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VIP Member
I have to remind myself that Alf is over 1. The way he eats and the food he’s given, plus the way she shows him playing, really all suggests he’s about 10-11 months.

I don’t think she has any idea how to parent this stage, and that’s why she’s suddenly off doing GB News all the time in ridiculously inappropriate dresses just for the attention and claiming ‘meetings’ etc in the day - she’s trying to seem busy so she has an excuse for the total lack or parenting.

There is no excuse for her not to sit at the table and eat breakfast or dinner with Alfie. Even if she doesn’t want to eat, she could just have a very small amount to model what to do.

She could bring a mirror downstairs to that massive table she’s got and do her make up while chatting to him as he eats.

What happened to video calling grandma every dinner time too? Or was that only while she was being paid to advertise FB portal?
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Chatty Member
Christ, someone’s rattled today.

She’s so defensive! And she doesn’t get the difference between things which are serious safety concerns and could cause harm including death (like cot bumpers or iPads slamming into a child in a car crash) and things which are a matter of opinion (e.g. puréed foods for older kids, stupid but not catastrophically harmful).

UK law around car seats is way behind EU and other laws. You can legally take a child in a taxi with no car seat or seat belt in the UK. Doesn’t make it safe.
Can she genuinely not manage a 10 minute journey with him? If he’s glued to the iPad anyway I can’t see it matters whether he’s rear or forward facing, her saying “he can see me” doesn’t justify the genuine safety concerns.

I feel like the more she’s challenged the more she gets off on being controversial. That’ll be the GB news influence rubbing off.
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I’m quite horrified they have no stair gates in that house! I don’t have a minute to piss these days cos my rogue child is either on the dining table, opening the dishwasher, going through the shoe cabinet or doing roly polys on the sofa trying to kill himself! If we had no stair gates we’d be in A&E multiple times by now.
Why’s she pretending to give a hoot about his safety and wearing shorts incase he injures himself? He sleeps in a death trap, travels in a death trap and lives in a death trap.
Don’t worry he won’t feel it anyway as his legs are probably numb from the circulation being cut off from them compression bandages, sorry I mean socks
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This GB News gig could end up being a huge mistake for her. The brand is utterly toxic, look at the broadcasters who have joined and jumped ship straight away (Andrew Neil, Kirsty Gallagher, Simon McCoy, Alistair Stewart etc.) The viewing figures are non existent, and the channel itself seems to be lurching further to the far right with regular contributors like Farage, Phillips and Grimes.

Some of their content is genuinely disgusting, just clickbait like Fox News which is clearly the model they're going after. Even if she is marketed as a token Lefty, her association with such a rotten crowd will not be appreciated by many of the brands who currently use her.
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She’s a fucking rat bag. Your fault for going to bed at midnight, idiot!
Is she forgetting that Tommy’s parents have been helping her AND she got a lay in until 8:30 the other morning!!!

Aww diddums xxx
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She does have a valid point, life does totally change after having a baby and I think a lot of people are hugely naive about that and don’t understand how you lose that ability to be truly spontaneous.

However - she just comes across as ungrateful. She is so fortunate to have fallen pregnant easily when sooo many people have real struggles.
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Honestly she has been pissing me off all day then her comment about hoping she has a bump again one day purely to do the Rhianna dressing a bump trend???!!! That’s the final straw for me!! Coming from someone who has infertility and can only conceive via IVF, the fact that she wants to bring a child into this world for the aesthetics majorly pisses me off!! She can’t even look after the child she has! Argh, I’m so done with her today!
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Day 4 of her ‘week without childcare’ and ‘the struggle being so real for working mums narrative’ and she’s in Notting hill getting her hair done.
So one grandparent had him Tuesday, another had him Wednesday, she’s off in London alone today. Forget what she did Monday but pretty sure she palmed him off to someone else too.

Poor working mother Ashley, she really has it hard doesn’t she.
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Chatty Member
It really annoys me when she says she returned to work 5 days after having Alf.
as if she’s been off doing 8 hour shifts away from him. Stupid bitch
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I KNEW she was dying to come out as an Amber sympathiser. She’s cut from the same cloth!

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Chatty Member
Here we go again the first wedding for her and Tommy…. Your ‘best friends’ literally got married two weeks ago and you shared a picture of the four of you at the steps 😂 she’s hilarious
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Dicky Tum

Active member
Her labour was soooo traumatic and her stitching was sooo bad that she was up taking photos of herself 2 hours after giving birth. I remember it being on the Daily Mail at the time and I went back to check - she definitely posted photos that she claims were 2 hours after. She spouts so much BS I don't know what to believe

I don't know about anyone else, but after my first long labour with bad stitching, it was a good few hours before I could even stand, let alone get to a bathroom mirror, clean myself up and get yet another photo of myself in my underwear
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She’s a complete idiot. Unless you’ve watched the full (or majority) of the case she cannot possibly comment in such depth like she has.
She has an archaic feminist view. Just because JD is ‘male, older with more money’ that does not mean he wasn’t subject to abuse. What about the photos and videos AH took of him passed out off his face? What if a man did that a woman?

God she boils my piss. AH has made a mockery of abuse victims with her lies and Ashley FuckThePatriarchy is so fucking blinkered I just CANNOT. The way she goes ‘this is what I’m trying to say’ when someone who has messaged nailing the whole thing in a literate way. No you haven’t said that at all you complete moron.
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For someone who’s job is social media I have never seen her be social on her posts. She never comments or replies to people! Even when they say something nice. She just ignores everyone and then demands engagement when it suits her so she can get more £££.

When are the arselickers going to wake up?
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Chatty Member
Ashley, are you telling lies again?! I'm sure she said earlier that she hasn't watched it / didn't want to get involved with it. Keep up with your own lies, love.

And she just keeps missing the point! Just because he was older / richer / "more powerful" does not mean he cannot be a victim of domestic violence! The evidence presented in court proved that.

She needs to stop wading into these debates. She comes across as very uneducated & like she's just jumping on whatever bandwagon suits her narrative about the patriarchy and feminism.

P.S. She's very quiet about the mulberry bag - I hope someone who hate follows her wins it.


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Omfg 😂😂 I mean wtf does she know about Rwanda and refugees? A white over-privileged privately schooled spoilt brat pumped full of botox. It’s insulting!

She’ll hit back to those comments with ‘i’m an A-grade student’ 😂

In. The. Bin.
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Hilarious that she thinks 6.55 is an early start with a 16 month old.
7am is a perfectly acceptable time to start your day with a toddler what planet is she living on!
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She’s so insincere. She 100% wanted to find someone and settle down while she was single so why does she keep holding on to this ‘being single is amazing’ narrative? It just doesn’t hold any weight to it coming from her. I if I was single, having someone who was in a relationship with a child tell me it’s ok to be single wouldn’t make me feel empowered about it! I’d think- it’s alright for you to say! She has too many narratives IMO, she should stick to the ones that are relevant to her life. Like parenting badly
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