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Chatty Member
Not that it’s the first time, and shes not the only shitty influencer doing this, but why post about your child’s most vulnerable moments. Alf is struggling to adjust to a huge change in his life and all Ash can do is use it for content and engagement, and make it about her. I think people would respect her more (I use the term respect lightly) if she said she was going to take some time offline to focus on Alf’s wellbeing and spend more time with him. We all know she could make the time (pretty sure she managed to make time for lunch with a friend the other day), but she pretends she’s the world’s busiest woman with the worlds clingiest newborn, and therefore doesn’t even try to change things for Alf’s sake. This is where I don’t get it when she says she ‘doesn’t get mum guilt’ - how could she not feel guilty about the way Alf currently feels/is behaving?
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Chatty Member
She’s missed the point re: co-sleeping hasn’t she. Ash, it’s not the fact that you co-sleep, it’s how you co-sleep. I imagine the majority of mums on this thread have co-slept at some point. What I don’t think they’ve done, is let their babies sleep on them, or any other alternative way of co-sleeping that would put their child at risk of death. Yes, Ash, death. Well done for linking to the updated NHS guidelines, perhaps you should read them too.
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Not fancy grated cheese, ham and watermelon then?
Not tonight thanks 🤣

(I’m actually taking my first-born 15 year old on a mum & son date to Wagamamas so he gets some actual 1-2-1 time, while my second-born 4 year old is at his daddy’s for the weekend (for the first time since November!) and I can’t wait!)
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Her latest stories, man she’s dangerous isn’t she.

‘We have articles saying we’re demonising boys for being boys…’

Where, in which publication? Link them to respond appropriately.

‘Schools teach about consent now, I think…’

Do they, or don’t they? Check facts.

‘in our day it was like if you get drunk then you kinda deserve it’

Who the hell said this and where? This is unacceptable in any time period so call them out and hold them to account.

‘nightclubs which by the way have certain dress codes which you HAVE to wear…’

Again, where? Publicise it as if this is true they need to be held to account if they’re forcing women to wear a certain type of clothing.

All of the above was in ONE clip, with zero supporting information. Just baseless stream of consciousness from her own warped mind. It may ALL be true, it may all be lies, but it’s just waffle from her, ‘I think….’ And ‘it’s like I remember…’ you’re not in an office gossiping privately Ashley, you’re apparently an INFLUENCER and you’re talking with self appointed authority on serious subjects to hundreds of thousands of people with absolutely no base, no reference and no tact.

Either take your ‘role’ or your ‘job’ seriously or stop trying to be a social commentator when you can’t be arsed to do anything other than make shit up to fit todays narrative. Put some fucking effort in, you charlatan.
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New member
I’m inclined to say the train story is a complete lie.

She’s mentioned she loved Body Shop as a teenager and repeatedly speaks about her 13 year old self seeking approval from boys.
Coincidence she overheard a mum talking to her 13 year old about boys and Body Shop make up? Funny that! She just needed to say some shit about Ada. She’s got a screw loose.
I don’t think a mum would be telling a 13 year old girl that she shouldn’t wear makeup as the boy she ‘wakes up with’ might think she looked different. Or am I just a prude 🤪
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“Just a moment between Ad and I” 😂😂 who just happens to be prancing around in their bra and knickers with their newborn and a full face of makeup and curled hair?

And wouldn’t that be ridiculously inappropriate to peek through the door and film?! A vulnerable post partum new mum in a state of undress with her baby? Who would actually do that? It crosses like a million boundaries. She’s such an idiot.
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The awful thing is, if/when Alf gets diagnosed with something, or he starts a preschool / nursery and they advise something, we know what follows. Content.

She’ll be the hard done by mother with the shock news. DM and Hello will be featuring ‘Made In Chelsea Star Ashley: My Struggle’ followed by her ‘journey’

It’s horrid to think, but she’ll rinse it for every ounce of attention and every subsequent penny
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I feel like there's some irony to Ashley having bought something advertised on Instagram and it not living up to expectations 😂
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Tommy it’s bottle time, I'm going to film it so quick get your PE Kit on!
PE kit is killing me 🤣
Or when she balanced her on the sofa!!
Is it just me or does this look really unsafe? Maybe I'm a paranoid FTM but no way I'd have left my baby like this even if I was sat nearby

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I’m catching up on bits I missed earlier.

