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If you read thru Val’s blog history she had to fight for that autism diagnosis because nobody did believe that was it and finally years later she got someone to diagnose it
And who knows if it was even part of A Diagnosis or a Dr who told her it could be on the spectrum just to get rid of her!!
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They have no more control or discipline over those dogs than they do Jessica. They pretty much let them run their lives too because it’s easier I guess than it is to train them or be consistent. They can’t even leave their house unless someone is there to sit with the damn dogs. Can you imagine your entire life being controlled by your child or your pet?

And will people really sit and watch them do absolutely nothing interesting for 5 straight hours today?!?!
Those dogs should have been kennel trained. Just put them in one with a comfortable dog bed and go run your errands.

Greedy Guts Jessica is home....of course wanting to open boxes immediately ...and asking " how many? " " how much"? Is there money?? "

Disgraceful behaiour.

She hates empty cards they mean nothing to her.

If Val actually took money to teach the dogs obedience in a dog school 1/2 the chaos in that house would be gone...the fact they have to remove the barking dogs upon Jess's arrival says it all.
They spend SOOO much money on eating out, fast food, and stupid things....use that money to train your dogs!

Of course Jess is obsessing about food .....while rubbing cards on her nose.

Did you hear Jess ask Hannah... " is Daddy coming home today? " but they don't live together right....*wink* *wink* ....can't let the government know Bad Daddy still lives with Val!!
Jessica ask that on last live if Campbell was around. I think she knows he won’t tolerate her crap.
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Here’s the answer to is Leo and Lora actually Val’s son and daughter-in-law. Here’s some pictures to say yes yes and yes !!

Oh they have blocked me on Facebook and shadow banned my comments on Instagram and YouTube. 😂 But I have my friends here so I am good. 💕
In previous blogs when anyone asks why Madison and Sara aren’t in videos when they visit the answer Val always used was that “they don’t like being on camera and we respect their privacy”!!!!!!

Sarah/Lora is so not attractive. I would think that having sex everyday, with different people, would take all the intimacy out of marriage . Definitely not a healthy relationship. It’s gonna blow up one day. And then what will poor Madison do then. Move back with the whole family and live off Jessica?
Wondering if Madison and Campbell have a trait or what that keeps them around women who are definitely not doing what’s best for themselves or the man in their life?

I get that as well but she lives a very unhealthy life of eating which I feel since taking care of Jessica has only gotten worse. Sure medications have side effects but hers I feel is from being with that toxic family. Anyone who hangs with a family like the Brooks are going to eat unhealthy, end up depressed needing medication and isolating themselves from normal society. I don’t think Marlowe working for them is good for her mental health. I think they weigh her down and because of her kind nature they take advantage of her. Now she use to be Madison’s girlfriend years ago. Just wish she would break away from the toxic friendship and go find herself. She seems to be into the same rut as Hannah. A young woman like herself shouldn’t be living in a relatives basement and only employment caring for Jessica. That has to be isolating, depressing, no future and can’t pay crap . I can see her as a nurse or a nanny. She has so much to offer and needs to get as far away from that family as she can.
Yes, if Marlow were to get a real job and have a social life away from this family the change would be immediate I think

Awkward interview to say the least. Did Jess really need her cards?
Where and when was this posted?
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I somehow missed her sitting in Keely’s lap. How long ago? I have heard Jessica call her “my girl” on more than one occasion. Val stops family time and outings due to her obsessions. This one needs to be stopped for sure.
Does anyone know if that video is still around?
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Also this is the whole reason they are all so tired and lack of energy. If any of them tried to quit cold turkey just on Xanax not including opioids they are very likely to have seizures and is life threatening. They would either need to have a doctor help them gradually or go to hospital setting where it can be monitored. Val being a nurse knows this!!!!!
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I've always thought if jess didnt have any disabilities, she would definitely be gay. I dont have a problem with that at all. What I do find disturbing is her obsession with women. Keely,Augustina,weird Lori/Lory. The old lady in the home she used to visit until she became obsessed with her and it caused problems.and Val cant or wont try and put a stop to it. Just another problem Val wont address. Can we all imagine what Jessica's behaviour will be like when Val passes or isnt capable of taking care of her any more? My god she will be out of control. If Val was to put her into an adult group home etc just one day a week,it would help Jessica get used to staff members and other disabled and blind not doing this for Jessica its complete abuse and extremely selfish of Val. Why cant her family see all this that we do on here? I just feel so frustrated at Val for her lies and greed. It's just so very wrong. And no mother puts herself before her kids. But Val does.

