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All the AF links remember part of the go fund me was because she couldn't earn any money from her page anymore. Plenty of earning still going on.

Also confused as to her implying Barry being allowed in today by mentioning him having to watch her have the bone marrow test. Is she actually a celebrity patient now that gets different rules. Patients are only allowed in hospitals alone at the moment.

Reminds me of her hard sell of health insurance one time. About all the benefits of it. In oncology every patient gets scans ect when required not special extra treatment that she was making out.

I have Health insurance and yes the access is quicker but I know from personal experience it means very little when a diagnosis of cancer.
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The donations are hers to spend how she chooses, if it’s on treats so what, if it’s so she has a more comfortable car driving to appointments etc so what. That money was donated to make her life easier and she is the only person who can choose what makes her life easier .
No, she looked for money for specific things. She listed the specific things.
She should have been transparent about it.
Most people don't donate to a go fund me for the fun of it.
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Diamond rings ??? Is that the go fund me money ?
Was just wondering the same thing.
No doubt it is from the fund.
I've a tiny diamond missing from my wedding ring with about 15 years. Still waiting to replace it, even with a gem, but the kids needs are over my wants.
She makes me sick.
Such an awful kick in the teeth to the kindness of people who donated for “hardship” reasons. In my opinion diamond rings are not a necessity under that remit. The guy who started the fund, probably in Good faith, must be sickened to the stomach. I know if I did, I’d be mortified.

My husband worked through out his chemo he would take 2 days off a week the days he was feeling unwell even at that he tried to go to work, he even worked on the days before he would go in for for chemo. Cant understand how she needs looking after for 12 months after that . But then again we had Bill's and a mortgate to pay without 176k sitting in the bank
I know of similar family, the husband often had chemo, was violently sick but because he was self employed couldn’t take more than a day of work. No financial support not did they ask for a single cent. I despise people who use their illness to take Advantage. Have they no morals. I hope your husband continues to be well. He and you deserve it all🙏🙏
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Chatty Member
The go fund me page was allowed to get very high. And without a further donation to charity is very troubling.
I remember giving to this fund before and I still get little messages about receipts for money spent. The poor wee pet didn’t even make his target. If anyone had a spare euro , it might be nice to direct it here

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I lost any compassion for what would have been an extremely rough day for her, by throwing up the ad for the mattress. It's just such bad taste.
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Going on and on about that hospital appointment being pushed back like a week ? And she is right , her little girl she has her like a right little madam . She would want to take her off instagram and cut the cheek out . She's ruined id say
That child will be a pain in school. No discipline or respect for parents.
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My issue is that illness doesn't give you a free ride.
The go fund me should have been shut down at 50,000 her husband hardly earned anymore than that in a year. Stinks of greed.

She knew she wouldn't have to 'seek' other treatments abroad as she made out at one point that week her cancer is highly treatable not many cancers have so many options.

She has a rough time ahead of her with the transplant and I do hope it all goes well for her. That doesn't take aside from the fact she used that sympathy to gain huge financial security.
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Looking at The Late Late and that little sweetheart Saoirse. Her family had a go fund/fundraiser to raise money for Saoirse’s prosthetic needs BUT when they raised what they needed, all funds over this were donated. That’s how you do it. Wish people would learn by examples like this lovely family. ❤
That little girl Saoirse and her family had more class in their little finger than most bloggers!
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Wishing both you girls well. It’s just the most horrible disease, the treatment for sure is the pits. Sending you love and strength. Xxxx
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I've followed Big C and me for a while now and since lockdown have started to dislike a lot of what she says vs what she does. I. E. Telling us all to stay at home whilst mixing with others, like meeting her grandmother for a walk and pictures during lockdown back in March when we were meeting nobody and now this latest night out. I have a grandmother too! I didn't see her once during lockdown. I have a family member who is very vulnerable and have not been in a room with them since February! It's so maddening. A lot of people's mental health is suffering in trying to do our part to protect those vulnerable in our lives. My group of friends are not meeting this year for a night out. I'm hoping to go for a meal with other family members and that's about it. As someone with a lot of influence, it is so irresponsible and selfish to be out in a group like that and it really makes my blood boil. Can only imagine how hard it is for someone vulnerable to see that picture on insta today when their whole lives are on hold this year.
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This one is mad for attention, always hoping for shares & 4675 screen shots & new followers.... she managed the transplant a year ago with no €200k fund, please stop making excuses. Yes there’s costs but there’s no requirement for costs of that nature. And don’t give out to those who donated in good faith & now regret it... I’m one of those you see. I donated before it was €4K.. then I saw the target was €10k yet she continued to beg and share at €50k, €75k, €100k and more. Then the lavish spending and greedy AF links started. And the cocky ness and we all know there’s a house purchase coming let’s not be stupid. We are allow to have donated but now be annoyed. Just look at Saoirse on the toy show donating the excess....
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Wheres reality

