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Who's planning to watch 5 hours of BS tomorrow??
I have to work so I'm counting on you guys to catch the "real" comments! 🤣
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Who has seen the new ice cream “What’s the Deal”? They have stopped to an all new low. Seven flavors of Little Debbie ice cream for Jess and Hannah to try and decide which is the best. There wasn’t any reason for Jess to try them. We all know she is choosing the brownie one. BUT never fear, Hannah gets each bite for her and feeds her like a baby. After choosing the crowning one she gets a bowl. But according to Val she doesn’t buy sweets. Stick a fork in me, I’m done.
Have you noticed how there doing the what's the deal food videos, being that she don't like doing videos no more there doing the pepperoni pizza, ice cream knowing she'll do anything for food!
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No, you’re not. I thought the same thing.

Bwahahaha 🤣🤣 I wonder if this will get edited out of the live. Jessica asks why she didn’t get very much today. Val says because it’s the season of giving, remember we talked about that, giving to those who don’t have very much. J wrinkles up her nose and says “no, we don’t usually do it that way”. Bwahahaha. Sorry, but that struck me as hilarious.
You can just see her greed come through on Greedy Thursdays! Makes me sick she feels that entitled! She may have mental illness but she is not stupid when it comes to the ne, me me attitude!
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Most likely they coached her with the word and then turned on the camera and produced a “show”
It's true...Jessica only REPEATS and mimicks...Jessica repeats what she obviously she was coached and repeated.

Nice try Val. Stop trying to take scheming advice from Hannah ....tell her to get a job a life.
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OMG who heard that loud growl crazy Jess let out at 4:59 it was like nothing I have ever heard her on camera! This was the real crazy! Just for that I would never never never let her have a dog ever again. She is going to kill one of those dogs one day!
I heard it too...scared everyone ....Val has no business having those dogs...she tries to force Jessica to want/love them...but she doesnt! I mean God for bid one walks by her, or steps on her foot... We saw how Marlow had to take them outside when Jessica came in...

Val is selfish.
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OMG folks...this mornings video about dead Abby and why did she die and Zoe why did we get her, slapping and what's for dinner? Plus Val told her to put her clean clothes and bet you 10 to 1 Val will end up doing it! Jess just does not want to do it for the love of all that is holy stop putting those stupid bright bandaids on her when she goes with Marlow!!! She wears flesh ones when she goes with family! Jess looks like a zombie again and can't think at all!!!
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I feel bad for the lady that sends clothes all the time , those pj’s were so cute but Jess didn’t care just kept looking for the next package . Idk why that person keeps sending stuff .
It’s called Inspiration Porn.

It’s called Inspiration Porn.
Sorry about the double post.

Well Vlogmas 9 is Jess stopping paint on a wooden ornament but not touching it. Her mother finishes for her so her majesty can take her nap. Then we watch Hannah and Marlow acting like they are 10...making faces and giggling! Then Val has to paint hers and hold it in front of camera several times to make sure she gets enough approval...and bad daddy sitting in the background for most of it! I just don't know about these people 🤔🙄🤔
It’s a kindergarten art project at best- except the teacher would have used tactics to keep Jess involved not let her just go off and take a nap. I bet Jess was an absolute horror to have in your classroom.
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Oh Val… that is such a piss poor excuse of trying to edit the word “slap” out of this morning’s video. First thing (almost) out of Jess’s mouth is slap. But after she says it a few more times Val tries to take the audio out. Never quite got the whol word silenced. I bet Jess slaps her 100 times a day.
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I just saw a post that Val wrote about Keely. Say she is a friend but Jess thinks otherwise! WTH does that mean? Like I have thought all along that Jess could be gay but does she know what that even means? I saw a video where Jess says she needs to be independent so she and Keely can live together and she can have dinner ready when Keely gets home from work!!!!! Keely is married! What are they feeding Jess??? This is sick...
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Greedy Guts Jessica is home....of course wanting to open boxes immediately ...and asking " how many? " " how much"? Is there money?? "

Disgraceful behaiour.

She hates empty cards they mean nothing to her.

If Val actually took money to teach the dogs obedience in a dog school 1/2 the chaos in that house would be gone...the fact they have to remove the barking dogs upon Jess's arrival says it all.
They spend SOOO much money on eating out, fast food, and stupid things....use that money to train your dogs!

Of course Jess is obsessing about food .....while rubbing cards on her nose.

