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Chatty Member
She is totally pregnant right? Also.. What is with her obsession with her own arse.

She is totally pregnant right? Also.. What is with her obsession with her own arse
Absolute obsession with her own arse. Had to stop following. Found her so fake. But I always end up going back for a nose and then regret it.
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I wasn’t in her year so couldn’t say too much about school but agree with her being in with the “cool gang” and not having much time for others. To be fair though my year was exactly the same, run by a Regina George and her minions as I like to say 😂 she is from a wealthy background from what I know. Again though, not unusual for that school.

I was looking at old posts and Audrey said she donated 50% of whatever the koala bear was called. She donated 20k so she made 20k herself off one painting?? No wonder they could afford to move recently!
Interesting. Any one know if they own or are renting? I'm just nosy :p
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Chatty Member
I thought her “prints” were supposed to be limited edition and now shes painting another pair of boobs. I wonder are the sales gone down but she knows these prints can make her some money. Still very amateur compared to Sophie Tea Art who I think she copies from all the time anyway
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She is definitely over-hyped, her work is nice and good enough but not to the scale she is selling it. She was in the right place, at the right time and with the right friends - I can’t believe the amount of prints she sells. It seems she painted ten pieces, got prints made and sells the shit out of them. I absolutely hate the new bum painting - it’s just so ugly and cartoonish, but the pastel brigade will keep her in business. She is stealing a lot of ideas from Sophie T who is another one churning them out to the influencers, but at least she is constantly creating new pieces. As an artist myself it’s very demotivating, getting prints made is expensive and she can afford to rent a studio and the marketing all within a year. Crazy. Maybe I’m envious but I also think the work isn’t all it’s made out to be. And the ‘hiii guyyyyysss’ is irritating.
Thanks for that. I looked at Sophie Tea's Instagram and the likeness is uncanny. Too much to be a coincidence I think!
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Active member
Good on you for calling her out. Immediately went all defensive so you know you are right. Some amount of struggling artists out there and Audrey is raking it in
Thanks, she was a bit hot under the collar to say the least haha. She suggested she featured every small business in Ireland!!! She ain’t out to make friends with us plebs that’s for sure.
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How does she get away with ripping of another artists work like this ??!! It’s literally like for like ! The swan, the troll, the giraffe etc etc
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I see she is going painting a similar painting to her boobs one again even though she claims they are all so unique. The whole country is dismal in lockdown and she comes on every day giving off an air of nothing has changed in her life and I’ll just make people buy my paintings for an extortionate amount. I get the feeling it’s only influencers who buy her stuff.
Can’t believe she is going to do another boobs one. I’m surprised in one way when she claims her work is all so unique. Is anyone getting a different ‘vibe’ from her stories the last while? Something seems off, less chatty, definitely not as chirpy as usual.
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Chatty Member
Yes, me too, it’s a real shame. Sophie has addressed this before as a lot of people contact her about blatant stealing of her ideas. She said she struggled with it at first but now sees it as a compliment. I guess Sophie knows she’s untouchable and is seriously bringing home the bacon ..... I mean, she’s has a gallery on Carnaby Street!! I’m not a massive fan of the nudes so I’m looking forward to what she does next. She’s untrained, like Audrey, but is very creative and obviously is super business savvy. Also just sticks to art and seems to be pretty sound.
When did she address it? I missed that
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Well-known member
Does anyone else notice the relentless posting by her? It’s like she needs constant affirmation by other influencers. I don’t think she would any constructive criticism well at all. She doesn’t even promote or follow and other artists.
Agree, also find it a bit odd that she decided to mix her personal and business accounts - I guess a lot of her followers from her personal acc followed her business account. 100% a business woman, but not an artist as someone else said
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Chatty Member
I think she is referring to here about the trolling and her new painting, which by the way is mediocre again. We are not trolling, we just point out that the prices she charges for average enough paintings is crazy and the fact she’s basically copy and paste job from Sophie Tea. It seems to me it’s just influencers who by her stuff anyway
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Chatty Member
Are people actually spending that kind of money on her jumpers…sorry I mean apparel
I got a hoodie similar to what she has from gill&jill for 80 and even I thought that was a bit much but I know they print them in Ireland etc. She is living in dreamland for 180!
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New member
Haha excellent, she found her path to fame alright, poor quality but she got there, I suppose. It’s just a matter of reasoning with her selling a product, which she is doing, the falsehood is her claiming to be an artist and that it was her dream .... if it was, she might try learning some technique.
I’m sure you’ve got some interesting stories from your school
to be honest even though it was a small school we didn’t cross paths enough for me to have any interesting gossip from school. I doubt she’d even know who I was.
She was in the ‘popular’ crowd and wasn’t very nice to those she didn’t consider her friend. I don’t recall if she was artistic in school but she liked being the centre of attention (school play etc) she and her husband were together in the last couple years of school (his name was different, he changed it when he wanted to be an actor) we were in an all girls school so I never saw them together but heard about him a lot as he’s also friends of friends and south dublin is not a big place when you attend certain schools. Their wedding photos were in VIP magazine when they got married back in 2019

she definitely plays down how hard she tried to be an actress,she had different social media before the art one and she had skits on there they used to record together etc. I think it’s all gone now but it was still there a year two ago.
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€695 for the largest size in her latest piece. And it’s only a print. My word. I wanna know who buys this mediocracy. Proper artists must be at an all time low looking on at her
Thats actually insane, no wonder she is raking it in
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else notice the relentless posting by her? It’s like she needs constant affirmation by other influencers. I don’t think she would any constructive criticism well at all. She doesn’t even promote or follow and other artists.
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Active member
Who does she think she is charging €180 for a jumper. A complete joke. This wan would be nothing without the other insta huns buying her “prints” which in fact are pretty much a copy of Sophie Tea Art
Spot on! And Sophie has long moved in from that style, Audrey has no vision outside of the animals. Wearing art prints on a shirt is also not great, fine if it’s one of the classic but Audrey is asking people to be a walking billboard for 180 quid.
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