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There is no way Jessica is blind...period. Vision impaired yes...but this girl can see crumbs on the table 2 feet in from of her, see perfectly well enough to walk around in the house, the yard unassisted no cane? Really? Her eyes focus on what she WANTS to look at... FOOD and cards....the only reason she consistently asks... " what is it? " is for the interaction ...her response has always the same... " yup, you're right! " it's part of her mimicking script...
Like ... " she don't neeeeeeeeed it! " " did you buy your Bessy a dog? " etc... All mimicked memorized conversations...She even instructs others on what their response MUST be ...the tone..etc.. All obsessive behaviours. That's not " severe anxiety" as Val claims...when our child started to repeat herself like that... Our response was NOT to feed into it, make it a game... It was to TEACH her... " we've already discussed this " " let's talk about something else" having the same conversations 10 times a day for years is insanity. But then again allowing Jessica to pretend she's " studying" to be a nurse and that she's going to be independent and move out...all delusions being fed to's cruel.

Jess...repeats and mimics that's all. She doesn't poses the thought patterns of capability to talk about her feelings...because her feelings are only based on repitition, change and mimicking.... Change her food, her script, take away her chocolate cake....Change the same conversations she has 10 times a day every day...say.. " zoey doesn't neeeeeeed it" in a different tone and Jess...will tell you it's not right ....everyone must follow Jesse's way of thinking .....her obsessions with death, illness.... Abby, coach, moving out, nursing/studying....all nonsense she's fed...and permitted to obsess about day in day out...absolutely not healthy ...There is a manic element to Jessica that is not from autism but other other mental illness which I'm doubtful she's being treated for.

I notice Val never really says what meds or treatments Jessica is on. Jessica is severely mentally disturbed blaming autism is disgraceful ....that is not autism.

As for Jessica usually using utensils ...more lies. She manhandles all her food...wolf's it down like an animal while obsessing over how many are left? How many bags are left... More more more....She obsesses and hoardes.... She's feral, rude, and behaves that way because of lazy parenting and a mother who obviously has serious mental issues herself... Seems the lot of them are mentally manipulative and abusive.

At 35...and being under the care of mentally unstable Val, hypochondriac Hannah, bad daddy whose suppose to be divorced living at his own home who clearly doesnt...but does indeed live with Val... ( more lies clearly some tax benefit for Val. here taking advantage of the system as a single parent of an autistic child) we see you Val.
Jessica has zero chance to progress under the supervision of this sick sick household.

Clearly the face slaps that are being commented on....and the make our sessions Val doesn't stop are getting too her.
There's absolute no reason they can't teach Jess it's not acceptable to slap, squeel, rub people's faces, give them big long loud wet kisses....
They can teach her to be affectionate in other ways, hugs etc... It's laziness and fear of Jessica's anger. This family disgusts me.
Wallfly i totally agree with everything you just said. Well done. Its schizophrenia Jessica has. Her teachers wanted her assessed for it,until Val and her mother screamed they were never to say that again,they were to say jessica has autism. Val is a very emotionally dangerous person. Very disturbed and I so hope APS get involved.
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There is no way I would allow 500 decks of cards in my house. The way she is constantly smelling them and touching them with dirty hands, they are big time germ bombs. Greedy and disgusting. She should be allowed 25 decks and no more. The amount of dressers and cabinets she has for cards ,cds and clothes is ridiculous. If she has three dressers for clothes why do we see the same 5 outfits. Go through the dressers and clean them out, donate to goodwill. It’s overwhelming to have that much crap in one room. They are just feeding into her hoarding compulsion. She is always bumping into all the stuff in her room, what a mess.
And that closet!!! The floor is full of coloring books!! I’d go through all that crap while she’s with Nonnie and Granddad.
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So basically Val shipped off Jess to she could try to have some control being the control freak she is...while Marlow and Hannah..burp, beltch, talk over one another trying to get Val grimaces and gives them " the look" desperate to contain her bitchiness.