She looks older than Val. I still look at her and find it so hard to understand shes only 35.
The video where she is sprawled onV , looks like she wants to nurse! WTH
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Somebody pleeaassse teach Hannah how to use a knife. She has the worst knife skills I’ve ever seen. I’m surprised she hasn’t cut herself and needed stitches by now.
She learned from Val who also has no kitchen or knife or cooking skills
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Oh geez. A bigger studio. I would disown my kid for doing porn.
I don’t think I would want my son who gave up his career as a doctor to move his porn studio into my hometown. Why embarrass and humiliate your family any further? I am sure Campbell’s church can pray for their forgiveness. Can you imagine how mortified Nonnie must be ! I bet you a lot of whispers will be coming when they enter a room. I love the post from one subscriber to Campbell after he excitedly wrote all the family would be together on Thanksgiving. Maybe they are hoping getting him closer to them they could talk some sense into him to leave his nasty wife. I think she definitely the leader on this porn industry. As a mother I would hate her with all my being. Her son worked so hard and she just mind played him til he gave up everything!! I know he’s his own man but sometimes desperation causes people to make bad choices. Part of me just feels bad that a young man could be that brainwashed. I guess sex is a powerful thing. Maybe he needs to go to sex addict support groups.


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Maybe somebody already brought this up but the latest video of Val, Nonnie and Hannah going shopping. What does any of that have to do with autism? Jessica wasn’t even in the video.
They are justifying this one as their Wednesday out without Jessica. Care for the caregiver day..that nonsense! And you are right, nothing to do with autism!
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We have seen how they redirect her when they want to - they could easily offer her an alternative way of ‘showing affection’. They’re now taking every opportunity to say that they’re ‘love pats’ which is complete BS. Jess knows the difference between a pat and a slap, which was evident in a video where Hannah asked if she could slap Jess but Jess said no. Then Hannah asked if she could pay her and she immediately said yes. She’s more than capable of learning.
Val uses autism as the excuse for everything because it's such a large umbrella...this infuriates me being the parent of a REAL autistic child.

The diagnoses of autism is not an excuse for bad behaviour, violent out bursts, laziness, rudeness, etc...

Autism isn't a get out of jail free card... As a nurse Val should know better. When children display " severe" anxiety, lack social cues, display aggression etc... We as parents, care givers are suppose to TEACH coping skills, TEACH them tools to navigate through such behaviours, redirect and help them! Not allow lying, slapping, laziness... Etc... How does this help ??

Proper sleep, healthy foods, exercise and routine...consistency is crucial. Jess as I said is feral....shes up 1/2 the night because she's napping every day...She's lazy because she's allowed to not participate or help at home. She has Marlow her slave to do everything while Jess sniffs her cards all day, pretends to be a nurse, and obsesses over how many bags of chicken nuggets and boxes of cake mix she's having for dinner.

They feed into her lies.... My autistic child ( 24 yrs. Old) does volunteer work at the local animal shelter 3 days a week... And can HONESTLY say she works, and be proud of herself. We don't feed into delusion and lies it's just cruel.

There is serious mental illness with this entire family ... And claiming its autism is a disgrace to those who are truly on the spectrum.

At 36...Jess should be comfortable in a routine, understand LYING is not acceptable, manners are important, helping around the house is mandatory being apart of the family unit. Eating and food and all her obsessions should of been dealt should of been taught to her on a daily basis ... Along with personal hygiene. Dressing up in scrubs and allowing her to LIE claiming she's an RN... Is beyond sad.

I just can't with these people.
Val listens to Disney resort tv channel on YouTube as background noise while she works. She said this on this morning’s video showing everyone working. Never saw adults so obsessed with Disney vacations.
I caught that too. Most adult people listen to music or talk shows but nope she likes the noises of Disney 😳😳!!
she is a sicko.
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I am just so angry about Val’s take on slapping being love pats. It reminds me so much of many of domestic violence victims who say he did it because I deserved it or it’s way of showing he/she loves me. I think if enough people report this to all their pages as violence just maybe it will be made to be taken down. It’s sending such a horrible message!!
It is so insane to post that it’s not violence and justify it

Who's planning to watch 5 hours of BS tomorrow??
I have to work so I'm counting on you guys to catch the "real" comments! 🤣
No doubt they will begin drinking at 10 and be fumbling mumbling by noon, it’s sickening
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I can't even find WHERE to make a new thread.

I can't even watch the 'whisper game'...
Hanna has already complained to Marlow that she can hear her when she's the one who's practically yelling! And of course they're drinking AGAIN!
Hanna put some clothes on & shut up!! You're not that cute! She sure doesn't like to be the center of attention 🙄 You're an egotistical idiot!!

I got into about 5 minutes and nope I can't stand Hannah! You are so right on her trying to be cute! And first thing I noticed was the drinking....sad people who think they are all that and a piece of cake!!!🙄🙄🙄

But Val claims that Hanna doesn't like being the center of attention.....another lie.

