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Chatty Member
That edited video of a different face doesn't fit at all, it looks a much better match to be Britney's face and someone else edited over than the alternative. I honestly think people are reaching so badly because they have to believe there's some insane drama/cover up/conspiracy going on, as opposed to just nut jobs fucking around with AI/filters all that stuff on TikTok to get views. Honestly I just think Britney is extremely ill and shit at editing. I just don't get what people think anyone would have to gain from there being some super secret, sordid goings on behind the scenes and how not one single person in her life has noticed/can intervene/help, including the times she's been seen in public and papped (which she has, that post is crap, we've seen the photos), or when the police saw her with the gas situation/home visit.

What is more logical, Britney is extremely unwell due to being exploited throughout her career from a very young age/a poor conservatorship programme that although I don't believe was the way she described it, clearly didn't serve her well regardless OR there's an absolute shit ton of people doing horrific things and are out to get her for what? It just makes no sense. This is so much effort to go to for money man. I just don't buy it sorry.
THANK YOU ffs. Got friends who are taken in by this shite, just had one get arsey with me when I said that video seemed fake as all hell. Too much boredom + a taste for mystery + too much time on tiktok = easily taken in by these sorts of clips.

The kinds of people taken in by this (no offence to any reading) are often not that great with tech, and now because of the c-ship ending, they've got eternal ammo to be like 'AH BUT, she said this about the C-ship!'. Yes, she did, but I don't think her team are spending huge amounts to set up various blond women with exactly Britney's body (which it would have to be, btw, seeing as she's always dancing very scantily clad and we're familiar with her body thanks to that fact) and exactly Britney's hair and then deepfaking Britney's face onto it as she twirls. Really?
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She’s just absolute garbage at this point. Nobody wants to see the contents of her pants, and that includes her c-section scar! She may as well just go nude instead of trying to ‘tease’ by showing a glimpse etc. It’s honestly so uncomfortable to watch. And what’s with the teeth?! They used to be so utterly perfect?!


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She's 100% addicted to stimulants. Constantly clenching her jaw, her eyes just look wired, the sexualised dancing and she's so greasy as she'll be sweating profusely. Her teeth are on their way out too.

I had an addiction problem about a decade ago to stimulants and it all feels very familiar.
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I really cannot see Britney going out to try and score some meth…however I do agree that her behaviour is continuously odd. I do wonder if it’s mental health and for some reason her family are just ashamed to say that because they are the likely cause of it! Either way I always hope for the best for Britney.
It wouldn’t be Britney going out to get meth obviously, someone would be providing her with it. I don’t think it’s hard to imagine when she’s let people in to her life like Sam Lufti in the past.

I find it surprising that so many other Britney fans still can’t grasp what is wrong.

If Britney was still ‘controlled’ she’d be stable, perhaps working, as she was for most of the 13 years. She’s not, she is clearly severely ill. The people making videos speculating she’s dead are pretty disgusting, where’s your outrage? (That wasn’t specifically to you, but to the people sharing the ridiculous conspiracies)
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Idk what’s going to happen but if this ‘secret filming’ does turn out to be intact true I hope they all have the biggest case of karma known to man. I will always have the biggest soft spot for Britney ☹. I wish so badly things were different for her in every way.
Im sorry but I still can’t wrap my head around why you like her so much. I feel like you mix liking her music with her as a person which I think is the whole burning problem with the fandom and it does her no good. Yes she is very Ill but she’s also an adult with accountability and she generally is not a nice person and won’t let anyone help her. She is a huge barrier to why things aren’t better for her.
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Chatty Member
It’s such a shame that they ruined any experience she has had with any mental health team/facility. She would benefit from medication I’m sure, but a therapist most definitely! Even before the conservatorship, before she even had the boys! Someone being projected to that level of fame at a young age is surely not healthy.
But why do you think “they” ruined the experience for her? The whole reason she ended up in the situation she was in was that she was completely spiralling, putting herself and others in danger, abusing drugs and alcohol nearly every day, and making increasingly rash, unstable decisions. She was put in a psyche hold twice. Britney hasn’t engaged with proper mental health help or treatment programs her entire adult life… the only time she has, it’s because she was in a conservatorship. if she had done so voluntarily beforehand, the whole thing would likely never have happened.
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Britney can't be trusted alone. But realistically, nobody actually around Britney can truly be trusted with her either, all of them seem to have money as at least one of their motives for trying to 'help' her.

And the professionals who can actually be trusted with Britney, are not people who Britney will trust because of how the conservatorship was run in the past. It was too restrictive during her 'well' periods - when she was well enough to be actively seeing her children, she should have been allowed to have a coffee, or use her own credit card for purchases under a realistic limit and actually utilise the money she was earning. But because it encroached too far, I don't think she'll ever willingly engage with professionals again.

