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More exaggeration on the post. 20 weeks. But it was 7 sessions. I’m not saying the weeks or sessions were easy. But the story is always exaggerated. Like someone said earlier it’s never just getting a needle or a line, it’s always poor me with the bad veins etc. I am sick of this one. The 20 weeks were well cushioned with your €176k. And she wasn’t too ill to greedily beg last Friday with her swipe ups
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Sorry now but there's people out there with terminal cancer with not a penny to their name . This girl went and got a massive go fund me when it wasn't really needed for her. She made her situation sound like she was on the bread line and she is far from that ! There's people having to take public transport for treatment. I know a few who donated that said she made it seem like it was terminal until they found out the type of cancer she had was not going to kill her . She f**ked off the SAME weekend as the go fund me and flogged it on Jeeps , breaks away multiple times etc etc when she SWORE it was to be put by for future treatment if she ever got cancer back again , like treatment in America type treatment. I wouldnt doubt what she is going through is hard but she needs to have have some cop on aswell . Telling us to follow the rules . The girl has dined out and seen more family than I have in months , she can't be coming on preaching when she can't even do it herself . You know I have to have IVF in the future . It pisses people off they paid for her luxuries not for her treatment like she SWORE it was for . " give her a break " when she acts like a responsible adult . So many people have family with cancer and dont have the money she raised to flog and bullshit . It makes me so mad we are just suppose to bend down and bow because people don't like hearing the truth . Well there it is , people feel SCAMMED. That is my opinion and as your entitled to yours in entitled to mine .
Should put down her phone and have respect For the hospital and staff. Their every move and treatment doesn’t need to be Documented and broadcast. Great she obviously not that sick and so well able to do all this when I’m sure there are patients seriously ill trying to rest and concentrate on getting better and back to their families and not pity parties to gain financial rewards🤬🤬
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Does anyone remember the StVincent de paul shopping vouchers that was given to her last year and she said she was going to give them to someone needy, then said she decided that as they were given to her anonymously, she said they'd use them instead.
That one really boiled my piss.
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Plus the code she gives for the mattress gives 46% off. That’s a massive discount. Makes me wonder how greedy the company are as they’re likely still making a profit with the 46% discount.
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VIP Member
She would really want to lay off the AF links.
She was so greedy all black Friday week, let it go now and show some class.
In Fact all the bloggers need to take a long hard look at themselves and their behaviour.

I could not give a hoot about presents this year(I have them all bought as there's a chance I can get sick at anytime so need to be organised).

What most people have learnt this year is the importance of family and shared experiences and time together. That's what Christmas is about, nobody needs 20 pairs of trainers or more stretchy leggings or hair stylers or fake tan or lounge wear.

Hopefully we will all get time with the people we love. Hope you're all looking forward to some nice family time, what a year!

I think if I had just come through my third chemo journey and heading into a second stem cell transplant I would be focused on time with my family, get off social media for a few weeks and make some special memories.

Being a media hub, does seem to be her life goal right now, it's a pity she hasn't learnt more from her journey but I think she's really quite vacuous.

I was told last week this is most likely my last Christmas, my heart is broken, but it really makes you grateful for everyday and grateful for such wonderful support. Family is everything x
I'm honestly so sorry to hear that, I hope you have a lovely Christmas with the ones you love x
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What I can’t wrap my head around is the preachy story essay about people sticking to guidelines etc and her heading off to right price tiles 🙄🙄🙄🙄 fuck off like
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VIP Member
Spot the AF here . Top corner hidden in the white barely, barely visible . She thinks she can get away with everything. This stuff would want to be sent i to tea spill page on insta
Everyone says she’s fake and sneaky in normal life. This jolly happy cancer victim is all a clever act. Just feel so sorry for the lovely kind people who donated their savings to someone who pretended she was a “hardship” case. Her partner must have no morals either to allow that carry on. My husband and family would provide for me and wouldn’t dream of taking charity when it not justified. From a medical point if view she should be banned of Instagram for supplying medical advice unwarranted and needle administration.
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Wheres reality

VIP Member
She is in bits after yesterday but still has time to share an Ad and then re shares of her story telling her she is an inspiration etc etc etc ...
I think she grates on people so badly with how non humble she is. In guessing there will be more freebies this week
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Wheres reality

VIP Member
She will be crying if she picks up anything right before her transplant . If that was me I would want to be wrapped in cotton wool before something like that
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VIP Member
So true! She’s probably afraid of missing out on some more free stuff 🤦🏻‍♀️ If she had any compassion she would keep the freebie bits and bring in a big box of things for hospice or even to the lovely nurses helping her.

