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Sophie Pearce (Beyond the Bump) has only just been to Bali and now she’s in Fiji. No mention of it before so I’m wondering if it’s #gifted. If not, where do these people find the $$$?? Yes, I’m jealous and yes, I’m feeling snarky about it.
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Good for them - I love that they’re successful after pitching the podcast idea to Mamamia who turned it down and have since had several failed attempts to launch a podcast to that demographic
I’m happy for them too I really like Shameless, it’s light easy listening on my way home from work especially the scandal episodes.
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I do really enjoy Shameless, it's a fun easy listen in my podcast feed. I do find the new book a bit pointless though, I subscribed and then unsubscribed from their newsletter as I found it boring, and "agony aunt" type content is not want I'm looking for in a pop culture podcast - the two don't really go together?

I think they're trying to do too much at the moment - bringing back in conversation, new book, giving the book reviews it's own podcast. The first episode of the book podcast was a bit flat too, Eilis sounded like she reading directly from a script instead of telling a story.
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Echoing everyone else’s sentiment that yup, done before, will be nothing original, those girls have absolutely no valid opinions/knowledge of pop culture in general etc etc
….also I personally know everything I need to know about people I’m interested in already!

To quote one of them from today’s pod (who knows which one! 🤷‍♀️
Re - Olivia Roger’s new podcast
“Just what we need, another podcast with people interviewing their influencer friends!”
…..uh pot kettle black much??
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Oh no, and now Rosie’s mother has died. I am so so sad for her.
Poor bitch cannot get a break. I listened to her Breakin Nooz podcast a few days ago. She was so positive about 2024 being a better year. I hope she can stay strong over the next few months which will no doubt be very hard.
I have such admiration for anyone battling mental health sickness that still manages to hold it together - in jobs, running businesses, in the public eye. Rosie has managed to be so successful despite being so unwell. Nothing but respect.
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One of my favourites. Obviously it really misses Rosie, I love breaking news, but I find Jacob a breath of fresh air and really admire how he’s stepped up over the past year. Can’t snark them at all it’s a fantastic podcast.
Rosie is a really talented story teller. I agree with you completely. I mean, if I haddddddddd to snark I’d say her interrupting Jacob is a little annoying sometimes but she acknowledges that and jokes about it. Jacob has done an incredible job, he’s also a great storyteller. Good on him for taking over, they probably had sponsorship deals & commitments so it was good of him to take over that huge workload of research & then the actual storytelling. I want to get into her podcast “mum says my memoir is a lie” but I know that’s heavy content about the child abuse she endured & life in foster homes… I just don’t know if I have the strength for something so upsetting.
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Outspoken have certainly changed their tunes lately on Sarah’s Day…. They used to be her biggest fans but finally calling her out
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Megan pustetto is repugnant. Her so dramatic fb page is cult like. She blocks and boots anyone who challenges her in any way. She is a complete joke and i am appalled at this latest series of events by her.
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Chatty Member
I'm super curious as well. I don't mind Zara & Michelle but it makes me laugh how they constantly say the same words... "disingenuous", "discombobulating" "remiss"....
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As much as the Shameless girls really irritate me, my heart absolutely broke for them listening to today’s episode where they briefly discuss the tragic passing of their friend Natalie. I cannot imagine how painful it must be to lose a close friend from terminal illness in their 20s. I will be prioritising getting a skin check as soon as I can and will be recommending my friends and family to do so as well.
It was because of Natalie I went and got my skin checked. I’m 31 and I have 2 they want to keep an eye on

The dr said you should get checked in your late 20’s because things shouldn’t really change once you hit your 30’s but because I didn’t we don’t know how much things have changed

She did say she recommends yearly skin checks and the earlier the better - I didn’t wear sunscreen as a teen often etc

It literally takes like 15 mins and the out of pocket cost isn’t huge - I paid $95 but you get a $35 medicare rebate.

Get on it people!
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I *love* how these podcast pricks are like omg we won but forgot that just last week they were basically begging for votes
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Anyone following the Laura Byrne v clementine saga? It has really put me off Laura. Just say it was not the best idea, apologise and move on (Matty apologise and not her). Going on and on about how he is such a great dad and husband etc. give it a rest. I’m getting really sick of this new breed of so called feminist, progressive podcasters and influencers who are only those things to build the brand. Shutting off comments and shutting down commentary about their actions is really crap. Why can’t some people just admit when they’ve stuffed up?
Yes agree 100%. Matty being the worlds best dad (🙄) is irrelevant to how shitty the reel was.
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Outspoken is also sooo badly researched I haven’t listened in ages but I seen just this week someone correct them in the podcast group for calling Indy Clinton’s husband “Ed” when his name is Ben! I hardly even follow Indy and even I knew his name is Ben and Ed is just a funny joke
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