It's the half way mark and Val is completely frazzled ... She keeps complaining there's no clean pots, or spoons...yet there's THREE adults there! God forbid Marlow or Hannah fill the sink and wash up a few dishes!!

I have never seen a more disorganized house filled with the most narcissistic, lazy,childish attention whores in all my life.
And those dogs!!!!! They don't shut up!!! Zero training surprise there.

The squealing, screaming, infantile behaviour from Hannah and especially Marlow is beyond sickening. I didn't realize Marlow was such an idiot....loud, rude, no manners, open mouth burping...over and over...then whinning/giggling " I can't help it" . Seriously??? GROW UP!

Jess isn't even there yet...wait till that chaos starts Val is already at her witts end. Jess is already crazed at Nonnies... Where she shouldn't of been watching the live in the first place... These people are absolute idiots.
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Do any of you follow Jasmynn Voice? She is a beautiful young lady with autism. Her mom is an excellent example to others. They do a giving Tuesday each week and have given out many iPods to help the non verbal and are now giving away free passes to a holiday light show in their area. Val should take a lesson from her.
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They are getting rid of Marlow so Hannah can get paid to help Jess . They have to get money for that big house .
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winnie woo

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I love Zack...such a kind and polite young man. His parents have done a wonderful job with him!
So many wonderful families of autistic children out there and not one of them do fundraisers for their child’s new deck to slash in their inflatable pool and her next trip to Disney and shopping at the Disney Store. The most disgusting live I’ve ever watched. After watching this live with Jess, campbell and Val, I realized what they were really all about and it had nothing to do with autism or disability’s. Half way thru Jess asked how many days now?Val said 7…Since that fb live I haven’t been able to tolerate any of them. The whole family makes me 🤢
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Seriously bratty Jessica forgot her cards and Campbell had to send a picture of proof? This is how they baby her and make her the way she is. Idgaf what they say they are ridiculous with the way they are with her. Should’ve told her she left them at home and that’s it. You want to stress over it we go home and don’t go out to eat. But nope baby the baby.
This was so ridiculous! You know why they felt like they needed to send a pic for proof? Because Jessica is always so argumentative and always thinks she right about everything. Sending the proof was probably the only way they would get her to shut up.
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What really bothers me is the way everyone speaks to Jessica. This mornings video for example... Isn't Marlow suppose to be a hired paid " professional" she is more of a babysitter of a toddler.

Every conversation with Jess...from Jess is exactly the same. Not teaching her anything...just the same...
" are you a good one of a bad one? "
"Is your Bessy happy?"
" ohhhh Lord...dirty garbage mess! "
What's for breakfast, what's for lunch? How many? Can I have more? "

Marlow talks to Jess...asks her ridiculous questions ..snickers... And it's the same conversations 100 times a day. it calls Jessica " severe" anxiety... Her anxiety which is far from severe is due to that awful environment! I'd be stressed to bring asked the same questions a million times...barking jumping dogs, messy cluttered house, house full of loud mouths who don't work and are home all day...

One minute they are talking baby talk... And nonsense the next minute Jessica is being "independent" and studying for nursing and getting ready to move out...all nonsense!

I don't talk like this to my children...all nonsense for the camera.... Sadly...Jessica's future is exactly what we see....absolutely empty nonsense filled with lies that the family laughs at.