Did you hear Jess ask Hannah... " is Daddy coming home today? " but they don't live together right....*wink* *wink* ....can't let the government know Bad Daddy still lives with Val!!
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winnie woo

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I can’t recall exact videos but I have definitely seen jessica threaten people when she doesn’t want to do something. She’s threaten to tell people to shut up, not be their friend, say she’s going to be mean to them and I even remember hearing her say she would hit someone one time.
Google haircut day for the nasty Jess video.
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Not sticking up for Marlow but if she is on "mental health" drugs as she calls them so many make you gain weight. I am on some and damn it's hard to not want to eat all the time! Plus I absolutely love how CBD oil minus the thc for anxiety works. I just feel bad that so many young people are having to be on these anxiety or depression drugs! I was already old when I started on!
I get that as well but she lives a very unhealthy life of eating which I feel since taking care of Jessica has only gotten worse. Sure medications have side effects but hers I feel is from being with that toxic family. Anyone who hangs with a family like the Brooks are going to eat unhealthy, end up depressed needing medication and isolating themselves from normal society. I don’t think Marlowe working for them is good for her mental health. I think they weigh her down and because of her kind nature they take advantage of her. Now she use to be Madison’s girlfriend years ago. Just wish she would break away from the toxic friendship and go find herself. She seems to be into the same rut as Hannah. A young woman like herself shouldn’t be living in a relatives basement and only employment caring for Jessica. That has to be isolating, depressing, no future and can’t pay crap . I can see her as a nurse or a nanny. She has so much to offer and needs to get as far away from that family as she can.
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Just saw that video - absolutely ridiculous. Interesting to hear Madison’s voice, but no mention of Sara. Also someone asked how long Madison and his wife were staying and Val replied that ‘he’ was staying for a week. Wonder if she’s not there? Doesn’t seem like she is.
They should have taken her home and left her with Campbell and went back and enjoyed dinner. She has to learn.
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Doesn’t interpret mean…give information about…or explain…And did Val say Thanksgiving was usually paper plates but she was pulling out the sentimental dishes. I have nothing against paper plates but I’ve never seen them use paper plates, guess they’re just for special holidays. The way they cook, paired with Jessica’s table manners and obsessive fixations on certain people I see a disaster. Thought they couldn’t do family events because of Jessica’s anxiety.then again it could be a crispy clownshoe convention with no family at all. Wonder if dessert will be Brownies from a box? Oh to be a fly on the wall. On another note, the bedroom windows in that house I love but the rest is butt screams cold and uninviting, and the layout boggles my mind.
Oh, I sure hope they do a Thanksgiving video!! I'd love to see the circus & the clowns! 🤡 Did anyone hear a man's voice at the beginning of this mornings video?? Madison?
It wasn't BD because he was outside with Zoey.

Agree, that house...some things are nice but the blood red walls would depressed me too!!!
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Chatty Member
OMG Jess’s greediness has been highlighted on this video. The only thing Jess cares about with Christmas is getting presents her Christmas tree and food for her! So sad she could care less about giving to others.

Their chit chat on this live is so dull and boring. For all those interested in progress of social media exploitation Disney has announced in some of their parks no video recording allowed. This is great progress!

It is so funny when Val gets stressed about something that happened and she loses every bit of retention and has no interest
I started watching that video, but got fed up with it very quickly! I have never before heard any mention of them giving to others and by Jessica’s reaction it was clear that it was news to her too. What was that trying to hide the money that someone had sent? Hannah tried to be sly about it - did anyone else notice that? Once again, a really awful video.
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Am I the only one who does not eat naked waffles no matter what the flavor?? They all just pick them up and eat them with their fingers. I guess I am more civilized since I eat mine with a fork! And why in heavens di they have to make cake mix flavors. The ones today had to taste like dessert 🤮🤮🤮
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"Jess really enjoys kitchen projects lately"...what a joke. She only enjoys it because it means food for Miss Greedy to stuff on her mouth!
And this mornings videos is she is working on her coloring books! Working!!! Pick one up, open and smell it then put it on the pile. She is just moving from one pile to the other. Why does she smell them like that?? I bet she spends 80% of the day in her bedroom...just the way Val likes it!
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The make out session during breakfast made me so nauseous so gross and weird. Her hand and mouth are constantly on Val don’t tell me she likes it.
And for the love of god there is no coach Jessica from 20 years ago in your life! Stop saying yes to avoid a meltdown and the whole concept is delusional so great parenting keep at it!
And why does she always stick both fingers up her nose to smell?
Seriously! Like Jesus Christ I could not stand someone constantly in my face like that! Her breath probably stinks because she can’t even brush her teeth on her own. “Coach” was a swimming coach that Maddison and Hannah had like 15 years ago or something like that, Jessica is so delusional because I don’t even think Jessica participated in the swimming with them so it wasn’t even her coach! Jessica is just disgusting, she scratches all over her body and then sniffs her fingers all day long every day 🤢
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