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Oh Val… that is such a piss poor excuse of trying to edit the word “slap” out of this morning’s video. First thing (almost) out of Jess’s mouth is slap. But after she says it a few more times Val tries to take the audio out. Never quite got the whol word silenced. I bet Jess slaps her 100 times a day.
They could bribe her with chocolate cake like they do everything else & she would stop saying slap.

If you ever wonder what is wrong with our world, just read thru their comment sections. These are the people that live among us. Sad, isn’t it?
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winnie woo

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Hey val, you say in the comments Jess needs the cards to avoid a meltdown? Don’t you mean tantrum. There’s a difference! A meltdown is a product of overstimulation from the environment, a tantrum is to get her own way. Jess was calmed by the picture campbell sent . Has a Christmas miracle occurred and the blind Jessica can suddenly see? FYI Val cinnamon toast counts as toast. You’re memory seems to be failing Val. Maybe there’s a pill for that!
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It's because Jess called her at 3:30 just to say Zoe just don't need it!!! Jess needs that phone removed when she naps or goes to bed for the night! There is no reason for her to do that shit but shows how selfish she is that if she can't sleep no one should be able to either! She knows what she is doing....
Household full of manipulators ... Rudeness, lack of respect is not autism. Especially since it's clear Jess is teachable and quite verbal. She could of been taught to turn her phone off at night, taught when it's appropriate to call others, taught manners, taught that it's good to share and not be so gluttonous with food etc...

Jess has been taught to be rude,selfish and the fine art of manipulation .
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I like how when Val was opening and reading the cards Jessica stood up and looked over the card to see if there was money in it!!! Blind my ass!!! Impaired yes but she can spot money!! And why the hell didn't Val tell her to stay seated??
It makes me sick! She’s come to expect so much and shows her displeasure when she doesn’t get loads of packages and money. Val could have taken the opportunity of the ‘giving season’ to ask people not to send gifts for Jess but to donate to charity instead - in fact, she could have led by example by giving to needy people herself and also involve Jess in that. Yes, she would have to tell Jess that for a few weeks there would be no gifts. In fact, it would be even better to stop them altogether except for her birthday. It’s sad to see how conditioned Jess is to take from people all the time. I would be embarrassed if my children were so expectant and downright rude . . . including my two young adults with autism! Absolutely disgusting.
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Val seems thoroughly disturbed about the comments on the pats, she obviously can’t take the heat of the negative comments, once again in todays video shes explaining the slaps as pats of love to condone the violence. Guess she can’t handle the truth that not everybody finds it endearing, or cute.
why doesn’t she just edit them out? Because it gets people talking and viewing, which means more money. I wouldn’t take slaps for money. And when she said Jessica said about she got a new dog so she didn’t feel empty, totally heard that from someone, somewhere, sometime. Val just wants people to think Jessica is so loving and caring. Yeah, cares about food and cards!
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Val listens to Disney resort tv channel on YouTube as background noise while she works. She said this on this morning’s video showing everyone working. Never saw adults so obsessed with Disney vacations.
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And what does the cocktail video have to do with Autism?
Is the message dealing with Autism leads you to drink?
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When is this marathon live video supposed to be? Today? And if so why are they doing it on a day that Jessica goes with her grandparents? 🙄
They can barely keep Jessica sitting still during their gift opening videos once the packages are empty. Unless there are her favorites, food and cards, involved, she’s not interested. Not being mean. It’s just a fact.
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The make out session during breakfast made me so nauseous so gross and weird. Her hand and mouth are constantly on Val don’t tell me she likes it.
And for the love of god there is no coach Jessica from 20 years ago in your life! Stop saying yes to avoid a meltdown and the whole concept is delusional so great parenting keep at it!
And why does she always stick both fingers up her nose to smell?
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My husband's cousin has a daughter that is on the spectrum and when she was little, before her autism diagnosis, everyone thought that she was just a mean little shit. Her parent's were lazy and never, ever disciplined or re-directed her at all so she really was like a feral child. With several of his cousins, we all had children around the same age. This child's behavior was so bad that we all just agreed that we would not invite each other's children to birthday parties, summer swimming parties, etc. so that we didn't have to invite her & her family. Of course, we couldn't avoid them altogether because of holidays and stuff. But when we would go to my husband's grandparent's house, his grandmother would not tolerate her being mean to the other children and would actually discipline her so she didn't act like that at their house. My point is, even with an autism diagnosis, Jess could have been disciplined and re-directed as a child and they would not have to worry now about her having a tantrum if someone accidentally bumps into her or that she will yell, scream and curse at someone who is just trying to cut her hair. It all boils down to the fact that her parents were lazy and did not want to put the work into making her a socially acceptable person who could go out in public or sit in a classroom with her peers. I have never seen them be consistent with anything much like my husband's cousin and his wife. They play the victim card a lot and tell everyone how hard it is. And I'm sure that it is hard but it's totally worth it in the end IMO.
100% accurate.

