ve been here since the beginning and I love the kindness here and I’m gutted I broke my usual character traits.
Bless you, we’ve all had our “I’m drunk and should have my phone taken away from me” moments. Sounds like you’ve had a really very shitty time and I only hope being here brings you a little light relief x
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I bloody hate when Instagram twats share messages like that with the full name. Hopefully the Babettes don’t give a shit/aren’t clever enough, but that person could be getting all sorts of cap thrown at them.
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What Babs just said was, "I was sad because I care a lot what other people think about my appearance so I bought myself something because it is material things that makes me feel temporarily happy, not body confidence"

Maybe the new pamphlet will be about body confidence
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So what’s with meeting up with Unmumsy (totally judging you Sarah by the way. You are SO much better than that. Get away from Babs and stay away. Far away) and only posting one photo? One? And then nothing else? VERY unlike her!!
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Sometimes I pretend random people compliment me because I’m so insecure that even fictional validation and attention makes me feel good about myself.

Sometimes I pretend I’m super intelligent but I actually don’t know when to use a comma so I just chuck in full stops and hope for the best.

Sometimes I pretend I’m a super Disney fan but really I just like going there because I can show off as it’s really expensive, shop for loads of unnecessary tat first, take loads of Insta worthy photos and eat mountains of crap food.

Sometimes I pretend my followers are friends so that they like me and will pay me compliments and line my pockets buying my shit over priced merch.

(I need to stop but this is fast becoming my new favourite game 🤣🤣)
sometimes i share sly photos of my poorly dad without his knowledge, with the sole intention of garnering lots of sympathetic comments and a guaranteed increase in engagement.

sometimes i pretend that i'm spending time with my son because i actually want to do, but then prove my true intentions by labelling my post as a #gifted trip.

sometimes i reluctantly buy items of clothing that actually fit me properly, but manipulate it as an opportunity to dedicate a post to "admitting" i "sized up", because i know that my comments will be filled with people applauding me as brave.

sometimes i pretend to have invented basic words which are regularly used by people who speak english, because - despite my masters-level intelligence - i think it's endearing to present myself as ditzy.

sometimes i force my kids to get up while it's still dark outside to pose in photos for content just so i can post it on my grid as early as possible. #priorities

sometimes i pretend to suffer from health conditions i have never experienced, and refer to mental health struggles and therapy, because i know it will cause a flood of comments filled with sympathy and attention, which makes me feel validated.

sometimes i post content aimed at teenage ex-boyfriends, desperately hoping they'll see it and know what they missed out on! #crackingrack

sometimes i share photos of my kids as toddlers and claim i wish incould go back in time and sniff their heads, when actually i have made it publicly very clear that i hated being a mother when my kids were of baby/toddler age.

sometimes i body shame other women because their bodies aren't a mirror replica of my own, so i resort to skinny shaming and mocking anyone who exercises, because tearing other women down makes me feel better about myself.

sometimes i state that i am a "good mum" because i know i'm not, but i can rely on people responding with guarantees that i am a fantastic mother, which eradicates any flutters of guilt that i constantly exploit my kids.

sometimes i wish i could have another baby solely for content, but steve adamantly refused to engage in "private parts action", so i had to make do with a puppy.

sometimes i demand my husband buy me flowers so i can share photos on SM and recieve validation that my loveless marriage is #coulkegoals and inspirational, which makes me feel less secure about the fact that he's in love with another man.

sometimes i realise how utterly miserable i am trapped in a loveless marriage with two kids i actively avoid spending time with and no hope of ever returning to a career in teaching, so i fill the huge void in my life with a habit of compulsively over-spending on plastic tat, because it brings me a fleeting moment of happiness.

sometimes i am fully aware that i am not comfortable or confident in my body, but i continue to label myself as a body-confident role model to reel in more followers and then teach them to define themselves entirely by their clothes size, and hand out tips on how to conceal their insecurities.
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