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I'm watching the live stream, val already had to bribe her into acting right! I asked twice already if Leo and Lora are coming for Thanksgiving. No comment!
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This mornings video like most of them are such a f-ing joke! Did we get Zoe for me, dead Abbie, and lost count on the slapping! Oh and dont forget "Where was Zoe when Abbie died"!!! WTF why this fascination with death! Plus how they gave up Disney to get Zoe...hell one trip out of about 6 they do a year! Val get a backbone and stop with letting her talk nonsense! REDIRECT HER!!! None of your lame brained good ones are even up for these crap videos!
And like Lots to Say mentioned patting is no longer mentioned it just always slapping!! And Val you cringe everytime she does it!!!!
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Seriously bratty Jessica forgot her cards and Campbell had to send a picture of proof? This is how they baby her and make her the way she is. Idgaf what they say they are ridiculous with the way they are with her. Should’ve told her she left them at home and that’s it. You want to stress over it we go home and don’t go out to eat. But nope baby the baby.
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That ham looked gross, maybe it’s different in the south , I’m from Canada, we called that ham Black Forest ham, we don’t fry it to death, it’s already cooked, canned beans should be heated not cooked. I don’t like orca, but I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be burnt. I know one thing for sure I couldn’t eat at the same table as Jessica. She won’t touch butter or egg in the kitchen, but knuckle deep in greasy food and dessert products. I follow a lot of autism pages as well I have a 17 yr old autistic granddaughter who I’ve babysat all her life while my daughter and her dad work. Greedy Pig with no table manners is not an autism trait.
This is such a good point! She won’t let one bit of anything touch her fingers while she’s “cooking” without going straight to the sink yet she has no problem touching every single food item no matter what it is on her plate to shovel it in her mouth and at this point that makes no sense other than that is her excuse to do nothing and just wait for it to be done so she can eat it.
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So one of the biggest triggers for people with autism are bright lights and loud noise. I know some with autism would not go to such an event with all that stimuli.
We say that about Disney world. If she has seizures she shouldn’t be riding the roller coasters because of the speed, jerking, lights and noise. My sister has epilepsy and we would never even ask her if she would like to go on a wild ride. But Disney is Val’s special place and she talks Jessica into liking it too. By bribing her with chicken nugget ps and chocolate cake.

OMG, at the end of the boat video, they are pulling her backward in her wheelchair. How disgraceful, treating her like they were dragging a tree home from the tree lot. Try to give her some dignity, Val. You always manage to do humiliating thing to her.
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Apparently common sense is a plant that doesn’t grow in these people’s garden. If they make Jessica go to bed at 8-9 every night, then hell she’s had a full night’s rest by 4 am. They throw a 2 or 3 hour nap in daily for a 35 year old woman then she doesn’t even need 7 or 8 hours at night. And letting dogs sleep with in the bed with you & then wonder why they wake you up. Never witnessed anyone more clueless than this lot.
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I just watched Val in this morning’s video and what was that all about. She talks about work she has to do so why make the video?? Then the Vet plans change that Jess was supposed to do with a helper? Now Marlow has no name, just the helper?? Then she is going to take Jess to the vet with the dog but THEN she says they will run errands and do something fun??? WTH is it are all over the board on this one! I believe she is cracking up! Stay home, do your work and let your kid flip cards for the day....
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winnie woo

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Is anyone else sick and tired of them saying, "Ohhhh my goshhhh!" at every single thing?Also, Campbell and Hannah's cooking video was very stilted and awkward. They acted like they were strangers, who had never met before. It reminded me of two science students, who don't know each other, being assigned to work together to complete a lab project.
I’m sick of them say. How is it? I like it! Goooood!!!!
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If they don’t answer any other question, you can always bet they will be sure to answer the ones who needs their address to send a gift 😑
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Well, well, well guess who is putting Jessica’s clothes away???? MARLOW of course. And instead of putting her socks away Jess had thrown them in the dirty clothes basket! When Val asked her to put them in the drawer she said no!!! She said she does not like to do that...wth! Guess she figured since she had put the bras away that was plenty. I would kick her ass all the way to Kansas!!! She is not Autistic just mentally ill and manipulative! I know small children who have chores and do them! My boys put their socks, undies and jammies away when I was doing laundry when they were littles....and never bitched about it. I can't believe that they did not edit that out. More lies Val that Jess does chores....hell no Marlow, the servant of the whole family does them. I wonder if the government agency who pays her knows she is just the Brooks paid maid!!!
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Someone else mentioned a few posts back about how greedy Jess is with everything not just food. I’ve thought about this before, how they always blame the school and past teachers on Jess’ obsessions with food and of course a lot of the followers go along with it. But she’s literally that greedy and selfish with all of her things, food, cards, CD’s, coloring books. It’s who she is because she was allowed to be. It’s engrained in her personality now. It’s hard to believe that Val has been so guilt ridden most of Jessica’s life that she couldn’t see the monster she was raising so if she’s tired of it now, it serves her right.
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Oh, Leo & Lora bought a house in Chattanooga & are gonna move in Dec. Wonder if they will have the fam in the business?
I know at family gatherings I wouldn’t want my family and children near those freaks!!!