I can't stand Marlow...if she worked for me and spoke to my child like she was a toddler and laughed ....I'd slap the laughter right out of her.
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winnie woo

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I can’t believe they bought that ridiculous hat for Jessica. Those two idiots plan to totally humiliate a 35 yr old adult by wearing that hat in public, no doubt wearing a equally ridiculous bandaid on her forehead. Why do they find pleasure in humiliating her. Hey Val if it’s good enough for Jess let’s see you where it when it’s cold and you and Hannah have your Wednesday lunch with nonnie.
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winnie woo

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Jessica's meltdown is in the UTUBE video Haircut Day from 3 years ago. And I am sure it just a small dose of her anger that happens and why they are scared of her
Val of course makes it worse by feeding her shit instead of just putting her foot down and saying this is how it's going to happen!!! You can see the hate in Jessica’s eyes for that Ashley, the stylist. A perfect example of no control over Jessica without bribes.
there is also one on fb where she obviously threatened to hit over her lost phone. Search Facebook…Autistic Interpretations Our fun evening ended in a Meltdown.
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I watched Carrie Cariello tonight. She is an awesome autism Mom. It’s been said here her son Jack 18 is enrolled in a college program designed for not only autistic kids but those that all have their own mountain to climb. She spoke so eloquently, on how she relays on so much input from professionals, teachers, special educators, his paediatrician, neurologists phycologists, all those who guide her so he can become the best he can despite autism. She admits his anxieties, his OCD, all his shortcomings and considers their help a gift. She was hesitant to enroll him so far away from home but says he wasn’t going to learn social skills and acceptance upstairs in his bedroom. If he suffers the consequences due to breaking the rules, unlike Val she accepts that if A is not acceptable it leads to B. Her goal is to help him realize he is important but the world does not and never will revolve around just him with no regard for anyone else. They live in New Hampshire , her husband has a dental practice, 5 kids. They to date receive no funding. No grifting, The people that comment on her posts are a whole different breed, none of which like Val , think they know it all, make excuses by blaming everyone else for Their childs behaviours, at the same time recognizing their child’s disabilities. Her son is thriving , despite the bumps in the road that are to be expected. Val could learn so much from her. Jessica could have been so much more with a Mother like Carrie. Check out her fb page and some of her posts. Very impressive and helpful.
Very well said. She’s the perfect example of what an autism mum should be. She’s amazing. I could never imagine her sitting there and letting her son ‘love’ slap her - it just wouldn’t happen, nor should it. If Jessica had been redirected from a very young age to an alternative way of supposedly showing affection, this would not be a problem today and Val & co would not have to make daily excuses for her to try to justify the abuse. If it was genuinely a way that Jess showed love, then she’d be happy to receive it back! In a recent livestream video, Jess asked her mum if she could have a hug - interesting that she didn’t ask for a slap! She knows the difference very well. I really wish they would all stop making excuses for her bad behaviour and teach her that actions have consequences, special needs or not!
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I watched the video about the haircut day. If Hannah was doing an internship only three years ago that means she must been just finishing up college. You usually do your intern your senior year. Had she been in college for that long? Did she not work at all while she was in college? And if she just started the job she had before she decided she couldn’t handle life, she must not been working for very long at all. So basically she’s hardly ever worked a day in her life. She says she’s never getting married either. This girl seriously has no future. How the hell does she think she is going to survive? I’m not sure what she thinks her retirement plan is going to be. She’s really setting herself up to live in the streets by the time she is retirement age.
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The make out session during breakfast made me so nauseous so gross and weird. Her hand and mouth are constantly on Val don’t tell me she likes it.
And for the love of god there is no coach Jessica from 20 years ago in your life! Stop saying yes to avoid a meltdown and the whole concept is delusional so great parenting keep at it!
And why does she always stick both fingers up her nose to smell?
It is gross & Val walking away is a sure sign that she doesn't like it but again....whatever Jess wants, Jess gets!! Val didn't want to make gravy this morning so Hanna will! Spoiled brat!
I see alot more issues with Jess than just autism. I've worked with autistic kids for over 20 years....I'm not sure that autism is the correct diagnosis for her but there's probably more attention & money in that diagnosis by Dr Val!!
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It was very evident that Val didn’t like either the (hard!) slap or the kisses, even though she tried not to show it. She looked annoyed and actually recoiled at one point. That was a hard slap and you could tell it hurt - pity she didn’t nip that in the bud years ago.
Well since, according to Val, they are not painful and they are love pats not actual slaps (lies) I think everyone should encourage the pats from now on. All pats all the time!! And awkward kisses and scratches and sniffs! Do it!! Maybe she’ll relent and admit (probably not on camera) that it’s ridiculous and needs to stop.
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Oh God. No. That would never happen. It would upset Princess Jessica. Disgusting. I don't get how people still just keep sending these ungrateful people anything.
Sadly...I think some of these people really believe that Val and Jess..are demonstrating true autism ...and unless you actually live or work with'd never know the difference.

