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Well-known member
She is definitely over-hyped, her work is nice and good enough but not to the scale she is selling it. She was in the right place, at the right time and with the right friends - I can’t believe the amount of prints she sells. It seems she painted ten pieces, got prints made and sells the shit out of them. I absolutely hate the new bum painting - it’s just so ugly and cartoonish, but the pastel brigade will keep her in business. She is stealing a lot of ideas from Sophie T who is another one churning them out to the influencers, but at least she is constantly creating new pieces. As an artist myself it’s very demotivating, getting prints made is expensive and she can afford to rent a studio and the marketing all within a year. Crazy. Maybe I’m envious but I also think the work isn’t all it’s made out to be. And the ‘hiii guyyyyysss’ is irritating.
Yeah, wouldn't mind as much if her work was unreal. As soon as I saw that bum painting or those AWFUL faces she drew, I knew she just has a really loyal following who will eat up anything she churns out. It is frustrating knowing that she can sell work like this AND afford a studio AND to live in Dublin. I haven't heard of Sophie T, must check her out.
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Chatty Member
Disgraceful having her on when she gets so much publicity anyway. So many people struggling out there with their businesses and she has never been busier so no need for her to be on the radio. She gets too much publicity anyway for mediocre art anyway
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Just looking at her latest post “BFF’s”. Are the two thumbs completely different sizes or is it just me? As in one doesn’t even look like a thumb ?
Yep, I thought it looked oddly misshapen when I first saw it - more like lobster claws than human hands! But then maybe she intended that.
I unfollowed her a while ago as I find her stuff overpriced and overhyped, just not to my taste, but she keeps cropping up when I go to my Instagram search page - not sure how the insta algorithm works, but would she be paying Instagram to get featured on that search page?
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Active member
No, no reply. First noticed with the bee paintings... then came the hearts and now the nudes. She doesn't even try to come up with a different angle or anything. Even the colour schemes are very similar. I just think its embarrassing for someone to blatantly copy someone else's work and pass it off as their own idea. Haha I sound very angry, I'm not -its just a pet peeve 😂
It’s a pet peeve of mine too, it’s hard to grasp the absolute neck, but the people who buy her work might not know who Sophie Tea is I suppose. Her work is such a rip off but a fraction of the price .... I wish I had the guts 😂.
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Well-known member
Looks like they bought it? Who knows, those influencers like to fool us.
I had a snoop on who she follows today, not one artist or gallery on the list - I might have missed something as I scanned it but geez, she’s the worst.
Yeah its hard to know, looks like theyre making a pretty penny anyway. Nah loads of artists i follow , follow her but she wouldnt be arsed following them back. She only cares about influencers
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Chatty Member
I like the look of some of her stuff (would never buy it though) but that BFF looks shite. Looks like the hands only have a finger and a thumb.
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Chatty Member
Yep, I thought it looked oddly misshapen when I first saw it - more like lobster claws than human hands! But then maybe she intended that.
I unfollowed her a while ago as I find her stuff overpriced and overhyped, just not to my taste, but she keeps cropping up when I go to my Instagram search page - not sure how the insta algorithm works, but would she be paying Instagram to get featured on that search page?
Definitely could be paying to be up there. That’s why I think she has so many followers but with mediocre paintings
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Well-known member
Audrey is featured small business on Today FM today, you’d think they would super struggling small business’ instead of Ms Prints-a-lot
Thats ridiciulous, Audrey is doing just fine without the extra PR. Plenty of other talented artists out there 👿
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Active member
Totally looking for a gifted hairdryer!!!!
As if she can’t afford one! It’s obviously worth making mediocre art for a fashion freebie ... most of us are just looking for people to see our work! Maybe we need a non-influencer artist Instagram!
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Chatty Member
Level 5 restrictions and she’s trying to flog paintings and wish everyone a “happy hump day”. I wonder what planet these people are on sometimes.
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Well-known member
I’m assuming there’s no response? There’s artistic licence of course, but they are far too similar. It’s a shame, she doesn’t even try to promote other artists or the art industry in Ireland. She doesn’t know her privilege.
Good point. She has 33k followers on insta and growing and ive never seen her interact with anyone other than influencers on her page
I’ve set up a new account and I can’t say much for fear of outing myself but I went to the same school as Audrey and I also know of her husband. They both come from money and they both have always wanted fame. It was just a case of how they were going to get it.
Yeah they both seem like the types that come from money - very snooty
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