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Chatty Member
Missed you all. Got a new hip this week so my regular life is not here.
I'm getting there, even had a shower today !!!
Watch out Spencer and all your fancy skateboarding could be next.
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I have lost a lot of weight in the last year and have gone down almost 12 points on the BMI calculator. I have a lot of understanding and empathy around weight. It's the constant lying and gaslighting for me. "Oh I only got this enormous pile of food because we haven't eaten all day!". "We don't like sweets!" followed by eating a thousand calories of sweets. Putting things strategically in front of her belly and only wearing black shirts and leggings while claiming body positivity. The huge sunglasses and the filters while claiming not to use filters, and using the .5 thing on iPhone pictures and videos to stretch herself out. Clearly huffing and puffing and struggling with walking while claiming to be healthy. And doing all of this online because she fancies herself some famous Queen of Disneyland Influencer.

It's all such bullshit. Want to be a plus size Disneyland influencer? Ok, style some cute outfits and put some effort into your appearance. Want to focus on health for reals? Ok, again put some EFFORT into it. Want to be a successful Disney vlogger? Make videos that are ACTUALLY HELPFUL and have helpful information for visitors, not home movies. Want to be a better person? Cool, stop lying and being an asshole and stop the nonstop passive aggressive instagram posts. But the only thing she's good at are being lazy. You can't make a successful career on lazy.
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I always grin when this classic is reposted, simply because one again KKKT is projecting - she is the one that obsessively reads on here about what we have to say and yes, her life is very very sad.

As @Disanity said selling your plasma to bail out your storage locker means you are no longer in the "First Class" section. And it's actually not all about the money (all though they are basically broke) - it's the other stuff they don't have in their lives that we all do: Friends (both male and female), Respect of our peers, a social life - not necessarily partying every weekend but still active and going out to a variety of things with friends and family.

We also have this wonderful supportive community, and I think that is one of the things she is most jealous of. I think she hates how much fun we have on here - just being in this group alone means we all have a better social life and genuine relationships (albeit anonymous!) than she will ever have.
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This is 1000% directed at Adam the Woo. He’s getting a lot of shit for his vlog rant about being told he couldn’t bring his camera in to a punk rock show in Vegas. This is KT “virtue signaling” at its finest lol


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Chatty Member
Look at this email I just got!!
Writes just like KT… 🤔 Spelling mistakes, bad grammar and punctuation…

Big Fella has to be Grimace!
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Chatty Member
If Blab hadn’t fallen so far, I might’ve congratulated Spence on getting back into his hobby. Exercising. Doing something other than Disney. I might’ve said good for him for making good on his old NYE resolution to do things he used to do and love. I started roller skating in my 40s. It is scary as heck to be an older person at the skate park.

However, since he is a lying, violent drunk, who attempts to destroy the reputation of basically everyone he used to call friends in the disney vlogging community, and has NEVER tried to make amends or apologize... He can fuck off and if he breaks a hip while skating, oh well. It’s the life he chose.
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Loving her humble brags about leaving certain items in OC and not bringing to the “beach house” like her whisk… ugh. More indoor sunglasses too.

Dis Bitch is making a flex that she left her whisk in the OC?? Does Mother Emmons know that you took her whisk to the OC apartment?? You should really return things when you borrow.them.
When you made those trips to target or Home Goods, it didn't dawn on you to pick up a few essentials for the new place? Even better, Adam didn't have one that you could've negotiated in when you bought the furniture and shelves???

JfC she is annoying!!!
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Evil Texan

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If anyone is wondering what Galaxy’s Edge is called for short, according to Spencer it is “GE” …that’s what the cool kids are calling it these days.

Also, in their last video, Spencer, a 52 year old man remarked, “why isn’t everything Mickey shaped?”
Spencer is one of the lamest 50-something guys ever.
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Just curious…for those that have been to the Santa Monica Farmers Market, it’s just not KT’s “vibe” so why would that be?

Also, KT…you guys don’t have a “beach HOUSE”
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They're liars, and they're flat out broke. I'm sure they left the bandage on for hours because they didn't have their blood drawn...
they DONATED BLOOD for money. 💉


The whole convoluted story about them getting their blood drawn "to stay healthy" 🤣 makes no sense, IMHO.

1. KT claims she is/was a dog groomer "skilled nurse", therefore she'd know it's safe to take off the bandage after the recommended 20 minutes for a blood draw vs when donating blood it's recommended that the donor keep the bandage on for at least 4 hours, which is what they did.

2. It's suspect that they both had their blood drawn at the same time, it's more likely that they would go to donate blood (for money) together.

3. KT over explained they get the same girl (who draws their blood) and she's is very good. They go so often they're very familiar with the Phlebotomist.

4. KT also mentioned they hadn't fully fasted stating they had coffee the same day of their supposed "fasting" blood draw. KT knows that's a BIG no-no, especially when testing for churros high glucose and "little treats" AIC levels in the blood. Normally they would send you home and reschedule the blood draw if you told them you hadn't been fasting for at least 8 to 10 hours.


After a blood draw:
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Two grown adults (one married to someone else because she won't cooperate with divorce proceedings) with nothing to their name living in mommy's 700 sq foot 1br 1ba apt. They have no pride or shame so I'm sure it doesn't bother them to mooch off family.
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Lalo Salamanca

VIP Member
Katie: “I swear, food just goes straight to my hands!”

Spencer: “did you mean to say thighs”

Katie: “Nope, HANDS!”
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Lalo Salamanca

VIP Member
This is 1000% directed at Adam the Woo. He’s getting a lot of shit for his vlog rant about being told he couldn’t bring his camera in to a punk rock show in Vegas. This is KT “virtue signaling” at its finest lol
I’ve always known Adam was a whiny baby. All he did was put out a vlog portraying himself as said whiny baby. Who cares. It’s not like he almost threw hands at a princess night.

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so broke life and beyond is now resorting to donating blood for money? maybe next week we'll get a video at the recycling center

i have a feeling we won't get any disney content for a while, or it'll be very minimal. they clearly brought back "home is where the vlog is" because they no longer live 20 minutes away from disneyland and won't be willing to make the hours long drive down there and back as often
Her IG story says they were at Disneyland yesterday - there are some photos but they are fairly generic and could have been taken at anytime; I don't put it above them to have a few generic, non specific photos and footage stored away for a rainy day. I'm always a bit suspicious if there is video and Spence has done a voice over.

In other news, their next video is going to be delayed because............... wait for it.....................

They got a flat tyre an needed to get a new one. Lol there goes their hard earned (literal) blood money.

Yup its going to take ALL DAY to get a new tyre.

About 6 months ago I needed to get a new tyre. I managed to get it done in my lunch hour.
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