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The preaching out of her again. Cant give her daughter a hug ? Is she for real, she is literally in the daughters bed at times ?? Does she think we are all thick and dont see what she posts . Sick of her holy than thou shite from her now
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Understandable, however she’s flouting the rules, going shopping for tiles, parties in pubs no mask on and not being cautious. Then preaching to everyone to stay home, it’s extremely contradictory. She’s currently in remission for the third time. Nobody would say a word if she practices what she preaches 🤷🏻‍♀️
I get what you’re saying.
Tbh, being a young woman too and having all that thrown at me and my fertility gone, hair gone etc /future uncertain or wiped out, I would be flouting about too with my middle finger to the world living my life.
Just because she’s saying one thing on the gram doesn’t mean it’s the whole truth and all sunshine/lollipops. We don’t really know what is being said in the doctors office so I’d be overlooking it and empathising. God only knows what is going through her mind...
As for the go fund me, well, it’s not compulsory lads. No one is making anyone give anything. Go fund me - are they even regulated? Probably not.

And to the person who wrote “oh without the cancer story etc she’d be pretty dull”
What a nasty, evil thing to say.
I’m sure if the girl or whoever else with cancer had choice between fighting a ravaging merciless disease versus being ordinary and dull, I’m sure the would jump at the latter.
Shame on you. I’ve seen some stupid shit posted up on this website but that calls for a serious review.

Tragic circumstances don’t give you a free pass from being called out on dodgy behaviour I’m afraid.
When I was having cancer treatment I wasn’t on social media at all for days or weeks at a time, never mind on flogging sweets and doing swipe ups every day.
I understand but I’m sure you are also fully aware of the psychological effects cancer has on a person and as you are aware, everybody is different.
Of course I’m sure there are certain things she has done which are wrong etc I’m not a silly person. I know that and get why people are snapping.
But looking at the bigger picture here, empathy can go a long way.
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So you're incorrect as regards how the gfm page was set up.
At the beginning the gfm was generated to allow Shannen be accompanied by her partner to treatment, pay for accommodation, rent on the house they are in. As funds grew, she herself came in and said she was thrilled and that the funds would allow her to persue further treatment abroad if a transplant wasn't viable in Ireland.
There was nothing else added to her list of needs at that time while the gfm was growing, being reshared, and promoted.

It took an awful long time for the gfm to be closed. A disgraceful amount was raised.
Literally about 10 days later, a new car was purchased.
Then the #ads started, along with eyelash extensions, nails, clothes hauls, makeup, the list goes on. There was then an additional expenditure wish of ivf treatment where the money might be used. That's fine, but if she came clean and said she gets it free from the state anyway???? The accommodation in Dublin is also covered, but they're preferring to go private accommodation now🙄
During restrictions, she was on holidays, suite break, lunches with friends, dinners out, christening, to name a few. Restrictions tightened, went shopping with mam for new floors and furnishings.
She then comes on and has the cheek to tell people to respect restrictions, when she herself is carrying on like there's no Covid.
So she did spend and splash.
She didn't disclose her intention of expenditure when raising her cash.
And NO stage has there been any ill health been wished upon Shannen. Nobody would want to be in her shoes. Of course she should live her best life. Of course she wants the best for her child.
But transparency is key here.
And also she needs cop on, to the fact she's in a privileged position, there are thousands worse than her. Be respectful and mindful of that.
Excellent post. No one wishes her unwell no one. No one ever said those words. If she could read this post she might have some clue why there are issues. Not cherry picking and accusing.
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As someone said already on this thread, people knew how much was donated and still chose to donate more. Is every single thing she buys going to be under scrutiny now? Maybe she used her own money. How do we know the money isnt set aside for the expensive time she is going to have during the bone marrow transplant? I have had a family member who has gone through this same cancer and a bone marrow transplant and it is an extremely stressful and worrying time and the recovery after is huge with so many possible complications they will need all the help they can get when she goes through this! We never got donated money but there is no way in hell I would begrudge someone else of it just because "we worked and got through it and had it hard so everyone else should have to do it that way too" . I don't understand that attitude at all!!! And maybe she is waiting until hopefully she gets the all clear and gets through the transplant and will then donate on the money when she knows she doesn't need it. People donated the money for treatment. Last time I checked her page she was still going through it! I have unfollowed her though so I am open to correction.

