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Well now during the what's the deal lunch we learn Hannah can't hold a wine glass correctly because of her fine motor skills and shaking! I have never seen such poor acting. Picked up a fork and spoon with no shaking what so ever. WTH is wrong with her mental status! You are 30 and want things wrong with you? And the explanation for the shaking was very vague. I don't think she could make up shit fast enough. It's all so secretive!!!! And why do they all act like they are so well versed in the food they are eating? Do they now think they are food critics on top of being gourmet chefs??? And the air of superiority from Hannah and Val makes me sick. You guys are just pathetic human beings. Get lives, go to work and leave a caregiver with Jess!!! And Marlow needs to go! She is just a hanger on and I swear she is just waiting to get Madison back.😒😒😒
Why does everything make Hannah scared. She scared of a sleep study. Scared of holding a wine glass, scared of trying new foods. Scared to be anywhere away from home. Scared of getting a real job.
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I think they encourage the slapping just because we don't like it. For Val it is all about getting back at us.
This whole thing continues to astound me. Jessica’s mind is that if a child. Would any normal person co to use to let their child say they are going to slap people and then follow through with it hard enough to make you flinch? No, no they would not. She needs to be redirected every single time and told she is not allowed to slap but she may GENTLY pat if she wants to. The whole “joke” they have about slapping is not even funny. My two year old niece sometimes hits and I remind her that we don’t hit and to be “soft” and she will repeat that word and gently pat instead. That’s how you teach a child what is appropriate and what is not.
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How can Jessica not be aware of the time, she asks Siri what time it is every minute. The rule should be if it’s still dark out you can’t get up yet. 8 pm bedtime is for kids 6 and under not an ADULT. and why does Hannah have to get up with her dog, our dog had food out all day and ate when he wanted. We didn’t stand by him and watch him eat. What an idiot.
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I did notice Hannah sneakily slipped it into the envelope. That's when I quit watching. They disgust me with their greed and not paying anything forward to others.
Indeed! Just before that, she got Val’s attention and with her finger tapped the cash which was inside the card, whilst looking at Val. Val then signalled to her to put it in the envelope, which she did in a sly way. I don’t know what that was all about, but it was sickening to watch.
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I noticed a long list of excuses and justification on Instagram about why it’s acceptable for Jess to slap her Mother and others.
It also falsely states there are boundaries and she is sometimes told to pat on shoulder or back!!!!!!!! Anyone here ever heard her told that?????
if Val truly ever experienced domestic abuse she would NEVER allow slapping, period.
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OMG Jess’s greediness has been highlighted on this video. The only thing Jess cares about with Christmas is getting presents her Christmas tree and food for her! So sad she could care less about giving to others.

Their chit chat on this live is so dull and boring. For all those interested in progress of social media exploitation Disney has announced in some of their parks no video recording allowed. This is great progress!

It is so funny when Val gets stressed about something that happened and she loses every bit of retention and has no interest
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Good grief!!! The beloved daughter in law’s latest news.

Go back a page. I posted the conversation between them about “giving”. 😁
Oh goodness Lora....a medical set with that emoji is a dead give away that had folks had any doubts that Madison is Leo can now be dispelled!!! They are 2 of the sickest individuals I have ever seen. They are so far into sick stuff I would not even admit being related to them. And he does not seem that he is giving up porn anytime soon!!! And yet they acted like the fair haired boy was so wonderful when he was home for Thanksgiving! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
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winnie woo

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Did you hear Marlow say, “everybody needs to just calm down”? Val told her people get upset when they don’t see her for a while. I do think Marlow has a very good heart and is just trying to help Jessica despite the limitations Val puts on her. I hope she’s able to stay in Mama Jo’s house and have it for her own. She deserves that and took such good care of her when she was alive.
Marlowe lived and worked in another state before returning a couple years ago. She lived with Hannah for awhile! I don’t think Mamma Jo needed a caregiver, more like Marlowe needed a place to live. From Videos we’ve seen it looks like she owned a large estate, probably in lawyers hands yet to be settled. I still think there something to the comment Jess made regarding Marlowe not being her worker next year. On another note she should be grateful watchers care about her. I found her calm down comment rude. I hope she doesn’t consider being the brooks family paid maid, dog sitter, and all round pleaser of Jessica her calling and moves on. She has a college education,unlike Hannah I hope she gets smart and uses it.
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It's because Jess called her at 3:30 just to say Zoe just don't need it!!! Jess needs that phone removed when she naps or goes to bed for the night! There is no reason for her to do that shit but shows how selfish she is that if she can't sleep no one should be able to either! She knows what she is doing....
Val could block Jessica’s texts in the middle of the night. If something bad happens I’m sure Jessica would wake up the whole house with screaming. I would restrict that phone so fast. It isn’t like Jessica is away from them ever except when she is with nonnie or Marlow. And they have phones. They have made Jessica dependent on it for no good reason. She doesn’t need to constantly carry it with her, I don’t think anyone or anything is that important she has to answer it immediately. They did it themselves.
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winnie woo

