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Do they still openly support her or have they pulled away? Another pair I used to think were deadly but have changed my mind on.
Oh fuck me... The waiting room dance 🤮 Whatever about him but she's painful,she screams look at me. Even going back years ago b4 insta fame she was getting the garden done from rte FFS.. Awful dose. Think what's bcome noticeable in these threads is that just cos you have a sob story doesn't make you nice or heroic, we all go through shit, these just choose to advertise, exploit and profit theirs
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Was there a target amount set when the GFM was set up?
If there was then when that target was met the page should of automatically shut down. I say this about any page which is started. If somebody for example is in drastic need of treatment or whatever and the likely cost of said treatment is 50k and a target of 50k is reached then it should be stopped, letting donation after donation pour in is not right in my opinion. I think most people would of done something charitable with the excess in this case, pass it on, spread the kindness, I would of without a doubt!!
The target was set at 10k. She kept saying she was closing it but never did she waited until the donations stopped
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FFS she's just got the Emma Mattress now. Jesus wept, some people haven't even a roof over their head! This greedy bitch can well afford to pay for it if she needed one.
Edit. She got two
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You can be sure if she was in the bank, she was out shopping.
Shouldn't you be remaining away from any risk and staying at home Shannen?
Oh, and pot, kettle black girl.
If you're calling those online in anon forums no lifers, and wasting time online, then maybe you shouldn't be online either! Cause Shannen hun, you must have no life, spend some quality time with your child rather than looking online at the stuff that's written about you! Take time away from online hun, it's clear your obsessed.
If you were true to your followers and yourself, chat forums wouldn't be chatting about you.
And nobody on this forum wished you ill health, never, ever, because they'd be called out, cause you see Shannen, we're decent enough here. So maybe you could point us in the direction of the forum who said those nasty things? Or was that put in your story for content?

I called it a few days ago that your content would be zero until January as you had no drama.
Fair play Shannen, you're trying to drum up a bit of content. Pity it isn't true though.
Let you in on a little secret, if you donated half, only half, (think 100k is more than enough for accommodation in Dublin), then people wouldn't be so bitter. There are cancer survivors and battlers on here who want to see you spread that windfall. Do the right thing.
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Just a taught the stress and worry today about 24/7 care after transplant.

Was the point of Barry not working so he can care for her? Am I missing something.

Also isn't there enough funds available for a carer for the days he can't be there.
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Attention seeking off the scale with half a story yesterday ... maybe I’ll tell Dr Bacon myself to protect his other transplant patients.
Let him know also that one of his patients is seriously undermining his (excellent) reputation and credibility by lying that he ‘looked at her bloods’ and gave the ok to go out mixing and drinking in a pub in the middle of a pandemic. Let alone risking infecting all the staff and oncology patients she comes into contact with.
I know if she was my patient I’d be taking further action for such public lies and professionally I’d be keeping her at a very wide distance.
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Someone may just have to ring Seamus' rooms tomorrow to tell them Shannen is saying that her team is saying that once you've got great bloods you're good to go on the lash......
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I’m so glad this thread is here now... thought i was alone in thinking this! I’m going through cancer treatment at the moment - it’s not the same type as Shannon, but cancer all the same. I haven’t left my house from June/July, bar going to the hospital. I haven’t seen my family in months. She is constantly out and about going for lunches and hotel breaks. They tell you when your going through treatment that those things should be stopped until your treatment is over, and that’s aside from the fact that we are in a pandemic 🤦🏻‍♀️ She seems to just do what suits herself. She’s turned into an insta hun influencer off the back of all this and I don’t think it’s right.
Sending you love and positivity on your recovery 💕
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She said last night it’s not safe for her to be around pregnant women or under 5s. So she stayed away from her daughter. Why is it ok to put pregnant women and other kids under 5 at risk by going out? If anyone else did it she’d whinge for being selfish
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It is technically out of county but by about 6 miles or so, lots of locals here gone over to it
The law is the law. The rest of us can manage to stay within our county borders when we have to because know...the pandemic we are all living through right now. You'd think that someone who is in such a high risk category would take even more care than everyone else.
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215K? Is that the Bperfect go fund me added to the other one? Jesus that's crazy money for the initial request for money so her partner could remain at home.