I do agree that seeing her, or any instragrammer with a large following, going out and about regularly is frustrating to watch. As I said, I don't follow her anymore. I found her page boring and didn't have much to offer me personally and I don't feel the need to watch someone's cancer journey on a public platform. That's my opinion anyway. Sorry for the long post!
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I dont begrudge anyone but my experience was so different I got the most devastating news about my relation in a side room in the hospital a mear 5 minutes conversation.
Let me tell you no mobile numbers given etc after that we never met again only his Reg.
I just feel for people who are going through hell at the moment and may feel o why cant I text him etc
Also a lot of people sadly dont have private insurance and may not see him every time in a clinic.
And I think it was very wrong to discuss that other patient after she over heard her conversation with the secretary saying she doesent have to come back for 12 mths.
Its wonderful news but im sure the secatary and consultant would be shocked that it was broadcasted on Instagram.
I wonder did she tell that woman that she was going to tell thousands of people her most private news.
It was very easy to figure out the day and the time of day maybe that lady hadent told her nearest and dearest her news before it was broadcasted for her.
Maybe I'm over reacting but it made me cross.
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Well-known member
Cant believe she came on to clarify that she isnt coming off instagram fully. Of course she isnt as that would mean stepping off the money train! 🙄

Go and spend Christmas with your family Shannen!

Also is she really asking her doctor questions from her instagram followers?! How bloody cheeky of her. He is her doctor. I am sure he is busy enough with his own patients. The self entitlement of this girl is unbelievable!
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The baby grow incident , if that was me, I would have called the guards straight away and people mentioned this to her , me being one and she ignored it. Also I don’t feel it’s right , all that money raised and she living it up now ,free food, free trips, free car ... free everything , when there are people out there really really struggling who are going through heartbreaking times and she just swanning around not giving a shit with other people’s money . In my opinion , she should donate that money to people who really need it.
Thank god other people can now see through this. Previous threads were deleted within hours of starting.
It was so transparent....the week before the babygrows story, she tried to make a big deal out of being trolled and it didn’t gain traction. They were all jumping on the trolling that same week (twins and me etc. and Claire balding) and getting reshares.Then a week later the babygrow story. Didn’t believe it for one second that someone following her found her address etc. Any of my friends who live in estates, I never remember their house number ffs. 🙄 I don’t believe she was sent anything but if she was she needs to look closer to home.
Anyway, that baby grow fiasco grew her following from 43k to nearly 100k in about a week thanks to everyone sharing it (MRS crying into her phone over it etc.) and then a week later the go fund me started by her friend.
Seems too calculated and coincidental to me.
When I was sick, my employers asked to start a go fund me and I said no way. Could I have done with some financial assistance? Of course. But I would never ask for charity like that unless it was absolutely dire circumstances. Imagine going out for a meal or getting your nails done and having people say “oh she didn’t need that money”. Shannen took the piss completely with all the hotel stays and the new car. Disgusting amount of money to go to one person. It should have been stopped at €50k maximum
Rosie Connelly had a “cancer scare” and then sat back and watched her following go through the roof. Then she announced her new business which will be huge success thanks to the sympathy vote. Shannen did exactly the same with the baby grows. They have no shame and no moral compass whatsoever. If Shannen keeps that money she’ll have no luck for it. How she sleeps at night when there are folk with cancer worried sick about money is beyond me. She’s an absolute disgrace and so is her leech of a partner, what a bone idle excuse for a man
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Nobody is denying her cancer diagnosis, treatments and appointments.
But they way she came on yesterday, all puffy-eyed and red-nosed, a lot of people going through this journey with her may have been very worried. She could easily come on and say, 'lads I had my appointments changed and it fucks everything up in my head', but no, she decides to leave people hanging and a day later cones on to explain. In the grand scheme of a cancer journey, it's nothing much.

Umm looks like we hit a nerve with joesphsgal...deleted and gone as a poster too?
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Chatty Member
Why is she on insta. Is her page purely from the cancer story?

I get the living your best life but sure we genuinely could all use that excuse no disrespect meant to poster who said that by the way. Just one minute she’s out everywhere and the next she’s preaching to us To stay at home. We all need to follow the rules to protect the vulnerable but the vulnerable have a part to play too. Maybe if she didn’t have so much money she’d be home more.
I shielded until July and with my consultants permission since then I have been out and about. I am in a relatively unharmed area of the country in regards to covid.

I have 2 young children and want to make memories with them whilst I can. All within the guidelines. I wouldn't put anyone else at risk.

Preaching covid rules whilst not partaking in them yourself is just selfish behaviour. Like I said if I was awaiting a stem cell transplant I don't even think I'd leave my bedroom. The QE hospital in Birmingham has just had to cancel theirs due to the ward having covid. To be that vulnerable and have covid must be so frightening for the patients and their families.
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