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Chatty Member
I’m sorry but in this mornings video Val kept saying “independently with help”….does anyone else see the problem with this? Which one is it Val? You either do it independently which means ENTIRELY on your own or you do it with help. Val is so damn stupid. That statement literally doesn’t even make sense 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Ok I am done after this....Hannah you are not sexy when you eat so stop shutting your fucking eyes like you are making love to the food! Leave the sex to your brother and sister in law....and they are just nasty! Val you must be so proud of all your little idiots!

I fibbed...I am back. Has anyone ever watched Zach? He has Autism and has wonderful parents who have made him into a wonderful young man. That just shows the difference between Lazy Val and her inability to teach Jessica right from wrong. Jess could have had a real life just like Val could have too! But nope let's let your child act like an idiot. Stop with the long kisses and slaps and you may get somewhere with her. It is so fucking creepy you letting her kiss you like that!
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We say that about Disney world. If she has seizures she shouldn’t be riding the roller coasters because of the speed, jerking, lights and noise. My sister has epilepsy and we would never even ask her if she would like to go on a wild ride. But Disney is Val’s special place and she talks Jessica into liking it too. By bribing her with chicken nugget ps and chocolate cake.

OMG, at the end of the boat video, they are pulling her backward in her wheelchair. How disgraceful, treating her like they were dragging a tree home from the tree lot. Try to give her some dignity, Val. You always manage to do humiliating thing to her.
Speaking of dignity ...I've noticed in almost every video Val and Hannah are laughing at Jess, rolling their eyes and whispering or mouthing to each other making fun of Jess.

Whenever Hanah has the camera you can hear her snicker throughout the video while filming's disgraceful. no better and acts like she's in grade 9 making faces into the camera while Jess is obsessing over how much sausage gravy is left for her tomorrow ....and talking with her mouth full of food worrying about dinner...or squeeling .. " zoeyyyyyyyy don't neeeeeed it! "

Jess has only 4 or 5 " scripts" she repeats a hundred times a day all day every day...

" mommma.....did you buy your Bessy a new doggie!? "
" Zoeyyyyy don't neeeeeed it"
"How many chicken nuggets is there? Is there more? Is there enough? It's not enough!? "
" I don't think Marlows coming today"
" ima gonna schlaaaaaaaaap youuuuu"
The only time she actually talks about anything g else is when she's lying, making up excuses to not do something ...or asking about her next meal.

Every day it's the exact same dialogue .....instead of stopping her from asking the same questions from 5:15 am till she goes to bed...why not teach her more communication!?

They seem to find it funny....yet no one bothers to try to teach her how to be present one says... " jess...we've talked about this already let's talk about something else " instead they edge her one till she becomes obsessed with it... It's incredibly sad.

Jessica carries on these exact same conversations a hundred times a day starting with the voices in her head she's constantly talking to....the dead people or the people she hasn't seen since she was in middle school...Again NOT autism.... Severe mental illness, one of these days she's going to listen to the voices she's having these conversations with in her room at 4 am... And do something frightening with that temper of hers.

But you and Hannah keep on laughing it up!
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Does anyone remember the movie about Helen Keller, patty duke played the teacher I think. Helen was allowed to do anything and was almost a wild animal til they hired a teacher. Helen was blind and deaf I believe, after the teacher took her to teach her manners, she was a changed person. Traveled the world teaching and speaking to others. Val needs to hand Jessica over to a firm teacher and let the teacher do her job, she would learn quickly if the family kept their nose out of the way.
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winnie woo

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Here’s the video I mentioned at 13:34 in Val talks about how every year they can’t celebrate July4th with family.
First of all Val, why so vague, explain this fixation issue! Why should the whole family give up gatherings? You say it’s not all about Jessica but sure sounds like it. It’s a family effort? That’s great Val but what are you going to do when there’s no one left to help. Not everyone has caregivers and lazy siblings with no life. Most people work. And why such secrecy about Hannah’s mystery illness that affects her heart, her intestinal issues, fatigue, chronic shoulder and back pain, an illness that caused her life to be touch and go! It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Could it have been a drug overdose that almost took her life and scripting it as a mystery illness with debilitating ongoing issues. Why would you allow Jessica to make all your lives hell when we’ve seen that a firm voice saying Stop seems to work. All of her behaviours are not anxiety. You tried everything you could? No Val, you had every opportunity for Jess to have that joyful life you speak of but instead you blamed, doctors, dentists, bus drivers, caregivers, teachers, schools, in home therapists, anxiety, blindness, mild cp. No one in her life understood her or measured up. No one knew better than you, so Val your life is what you made it. Free Hannah if it’s not to late before you screw up her life more than you have now. Jessica is your problem, suck it up buttercup! And yes Val, it is all about Jessica, it’s obvious it always has been!
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winnie woo

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Yup and we had to hear Val now talk about Hannah and her anxiety. Val is such an ass. A d why the hell would you be worried about a sleep study. You sleep!!! She is just vying for more attention from her mother and the good ones. She is such a hypochondriac it's not funny. They all make me sick...🤮🤮🤮🤮