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If and when Jess returns home she will be riddled with anxiety, if there’s not lots of cards, she’ll be bitchin and complaining and shuffled off to nap time. I can only watch a few minutes at a time. Why is Val so annoyed with Hannah both time she said she was scared, she told her Sto, very angrily, it’s not like it’s the stupidest thing she’s said. Top level dysfunction in that house.
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I just got around to watching the live stream & I can not believe they left it up after Jessica asking about the limited number of gifts. My jaw literally dropped. If it were me, I would have said no more PO Box. It would be shut down. But also, if it were me, I would not have allowed viewers to send her stuff except maybe on special occasions to begin with. How did they not see that allowing excessive gifts every week was not going to spoil her even more than she already is? She would not have a phone after the first time she woke me up in the middle of the night with some ridiculous ass text about a dog “just don’t need it”. Unbelievable!!
I agree! Absolutely no gifts unless viewers wanted to send birthday or Christmas gifts. Jessica is so self centered and greedy and the weekly gifts have made it ten times worse. And don’t even get me started on the phone thing! I would absolutely have a no phone at night rule! I guarantee you Jessica wouldn’t pull half the crap she does at night if she actually had to get her ass up and walk to Val’s room to say all this stupid shit. She would just lay in her bed and talk to herself all night and not disturb anyone else. But once again, Val feeds into Jessica’s obsessions and allows her to have that damn phone every minute of every day. In my opinion she shouldn’t even have a phone at all. Who allows a 5 year old to have a phone? Pretty sure no one and that’s around the age Jessica is mentally and they know it.
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I saw about the Community Acess for Jess. For her to interact with others while on the errands. But what may be a good thing for her is not for the community. How many people want to hear about her dead Granny, dead dog, dead Aunt Sue and her new doggie which is 2 years old! And be asked 50 questions about the person she corners. She does not need to learn their life history. They need to intervene when she gets to intense but they stand there smiling. Not good! Even on the live videos she obsesses over the good ones lives...what kind of dog, what color, how old and that goes on! Those people can just not answer because they aren't cornered in a store...

Just watch that post and I think that Val was more worked up than Jess but she kept egging Jess on! And Jess wished that teacher was in heaven....she wished her dead!!!! And Val was ok with that...lordy Val needs a ton of therapy! Why, why don't they redirect her instead of letting her bring up lies from 16 years ago???
If I remember correctly, she wished that of her old neighbors as well.....
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As a survivor of domestic abuse the whole slapping thing is horrible to joke about nor is it cute in any way shape or form! I don’t care what words you use to try to make funny or insist on is a form of showing love and affection. This is NEVER okay for Jess to do. It is not only irresponsible as a social media influencer but very disrespectful to teach her is okay to do to a parent. Teach her respect right and wrong. It is because of this I do not buy the Val story of domestic abuse in her past. Because this would be a trigger etc. Nobody can tell me this is her way to show affection. The hugs 20 minutes long to Augustina Lori and Keely we all have seen on your videos. She was completely fine with!
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Gramma of 4

Well-known member
I just got around to watching the live stream & I can not believe they left it up after Jessica asking about the limited number of gifts. My jaw literally dropped. If it were me, I would have said no more PO Box. It would be shut down. But also, if it were me, I would not have allowed viewers to send her stuff except maybe on special occasions to begin with. How did they not see that allowing excessive gifts every week was not going to spoil her even more than she already is? She would not have a phone after the first time she woke me up in the middle of the night with some ridiculous ass text about a dog “just don’t need it”. Unbelievable!!
I'm sure they left it up so people would think "oh poor Jessica isn't getting gifts, let's send her some". We know how Val operates...
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She blames everything on the Autism that Jess does not have and if she has it it's so mild! It is Jessica’s other mental issues. Besides schizophrenia, OCD and several more she is just a nut case. I assume if they didn't make her nap, got her meds right and took that damn phone away at night she would sleep. And she can be trained, yes trained sorry but true to stay in her bed until she hears someone get up. But I am sure Miss Selfish the world revolves around me would not have any part of that.
Just like Daryl could be trained to not wake up at fricking 4am.
Unfortunately teaching/training Jessica to stay in bed, not roam around waking up the household would require EFFORT on Vals part, she would need to be consistent but again that's work.
Val loves to be the victim...blame " autism" blame teachers, the doctors, etc...