Oh geez. A bigger studio. I would disown my kid for doing porn.
On all the last videos they show pictures of Campbell extremely busy at the computer. 💁‍♀️ I know if that was my child I would be so embarrassed especially with the fetish that is Lora’s specialty 💩 It’s bad enough to do porn period but that’s some kinky stuff that’s just 🤮 I don’t think I could get past that as a parent. To work so hard to become a doctor then throw it all away for this !? It must be the families back up plan no pun intended 😂
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Band aid stuck to her forehead again like a toddler. And Susan830 please dont cut back on your posts.i enjoy reading them.😊
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Has anyone seen the reel of Jess eating with nonnie and grandad. It is so gross and disgusting I don’t think I want to eat again for a month. She puts all of her fingers in her mouth when eating and eating a cookie her eyes and face was like a drug addict feeding their addiction
I was going to say this same thing! It was so disgusting! Hunched over shoveling food in her mouth, I think she dang near bit off her own fingers! And then just wiping her hands all over her crumb filled shirt! I would not allow my child to eat like that in public much less an adult! I can’t understand how they aren’t embarrassed to eat out in public with her!
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It was , I saw Val say that in the comments when someone asked brand. Last thanksgiving Val unwrapped the Pampered Chef air fryer that sat in their kitchen unused, the toaster oven is also an air fryer, that brand sells on Amazon for over 400$
That Pampered Chef oven is expensive but they couldn’t use it because it scared the dogs when turned on. Like omg the dogs even dictate the house rules. I think of Val and I know raising a disabled person is a big undertaking. But it could have been easier for her and Jessica if she wasn’t such a witch. Why couldn’t she just found a better way to communicate with school staff and supported them as well as Jessica ? Being nice and kind goes along way. Sure we know our system is broken when it comes to education for our kids disabled or not disabled. But the way you change that is by getting involved in the process. Building something up has so many more benefits then tearing down. Just imagine how far Jessica could have come if Val and her mom didn’t block these caregivers from doing their jobs. She wants to have all this praise for being a nurse well our teachers and caregivers are just as praise worthy!!! Showing them some respect could have helped her significantly. And not only them but her other children. She spent her whole life being angry at the fact of how her life changed because of Jessica. I get that as well but she’s just became so numb it just smothered out other options. It’s her way or no way ! Well how’s that worked out for you Val ? Hannah is a basket case and your son is a disgraced doctor and now a butt happy porn star. The best thing they could do for Val is all walk away and say you created this mess now clean it up. It’s not that any of us here lack empathy we are saying it never had to be like this for Jessica. Even now it’s not to late. Things have changed since Jessica last left school and there’s more funding and beautiful homes for Jessica to live supervised. She would live amongst her peers , community inclusion, job coach , vacations , activities and staff who truly care. Everyday could be running errands vs counting cards. Maybe someday she’ll own up to her part on how she failed Jessica because of her of selfish ways.
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There’s 2 hours left of the live if Val makes it. Jessica has not arrived yet and she has packages to open. I’ll say one thing for ole Val, she timed this so as not to have to control Jessica hardly any. I hope she comes in fired up!
Me too...they are begging Marlow to stay...only because she will be the one handling Jessica later....Jess will be fired up, rude, cranky, demanding ...asking 100 times what's for dinner? Is her Bessy happy??? Ripping open packages like a greedy animal....Val making excuses for her....

I'm wondering if Marlow is on the spectrum....Seriously the excessive talking, saying she thinks she's always getting on everyone's nerves... SHE DOES...the screaming!!!! OMG!!! She's so..loud!!!!! Still burping out loud....Its the Marlow Show.
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Val uses autism as the excuse for everything because it's such a large umbrella...this infuriates me being the parent of a REAL autistic child.

The diagnoses of autism is not an excuse for bad behaviour, violent out bursts, laziness, rudeness, etc...

Autism isn't a get out of jail free card... As a nurse Val should know better. When children display " severe" anxiety, lack social cues, display aggression etc... We as parents, care givers are suppose to TEACH coping skills, TEACH them tools to navigate through such behaviours, redirect and help them! Not allow lying, slapping, laziness... Etc... How does this help ??

Proper sleep, healthy foods, exercise and routine...consistency is crucial. Jess as I said is feral....shes up 1/2 the night because she's napping every day...She's lazy because she's allowed to not participate or help at home. She has Marlow her slave to do everything while Jess sniffs her cards all day, pretends to be a nurse, and obsesses over how many bags of chicken nuggets and boxes of cake mix she's having for dinner.

They feed into her lies.... My autistic child ( 24 yrs. Old) does volunteer work at the local animal shelter 3 days a week... And can HONESTLY say she works, and be proud of herself. We don't feed into delusion and lies it's just cruel.

There is serious mental illness with this entire family ... And claiming its autism is a disgrace to those who are truly on the spectrum.

At 36...Jess should be comfortable in a routine, understand LYING is not acceptable, manners are important, helping around the house is mandatory being apart of the family unit. Eating and food and all her obsessions should of been dealt should of been taught to her on a daily basis ... Along with personal hygiene. Dressing up in scrubs and allowing her to LIE claiming she's an RN... Is beyond sad.

I just can't with these people.
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Me too...they are begging Marlow to stay...only because she will be the one handling Jessica later....Jess will be fired up, rude, cranky, demanding ...asking 100 times what's for dinner? Is her Bessy happy??? Ripping open packages like a greedy animal....Val making excuses for her....

I'm wondering if Marlow is on the spectrum....Seriously the excessive talking, saying she thinks she's always getting on everyone's nerves... SHE DOES...the screaming!!!! OMG!!! She's so..loud!!!!! Still burping out loud....Its the Marlow Show.
And she supposedly is on "mental health meds"! Could you imagine her without them. I have always been irritated by her. I know folks feel sorry for her but she could get a real job too and move away from the loony Brooks family!!!! She is very
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