I know but they seem to be more frequent. No one there wants to even do videos anymore. And according to Jess there is an ALIVE tonight. Teach her the right words. And we are playing up the blindness big time today.
Todays video proves Marlow teaches Jessica nothing! She’s a mere servant, nothing more. She cooks breakfast for Jessica while Val and Hannah do nothing. I think the state funding they receive could be much better spent. Question for Val. If marlowe is capable of taking care of Jessica’s daily needs, then why in the hell don’t you two losers work. Shouldn’t state funds benefit Jessica not you and Hannah? Working the system is what you do best. You should all be ashamed, even will all the caregiving not one of the 3 of you can manage to run a brush through Jessica’s hair.
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Right from the get go Jess was not welcome. "You don't have to be on the video if you don't want to be," said Hannah. Message received !
Did you notice how quickly VAl was able to chug-a-lug those drinks. The only person she's kidding about her drinking is herself. I'm sure most of us saw her in that drinking/driving video. I think they removed it. We are looking at three very immature people, and this mama who hangs out with these younger girls.....get a life and grow up. * I keep forgetting...spots don't change.
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I watched the whole video and they were getting tons of comments, I just checked it again and it says 11 comments this being you tube! Val said something to her regarding some type of food reward ,that's when she sorta started acting right! Val and bad daddy stayed in the background,I'm sure deleting comments as they came through! I can't believe some of there followers can't pick up on how FAKE this family is! I'm assuming since they didn't respond to my comment LEO and LORA LORA, are not going to make it for Thanksgiving dinner. They probably made there own tradition of ,Who's gonna Stuff the Bird! And Carve the turkey😘😘 They both get stuffed every which way! Enjoy your Holiday!🤪😂😘😘😘😘😘
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Val seemed like she was annoyed in this mornings video with all the same questions did you get Zoe for us blah blah.
It's because Jess called her at 3:30 just to say Zoe just don't need it!!! Jess needs that phone removed when she naps or goes to bed for the night! There is no reason for her to do that shit but shows how selfish she is that if she can't sleep no one should be able to either! She knows what she is doing....
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What really bothers me is the way everyone speaks to Jessica. This mornings video for example... Isn't Marlow suppose to be a hired paid " professional" she is more of a babysitter of a toddler.

Every conversation with Jess...from Jess is exactly the same. Not teaching her anything...just the same...
" are you a good one of a bad one? "
"Is your Bessy happy?"
" ohhhh Lord...dirty garbage mess! "
What's for breakfast, what's for lunch? How many? Can I have more? "

Marlow talks to Jess...asks her ridiculous questions ..snickers... And it's the same conversations 100 times a day. it calls Jessica " severe" anxiety... Her anxiety which is far from severe is due to that awful environment! I'd be stressed to bring asked the same questions a million times...barking jumping dogs, messy cluttered house, house full of loud mouths who don't work and are home all day...

One minute they are talking baby talk... And nonsense the next minute Jessica is being "independent" and studying for nursing and getting ready to move out...all nonsense!

I don't talk like this to my children...all nonsense for the camera.... Sadly...Jessica's future is exactly what we see....absolutely empty nonsense filled with lies that the family laughs at.

I can't stand Marlow...if she worked for me and spoke to my child like she was a toddler and laughed ....I'd slap the laughter right out of her.
Wallfly I've saw a very different side to Marlow. A very devious self righteous side. When people were commenting on that stupid 5 hour live saying sorry about her grandmother,not once,not even once did she thank anyone for thinking about her.that was disgraceful of her.
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So we didn't actually hear Jess say she got a dog so she wouldn't feel empty! Try again Val, we don't believe anything out of your mouth,
I have been watching Jessica for a long time and there is absolutely no way she would say something like this. Unless it was actually caught on camera, which it obviously wasn’t or Val would have put that video out, there is no way I believe she actually said that. I guarantee what happened is Val said those words and then Jessica said them back to her and then they all shouted for joy and told Jessica they were so proud of her 🙄
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winnie woo

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Oh I've just found it Twiddle. Wow. Hannah actually banged the kitchen counter and said "Stop".and Val must have forgot to edit it out. That was quite a shock. In a good way.
Wasn’t there another voice that said STOP..sounded like Campbell, might have been an echo, but he does check her more than Val and Hannah. When Jess got her second covid shot she hollered something nasty she said to the nurse, Val said, no you didn’t say that. Campbell spoke up and said Jessica if you said that I would be very disappointed in u, because it would be totally unacceptable. Val and Jess stayed mute. I bet every disagreement Val and campbell ever had was about Jessica’s behaviour, and Val’s lack of discipline..Jess freaked out when nurse tried to open the car door to which he told Jess it would have been ok had the nurse done that. I think Jessica’s life would have turned out different if campbell had raised her. Prob is he and Hannah are both afraid to tell val she’s an overbearing rubbish mother and wife. I think Madison has made his feeling clear about val and Jess. I don’t think he can tolerate either one.
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Shes a 35 year woman with a massive amount of undiagnosed mental health problems as Val would never allow anyone to say anything except autism. At her school,various teachers and assistants brought up schizophrenia with Val,and her mother shouted so loudly they were heard in a classroom 4 rooms away.they were asked to grant permission for my son in law to meet Jessica, and my son in laws colleague. (Hes a psychologist and works in residential school settings for young adults with disabilities).they also wanted to bring in a psychiatrist. The school was told never to say the word schizophrenia again and Jessica was simply autistic. After a very bad argument with the head and various senior teaching staff,it was said that things werent working out with jessica due to her violent tendencies. She was taken out 4 days later.