Agree I hope no one feels that anyone here wishes her ill will with her Cancer journey. Course we all want her to come out of it healthy
No she let the go fund me go to €215k. Every day she was " stopping it" but she just let it keep going a little more.

Her family are mortified over her!
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I have a family member that had a bone marrow transplant she didn't need care from anyone for 12 months there was 4 months max that she was very unwell but once they got back from Dublin her partner returned to work and she looked after 2 kids.

But then again they didn't have a nearly 200 grand go fund me to cushion them.

Normal families don't have that luxury. It's a pity that she never refers to it as not being the reality for everyone.

When is the last time she said thanks to the people that donated for giving her this opportunity to have such support.
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Well done to 96fm haveing prof Seamus o Reilly on this morning talking about a charity to help those less fortunate dealing with cancer .and delighted they finished the conversation by giveing Prof his full title
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Yeah... it’s pure bullshit. Grabbiness!

My money is on her trying to reinvent herself as some sort of Insta wellness coach when she comes out the other side of her treatment. And I wish her luck with that because from what I’ve seen, she doesn’t have much ‘get up and go’ about her at all. (And before anyone comes for me - I mean she wasn’t exactly full o’ beans during the in-between period prior to her latest diagnosis either; I obvs don’t expect a current cancer patient to be bouncing off the walls with energy!)
Same as Georgie Crawford and Denise Kenny all making careers out of the illness, you think they would want to move on with their lives
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Wheres reality

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I liked her before but I was sooo shocked when they had that fundraiser and then went off and bought a new car. They should donate any surplus money to a cancer charity. Like I didn't think the money was for treatment but I understood it would be for staying a hotel in dublin, petrol, meals, rent etc. So gobsmacked by the whole thing.

She hasn't been isolating herself even though she is high risk but at the end of the day that's her choice but to have the neck to come on preaching that people should follow the guidelines when she hasn't been following them at all is laughable.

I really do wish her the best with her treatment etc. but I don't think it's fair taking people's money and not using it in the way you said you would.
Let's not forget the fitbits she bought the same weekend as the jeep for herself, the boyfriend and correct me if I'm wrong her parents ??

The montenotte Hotel aswell in a suite as the castelmartyr which costs a fortune to stay in those suites.
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I'd say Shannen is ripping that we're not tearing her apart for what she's wearing or what she looks like. Everything we've been talking about has been rule breaking or begging, something she can't highlight to her sheep, something she can't call bully to.
Amazing she wasn't feeling up to the chats over the weekend....was she not out n about? Ffs
They are all the same. As soon as anyone of them pulled up on their behavior they play the victim card re trolls etc. It’s ridiculous but the truth hurts. We’ve spent a year shielding our loved ones and protecting front line staff and then some selfish cow like her thinks it’s acceptable to go and do what she wants with no regard for others. And those liking her attention seeking posts after feeding into her selfishness
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Im not medically trained so excuse my explanation but it’s a stem cell transplant of healthy cells taken & frozen from her own blood asfar as I understand
She had that last year (auto stem cell transplant), didn’t work as she relapsed so now she is having an allo stem cell transplant which is donor cells. It wasn’t a family match so someone on the donor system. Bloody angels I swear. May have to go down that route myself someday.
also getting lines etc. in is horrible, I can attest to it, so it probably was a rough day but the drama and posting for attention just rubs me up the wrong way
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Almost there

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Thought she was quiet cagey about Dublin I don’t follow her anymore but I took a look I unfollowed after Black Friday and her marathon selling shite!! Bet Barry was never going to Dublin with her! Something doesn’t sit well with me when it comes to her call it gut instinct!
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