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Chatty Member
I don’t expect her to have the awareness to acknowledge and appreciate she is in a privileged position to have so much support, she feels she is entitled to it.

I’ve been stepping away from her recently as it’s a constant struggle with full-time work, a toddler and living 4 hours away from the closest family. We dont have time for the basics, let alone time to swan around London, going through my wardrobe or any other wonderful “essential to Ashley” activities.

It’s pathetic that she can’t look after her two children on her own for a day. She isn’t genuine, authentic, real - she’s a fake fraud.
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In my 36 years of a being a mother I have never and never will utter the words 'I have always been a brilliant mum'.
That's because actual good mums worry constantly about being a 'good mum'. Ashley doesn't worry about this at all, her mum ✨superpower✨ is that she doesn't feel any mum guilt.
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What the unsafe sleeping fuck have I just seen? If my child slept for a few hours in that bassinet I’d be up every 20 minutes checking she’s not dead!!

Doormat must deliver Special to HRH in bed before he takes the peasant boy to swimming.
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She has no humility and empathy,zero emotional IQ.
No way was the advice given spiteful.
What scares me is these things she posts are worrying, god knows how she is in private.
She has so much to learn and her gut instinct is way off in child care.
God forbid she listens to mothers who have experience.
She was vile to me on a DM and I won't ever forget it.
She is a bully and a first class mean girl.
There is nothing remotely kind, warm or genuine.
I have no idea what a new mum could possibly learn from her.It ceases to amaze me that she feels she is relatable.
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Awww Ashley, not one single original thought from you is there. Her most recent grid post is literally taken from Jameela Jamils stories yesterday.
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Honestly our babies are a few weeks apart and HOW does she still have the energy & time for all this bullshit? The ranting & long insta posts / stories?
I’m lucky to get time to text back since I spend half my time feeding with a * bottle * 😱 and the other half burping.

She’s such a negative person, and she’s not exactly a spokesperson for anyone/a charity which is why she needs to go on these rants? And even if she was she would come across awfully as they wouldn’t want a rage filled ranting person, they would want an educated individual who can speak clearly and without prejudice
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ooh scandalous

Well-known member
Well I’m really pleased Alf is acting out, and I hope his behaviour only stops once Ash realises she actually has to give Ad to TNB rather than assuming quality time can be spent with The princess still strapped to her. Honestly, does she ever wash these #gifted carriers? I know she has more than one but she’s using these things on the tube, around London, then in the house as well! Baby Ad should be able to go on a playmat (hello tummy time!) or in a bouncer once in a while. I think after crying once or twice in protest it’s almost like Ash has assumed baby Ad must never be in her own space. My first was a bit of a “hold me hold me” baby but had she been my second, she would have had to just get on with it!
Poor Alf in the recent photos… so sullen looking with the weight of the world on his shoulders. I don’t want to invite the anti-assumption brigade but I’ll eat my hat if he doesn’t have other issues going on. Poor lad needs his mum more than ever.
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If anyone genuinely feels that a child (any child) is being neglected - whether that is physically, or emotionally - please ask yourself whether you are happy to sit back and do nothing.

I’ve done what I felt I needed to in terms of flagging my concerns to the appropriate authorities when I saw something that was, to me, unacceptable. They in turn investigated whatever they felt they needed to at that time.

It’s not just physical abuse that needs investigation and support, and Social Services don’t just go in and remove children. They work to support families, to advise and improve lives for all involved.

This will no doubt get me a new load of DM’s in my Instagram inbox from the flying monkeys, but frankly I don’t care. A child’s happiness is more important than that.'re%20worried%20about,team%20on%200345%20606%201212.
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So much for Alf coming in to her in the morning for cuddles in bed. He’s been ‘dropped in the car’ without even seeing his mummy.
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😂 good god no, I’d have moved continents to avoid family days out.

On TNBs salary, his job title is relatively well known and there are often vacancies at the same company for the same level, thats all. It’ll be commission / performance based so he’ll probably get decent bonuses.

Just for the record, Ashley likes to say he ‘works in tech’ - he doesn’t, he works in finance / trade but presumably deals with technology company stocks. Yet another Ashley lie to make her life look more impressive.
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VIP Member
Christ! Does she think people believe this crap?
Because everyone prances about in their underwear with hair & make up done in case they’re randomly filmed-she doesn’t even look surprised - ‘you can see the moment I realised I was being filmed’ - no,you really can’t.
We have 2 scenarios here....
1.either Ash not realising she was being filmed, and we have the whole issue of consent and creepy peeping TNB filming her witho her knowledge highly improbable
2.she's LYING ....
no one is in full make up, perfectly groomed hair and matching underwear so soon postpartum
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VIP Member
Also there’s no way YouNeEDaVIckY just turned up
unannounced. She knew she was coming and she just wanted Alf out the way so she could ✨ hang out with her friends ✨ something she couldn’t do for a year with Alf cos b00bs. Funny she’s boobing Ads and hanging out with friends
Exactly this. Oh look guys a decluttering expert turned up unannounced the day I was child free, in the house and was planning on decluttering. What an amazing coincidence.

Oh and look guys, I totally forgot I took this before video, silly me! This day has turned out just perfectly! Thank the universe!
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Pet hate, babies in shoes utterly ridiculous! Seriously woman, get your son some decent fitting shoes and leave the baby out of being your accessory.
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