My daughter and son in law call me weekly from America. It was yesterday whilst on the phone he told me that,he had mentioned other things when they were home visiting me recently. Some staff who work and used to work with Jessica follow us on here. They also follow autistic Interpretations and are stunned at the way Jessica has turned out. From her behaviour that they say has regressed at an alarming rate,to her appearance and to vals lies.
No one will ever convince me there is any joy in that house. I really believe Jessica is still violent to this day and that may be why they moved in with Campbell to help control her during outbursts. You can see a huge difference in just the past year and you rarely see her when she’s not doped up. She staggers around slowly now and talks differently. And her eyes!!! She rolls them so far back that all you see is white. This along with the fact we are seeing less and less of her tells me they can’t keep her appearance like it used to be.
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You would think they could have one day off from the negativity, especially on such a day as Thanksgiving! The clue’s in the name! They have so much to be thankful for, yet still harping on about anxiety and sadness. It would be a different thing if Jess was bringing it up, but Val seems to be fixated on it. Jess couldn’t even remember crying about her grandmother. They really need to count their many blessings instead of constantly focusing on their perceived ‘severe anxiety / chronic illnesses’!
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Well right out of the gate Jess was picking her nose. Surprisingly she was told stop. As Hannah poured the do dads in the dish, loud fart from Miss no manners. I’m convinced the picking she’s referring to all thru the video is her nose not her skin. I believe the bribe offered by Val was to discourage nose picking. Don’t we all promise our kids treats if they don’t pick their nose? Jess was so shocked by the STOP from Hannah she said Thank you.
I haven’t watched the video but did see the beginning where Hannah told Jess to stop picking her nose. I have to say I was surprised at how Hannah reacted to it - by thumping her fist on the counter top and firmly saying, “Stop”, along with a very stern look. I was equally surprised at Jessica’s reaction, ie she stopped immediately and looked very subdued. Very interesting.
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Chatty Member
If anyone here has put this comment on, well done! I doubt it will be on there long! (See attachment below) 😂😂😂

She eats garlic toast all the time, just not for breakfast. What's her big deal?!
This is their content. 🙄
Anyone notice the great video work at last night's dinner? Too many cocktails Hanna?
We all know why Madison doesn't want to be on camera....he may get recognized!
Ah, so the big excitement is that she’s having toast for breakfast? You couldn’t make this up! 😂😂😂😂


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Very much deranged acting, very aggressive. And that nonsense coaching and making Jess says it’s love pats.
it’s hilarious that Val says working SO MUCH and not getting out for activities!!!!!!!! Activities like walking from the TV to the kitchen to the bedroom!!!!!!!!!

Sickening, Val tries to hide the nonsense, but it’s obvious

Boundaries are needed for ALL, they have NONE

Their emphasis shows it’s trying to convince someone, it’s obvious it hurts and it’s obvious it is violent.
And no matter what Val says she does flinch. Plus that slapping is not a soft pat, you can hear how hard she hits! It's actual slapping and I don't care what they say!
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We say that about Disney world. If she has seizures she shouldn’t be riding the roller coasters because of the speed, jerking, lights and noise. My sister has epilepsy and we would never even ask her if she would like to go on a wild ride. But Disney is Val’s special place and she talks Jessica into liking it too. By bribing her with chicken nugget ps and chocolate cake.

OMG, at the end of the boat video, they are pulling her backward in her wheelchair. How disgraceful, treating her like they were dragging a tree home from the tree lot. Try to give her some dignity, Val. You always manage to do humiliating thing to her.
I was thinking the same thing. Like dragging a luggage through an airport. That was so disgraceful period!! They want respect for Jessica but show none themselves.

Keepitreal99 I remember that video as well and it was heartbreaking. He wanted to fill up his toy from the pool but Jessica kept going for him. It was simply awful to watch. He was clearly scared,and val allowed it to happen.terrible.i dnt understand why vals sister allows her to make her young son scared and not say something.i sure as hell wouldnt allow it.
I remember even her grandparents were upset about her aggression toward the child. I still wonder about who’s the family person who causes Jessica so much anxiety that they can’t attend July 4th family gatherings. They stated if she goes it triggers nightmares and she obsesses about after.
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winnie woo

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Does anyone know if that video is still around?
I saw a pic of Val sitting on JESSICAS lap… I couldn’t find a way to share the image! The caption read something like this, sometimes my sweet girl needs momma on her lap. It looked like a few yrs ago, Jessica’s hard was very dark. I find the ones of Jess as an adult on grandads lap creepy too.
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