I have a photo of my littlest at 8 weeks like this with the dog sitting next to the sofa (on the floor), and a tennis ball placed on the sofa next to the baby, by the dog who was hoping he would play with her 🤣
So I give her a pass on this one.

Disclaimer: I was present the entire time.

Actually fuck it I’ll show you. My very hopeful spaniel 😂 (who I didn’t need to send away when the baby arrived, just saying)

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I’ve had two c sections (and am having another next month) and I have never heard of not being able to pick up your toddler for TWELVE WEEKS. What planet is this woman on? She doesn’t deserve to have any children, she is so unbelievably cruel.
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I’m not bothered by separate rooms to it disturb each other BUT why lie about Alf coming in every morning for cuddles. He clearly doesn’t as she’s having her “lie in”.
Also fine if she struggles with motherhood or 2 BUT admit it, and acknowledge the privilege of outsourcing to make it manageable.
The only honesty is saying it’s boring so it’s better for him to be with someone else but she lies around the it to not look bad.

She could say “I was unprepared for the challenges, I’m not capable of coping while maintaining my mental health. Thankfully, I can get help and Alf gains from having someone do a better job than I. It’s not what I imagined but accept it’s healthier for us both. I understand not everyone can, I admire you and wish there was more support that didn’t depend on bank balance”.

Instead it’s lies “I love work, Alf knows I work to provide for us, he understands, we’re telepathic. I have everything under control. I have various gifts and talents but I’m not great at play, it’s boring so I pay someone who’s better at it, for Alf’s sake, not mine, I’d love to spend more time with him. I deserve free time and space for me because I work so hard, I earn more than Tommy, and Alf loves all his carers who I pay so have no guilt about it. I’m an excellent mother, here’s a video to prove it”

She wants the money from being a ‘mummy Influencer’ so she’ll never be honest and continue to spin the second story.
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Active member
The kind hands thing....if he isn't using "kind hands" then don't eye fuck yourself filming their interaction, actually sit with them and watch so you can gently stop him. I bet she has filmed every interaction Alf has had with his sister, since she is always strapped to ash's chest. So he's basically interacted with her twice? Poor kid is going to really resent his sister.
I really do feel sad for Alf.
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Ashley, as usual you're talking out your mum had her own bank account and bought her own house in the 50's ....she was widowed in 1954 aged 32 and brought up her son single handedly while running a successful business! ...( - she was also a riveter for Lancaster bombers during the war! )
....I learnt so much from her regarding carrying on through adversity and have never needed the validation of men to show my worth ....
However it does say something about your upbringing though
I know that's probably a foreign concept for you that a woman could be independent in the 50's .....with your private, boarding school education and your million pound house
and as for all the male shaming you're an absolute embarrassment for a mother....
shame you don't put as much effort into looking after your poor son as you do about ranting about the patriarchy
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He is not being gentle because it gets her attention if he is rough and to a 2 year old, any attention is better than none.
But also, he has never been modelled gentle kindness and love by (who should be) his primary caregiver. How does he know what to show the baby?
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Both photos of Alf in bed this morning, he looks completely miserable the poor child, like he has weight of the world on his shoulders

why on earth she would share them on social media
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Well-known member
Please tell me that she has set that up of Alf on a table by himself purposely to wind people up?? Because who would sit a 2 year old at another table ffs?? 😮😮😮😮
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She must be pissing like a race horse with all this fluid she's supposedly drinking.

She is honestly so boring. I actually can't wait for her to headline the sober event, at least it's embarrassingly funny to watch her in her finest DJ Bean moment.
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Weirdest part of that story - why should boys seek her approval? It goes both ways. If Ada's not for the male gaze, why are boys there to impress her. Just goes to show the balance in Ash and Tommy's relationship is off, as we know. She think she deserves for Tommy to to do more somehow, not be equal. Perhaps this feeling of being victimised by men that pervades her thoughts is what contributes to her inability to connect with Alf. (Even though she insists she wants him to be kind and respectful yet seems disappointed he's not outgoing and boisterous)
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There speaks the privileged entitlement of a private, all girls school boarder from a wealthy background.

I have a 10 month old daughter and I’m all in on teaching her to be a member of the strong girls club, i am of course a feminist but most importantly I know what it MEANS: it means equality. Not women should do and have everything at the expense of men.

She is one of the unfortunately huge number of people who want to be part of something (for content / attention) but haven’t got the attention span to learn enough about it to actually contribute anything of any substance, just buzzwords constantly
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