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Good Egg

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"She's got the one she wanted"
I very much doubt Erin had the slightest thing to do with this decision with this control freak involved.

And not to Babfend, BUT - I'm sure Erin knew about her place before she went to school cos places were out at midnight in Birmingham, Emma is just hamming it up for dramatic effect and attention as per usual
She is getting on my nerves today.
Kids grow up - FACT
She hated the baby years, she hates them getting older - how about enjoying the time you have with your kids.
Note: “SHES got the one SHE wanted” read answers read again. Erin didn’t get your choice did she Bab?
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Didn't Emma write a post last year about Triple Threat & CBBSte enjoying Aston Villa together, or some such shit 🙄🙄
They went to Villa Park on Pus’s 40th Birthday, not to a match, but to a stadium tour like they had today, Babs sulked in the car while Pus and the two E’s went into the Villa shop and then moaned at the price of the villa shirts that Pus bought.
She’d never let him get a season ticket, I’d love if he defied her and bought one, she’d be livid 😂😂
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Haven’t caught up properly but just came to say that the fact we can see her fanny hair in that reel is disgusting, I’m gonna report it for nudity 😂😂😂 Also she’s shit at try on reels, why isn’t she saying where each dress is from on her stories too? Hoping everybody will click the link to see. Does she get money from affiliate links even if someone doesn’t purchase. I actually like the first dress but refuse to give her any money 😂 I’d love the price and an honest review of how it feels on her reels, she’s not getting a fashion collab anytime soon.

She’s spending so much money on tat that doesn’t fit her properly, those short dresses are a state 🤢
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Well the denim skirt post earlier is a classic #size18, she ain't no where near that now!
what was the context of babs sharingthat random photo of herself wearing an old size 18 denim skirt holding a cinnamon bun the size of her own head?! it was a bit random. like, was it the result of us criticising the pre-packaged cinnamon buns that she was looking at in Bonus, totally overlooking the fact that iceland - the country, not the shop - are literally known for their incredible pastries, and babs was FUMING to realise she missed out on getting herself a huge iced cinnamon bun from a local bakery, because she was shuffling around the supermarket buying crisps and haribo and whatever other generic snacks she could buy at home in Brum. upon her return, she learnt that baked goods and pastries are actually a well-recognised as Icelandic traditional cuisine - not just the fresh fish and stews that she'd immediately baulk at, but beige fucking pastries - the absolute conway DREAM. she missed out on her ultimate favourite due to a lack of basic research, but she decided to prove tattle wrong by sharing a photo of her from years ago - she didn't need a giant freshly-baked, beautifully-iced cinnamon bun in iceland, because she's already had one! haha! SHE wins. and anyway, she can simply resort to whacking up her own cut-into-four-not-six fake bakes with jizzy icing if she fancies another. why experience the real deal when you can with a jus roll?! 🤷🏻‍♂️

i bet she's FUMING she spent £80 - altho in her stories, she did explain that she only paid for it because she got a 10% discount, otherwise steve's birthday treat could have fucked right off! - to spend half an hour in a lounge area sat in front of a plate of pastries, having to then cram a muffin, a crossiant AND a pain au chocate down her gullet in the early hours of the morning to ensure she got her money worth, while the kids appeared miserable af in the background with only one pastry each - when in actuality, they could have saved that money and spent it on all manner of delicious-looking freshly-made pastries in local bakeries - i mean, we all know that babs - apparently - runs a small shop, so loves to support small businesses - unless there's a supermarket nearby and she can by a shit ton of crisps, sweets and pizza. #priorities

also, babs browsing the supermarket SHOOKETH that - based on the temperature of the room the fridge food was stored on shelves and not in a refrigerated area. "we don't have this in england! it's inspired! we should!" sure babs, but you would be moaning continually if you had to pull on an ill-fitting warm. coat every time you had to pop inti sainsburys because they'd turned the shop itself into a giant fridge! she seriously talks so much shit, words just fall out of her mouth and she doesn't even bother to form them into sentences or insert any amount of logic. it's just meaningless babble. anyone who didn’t love the sound of their own voice would cringe listening back to that during editing. 🙉