She totally sucks at this game! If your education is sign language shouldn't you be able to read lips?!
I thought that too if you worked with hearing impaired folks. I can read lips and never had any training!
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Daisy0112 I dont actually think I've ever saw hannah and her dad actually sitting together talking etc. I always think the tension comes across whenever they are in the same room.

Deftones34 she looks like vals sister instead of daughter. I understand we all age differently, but surely a 35 year old woman shouldnt look 55. Maybe nonnie is actually her mother and Val brought her up x😶
Couldn’t they get her a cuter apron? Actually who uses an apron anymore? It looks like the kind my grandmother used to wear.
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You can find out so much truth by looking up her Autistic Interpretations page and reading her blog. She writes of being a teen mother and getting married. But then writes later about getting married at 20 and carrying Jessica at her wedding. This I think is when she married Campbell. Jessica was three at the time. So I think she may of married Jessica dad and divorced. Because in the blog it said mother and being married as a teenager. She didn’t marry Campbell til she was 20. For all her followers who get so angry when people say Campbell isn’t Jessica biological father need to read Val’s actual blog.

Sarah/Lora is so not attractive. I would think that having sex everyday, with different people, would take all the intimacy out of marriage . Definitely not a healthy relationship. It’s gonna blow up one day. And then what will poor Madison do then. Move back with the whole family and live off Jessica?
Hopefully now that he’s moved back to his hometown near his parents maybe they can help him get out of this unhealthy relationship. Just sad to see someone work so hard to become a doctor and then throw it all away. I think he’s so in love he’s blindsided by reality or needs help from a sex addiction. A marriage like that can’t end well. I hope they never choose to bring children into this relationship.


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I saw about the Community Acess for Jess. For her to interact with others while on the errands. But what may be a good thing for her is not for the community. How many people want to hear about her dead Granny, dead dog, dead Aunt Sue and her new doggie which is 2 years old! And be asked 50 questions about the person she corners. She does not need to learn their life history. They need to intervene when she gets to intense but they stand there smiling. Not good! Even on the live videos she obsesses over the good ones lives...what kind of dog, what color, how old and that goes on! Those people can just not answer because they aren't cornered in a store...

Just watch that post and I think that Val was more worked up than Jess but she kept egging Jess on! And Jess wished that teacher was in heaven....she wished her dead!!!! And Val was ok with that...lordy Val needs a ton of therapy! Why, why don't they redirect her instead of letting her bring up lies from 16 years ago???
They won’t redirect her because she is their source of income.
If other parents with truly autistic children have watched, they most likely question if there is really an autistic diagnosis like we do. As stated in Val’s old videos, she went to Dr after Dr until someone said autistic! Even then I wonder if the doctor really gave it as a diagnosis or probably put possibly on the spectrum along with mental and physical issues, but of course Val picks what she want it tio be 😟
Jess is not really autistic, she is severely mentally ill
The nuns in my Catholic School days could attest to my chatting ability! Nothing different now than back then!😄😊
Her teachers and house parents from about 20 years ago. It was a 2019 video. They were mean to her, made her stay in her room, would not feed her and Val kept egging it on so she would stay worked up. They are all lies and if it were true what the heck did Jess do to deserve it! I am sure she hit, screamed and swore all to get her way in everything. And then Val made her say it all got better when she came to live back at home!!! But at the end Jess changed her tune but Val got her right back where she wanted her hating them all and Val even mentioned a teachers name!
I think he was going to but then decided he wouldn’t because of “rain”. He probably got a call from home telling him to wait because they could mention it on video and a crispy would send them one.

I remember hearing her say that too. I was wondering if she got her feelings hurt. If she had any sense, she would find another job & get away from this family & their “job”.
I live in a cold weather state and gals around here don't wear them till it's cold and snowy! I just wear mine when I shovel! And mine are cute and I am old! I would not wear the kind she wears...

Well the video of them driving to the Vet yesterday is all about ear wax!!!! Yuppers, ear wax! Riveting 😆😵💫🤮! And how Jess was nervous to have her ears cleaned! I believe personal hygiene should not be shared! Hell she is 35 and should not be nervous and why would Val let them get that way? Laziness is all I can think of...smh
Yesterday begging for a microwave and today ear wax! Can't wait to see how much lower they stoop for the next video.
she is always digging in her ears and smelling it. She is so disgusting

Can you imagine dealing with Jess during her period?!? :sick:
Omg. She is so disgusting
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Another is Jack - he has blossomed into a fine young man with so many independent abilities because he was taught basic things and also taught respect and manners for his teachers.
Another is Jassmyn Voice. Tonight is one of their give sways. 50 people are going to a light show that received an iPod from them earlier for communication.
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