And I think Britney also knows the line of what she can get away with. She likely knows that if she's out spinning nude in a public area, she'll be detained. She likely knows that if she assaults someone while she's high then she's going to be arrested. So she'll just not do those things, because if she doesn't cross that line nobody can force her to get any kind of treatment. And she can continue doing as she pleases - she's already lost her kids, her husband allegedly doesn't give a shit, she's not involved with her family, so realistically what is there for her to lose?

It's a massive shame.
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Honestly it’s horrifically bad taste to keep making money on documentaries on someone who can’t/doesn’t consent and is so mentally unwell. So whatever they say is automatically trash to me. It’s like they are determined to run her into an early grave.
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I don’t think anyone ever truly knew the real Britney. I think the fans who love her, love a false persona she was forced to portray, and I truly don’t think she has ever been more “real” than she is being currently. I think this is the closest we will ever get to seeing what she’s really like behind the scenes.
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I can't see the 'uncle' post anymore but someone did comment on it about a truck that arrives at her house daily - wish I had screenshot it now.

Meth looks about right too me, she needs help but I fear she will never fully welcome the right people around her.
I physically recoiled when she referred to her "little booty". I don't know if that sounds normal in the dialect of where she lives but to me booty is kind of a sexualised word. And the image of her being cut by a plastic potty is... just very unlikely? I hate hate hate the combination of uncle, potty training, injury to that area, and calling it by an adult word.
Remember how the judge who initially allowed the conservatorship said that she had "significant problems with alcohol and drugs"?
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Freeing Britney was a good thing tho? She was taken advantage of financially and had no freedom. You’d rather she stayed a prisoner? Weird take 😬
Yeah she acts weird after a decade of swallowing random drugs they gave her, told to not drive stay home, watched as she took a shower, performing like a robot, kids taken away, and family not caring about her, IUD put on her arm against her will. But cmon, if u think just bcs she has messy hair dances constantly like a weirdo that she should be taken advantage of then you are cruel as hell
Clearly not what I said. You're jumping down my throat because you've misunderstood. Weird take.

What I said, what you've misunderstood , is somewhere in the middle. Free but supported.

So, try again.

Edit to add:

Mental health is no fucking joke. It's hugely on the decline tenfold since lockdowns. People in her life standing back, gloating from the side lines, at her decline are the cruel ones.

She needs help, support, probably a friend and if you can't see that now then you probably never will.
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Beverley Macker

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And as usual, Britney is the only person ever allowed to speak. She can say whatever she likes about her family, but god forbid anyone dares do the same, or indeed dares stand up for themselves.
She goes into full on victim mode, and her deluded, naive fans lap it up and go on the attack. Against people who actually know, and are personally effected by this situation.
She could be a poster girl for crystal meth ffs.
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Chatty Member
Her new dancing video… i’m sorry to say it’s like seeing a homeless person who lost their mind on the streets and u just walk past them
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Chatty Member
I cant stand her dancing it’s cringe and she looks insane. Is she going to do this forever? I’d rather she has no instagram so that she looks less weird. Constant dancing in the same damn fucking room, pulling down her pants or bikini bottom with her weird face that has smudged black eye pencil. Does she wash her face? How does she manage to have panda eyes every single time and bad discheveled hair? They don’t look brushed. Why is she a mess
What’s worse is when she shakes her ass aggressively while looking at the camera smiling. It’s creepy as hell
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And what do people think Kevin should have done? Not accepted the money? Got a regular job, put the kids in a crappy public school, and struggled along while their mother lives in a mansion and goes on her holidays? And didn’t Britney start all this being pubic with her Instagram rants? She was making out like the kids were just mean and didn’t want to see her for no reason, so I saw it that after years of saying nothing they spoke out to defend themselves and say well actually there’s been disturbing behaviour, which they didn’t even give details of, and we’re embarrassed by her nude posts and getting bullied, but we love her and hope she gets better. And she basically replied saying oh you’re saying this now because I’ll stop paying for you soon and posted a pic of her butt cheeks spread. People can hate kfed all they want, but Britney has behaved and said far worse.
this exactly 👏👏👏 Did she actually post a pic of her butt cheeks spread😳 I thought Britney wanted a quiet life after the cship and wanted to be left in peace? Well…. I wouldn’t say posting weird dancing or naked pics of yourself is living a quiet life, she has created this media shit storm herself by all her naked and bizarre posts on Instagram, id hardly call that wanting a quiet life, she’s been screaming for attention FFS! She has brought all this attention on herself, if she had of lived a quiet life and not have been posting all that shit on instagram than nobody would know how ill or whatever it is that is wrong with her!
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So in her latest story (which looks very awkard) it sounds like she's making excuses as to why it seems her boys and Sam are never with her, by saying none of them like their photos taken.
Also saying "it was cool to make contact yesterday", does she mean she's made contact with her sons or her husband lol. Is that the first time she's seen Sam in a while.
Is the video even recent or an old one like so many of her others.
Wtf does she mean Sam doesn’t like his photo taken. Isn’t he supposed to be a model? 💀
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