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Every preschool I’ve known has required children to be toilet trained. NNB will be working overtime to do it.

They will need a nanny too, seems odd to go for a term time only childcare place again when they are in every day.

Ashley is the weirdest influencer I’ve ever come across, most of them state they do it in order to spend more time with their children because they can be so flexible and Ashley uses it as an excuse to see less of them!
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Now that she’s been paired with an intelligent woman who she can’t talk down to on TM, she’s a bumbling shaking mess
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When will the self reflection hit her that this is exactly what people are talking about when they say toddlers are hard work? (Kind of, I’m still missing what the big drama was??)

She bangs on about how much she loooooves the toddler age and everyone was wrong, but she doesn’t actually do the bits that people find the most challenging? They fight, they have tantrums, they run off screaming in the opposite direction. Yes they’re also adorable, but it’s a tricky stage.
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Or instead of separating them and reinforcing the girls vs boys bullshit she could teach him to ✨share✨ I know, I know, crazy right!? 🤪

Side note: Alfie actually looks quite cute here bless him, hair is semi decent and the outfit is (dare I say it 🫣) nice and more importantly - FITS him! Perhaps Jaz stepped up to the plate for the poor little guy.
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She could have said at any point that she regretted her comments on this morning demanding to “release the original” and picking about the picture and the meaning behind it. Interesting how she had sooo much regret after the segment but only mentions it now. Trying to grab any lifeboat you can Ashley eh??
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Poor flamingo, here she is with baby Alf in her uniform of grey, not a splash of colour in sight.
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“Happy Mother’s Day to me”
A ridiculous diatribe projecting her own feelings about motherhood under the guise of “society” again.
I’m so glad I don’t live in this world she has created.
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Awww Alfie doesn’t feature in her Mother’s Day post :( I mean I’m not surprised but still, that’s so sad.
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Thread title by @Ray_of_Sunshine ❤

There’s too much to recap, but notable moments:

The family went to stay with NNB for the weekend because Ash wants sleep. Poor Ada cried all night, and now they’re back home nothing has changed. Handily for Ashley, Ada has now started biting just like Alfie did, so tomorrow she’s going cold turkey on breastfeeding. Poor Ada. As long as she isn’t left to cry it’s okay though.

They cancelled their weekend away because Ada was poorly with tonsillitis, which needed antibiotics. Of course, her parents stayed at home to allow her to rest. Oh no! Sorry, that’s not it. They went to Nando’s and Alf was put on a table alone, with Aunty iPhone, while Ash, Tommy and Ada were an uncomfortable distance away.

Then they went to an empty cafe where the owner played with Alf, and Ashley couldn’t see how that was different at all.

Ashley spoke about needing a village, and how she doesn’t have one. Clearly the childminder, the Nanny, TNB, NNB and Jasmine (who appears to have moved in) don’t count. In the words of @LoTiLu she doesn’t have a village. She has a fucking CITY.

With a dose of conjunctivitis added to the mix, and to further allow Ada to recover, Ashley kept her home from childcare snuggled up for lots of restful naps. Oh no! Sorry, she dragged her into central London because the childminder can’t have an infectious child in the setting, but Ash couldn’t possibly miss the occasion of a hair wash.

And Adeline Isabella Blue turned one. We were treated to ‘the’ birth photo yet again, and Alf was slated for daring to be born in a less calm way.
Ada - dressed in pink because there’s no gender stereotyping in their house - was thrown a party with all of her favourite things. This is in complete contrast to Alfie, who wasn’t allowed so much as a box and wrapping paper on his first or second birthday, or at Christmas.
Perhaps Ada understands birthdays because she’s an old soul, and that’s why she was allowed to choose her own present in Selfridges. She’s still not walking, though…

Let the shitshow go on.

Lovely day x
I think this is my first ever thread title 🥹 accidental but I’ll take it 😂😘 Thanks Pol ❤
Just putting this here for the archives.

“We got all dressed up…” except boy child who was stuffed into a shirt God knows how many sizes too small, looking a complete disheveled state, as per. And that wouldn’t have been comfortable for the poor child to move around in. So there’s that element to it.

How they aren’t embarrassed by this is anyone’s guess. 😳 Ashley and the golden one colour coordinated in designer gear. Tommy in his hot pants, likes to leave little to the imagination over his God-like physique (🤢). All efforts wasted by bringing Gus Gus along for the ride. Disgraceful.
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When she says no training she means like formal coaching. She was a hobby runner. It's like no pain relief all over again.

When you're a new mum you have these ideas of lovely days out.... then they sleep through it, melt down/hate it, just something that goes wrong and you feel sad, frustrated and disappointed. After a few times you realise, it's not about you, your expectations were unrealistic and you adjust your thinking. You also plan for disaster and learn coping methods for when things do arise. Ashley hasn't done it enough times to realise the reality is that it never goes to plan nor learned to deal. 3 years down the line.
Her face was like thunder in all those clips. I still believe she was invited herself, she's obviously on their PR list so she knew it was coming up. Perhaps if she hadn't done Audley end then Hamleys the previous day she'd have had more luck. But God forbid they have a day at home. All that activity and stimulation and Ada slept well because she wasn't wearing a vest.
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Whenever I see TNB, he makes me think of that annoying Head and Shoulders ad
‘I didn’t know you had dandruff’
‘I don’t’
…repeat ad nauseum
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His diet is still terrible!!!!
Doesn’t even say what he had for lunch. Wtf does ‘lovely cuddle day’ even mean! These are adults who are left in charge of children all day 😳 Doesnt say anything what they do regarding learning and EYFS
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Why is Alfie still napping? Why is he still in a high chair? Why is he still in nappies? He was pooing on the potty months ago, why have they not helped him develop in any way?!
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Who wants to tell her this is her life now??

Siblings bicker ALL the time and no day out is complete without one of them whinging about something. This is what children do!
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I how she feels a right cunt for picking apart that photo of Kate and saying they should release the original, being one to have fueled the speculation on This Morning.
No doubt she’ll just forget all that and say “be kind”.
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230am and breastfeeding this as I type 😂

WHAT planet is she on? “Breastfeeding is boring, but it means I get waited on hand and foot, so it’s okay 💁🏻‍♀️”. She’s a walking contradiction. She wants to be this badass who can feed while doing things, like being on TV etc, but as soon as she’s at home “oh I’m stuck upstairs and I can’t possibly help tidy up”. Maybe with a newborn, but come on. Tommy, you are a mug. As if Ada is being fed for more than 15 minutes at a time, maybe once when she gets home and once at bedtime. With multiple kids, most of us are breastfeeding while walking around wrangling other kids because it’s necessary and we just GET ON WITH IT. She really does the least.

“Not really able to do anything with Alf because he didn’t take a bottle”. What? Ada apparently didn’t take a bottle either? But like what things? What a weird thing to say?
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