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Who the fuck says their child wanted to “hang out” with them so they “let” them? Surely being a parent with two kids means always being with them at home? I don’t understand - does Ash not normally let Alf be with her at home?! It makes absolutely no sense.

Then said hanging out just involves shoving a film on to minimise any actual interaction whilst filming it for the gram.

How can people not see how messed up it all is?
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That fringe on poor Ada was an awful idea 🙈 Why can’t Ada just sit and have fun with a mirror looking/waving/smiling at her mummy? She looks completely zonked out with an iPad. What’s the point in featuring her when she doesn’t do anything 🙈
So she could get her boob out.

Ada, the child that's been dumped into daycare for months, and who goes without feeding for ages, miraculously needs to feed whenever Ash is filming herself or she's being papped at Hamleys.
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Well,so much to pick apart from the latest post.
I’m from the North East and I hate the way she’s inferring it’s the back of beyond and no one could possibly ‘make it’ from there.

Work experience at 16 is just a week, or it used to be back in my day.

What’s University Radio, radio? Is that a typo? Did she go to University?

What was the job she quit to go on MIC?

Not much mention of her high flying DJ ‘career’ & literally no mention of being a lingerie model.

25 years to get a 10 minute weekly spot on a failing tv show.

She simply hasn’t got the personality for presenting.

She’s full of shit. Sorry, but she is.
She’ll trip herself up sooner rather than later-she’s very full of herself since she got the TM gig.
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Chatty Member
Please could she stop mentioning herself and single parents/SAHMs/military wives in the same posts. I’m sure she’s trying to suggest that on the odd occasion when she has to parent both her kids for a couple of hours, she has it as hard as those mums. Shes honestly pathetic.
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So does Dobby no balls sleep and work in the same room? Only comes down for childcare and chores? Gets let out for a run (But of course whistled back should a child awake)? I wonder which bathroom he’s allowed to use, or is he also made to go in the garden? What a funny kind of man he is
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Chatty Member
How do you even poo standing up? The strain on his internal muscles must be through the roof. He‘ll have a prolapse soon too. Why can’t she just TELL HIM to sit? Instruct him you simpleton! He’s relying on you!
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I just don’t get the premise - Tommy wants to go out so he does it all so I can have a night off? Sorry but when you’re parents you can’t very well both have a night “off” at the same night! So one of you goes out, the other does the lions share (the person going out would do whatever they can help with but also sometimes they can’t), and then another night the roles reverse and the person staying home does most of the “work”. Why because Tommy’s going to watch the football does she need that same night off? I really find relationships with that level of petty point scoring a bit sad and worrying. If my husband couldn’t go out without making sure everything was done and/or I had my MIL there for company I’d be wondering why he acted like I was completely incapable…. Ah yes but there we are, that’s because she IS completely incapable of parenting both of her own children. She was incapable with only Alf so it was never going to improve.

Tim Tams are the most overrated snack going imo! Just like a cheap packed lunch biscuit. She’s such an expert she doesn’t even know what they’re similar to - how do you know they’re elite then if you have literally nothing to compare them to. Gosh what a pointless person to choose to advertise them too, never been to Australia and just heard they’re good through friends. “Theyre like a really chocolatey biscuit” wow, you put your kids in daycare to come up with that belter of a marketing slogan. 👏🏼
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So Ashley was on Ada duty last night and Dobby got a full night sleep. That simply will not do, so she had to do some snarky story about being touched out and starving. Dobby is now back on duty. Job done.
Dobby didn’t even get Ashley a banana. She had to venture down the moving staircases to retrieve one herself. Hiding all socks whilst she’s at it.
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How is this going to make other mums feel who get sleep and have some support but are struggling? My youngest is 2 and I am struggling more than ever, on meds, off work and riddled with health anxiety. Am I meant to feel better because both my kids sleep though the night, one in school and the other one in nursery. She's is a horrible person.
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Chatty Member
“Alf learns words and numbers very quickly” - She really doesn’t know any other children his age does she? Does she not realise we see and hear him?
I’m not saying he’s abnormally behind, but in no way is he a fast learner or good talker.
She lives in a very self absorbed bubble. Alfie is in no way advanced. It is just her go to argument she is uses (with herself) to give herself permission to be a selfish, lazy, exploitive parent. Can’t wait to see what colour Daisy jumper Tommy is going to wear. Given her argument that daisies are just part of nature. I think peach is his colour and would look great with his PE shorts.
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Ash really is no better than the lowlife mothers who only have their kids for the child benefit and cannot parent them… she’s had her second for content and an accessory, to prove she’s such a great feminist she can raise an advanced and independent little girl. She cannot cope with her own two kids nor does she even appear to want to. She does the bare minimum and because they’re shipped off so much she has no idea how to handle the basics of everyday life. She’d sooner sit eye fucking herself on her phone posting stories about “how do single mums do it” than just put her phone down and actually do it. Or at least try.
As for Alf being utterly unprepared for the move - it’s just plain cruel. God my child has got a routine medical appointment coming up and we’ve been talking about it for weeks casually, role playing it with his doctors kit, pointing out the hospital when we go past. This woman can’t even get through a ten minute segment on a crappy morning show talking about low brow current affairs without reading her notes and spending hours “researching” her opinion, yet she is uprooting every aspect of her son’s life with zero notice or preparation. She’s fucking awful.
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The only cunt wanting to draw attention to those average sized breasts is Ashley!

I’d bet my overdraft she wore that suit to create backlash and content. She hasn’t droned on about them for a good few weeks and she saw her chance. This ‘feminist powerhouse’ she’s trying to shape up to be knocks me sick.

I wish we could show the world the disgusting threatening messages she sent us trolls. This attention she’s lapping up won’t last long. She’ll start rehashing shit like a broken record, she’ll get back to sharing shocking neglect of the kids but now she has a wider audience all in time for the shit show London move.

Lovely shit suit x
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“I hope I’m showing Alf and Ada a woman can have a career if she wants”
You and 75.6% of all mothers Ashley. Same as your own mum, same as your ‘mum in law’ - Women and men without children are more likely to be unemployed than parents. Bore off!

Repeating these stats AGAIN as she’s obviously on a tattle binge.
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Two adults entertaining three kids sounds like a doddle. Why does she make it sound like it's hard? Is everything in her life hard?!
Try cooking dinner and entertaining four kids under 5 Ash, that's hard. This ⬆ is not.
(Also, it looks like Jas is cooking and entertaining a child at the same time anyway 🙄)
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Chatty Member
I'm not going to lie and say the TV has NEVER been on during meal times in my house... but it's pretty rare. They never have a meal without?! There is something so unbelievably sad about them all lined up, little zombies fixated on a little screen right in front of their faces. Gah.
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