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OMG folks...this mornings video about dead Abby and why did she die and Zoe why did we get her, slapping and what's for dinner? Plus Val told her to put her clean clothes and bet you 10 to 1 Val will end up doing it! Jess just does not want to do it for the love of all that is holy stop putting those stupid bright bandaids on her when she goes with Marlow!!! She wears flesh ones when she goes with family! Jess looks like a zombie again and can't think at all!!!
Val seemed like she was annoyed in this mornings video with all the same questions did you get Zoe for us blah blah.
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First of all Val, why so vague, explain this fixation issue! Why should the whole family give up gatherings? You say it’s not all about Jessica but sure sounds like it. It’s a family effort? That’s great Val but what are you going to do when there’s no one left to help. Not everyone has caregivers and lazy siblings with no life. Most people work. And why such secrecy about Hannah’s mystery illness that affects her heart, her intestinal issues, fatigue, chronic shoulder and back pain, an illness that caused her life to be touch and go! It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Could it have been a drug overdose that almost took her life and scripting it as a mystery illness with debilitating ongoing issues. Why would you allow Jessica to make all your lives hell when we’ve seen that a firm voice saying Stop seems to work. All of her behaviours are not anxiety. You tried everything you could? No Val, you had every opportunity for Jess to have that joyful life you speak of but instead you blamed, doctors, dentists, bus drivers, caregivers, teachers, schools, in home therapists, anxiety, blindness, mild cp. No one in her life understood her or measured up. No one knew better than you, so Val your life is what you made it. Free Hannah if it’s not to late before you screw up her life more than you have now. Jessica is your problem, suck it up buttercup! And yes Val, it is all about Jessica, it’s obvious it always has been!
Hannah needs to be far far away to have any chance. Don’t you think it would bother Val to realize what a mess she has made and there is no chance of ever having grandchildren? And I’d say zero chance that Hannah or Madison will be around to are for Val and or Jess in later years, but won’t be too long with the lifestyle they live.
I agree, so much secrecy about Hanna’s made up illnesses, maybe it was an overdose????.
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Like I said earlier wonder what happens off camera! I watched it again and did you all notice that Val keeps turning her head as far away from Jess because Jess is getting closer and closer to her lips!
FrenchieMama that finger sniffing is so gross. You know she does not wash her hands, just runs water over them and wipes them on her shirt! She is so frickin feral! Great parenting went on there! I would never, ever let her touch me!
I just got around to watching the live stream & I can not believe they left it up after Jessica asking about the limited number of gifts. My jaw literally dropped. If it were me, I would have said no more PO Box. It would be shut down. But also, if it were me, I would not have allowed viewers to send her stuff except maybe on special occasions to begin with. How did they not see that allowing excessive gifts every week was not going to spoil her even more than she already is? She would not have a phone after the first time she woke me up in the middle of the night with some ridiculous ass text about a dog “just don’t need it”. Unbelievable!!
She should not have the phone in her room
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Chatty Member
I can't even find WHERE to make a new thread.

I can't even watch the 'whisper game'...
Hanna has already complained to Marlow that she can hear her when she's the one who's practically yelling! And of course they're drinking AGAIN! Hanna put some clothes on! She sure doesn't like to be the center of attention 🙄 You're an egotistical idiot!!
She’s such a show-off - I can’t stand her and those awful faces she pulls. I won’t be watching the stupid video. 😋
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winnie woo

VIP Member
I noticed that too. Another thing is that Jessica seems even more insecure and needy for Val when Hannah and Marlow are together and they ignore her! None of those 3 really wanted her there and I think she was supposed to be napping. This Vlogmas crap is for them, not Jess!
Maybe Val pulled away from the slap/Pat because she noticed the little nose pick Jess added for extra added enjoyment along with the fish lips mew sounds of discontent.
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I've been doing a lot of thinking. I have never,ever known of a family with the amount of health issues and problems the Brooke's family have. A 35 year daughter with numerous undiagnosed mental health issues, her mother will only allow the word Autism, and that's questionable if a doctor actually said that or said possibly. A divorce from Cambell many years ago,but they are now living back in what was the family home. A son who is actually very clever,and hes thrown it away for porn videos with his wife. A 30 year old daughter who doesnt work.doesnt go out unless it's with her mother or disabled sister.has a host of chronic undiagnosed health conditions apparently. Campbell who wanders aimlessly about every day. Val,and its becoming more evident, has multiple mental health issues herself.then the grandparents, who are very sly. They know all this but continue to be or pretend to be a sweet old elderly couple. She forgets she gave various teachers and bus drivers and other school staff such a terrible time they were left crying and shaking. And to top it all of Val thinks going onto social media will make them all money. And idiots actually send them gifts and money weekly. She cant control jessicas eating. One day food will get lodged in her windpipe and Val wont be able to save her. It's like a book. A fantasy book. Bit its actually all real. I'm in such disbelief. I just am stunned. Nothing else to say.
It is so sad and dysfunctional beyond belief.

But Val claims that Hanna doesn't like being the center of attention.....another lie.

She totally sucks at this game! If your education is sign language shouldn't you be able to read lips?!
Add it to the list of lies!
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Not sure why that didn't post the first time.
Lol I hope it was Val and Campbell and reading it here is how they find out! Ha! 😂🤣

I thought I had read something about them finding out about the porn stars earlier on?? Maybe in the summer? Or maybe they’ve known for a while?? Anyone know?
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I think it would take more than a few weeks for Hannah to actually come to the realization that her mother is sick! She has witnessed to many things. She believes in her own mind that these illnesses are real, because she's probably been told over and over as a child this is what's wrong with you. Every one of her children is screwed up in some sort of way. Val is Truly a mentally unstable woman. Hannah, being a adult woman I think is controlled by Val. If she would get out and meet new people and actually see the real world she might realize,Hey Somethings wrong with this whole situation! Just like her son Leo, he met that woman/man, and dropped out of college and got into pornography! Who does that? It seems he did it out of spite, knowing his mother would hate it! Jessica is a Full blown ******,and val,Hannah, will never stop what there doing to her,and have done to her as long as They are making money! That's a absolute shame!!
Leo is a full fledged physician. He was a Resident in Neurology when he left medicine. You can Google him.
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Chatty Member
Twitter and Elon Musk are a nightmare right now it’s been all over the news everyone has been cancelling their accounts.
I for one cannot believe the 3 of them did not hear that fart it was so loud but Val was screaming messages from the couch to Hannah at the time. Did anyone hear Jess out of the blue yell Val mom I love you and Val did not respond back. Jess was manipulating because she was in trouble.
Thanks! Makes sense now.

Susan830: Thanks for the info on the fork on lips in relation to eating disorders. Always learn something new.
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VIP Member
Okay just watched Christmas decoration shopping and no one is going to convince me that Val is not on something some happy pills/drugs! Look at her eyes her speech her memory/thinking about what they are trying to do. This is so extremely sad to me because I know several people with addiction and substance abuse issues and they are never the same person they always want to stay home and not capable of normal behaviors. We know Hannah is on pain pills and Xanax. We know Jess is on Xanax and Val is on Xanax at very least. I could give a crap about them decorating for Christmas bottom line they need help and needed help yesterday. These are life threatening and Xanax is one of the worst to come off of. Terrible delusions etc…..for the first time I am very very concerned. If their family cares enough they will do whatever it takes to get them help.
I noticed Hannah slurring at the beginning....both seemed pretty high!
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