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VIP Member
Jeez that’s abysmal 😭 Just eat a varied diet it’s not rocket science ! And yeah with all the ‘gym’ work there’s no way she could regularly be in a deficit- she’d just be wrecked 🤷‍♀️
I don’t know who’s training cweeevaaa but her training and nutrition are mismatched. If you’re training (like she says she is), you’re going to have an appetite. She’s talking absolute nonsense on her stories and the information she’s putting out is dangerous
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This one has lost the run of herself. Flashing her bits on camera whilst eye fucking herself. She really needs to get a grip. Opening those sliding doors out to no patio, no garden no nothing.
She's in dire need of collabs to get the gaff finished.
Have to say the back of the house looks awful. Dull and no character. Whoever did those plans should consider retiring. The outside looks awful, front and back.
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So all 4 kids now have the vomiting bug…… all of them got it last year while on the holiday, and now all 4 the day after they get back too….. doesn’t sound like too amazing a place to me??? Also all 4 sick, but she still had time to plaster on the heavy eye make up and get dolled up in her waistcoat too and all. And oh looks, here’s a handbag I got , here’s the link to the company……. Dose!!!!

Plane journeys are shocking places to pick up bugs 🤢
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Does she hold the possibility of moving back to AD with the children as a way to control or manipulate the husband? It baffles me why she came back to Ireland to begin with. She’s not happy here.
Ah I think she’s full of shite - bread crumbing as usual - hinting at things doing the whole wistful nonsense … attention seeking is so incredibly juvenile. She’s an embarrassment.
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I would say she is the type to take plenty of laxatives to keep it moving or some other random supplement
Jeez that’s abysmal 😭 Just eat a varied diet it’s not rocket science ! And yeah with all the ‘gym’ work there’s no way she could regularly be in a deficit- she’d just be wrecked 🤷‍♀️
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By the looks of her in todays stories (many of them undeclared adverts) she’s on the verge of a breakdown.

Also Cweeevaaaa, your giveaway which is open to the ROI, needs to follow the guidelines for the ROI and must be marked advert. You have been reported. You’re welcome ☺
She looked like she'd explode with rage or a breakdown 🤦‍♀️
Cweeeeeva has lost the fuckin plot. Literally
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Doesn’t have time to tie the child’s laces but always time for photos. The kids must be so sick of lookinh at a tripod.
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Same! It’s sad though coz they’re that well trained. Made me sad seeing the 2 year old doing it tbh. She needs to get over the Middle East. How long before the great childminder that minded her kids is rolled out. I’m sure that woman has moved onto the latest English speaking ‘teachers’ kids she’s minding.
If Abu Dhabi is that amazing, why did she leave it and come home? She’d remind you of that person that went to the USA on the J1 for one summer and they are still banging on about it 10 years later.

Life moves on but it seems Caeeeevaaa hasn’t moved on from AD. Maybe it reminds her of a time when she was happily married?🤣
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Who’s minding the kids that she can be gone out of the house for a workout at 6am?!
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Attention seeking vapid air head. There are women out there dealing with an enormous amount of shit every day in their lives and they’re not sitting in their car false lashes and slap on whinging away for whoever might give them a moments attention.
Immature behaviour.
Looks like she’s not in the Land Rover anymore. Maybe that why she’s crying
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She’s very emotional in todays stories. The way she talks about UAE you’d swear she knows every square mile of it, but it seems she really doesn’t know Dubai at all and it’s only a 45 min drive from Abu D. Bizzare. Interesting comments too 🤣🤣
How will she answer that 🤔 At some point in her life she will have to accept that the Middle East was a certain time in her life - and it’s OVER. Chasing the past only brings heartache, she totally knows this but just prefers to live in denial or else just pander for sympathy. It’s all very immature 😬
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