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Chatty Member
Ugh not another one. Who can afford to subscribe to all these podcasts? I understand they have to make money but surely the ads pay for that
Yeah something needs to change with the subscription model. They need to bundle heaps of content creators together to make it work.
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Was listening to Outspoken this morning and they really do think they’re like “influencer level” famous hey!
The latest one to have her hens do, Sophie(?) sounds like such a punish/bridezilla! I’d hate to be the other two and have to organise that!
And of course they went in to bat for Loz Curtis!
Girls, don’t worry NONE of these iNfLuEnZaS are listening to your pod! You don’t need to suck up! 😂
Have they finally surfaced from Sarah's Days asshole!?
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New member
I thought the girls get off campaign was pretty gross and took it a step too far (especially sending the pr package to Gemma's house ) I do think that it should maybe be a little reminder about how visible her life is. I have kids the same age and there's no way I would share posts of them at locations that would be identified in real time if I had a large fan following. No way..
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Megan Pustetto of So Dramatic really, really annoys me. She pumps out the same stories over and over again, with zero facts, all of the clickbait, and seems intent on being the 'it girl' based on whoever is popular at the time!

She claims to be a 'journalist' but has no journalistic ethics or integrity, and her reporting is very much on par with the Daily Fail wannabes.

She’s also the biggest virtue signaller around. There’s never a pure intention behind anything she does IMO. And there’s always so much bias in her “reporting” (eg, her blatant disdain for Abbie Chatfield).

The way her “minions” blindly follow her and go for the throat of anyone who dare disagrees with her is also unsettling.
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VIP Member
“Actually we ARE a reputable news source! All three of us have Masters in Journalism Degrees and have worked in the media on TV and radio” 🫠🫠🫠🫣
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Michelle and Zara were pretty gentle on Mamamia as a workplace considering they have bagged them profusely in the past. The whole Betoota interview was about how rat infested it was and they dedicated a whole chapter in their book to Mamamia, but now with Clare they are playing it all down.
I haven’t listened to the Shameless episode yet, honestly those girls annoy me even more than Jessie dare I say so I probably won’t listen to it 🤣 they never have any conviction in their opinions and are constantly backtracking. I did listen to the Betoota interview ages ago and found it enlightening. No surprise they’ve changed their tune now.
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Tuning into shameless for the first time in a while. Is Zara’s accent getting more and more pronounced? At 1.29, more = Maw-wahh.
It’s like she’s trying to sound posh? I have a friend who speaks in a similar way- rolling the R’s etc. If I have drinks with her I really have to watch myself because I find myself imitating her when I’m tipsy 🤣

Haven’t listened to today’s episode yet but I’m happy to actually be interested in their chosen topic this time!
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Well-known member
She gives me the ick. Just trashy and weird and try hard and yes clearly anorexic. She isn’t as clever or funny as she thinks she is, the stories about her gross relationship are honestly very sad.
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Chatty Member
The snorting was out of control this week, it was making me hyperventilate I swear 😂
I was surprised Michelle gave a shout out to Big Small Talk. I had a look at their production company and listened to a few episodes and it’s very good. Considered, intelligent and not afraid to go into difficult topics. A lot more serious than shameless and I while I don’t think it’s direct competition, it is perhaps indication of a new direction for some producers and listeners. It makes shameless seem very fluffy by comparison.

It also made me realise how saturated the light, chatty pop-culture-for-smart-women is and how many of these podcasts stay well away from anything controversial. both shameless and the high low covered more political and difficult topics at the start but then steered away as more money can be made when it’s light and, let’s face it, it’s easier. The shameless girls don’t have the research or pronunciation skills to tackle anything too nuanced in the news.

I wondered if Michelle’s recommendation was her trying very hard to prove to herself that she was ok with this new podcast when I don’t think she is at all. I need to listen again but I don’t think her rec said anything super positive about the podcast contents , she just broadly recommended it. I may well be inventing this scenario in my head but I think this podcast has rattled the girls and made them slightly embarrassed about their contribution and weather they really put out ‘smart women who love dumb stuff content’ .

Finally, I think they were mean to Annabelle about her comment re the AI kendel Jenner etc. I thought the same. Why make them in complete likeness and then change the name? So weird.
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Active member
Zara’s engagement ring is so ugly
I wonder how much of Michelle’s wedding will be spon con today? I loved them at the beginning but now it’s just a bit OTT.
Their spin on Everybody Has a Secret was super over hyped. And last week was sponsored by Go-To, this week it’s Frank Body, the girls also do Cera-ve and I’m sure there’s been other skincare brands. Like have some consistent marketing
I really wanted to like everybody has a secret but it just made me feel icky, like making money off peoples really shitty situations. To be fair I only listened to about 15 minutes of one.

The deep is the same, I can’t stand the whole profiting of peoples misery thing. I get that people are interested but when you start making people pay for it just seems gross.
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VIP Member
Just listened to this episode. The campaign sounded very ick. But I also saw other influences (Revie and George Woulfe) post about receiving the first couple of promo packs. Never saw them post the end product so had a good laugh when Gemma mentioned it was for a sex toy.

Gemma definitely sounded freaked out. And from the context she gave it’s understandable. But I did chuckle at the privilege when she was talking about how concerned her husband and au pair were. As well as their expectation that police just rock up to the post office and review cctv to see who was mailing the packages. I bet the constable loved being told how to do their job.
These idiots literally sign up to be on PR lists to receive stuff 🙄🙄🙄
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VIP Member
I have no idea where people have the time to listen to any of these Podcasts weekly or even multiple ones per week! My commute to work is short and I just listen to the radio!
I listen when I’m doing housework or in the car or going for a walk etc… I can’t do the radio 😂

I also skip all of the ads on podcasts, skip outspoken’s talk on UK influencers, skip shameless’s inside jokes, chats about their week and incessant giggling, skip Outloud’s acknowledgement to country (going to hell but when u listen to multiple MM it’s hard)….
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Actually really surprised to see this from ShamelessMedia. Not necessarily in a good or bad way, just, they usually steer well clear of of anything remotely political. Interested to see what sort of content they put out.


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Aren't these self nominated awards?
Not exactly, you have to submit your work for consideration and then there’s judges that pick the shortlist nominees and winners. So it’s a bit of a weird award, and no one in the industry takes it hugely seriously.
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