She's lazy....selfish and lives in such a depression there's zero outlook for her...and it's reflected in all her children.
Jess is 35 and can't manage the basics that we teach our preschoolers, our non verbal autistic child is in her 20's, says please and Thank you ...has manners, respects boundaries understands to knock on a door....has been taught tools to cope with obsessing...etc... It is indeed " training" and worth the effort...but yes Val its work.

Also sleep was an issue and still can be at times... But we have an alarm that let's our child know when it's okay to come out and begin the day. She knows has been taught for the first 17 years of her life....

Val puts in ZERO work...I mean look at her..She's a mess usually in her pajamas, house is a pigsty, completely unorganized ....her "parenting " is clearly reflected in the behaviour of her children. The Dogs are wild, Jess is wild, there's no love, no respect in that house.
Yesterday Val said everyone's in bed by 8-9 ...Hannah even earlier! That's not normal...that's depression, that's hiding from responsibility...the dogs lay around sleep all day, just like the family.

Val has given up years ago....She's a professional victim.
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I think Val keeps her in a wheelchair because she a) doesn’t feel like making an effort to walk at a snails pace everywhere, (selfishness)
b) she doesn’t want to get hit/slapped by Jessica when she’s made to walk when she doesn’t want to (fear)
c) gets more sympathy/pity when she’s pushing around a deranged looking woman. I think she gets a high from being pitied.
what a joyful life!
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Val uses autism as the excuse for everything because it's such a large umbrella...this infuriates me being the parent of a REAL autistic child.

The diagnoses of autism is not an excuse for bad behaviour, violent out bursts, laziness, rudeness, etc...

Autism isn't a get out of jail free card... As a nurse Val should know better. When children display " severe" anxiety, lack social cues, display aggression etc... We as parents, care givers are suppose to TEACH coping skills, TEACH them tools to navigate through such behaviours, redirect and help them! Not allow lying, slapping, laziness... Etc... How does this help ??

Proper sleep, healthy foods, exercise and routine...consistency is crucial. Jess as I said is feral....shes up 1/2 the night because she's napping every day...She's lazy because she's allowed to not participate or help at home. She has Marlow her slave to do everything while Jess sniffs her cards all day, pretends to be a nurse, and obsesses over how many bags of chicken nuggets and boxes of cake mix she's having for dinner.

They feed into her lies.... My autistic child ( 24 yrs. Old) does volunteer work at the local animal shelter 3 days a week... And can HONESTLY say she works, and be proud of herself. We don't feed into delusion and lies it's just cruel.

There is serious mental illness with this entire family ... And claiming its autism is a disgrace to those who are truly on the spectrum.

At 36...Jess should be comfortable in a routine, understand LYING is not acceptable, manners are important, helping around the house is mandatory being apart of the family unit. Eating and food and all her obsessions should of been dealt should of been taught to her on a daily basis ... Along with personal hygiene. Dressing up in scrubs and allowing her to LIE claiming she's an RN... Is beyond sad.

I just can't with these people.
Totally agree! I have two young adults with Autism and would be appalled if they behaved like Jessica. They just wouldn’t be allowed to get away with it - and they know it! There are a few members on here who have a lot of experience with dealing with autism, either as parents or caregivers, and can see through the BS that is Autistic Interpretations. Sadly, a lot of the followers do not have this experience and so believe everything that Val & co say. It’s so frustrating that many think that Jess is a typical example of someone with autism and put her bad manners etc down to being on the spectrum. As you rightly say, it is not an excuse for such awful behaviour. It really bugs me too when Val makes it appear that she’s exhausted and doesn’t get a break - I am on my own with no support of any kind and I often wish that she could spend a day in my shoes! The followers buy into the ‘poor Val’ syndrome and encourage her to take time for her - can they really not see all the free time she actually has? All the support she has? It beggars belief, it really does.
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Val yells at Hannah like a child and she responds in her whiny voice like a child what? sorry? What did I do? So unhealthy!
You couldn’t make it up! Yet people tell them how amazing they are, what a wonderful family etc - not in my book!
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You couldn’t make it up! Yet people tell them how amazing they are, what a wonderful family etc - not in my book!
Val is a control freak trying to make things appear a " certain way"...and she has no patience you can see it on her face all the time, pulling away from Jess is a perfect example. As for Hannah...she behaves like a 14 year old... She's moved back in with mommy, has no job, everything " stresses" her.... She makes up constant illnesses because it gets her out of having to grow up and keep a job.

You know that house is filled with yelling, bitching, barking, cluttered dishes, screaming Jessica, everyone's miserable one works or has a life.

You know Val has put Jessica down for a 3 hour nap, Hannah is laying in her bed still eating popcorn getting up the live which she will monitor in case of REAL comments... Marlow went home to nap.

And when everyone wakes up in 3 hours...they will order in! And be back in bed after they eat.
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