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In Brogan's defense, not every infuencer or Youtuber will make a post about current affairs. Just leave it to the ones who are more influential and actually make an effort. Not everyone has to be an activist. Even if Brogan liked or retweeted something that would suffice IMO. She doesn't have to write a big post about it if she doesn't want to.
It would be nice if she and other influencers supported their black followers and her supposed best friends though. These people have an amazing platform they can use to help people, be a voice - Spread what’s really going on in the peaceful protests which is sickening. If they choose not to use their platform about current affairs then do they really care about anything other than their brand and their own privileged lives?? She was quiet all throughout lockdown, nothing really about NHS other when she saw the plane for a selfie. It’s just narcissistic behaviour again and again. It’s tiring and I do think a lot of people are changing their views on influencers at the moment which is great!
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I don’t think she’s got a dog, there’s no Instagram account set up for it, she set up the one for her house way before they purchased didn’t she?
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I think the issue is that Brogan is very happy to “work” and “influence” us when it suits her e.g it’s an AD. If I offered her an ad tomorrow I’m sure she’d take it and shove it down our throats. She loves to pull the “ive just posted an ad please support me card” yet she won’t use this “influence” for good. Yes Brogie we ARE in the middle of a pandemic but let’s be real, your life hasn’t exactly changed much. You still sit at home all day not doing very much. Why not use this time to produce some content for people, make their days better, use your influence to promote some small businesses such as Etsy stores, use your influence to share some tips, use your influence for GOOD not just when it suits you and you can pocket from it. It is BEYOND me how any one can support this lazy slob. She doesn’t do anything!!!! I can’t think of another influencer who has behaved as badly as her through this! She really should be ashamed. She went live and was given weeks worth of ideas she could have produced but still nothing......
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Beth has very much got on her high horse with this BLM content. She’s never mentioned it before herself but she’s now acting as if she’s the only person who’s bothered and is shaming everyone else into submission - including Brogan. I appreciate Brogan has now acknowledged things and posted about it which is fair.

She doesn’t need to spam peoples feeds with the same content everyone else is posting just for the sake of it - I don’t think so personally anyway. If she acknowledges and shares in some way then that’s great.

I think Beth needs to understand not everyone works in the same way as her and certain others.
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New to the site and catching up on all threads. I loved Brogan when I first watched her and her Disney vlogs but I agree she really can't be arsed anymore. It seems she only likes the vlog and content create when it's free stuff or trips to London or Disney. I also don't like the way she interacts with those who have made her channel where it is as she doesn't seem compassionate at all and only interacts in full convos with her friends. Everyone else may get a like attached to their comment. I also do think she is quite self absorbed after watching those trek America videos then re watching videos after. She really puts on a fake front nowadays and is not happy. Sorry for the rant but I've barely watched any of her videos for months as they are not entertaining nor informative anymore. It's just her and benji eating/walking/disney+/animal crossing #bored
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They’re both ‘settlers’. They’ve stuck it out together this long because it’s easy. Brogan was able to live in the bungalow and save her cash, Benji loves a free holiday (even though we see it on his face that he hates the vlogging part) and they’re both just happy to cohabit, Benji keeping his headphones on whilst Brogan lies around with her Nintendo waiting for him to bring her a drink. It certainly doesn’t look like being in love to me.
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It's been nearly 10 years since she started YouTube and she's barely progressed. Maybe it's time to reconsider her career as this clearly isn't working? Her channel is stale.

But then she wouldn't be able to sit on her arse all day "doing admin" and pretending to be productive...
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VIP Member
Do we know she has had to take a mortgage holiday? I would have thought that the self employed grant was precisely for things like making sure your mortgage is paid? She bought a £32 shower gel recently. Not something I would do if bills were a concern!

She has enough money to donate to a cause.

But I mean this is Brogan, the girl who was paid to promote a charity 5k but didn’t actually raise any money for charity so.....expectations are low.
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Benji quickly glancing over at Brogan's animal crossing game - 'oh for fuck sake, not that shit again'

Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 23.45.05.png
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VIP Member
Becca has uploaded her house tour, few bogie digs but the house is already nicer than the house of mooney
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Beth is just jealous of brogan because she’s a 10, she’s pretty, intelligent and has a kind heart
I’ve noticed a lot of your posts are like this, are you being sarcastic? If not then I think you’re in the wrong place, but please feel free to read the previous thread of your dear sweet brogie and then come back to us
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When she said cooking stresses her out and hates it so basically life stresses you out Brogan I have never met anyone so lazy!

If she says doggy one more time speak like an adult OMG
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Brogan Tate 30# 🎶 🦶 Put your left foot in take your left foot out Brogan gets the trotters out & that's what its all about🎶🦶
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OOF, Beth went OFF. Good for her for calling all this out.

Influencers and you tubers aren’t expected to post about these things, and if they don’t I’m disapointed but then...whatever. What is annoying is how they push in these half hearted reposts of the protests or virus stuff AFTER people have mentioned it and they just put one repost on their ig story and think their job is done, probably without bothering to actually educate themselves or care past what people think of them. It makes them look as if their attitude towards these important causes is non caring and they only pay attention if it can give them some brownie points.

Back to brogan. I do think the worst choice she made was giving up her proper job. In my opinion unless you are in the stage of YouTube where you can outright buy properties or you have enough money in the bank to sustain you for several years, instead of depending on monthly hand outs then giving up a job is jumping the gun and a bad idea. I also think having a full time job must have given brogan more motivation for life and now a lack of routine, or an absence of normal people around her has been detrimental to her personally and to her channel.
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Chatty Member
Brogie is a mess...

Also i dont think Beth and Charlotte will be people i follow going forward. Posting all this POC stuff and completely ignoring the fact that in the past they would not have batted an eyelid to anything like this. Just makes me think that there is no thought process behind this and they just copy each others stories...and before anyone comes at me i am a POC.
In Charlottes Defence, I’m not sure if she has mentioned much previously about BLM (I only jump onto Twitter very occasionally so can’t say) but I do know she posts quite political statements. Also she engages in conversations about politics (IE, Labour, Conservative, Brexit etc) quite regularly with followers :)

Obviously, I’m not saying this to get you to keep following her, just talking about my experience with her :). She seems far more bothered about politics and the lives of regular working people than Bogey does who doesn’t let anything bother her unless something has a direct impact on her life.
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Penny Lane

Chatty Member
I wonder how much her personal donation was
And how much of that was money she’s got from the government 😡

What really annoyed me too was when they saw the rubbish on beach and said oh we don’t have any bags otherwise we’d pick some up. I bet she’s got carrier bags in her car and even if not, couldn’t they have picked a few of the big bits up and put in the nearby bin, or since it’s only 10 mins away - nip back later with bags. What else have they got to do? It’s her precious beach after all.
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And if she had posted anything else today, she would have been slated for being insensitive! (Not a brogie fan btw!)
Agree - this is a bit exhausting swinging from condemning her for NOT speaking up and then finding a reason as to why her now speaking up is a bad thing
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