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Wow. Speechless again. I just can’t get my head around the fact she’s openly admitted she didn’t think having a baby would affect Poor Alf? My whole decision-making process around baby number two, centred on baby number one and how they’d be affected.

I also attachment parent where possible/suitable (the real kind, not the fake kind for content), so it grates a little seeing her be told to put the baby down. I did loads with #1 with #2 in a sling, BUT, #1 already felt safe and secure and we’d done what we could to prepare her (which to be clear Ash, is a hell of a lot more than forcing dolls on him and giving him a pushchair you’ve been ‘kindly gifted’).
This also has shades of the fake request she did asking for help when Poor Alf was allegedly biting her but really she just wanted to stop breastfeeding. She’s just planting seeds isn’t she? NNB coming to stay? An au pair? A nanny. She doesn’t want advice on how to connect with Alf. She wants advice on how to avoid doing any actual parenting.
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I’ll bet it did. You can finally justify palming off poor Alf on anyone who will have him so you can have ‘baby girl’ strapped to you 24/7.

It’s actually not pleasant seeing all this played out over SM-the obvious,preference she has to her daughter over her poor son- we get the obligatory pics of her with them both ( because,obvs,she’s such a good mother giving the poor boy 10 minutes of her time whilst still having the girl strapped to her).
And,Christ,Tommy is a complete wet wipe.
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"you may or may not know I breastfed my son for a year" nope can't say I knew that. Total revelation. It's her whole personality! Nobody cares. Literally nobody.
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“We’re really good at the tag teaming” love it’s not tag teaming to just abandon your first born!!
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I’d be devastated if I found my child covered in sick/ poo in the morning. I’d be beating myself up over it for months. The worst part of that for me was she found it funny, she actually laughed! What a sick person you would have to be to find that amusing
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Just reiterating what a lot of other posts are saying - Alf looks SO miserable ☹ why would you even share those pics? It makes me feel really sad looking at him. The worst thing is she probably doesn’t even notice, just checks that her and Ad look camera ready 🙄
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No one does the shh pat bounce routine in their underwear with a tiny baby because
A) it could take forever and you’ll get cold
B) baby could throw up down your back
B) you just don’t. It’s stupid.

Also Ada was FAST ASLEEP from before the beginning of that so it’s staged as anything.
I can’t believe she’s used that song. It’s one of my littlest’s bedtime songs 😩
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Here we go again with ANOTHER underwear reel. It really is any excuse to flaunt herself. All them ‘flaws’ she’s pointing are are very minimal on the scale of how bad they can be. Again it is insulting and just looking for attention.

The cellulite she’s contorting to create some- it’s not just there naturally, body hair is not even noticeable as she’s fair- pcos causes it terribly and many ethnicities also suffer, her belly is normal for post partum and her stretch makes again barely noticeable. Lines and wrinkles erm hello she’s been so brazen about her Botox!

She is doing exactly what she’s saying was done to her in this reel: these things were documented and reported as bad so she’s trying to show ‘hey look it’s normal’ but to others on the other end of the scale with much more cellulite or body hair etc they will be left feeling s*hit and abnormal as their issues are much worse than hers.

Missed the mark again with this. She could have done a reel showcasing more diversity than just herself, but that wouldn’t be ALL ABOUT ASHLEY.
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I will say it again - at 11pm on a Sunday night she is recording a time lapse video of herself tidying up, for the internet… WHO IS IT FOR?!

You’re an ‘influencer’ - what is this content? Who cares? What has it achieved? How does it add any value to anything?

She genuinely has no idea of quality control, or how to do the job she thinks she has
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Where in the NHS guidelines does it say it’s safe to sleep with the baby ON you with a million velvet cushions scattered about? Oh and they were updated in March, so clearly she didn’t ✨do her research✨
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This week is maternal mental health awareness week. Someone who struggled as much as Ashley says she did (and who uses it so regularly as content) would know that, don’t you think? Might even have planned to use each day this week to signpost a different organisation or support service, such as PANDAS, Birth Trauma UK, even Illy at Mixing up Motherhood who Ash had her own debrief with. Illy does a ‘pay it forward’ scheme where someone who is able can fund a debrief for someone who needs it but can’t afford it. It’s £85 - that would be a drop in the ocean for Ash.

But here we are at Tuesday evening and she hasn’t mentioned MMHAW.
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It'll be interesting to see if she addresses the consent comments on her latest post.

I don't think she will unless she spins it to paint herself as a victim of the backlash. If so, then I expect a mocking story using the patronising tone we've seen whenever people disagree with her.

She'd have been better off just saying "I did a shoot the other week and had asked my photographer to capture some candid videos/pictures and I really love this one of when I was soothing Ada"
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Rocky Rosd

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Why would you post a photo of your son poking his sisters eye and banging her head??? Why? She is so strange. I think it is very normal that Alf doesn’t want to play nicely with the baby. She has been obsessed with the baby since conception and he feels sad. He is not being gentle because it gets her attention if he is rough and to a 2 year old, any attention is better than none. Just in case she reads this and wants some unsolicited advice - in the small amount of time that he is at home, before and after the childminder, make sure Ada is not anywhere near you and interact with your son. It doesn’t have to be playing or reading with him. Just let him help you put the washing on or tidy his bedroom or anything that is just you and him. Chatting away. Make him feel special. Ada won’t care at all as long as she has been fed and you give her special attention at night and the whole day when Alf is at the childminders.
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She must be really sensitive about not spending time with the two kids alone if she has deleted that comment so quickly. This from the fiercely independent woman who was single for 6 years, is grade A student, went travelling the world (to luxury hotels with a friend) but appears to be terrified of her 2 kids.
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Chatty Member
Gosh, she's nailed it herself with this load of old cobblers


The pragmatic stuff just didn't seem important? Like following safe sleep guidelines to stop your child suffocating from loose blankets? Or baby wearing guidelines to avoid overheating, bad positioning, damage to baby or dare I say it again, suffocation?
Or doing any preparation for your toddler having a new sibling come home, other than blag a load of gifted crap for baby to give to him. I find her reaction to his 'regressions' so surprising, surely it's not a shock that such a big upheaval to a little person's life is going to cause turmoil.

Why is all this 'pragmatic' stuff just a joke to her?!
Good luck following that maternal instinct, you insufferable twat
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Tell us you read tattle without telling us you read tattle


Also, Ash, you say (while talking) that you want to share how you do co-sleeping.

That’s exactly the problem.

How you do co-sleeping is not the safest way and is against all safe sleeping guidance.

By sharing your way, you are being directly responsible for people’s actions.
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