Autism is NOT an excuse for greedy, selfish, rude, no bounderies, hitting, slapping, manipulating....
That's POOR PARENTING....plain and simple.

Val has not taught Jessica manners,, sharing, calm hands, gentle touch to appropriately show affection, etc....

Autism is hard!!! Yes there's melt downs, sleepless nights, had habits that need addressing, just like ANY child...we teach them manners, not to slap, not to hit and fight, how to behave, how to ask, be kind...etc... Autistic children are no different they also require to be taught .... Sometimes it takes years, lots of love, patience, repitition, consistency from family and doctors etc....

But at 35... Jess is feral. Won't shower herself, brush her hair, keep her fingers out of her nose, keep her hands to herself, eat like a human with normal bites and utensils ....she is like an animal ...and it's all because of lack of parenting from Val...NOT because Val thinks shes autistic... Jess may have slight autism....but it's definitely not her main diagnosis and Val knows it.

So the people who are being lied to, manipulated into thinking this is autism...I feel bad for...but seriously ...educate yourself better before giving all your money and support to an unemployed stranger on the internet who is exploiting a real illness for trips to Disney and eating out 7 times a week.

Well Vlogmas 9 is Jess stopping paint on a wooden ornament but not touching it. Her mother finishes for her so her majesty can take her nap. Then we watch Hannah and Marlow acting like they are 10...making faces and giggling! Then Val has to paint hers and hold it in front of camera several times to make sure she gets enough approval...and bad daddy sitting in the background for most of it! I just don't know about these people 🤔🙄🤔
Yup 2pm on a ones at work because no one has jobs. Of course Val times it exactly at Jessica's nap time...even though yesterday Hannah insisted Jesse rarely naps...
Jess will nap till 5 get up beg for chicken nuggets...ask how many??? 10 times, eat chocolate cake still in her pyjamas then be put to bed at 8 pm.

What a life.
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So we didn't actually hear Jess say she got a dog so she wouldn't feel empty! Try again Val, we don't believe anything out of your mouth,
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winnie woo

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So Val and Hannah- You are saying Jess had fried mozzarella sticks fried chicken tenders fried tater tots and a huge piece of chocolate fudge cake with ice cream. So the exact same thing she orders most of the time. Why are we proud and so happy and cheering for her? I’m lost? No salad no vegetable no trying anything new. In fact you are encouraging this. Anyone understand?
Jessica said the word Excellent at the age of, let’s have a fu*kin celebration, Jessica has never been non verbal so what’s the big deal. I was humiliated for Jessica. Also why is it a big deal that this place had all Jessica’s favourites, every place they go has all Jessica’s favourites or they wouldn’t be going. Hey Val how about teaching her table manners, how to eat with utensils, brush her teeth and comb her hair, maybe you could hire a marching band and cheerleaders.
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Does Val not watch these and see how disgusting this video looks. Yuck her lips and hands all over her face I’m so nauseated
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Okay, I know I'm kind of late but I just watched the frozen pizza video. And they have to be trolling us! How on earth could anyone think that baking a frozen pizza would make good content for a video? I bet Campbell wakes up every morning and questions his decision to let them move in. I wouldn't be surprised if Val guilted him into letting them move in. I can just picture her saying, "But we'll be homeless. Do you want your daughters to be living out on the street?"
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