A nurses job is hard enough but through covid/lockdown it’s even harder! I cried to them more times when I was having treatment on my own during lockdown. they were honestly so kind to me. So much respect for them ❤ I’d give them a million euro if I had it and that’s the truth 🙌🏻
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Almost there

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Does anyone think that Dr Bacon actually just found out about her night out with 6 other households and decided to push her appointment out by a week to cover himself/his patients?
Well you never know she hadn’t been minding herself at all. I work in healthcare in the community no illness with me thank god! But I haven’t had a night out with friends since February!! I work go home do my weekly shop that’s it!!

This one defends Rachel gorry and many more too. Constantly telling us all what rotten people we are because we don't see how unfortunate these gals are.

This one defends Rachel gorry and many more too. Constantly telling us all what rotten people we are because we don't see how unfortunate these gals are.
Rachel Gorrey don’t even get me started on her!! Now there’s a One if ever!! Yiz are gas hers my code 😂😂 Everything Eileen trailing behind her.. ad, swipe up, code, gifted bla bla.. teeth whitening!! Ffs
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VIP Member
The af is on every single item, has she not got enough money, obviously looking to get a mortgage so has to show some earnings maybe barry should go to work
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Was she not harping on about Roisin in for sleepovers at the weekend and how the fella was demoted to the single bed? Now she's saying Roisin has never slept better than she has in the new matress since before the weekend and advising parents with bad sleepers😂
Haha - I think she was, actually 😂. Too many stories, must be hard to keep things straight!!

Whatever about being gifted the mattress - at this stage I just roll my eyes at that stuff cos they all get gifted things daily, it’s just part of the ‘norm’ now - agreeing to take TWO of them is ridiculous. The company his worse for GIVING two of them. No doubt there are tons of kids out there who’d have been delighted to get a new mattress and this girl takes two freebies... Then she’s saying she “went for the Emma mattress because...” -eh, you didn’t choose or pay for anything, you just accepted a freebie! And then on top of all that, she’s demonstrating how to open it up herself - no doubt part of the agreement for getting the mattresses for nothing, showing us all how even a girl can manage the mattress on her own (imagine!!!) - even though she’s been saying she’s been in terrible pain these last few days, blah blah. Something smells off to me.
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I don't follow her anymore so I have no idea what her latest antics are. I had cancer at the same time as her second bout of cancer. We messaged a few times, she seemed sweet, nice. I have since unfortunately been rediagnosed as terminal and I find her whole story jarring. Her demeanor has changed so much. She is so smug and full of it. I hope people who are newly diagnosed don't think she is a reflection of what cancer is like. Texting her consultant in the middle of the night??? The thing I find utterly bizarre is the lack of Covid precautions. Before treatment I get three texts telling me not to attend if I am symptomatic, I am so aware of the dangers for nursing staff it makes me extra cautious, I can't get over the amount of contacts she has. Also cancer care is free in Ireland and she has private health insurance and is curable so she does not need money for foreign travel for trials, so what is the money for? So many young terminal mother's struggling to raise 20-40K highlight on their pages constantly what their money is being used for and why it's so helpful eg worthfighting4. It is hard to watch her flaunting her excess cash with no gratitude or regard. It's not her fault, the Kenny's set it up and should have pulled the plug sooner. I just wish she would show an ounce of grace or class or gratitude but she just comes across as utterly self obsessed. The night on the late late was creepy too, she was thrilled to be famous for having cancer. It is definitely a trend and seems to be a new career path, Georgie Crawford, Rachel Gorry, Denise and Ciaran Kenny, all creating careers from their cancer stories under the guise of helping others, but it's patently driven by self promotion.
The best well stated and honest fact as you’ve laid out above. Your experience and description is the real truth of people diagnosed with cancer and the path they tread. I can only wish you personally all the very best x
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The person that keeps on coming here defending the go fund me and sure people wanted to help. Can you not see the greed?

It's disgusting that she has no shame that she was sharing a go fund me once it hit over 100 grand. Inference was that it will give her life saving options. She knew that she already had a life saving option. Playing on people's emotions. Because as much as she tried to say people here wished her harm no one did or ever would.
She is actually twisted to even say that.
Takeaway was even gifted!! Unbelievable! give it to a family that bloody need it she seems to live in takeaway or the partner cooks! What does she do all day? People a lot worst than her and do every day tasks I know this because I work in the disability sector they would amaze you!!
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New member
Ah girls I think you are being far to harsh, she got a bloody ring! They all probably cost under € 200 together and also how do you know she used the gofundme money for it?
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Chatty Member
I get that it must be very hard on him also esp at such a young age and they don’t look like loves young dream . BUT I’ve a friend going through chemo , her husband works full time , she’s no family near by , she has two small kids . her husband gets up at 4.30am to get house work done , get her and the kids dinner made , lunches sorted etc then gets kids out to school and he goes to work. He’s barely existing right now . Barry’s life isn’t too bad by comparison...
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What a fucking hypocrite..her big rant up today she cant give daughter a hug etc..please the LIES!!!same person galavanting non stop through all this making out like shes a hermit at home!!!!
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