We have 3 children our middle child was diagnosed as nonverbal autistic at age 3. She's now 24.
Kids in general are's our responsibility as parents to raise, teach, encourage, support and help these children grow into adult hood.....Autism is not an excuse to neglect these.

In's more important , hard work, lots of dedication, frustration ...educating ourselves...seeking out professional help, advice and support ...discipline , repitition , patience, consistency are crucial.

Our autistic daughter has manners...does not eat like an animal with her hands, does not schlaaaap people fact respects people's space and understands the importance of keeping her hands to herself. She does " stim" but has been taught its not acceptable to do some of her stims like squealing in restaurants ....
Being diagnosed nonverbal communication was hard...but today she has a lovely vocabulary with manners and is still in therapy to help her increase her words.

She also understands there are consequences for certain behaviours ....we realize many of her behaviours she couldn't control but with years of practice she's improved some behaviours , stims etc... Are fine...when they aren't harmful to her or others...

Regardless of autism or not... It's not an excuse to allow your child to act feral, to eat like an animal, put hands on people, be rude and hateful because you don't like your hair brushed or cut...LIE make up stories to get your way.... Obsessing over food, unhealthy food choices, texting people all hours of the night...yelling , screaming at teachers, children etc... These behaviours from a 35 year old ADULT shows nothing but lazy parenting at its finest. In all honesty it's neglect borderline abusive. To have lived for 35 years and not been taught to not watching your hands? Sad. To get angry and violent having your hair brushed? Really that shows zero effort was put in by Val to address this and help her daughter work through it!

Yes as parents/ caregivers we have to pick our battles... BUT hygiene, gentle hands, indoor voice, manners, using a utensil are non-negotional ...
Val has done nothing to help in Jess's development has not taught her tools to cope...
Jessica is a 35 year old bully/brat... Who runs that house because there are no rules, no accountabilty, no structure, no tools were taught to her for 35 years... So she is feral, with unbrushed hair, picking scabs, snotty face rubbing, crotch scratching, slapping people's faces, grabbing and touching food with those same germy,snotty hands,she's just a force to be reckoned with.
Her mean demented nature, with the lazy attitude and greedy food obsession and lack of respect/manners is all in how she was raised and neglected by Val. Period.

This is NOT autism. This is neglected parenting and manipulation of a very selfish women who schemes along with her family to take advantage of a severely schizophrenic IDD visually impaired individual for the idea of grifting, making up sob stories hinting for cash and donations ...She's quit her job to become a in her pyjamas all day, pretending her and " Bad daddy" don't live together so she can scheme those tax perks!
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I remember she also had a temper tantrum & screamed at Marlow to shut up just because Hannah had a doctor appt & had to go into work late (back when Hannah actually had a job). Instead of telling Jess it was none of her business & had nothing to do with her, Val just made the excuse of how hard it is on poor Jess when anyone has a change in schedule. Ridiculous!
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Watching the last 30 minutes...Jessica has said it's almost time to wrap it up 3 times...Hannah is being very short with Jess...rude. Jess is getting loud with " barks" at the dogs startled everyone's obvious the dogs ARE a stresser in that house, out of control and Jess is absolutely not a fan of the dogs...even though Val tries to convince her she loves Zoey....which she clearly doesnt. staring into the camera open mouthed yawning...uncovered ...Seriously how old is this woman??? Did no one ever teach her manners? The belching like a trucker over and over....the open mouth yawning .... She's absolutely disgraceful.

Everyone's tired....When asked will Jessica nap? Hannah replied " she doesn't really nap often" cough.....BULLSHIT...coughs....!!!! They absolutely will make her nap and THAT'S why Jessica gets up at 3am. trying to walk around keep busy and put space between her and Jess.

All in all this house, these people are the saddest most useless bunch of idiots I have ever seen.
It explains a lot for sure...the lack of manners, the rudeness, talking over one another,
Hearing her BITCH voice get mad while she's talking...and Jess in babbling...Val announces... " I will not compete! " while giving Jess a dirty look. ( such lovely parenting) Jess is wandering around talking to the voices in her head...yelling " BAD pooch" .....she clearly hates the dogs touching her.

This disfunctional household with untrained barking dogs, LADIES burping, belching, snippy comments, eye rolls, ....combined with the laziness.... And fighting for's no wonder Hannah has no job lives at home, Madison is an onlyfans wannabe porn star, and Jessica is a deranged psychotic card sniffer....

Screaming... CRUNNNNCH for 15 minutes...the 3 simpletons sitting together at the end... Ignoring Jessica... As she roams around....