what's this called? oh! a landscape! i forgot the word!" no babs you did not fucking INVENT the word "landscape". 🤦🏻‍♀️
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So her kids have gone to the skatepark presumably with Ste and she’s at home having a hot choc talking to strangers. One day Emma those kids will have weekend plans with friends or partners and you will be devastated you wasted so many hours of valuable time talking to your phone
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Chatty Member
I hope her wasteful appointment with GP results in her being told to have a wash and eat better 🙄
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She’s going to share Blue Lagoon 🤑 shots as much as she can, isn’t she? Well until she can share the DisneyLand content.
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There's so many instances in that vlog where it's quite clear her filming takes priority over everyone and everything. The kids are mute or just off with their dad, 'cos she's rambling a load of bollocks to a blank screen!! The way she says to the camera 'we'll take you along with us to...' is just bizarre! And then she's standing in her hotel room on her holiday talking to her camera about her snack haul!!!!!!!!
Babs, hate to break it to you, but the people that watch your crap are STRANGERS!!! It's just bonkers.
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when you upload a reel, you can specifically select any still moment of the footage to be sued as the thumbnail for the reel, so guarantee that babs chose that image purposefully. it's not an unfortunate coincidence - babs totally intended to use an image of her flashing her crotch, which makes it worse because she obvs thinks it. 🤢
I’m tempted to report that post purely for that reason alone. If it was a child it would be removed. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from a grown woman
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So the other day when she claimed a Babbette DMd her and suggested moving the shoe cupboard to create more room in the “utility” cupboard it was more likely removed in preparation for this ad. I shouldn’t be as surprised as I am at the lies 🙄
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I always wonder why she so obviously dislikes little E so much. The way she speaks to him sometimes makes me so sad, the way it feels like she has to put a pic of him on the grid or else we’ll ask where is he, the way she makes it so obvious she clearly prefers golden girl. I wonder if the girl was planned and the boy was not. Has she ever said this? I wonder if in between the girl and boy, her and Steven knew they couldn’t be together but then she fell pregnant so she despises him. Maybe he reminds her of PUS and that’s why. Maybe he doesn’t fit her instagrammable life like the golden girl does. This time next year golden girl will be giving her hell I bet ya! She’ll be deep into year 7, either being picked on because of Emma or rebelling in general. Both would result into their so perfect mother and daughter relationship going the drain and she will start to force Ethan to fit into her little box that she wants him to badly to fit into now.
ethan was planned because - in babs' own words - she wanted erin to have a sibling. except babs dreamed of gifting erin with a sister - a gift she would forever be indebted to babs for, just as she should be for her own existence - but she had a boy, and has been punishing ethan for his gender ever since. 😔

it's evident that she has resented him since birth - the endless photos of him as a toddler throwing tantrums - and behaving exactly like any other toddler with his adorable little pouty-lipped sulk - portraying him as a constant inconvenience, rolling her eyes at him and dismissing him at every opportunity, refusing to spend any time with him unless it's for content or a #gifted trip, never paying any attention to him or encoraging his interests and hobbies - note the eye-rolling any time her shows her his craft projects, her moaning about having to remember to take the euphonium to school and complaining about the noise, and her total refusal to attend his football matches. there was a point where she was thrilled because she could portray him as "different" - a boy who didn't like football and occasionally dressed up in one of his sister's princess dresses challenged all of woke babs' gender stereotypes - but now she's revealed he likes football and playing in the woods etc, he's just a typical boy, thus she's not interested at all. he's always treated as an afterthought, because although he was planned, babs didn't want him. she wanted a sister for the golden child, so ethan has been a disappointment since birth - and, heartbreakingly, babs has never made any attempt to hide that. 😔
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She thinks it's funny and quirky and adorable 🙄

It’s the sort of vile photo KIDL would post.

Don’t go down her route, Emma. It will not be your ticket back in to the influencer game.

I don’t know how that vile idiot manages to keep followers and sell a book (actually, it sold just as badly as yours did!), but if you copy her, it will
be the final nail in the coffin.

I’d switch it up. Change to wanting to get fitter and healthier in your mid 40s, film yourself learning how to cook from scratch. That would work out far better than flashing your pants.
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I'm sure all the mums fleeing conflict or sat in the middle of it just want to keep their kids fed and warm and clean and alive, none of them are thinking "ooo I want a nice hot bath and pamper session". If you realllllyy want to send products send formula, nappies, baby wipes, sleeping bags, non perishable food. But yeah you're probably right about the money rather than goods
Hang on, I read it wrong, I thought they were sending money donations, not fucking body shop products.

Are people that stupid? Do they really think a bit of lip balm is going to make it all better?

Nice way to get a bit of publicity and some more costumers though, eh? Just when I thought MLMs couldn’t sink any lower 😡

And Emma, why don’t you just work out how much you are going to spend on more plants you don’t need today and donate the cash instead?
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Babs the comments about you are because you have aged beyond belief in a couple of years, you have piled on pounds from a terrible lifestyle and it is only going to come back you and bite you on you ass. But buy some boots, make up a story about a sale assistant, and carry on being a self absorbed waste of space. There’s an invasion going on where unthinkable war crimes have been committed and millions have fled with nothing but the clothes on their back. Have some perspective.
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We will 100% get a swimsuit pic of Emma either at hotel pool or a waterpark about how she has been all sizes and only now as a size 18 (bullshit) is when she truly does love herself (again cough bullshit).
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Ruby’s mum

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Does she not realise that compliments are how sales assistants get you to spend more? The assistant was just good at their job to make you feel good and therefore come back and spend more.
It’s not women supporting women, it’s them doing their job!
Exactly. A few months ago I was looking for a dress for a wedding. I tried one on in an expensive boutique, which my husband suggested but I wasn’t keen on. It looked horrendous but I stepped out of the changing room anyway just to show him how awful it was. Two assistants turned and gushed over how gorgeous it was and how glamorous I looked in it. We both laughed. They’re just after the commission.
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