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Chatty Member
Urgh, honestly Ashley. Your content is the same old shit. Give us tattlers something else to talk about!

The Dr probably didn't say that. And you are correct, you are nowhere near famous enough to get punk'd. I wouldn't even class you as a z-list.



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It’s hilarious that she acts like she’s not bothered by the so called “mum police” yet mentions them constantly! You are soooo bothered Ashley hun.
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Chatty Member
Ah well spotted re the plan pregnancy thing! But we know she’ll pretend they weren’t trying.

She looked so pissed off in that story about having a bad night, although why if Tommy took one for the team? Alf can’t help teething, yes it’s crap when you’re knackered and trying to work too (not that Ashley would know a days work if it hit her in the face). Kate Lawler is forever complaining too when her daughter’s teething upsets her sleep.

Also 100% that is pre grated cheese she’s put into a jar. The strands are much chunkier than if you grated it at home.
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Chatty Member
Fucking hell Ashley makes me piss myself with laughter, her portrayal of motherhood is so unrealistically hilarious, she’s not got a clue. Come bedtime I am in food covered clothes, I’ve had half my makeup (mascara mostly cos that’s all I have time to do) rubbed off my face from dribbly snotty kisses, my hair is a birds nest embellished with bogies and dried bits of squashed banana, and I usually end up falling asleep putting the baby to bed because I’m so shattered. She is the least empowering ‘mum influencer’ I have ever come across.
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That’s a 20kg barbell which could easily tip over that Alf is playing around while she flutters her eyelashes and poses for IG 😩

View attachment 1313623
Holy FUCK.

After today, I don’t know how she can top being the grade A cunt she usually is. But she is beyond a Grade A cunt now.

So her and Tommy are going to bed in 10 mins, she hasn’t seen Alf all day but she’s making Tommy put him to bed so she can do a make up tutorial for us all so eye fuck herself with her new hair do.

Wow 😂😂😂😂
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She’s had 5 days without Tommy helping. But she’s had Alf in nursery, had the grandparents stay over to help, had 2 friends stay 2 different nights and had a lay in til 8.30 one morning, the other morning we know about he was awake at 6 something I think.. hardly criminally early is it. She literally does not live in the real world. Most people who have partners still do majority of morning routines and bedtimes, purely because they want to! This girl is the biggest irritant. Its not like Tommy has been on a lads holiday, hes away with work.

On another note, it was 34 degrees in Essex yesterday, and she spent the day in the park wirh Alf. Outside. I see there was a splash Park but spend an hour or so there not all day. It was disgustingly hot.
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She's Chief Inspector of the mum police.

Everytime she mentions it, it's in relation to something she knows there's a recommended/better/safer/proven way to do something which she knows she'll ignore.

Rather than take any responsibility for herself, it's easier to play victim and use the "mum police" card.
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I really loathe the vilification of nurses / HCA / midwives / doctors via social media. They have no right of reply or any way to defend themselves.

Morale is already so low in the NHS. So-called influencer, Ashley, will do anything for engagement & sympathy. I do find her terribly precious & self-obsessed and struggle to know if anything she says is true.

Her latest narrative is this “forced” physical exam, which she seems to me alleging was an assault. There is no way to assess how labour is progressing without a digital vaginal exam, it is one of the most important tools in obstetrics.

If she couldn’t have an epidural, chances are that her labour was too far along or maybe there wasn’t an anaesthetist free as they were all busy trying to save the lives of people dying from covid or at home with covid themselves.

It’s just so weird how she seems to add more things on as time goes on. Almost as though she reads / hears about them and thinks “I had that too!” She is so false!
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The lullaby trust doesn’t recommend bumpers but she did her research. Also cosleeping isn’t recommended… except it is, when it’s done right and the person doesn’t go on about their cosleeping time being the worst days of their lives that they hated every single day
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Just because your child can forward face doesn’t mean your child should forward face.

Fucks sake Ashley. I’m sure you’ve ‘done your own research’ but there are undeniable safety benefits - as in avoiding serious life-changing injury, or death - if your child rear faces.

He’s already in a seat that allows for rear facing to ~4 years, yet you choose not to make that simple decision which could alter your entire lives.
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If she had a c section she would be the exact same situation but would be banging on about why her birth led to a section, why a section was forced on her, why she couldn’t have a drug free ~natural~ birth like her birth plan.
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Did she really say she can’t do bedtime cos she’s too fucking BONEY? 😂😂😩😩😩😩

Just say you hate putting your son to bed ffs!! I doubt it’s your bones love, Alf would just rather cuddle Tommy than you! And what is that reel 😂 Just gonna buy some flowers to pick on my bed for a reel x

Came here to post this!!!! I’m screaming. What the fuck is she on 🤣🤣😂😂 Too skinny to put her child to bed. What?????

I had to read several times to make sure I was reading right
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I know we think she doesn’t have a real job- but I’d say she is absolutely raking it in!!

A paid childminder, new house, a nanny one day a week, renting dresses…. She also pays for photographer/hair etc very often.

I actually think we’re probably all super naive and don’t realise how wealthy she is. I think she’s laughing all the way to the bank.
I don’t think anyone questions (I certainly don’t) the fact she makes great money from being an influencer. It’s more the fact she IS an influencer yet acts like she has a proper job, with actual long working hours, stress, being on feet all day etc. she records herself in her underwear. If you want to be an influencer, do it but don’t pretend it’s hard work or comparable to the real work/mum life balance. It’s insulting as f*ck to real working mothers.
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The fact that she sent her child to the childminder when he was clearly poorly is just unforgivable- it’s not like school age children where maybe you might send them in and see how they feel, because they are old enough to be able to tell you how they feel! If your baby/toddler is poorly you keep them at home with you, end of! Apart from anything else why would you not want them with you where you can keep a close eye on them. My Son just wants cuddles and home comforts when he is poorly. Poor Alfie 😞
And it would be one thing if he seemed ok in the morning so you send him in (and advise nursery he had a temp the night before) as you had an actual job that needed you. But to send him in and lay down all day at home all day is absolutely disgusting. Zero maternal instinct in this cretin.
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She's cripplingly shy but happy to post herself in her undies multiple times a day and share every mundane aspect of her life. Hmm makes sense🤨
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Chatty Member
9lb5 is not massive, I don’t understand. I know tiny women who have birthed bigger babies. The thing with birth is it always carries risks, you can have a mega mega low risk pregnancy but still end up having birth complications. My first birth was a breeze, I vowed to have a home birth second time with no pain relief, had an easy pregnancy, no reason at all for any complications. Ended up being blue lighted to hospital and had all the drugs going. I am thankful my son was born healthy and absolutely fine although it was far from the birth experience I had hoped for.
I know people do have traumatic births, but I really think Ashley just uses it for content sadly.
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