Such wonderful parenting Val.'re a pig.
Hannah....get a life.
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Over medicated??
Agree. It's all BS!
So proud of her "Bachelors Degree". For what?! What a lazy waste!!
And for a Mother to encourage it makes no sense to me

Jess wouldn’t have a clue the meaning of Thanksgiving ! Her thankful is 2 helpings, nothing more. If there’s sadness it’s generated by Val Last years video of Thanksgiving Thursday they were opening Their PO stash. Not a tear in sight.
Agree, the anixiety and sadness are manufactured by Val for video content

You would think they could have one day off from the negativity, especially on such a day as Thanksgiving! The clue’s in the name! They have so much to be thankful for, yet still harping on about anxiety and sadness. It would be a different thing if Jess was bringing it up, but Val seems to be fixated on it. Jess couldn’t even remember crying about her grandmother. They really need to count their many blessings instead of constantly focusing on their perceived ‘severe anxiety / chronic illnesses’!
And while counting blessings what if they joined MOST a of the rest of the world and practiced GIVING????
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I started watching that video, but got fed up with it very quickly! I have never before heard any mention of them giving to others and by Jessica’s reaction it was clear that it was news to her too. What was that trying to hide the money that someone had sent? Hannah tried to be sly about it - did anyone else notice that? Once again, a really awful video.
I only made it till Val walked Jess down the hall. You could just see in Jess's face that she didn't like anything she got. I assume that the "good ones" tune into see Jess not Hannah and Val! And seems like gifts are drying up. And why do they feel the need to send money???
Jessica is just very unstable lately and she is looking more deranged than usual 🙄
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I noticed that too. Another thing is that Jessica seems even more insecure and needy for Val when Hannah and Marlow are together and they ignore her! None of those 3 really wanted her there and I think she was supposed to be napping. This Vlogmas crap is for them, not Jess!
They only want her around for financial gain, exploiting!

I did report the one video for violence on Instagram. The slapping just sends such a poor message that’s it’s ok . Considering many followers have their own mental health issues they could mimic thinking it’s acceptable behavior. So just maybe Val pulling away in the ornament vlogmas was Instagram telling her to tone down the encouragement of face slaps. I would love to think reporting could impact Val encouraging this because it’s just needs to stop. So I encourage everyone to report all slapping videos on all her platforms to see if we can put a stop to her saying violence is ok.
Violence AND plagerizing music!

Arrrrgggghhhhh…..Not ONE of them knows how to use a whisk!!!!!! I couldn’t finish it…🤪
Yes I’ve noticed they all lack any kitchen skills!

Followers are so mean if someone even makes a suggestion. It's like a cult.
And Val with all her excuses!
Val is full of excuses, It’s sickening!!

We need to keep a list:

1. Val rarely buys desserts
2. Jess rarely naps
3. Madison doesn’t like to be on camera
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I watched a video yesterday where Jess called Val at 2 am to apply a bandaid to her leg because “she might pick”. Someone in the comments asked why can’t she be taught to put her own baindaids on, Val’s response, due to he cp there are places she’s unable to reach. Hey Val please share what part of Jessica’s leg can’t she reach, you should work on that, now that at the age of 35 she can say oink, moo, and cockadoodle do.
Wait…. She can reach to pick but NOT reach to place a Band aid?? 🤔
Who truly buys this shit?
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winnie woo

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If you read thru Val’s blog history she had to fight for that autism diagnosis because nobody did believe that was it and finally years later she got someone to diagnose it
She had to travel out of State for the diagnosis. A teacher asked Val if she ever considered Jess to be psychotic believing her self talk to people inside her head was not to real people at times. , just part of her psychosis. This is not autism echolalia, I find it extremely disturbing, especially the creepy laugh and head shaking after some of her conversations with herself.
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Vals mother may look sweet and quiet. But please believe me shes a very hurtful old lady. The way she spoke to jessicas teachers and dinner staff etc often had them reduced to tears.she used to turn up to visit Jessica with Val,and instead of waiting until lessons were over,she would go along the corridor into jessicas classroom and disrupt the lessons. When she was asked on multiple occasions to stop doing it she screamed in staffs faces. I know this as fact as my son in law was working 2 days a week in the school when Jessica was there. Jessica was violent on numerous occasions and the majority of the other children were scared of her and refused to go near her. Even the parents of the other kids were scared of her temper ,and on 2 occasions she attacked 2 parents. Val and her mother blamed the other parents etc. They have raised a violent lady whom no one can tolerate and no one likes. And as time goes on it's getting more and more put of hand.
I totally believe this - I’ve always thought that the grandmother was very harsh looking. Such a disservice they’ve done Jess, so sad. 😢
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