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I don't know about you guys, but when my baby was a few weeks old, I got up one morning and called mates to come over to do my hair and makeup.

I then put on my non Tu (#ambassador so ad) underwear, picked up my sleeping baby and then looked at myself in the mirror, complete with one leg pointed on tip toes to elongate it.

Instead of putting my baby to sleep, I stood facing the door, rocking and patting her back, even though I probably should have put her down as she looked fast asleep. Instead, I sat down carefully as to not cause my stomach to roll.

Then to my surprise, I looked to my right and there was someone filming me through the crack of the door. I didn't react shocked, instead I slowly smiled and they stopped.

I was so amazed of the quality of this candid video - the lighting, the softness of the image, the stability of the camera work - I decided to share this private moment with 336k bots.

Just a day in the life of a cool mum but not just a mum.
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That ‘just you wait’ post has made me SO angry. How dare she spout all that from her ivory tower with a childminder, nanny, nanny’s daughter, NNB, TNB, cleaner, agents assistant , brother in law, Grandad no balls, own mother, all plants gifted meals, 7k of gifted baby gear, playroom to cage the first born in, private healthcare for c section and post natal care, private gynae physios, osteopaths and anything else we just don’t know about.

Yes Ashley we are all the same. EXCEPT you have all this unlimited help, gifted shit, money and access to healthcare that nearly none of your followers do. How utterly patronising to your average follower that it ‘just gets better’ without mentioning all your privilege!
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Life comes at you fast. Four years ago I didn’t have a child and I was travelling to work on the central line via my favourite coffee shop. Fast forward four years and I do have a child and I am travelling to work on Southern Rail via my son’s nursery. I think it is what is known as the normal ebb and flow of life and the fact that things change but I’m not a life coach so I can’t be sure.

Also four years ago I had a budgie, but it died. Newsflash Trash, life moves on 😅
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Her big DJ comeback is at ministry of sound!!

Well, it’s in a room upstairs from ministry of sound. At an event that encourages people to get sober. And her set is at 2pm on the afternoon, because the event ends at 5pm 😂 woop wooooop
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also on a side note: boys are not fine. not that that's the fault of girls, but not everything is subject to a gendered moral dichotomy. Your boy is certainly not fine, Ashley, because you openly resent him and emotionally neglect him. consequently he is globally delayed and also the most miserable two year old on the internet. Generally also boys are not fine - their mental health, suicide rate, rates of eating disorders, rates of severe psychiatric illness, predisposition to radicalisation on the internet are all skyrocketing. these things are directly and indirectly responsible for the relationship they have with girls and women. so in all your ranting about the patriarchy you seem to have completely missed the nuances of this debate, as examplified by your unsubstantiated and frankly incorrect statement that 'boys are fine' - they aren't and you are dense as all hell.
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I didn’t comment on it at the time, but re: the body shop campaign - if you’re asked to do something at a days notice, and then have to scramble to find your OWN photo/videographer and arrange your own travel and content, you’re NOT an ambassador for the brand, you’re not a brand partner or an affiliate, and you’re most probably not getting paid anything other than a tiny commission on views/traffic.

In other words, you’re pretty much an intern who is probably LOOKING for this work on the portals a lot of young unknown wannabe insta huns use. To then claim you’re proud to be working with the company on such an important campaign is hilarious, minutes after admitting you got the gig as a last resort less than 24hrs prior and were only ever actually asked to submit an old photo.
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I don't get how she doesn't want to spend the day with Alf since he's in childcare 8 till 6 for the rest of the week and she barely sees him? Why arrange this decluttering on the one day that he isn't with the childminder? She will literally find any reason not to be around him, even after admitting how unsettled his behaviour has been recently and all the advice she got about the importance of quality time. Her relationship with her own son is non-existent, and the fact that she takes every opportunity to compare him negatively to his perfect baby sister makes it even more awful. She's a horror.
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It’s okay everyone! Don’t worry whether you have crippling depression, or PTSD with dissociative symptoms, or perinatal OCD, or you’re a single parent struggling to cope, or you’re living with domestic violence, or you’re in a MBU with postnatal psychosis, or your baby was in NICU, or you simply can’t cope with the cost of living in this fucked up world.

Have yourself another baby.
Hope it’s a girl!
Everything will be just fine!

Fucking hell. This is another ‘we all have the same 24 hours’ or ‘you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be’.
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Alf is in childcare = I palm him off to whoever I can at all times so I don't have to deal with him
Ada is an incredibly placid baby = just in case I haven't made it clear enough, Ada > Alf (but also, I thought you said Ada never wants to be put down?)
Tommy does 60/70% - I do a nightly timelapse of the 4 minutes I spend with Alf which I then document on social media just to prove I actually see the wee mite
I get my hair done for work - I pay someone an obscene amount of money to come to my house and make me look like I've stuck my hand in an electric socket
Tommy's mum/my mum helped for the first 6 weeks - fuck the patriarchy, I just need 2 grandmothers with me at all times to be a really brilliant mum
I trust my instinct - I'm a fucking cunt who has no clue how to mother a dog never mind 2 children
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Does anyone else think a “parenting” book is on the cards? 🥴 Something like “Why Did No one Tell Me? : An Honest Account of Motherhood.”

The amount she’s sharing online about her kids is worrying but I feel like it’s laying the foundations for something. The posts asking for advice re Alf’s regression etc etc.

I imagine it’d be a book about how she was single but now she’s a mum and that her tits are massive and was told to cover up but loves breastfeeding and hates (read: adores) the seemingly unwanted attention that it brings and how she hates her son and the best day of her life was birthing her daughter but trolls trolls trolls have caused her mental health to deteriorate with unsoliticited advice so now she just does whatever the fuck she wants and blames the patriarchy on everything.
The cover will be a photo of her DJing with her tits out breastfeeding while feeding Alf grated cheese from a packet while also fondling her c section scar.
Lovely day x
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Chatty Member
If people actually knew how often unsafe sleep harms or kills children in the uk, they really would think twice. I have been a child protection social worker for 8 years and have simply lost count of the number of cases I’ve held where babies have been hurt or tragically killed by unsafe sleeping conditions .
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The Stella Creasy situation has made it to BBC now. When you read what happened, it’s entirely different to the situation with Ashley.

Someone contacted the police to say that SC children should be taken into care.

Prior to that, he (the complainant) had emailed her (SC) office numerous times because he was angry about the work she was doing against violence towards women.

Social Services assessed and decided it was possible that SC herself might be at risk - not her children - because of the way the complainant was targeting her.

The fact that Ashley says that she was ‘targeted’ in the same way is ridiculous. She should be ashamed to compare and minimise SC’s situation like that.

If Ash goes to mainstream media with her version, making out that she is the wronged party, I would seriously consider sharing the actual facts from my side including her messages. Not that they’d be interested in her story, because she’s just not that famous.
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Woah... that's the first time I've seen/read that and it sent shivers down my spine.
"Tired but happy"
What a truly disturbing thing to say before admitting to thousands of people that you didn't realise your own baby was covered "head to toe" in sick and diarrhea. Am I missing something?
That story from her was the final straw for me and what led to my contacting social services. No matter what she says (or insinuates in thinly veiled messages), I stand by what I did. Alfie was not appropriately cared for.
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Ash had to turn down the DJIng gig of her career because of baby Ad. This was a massive session to celebrate the coronation, and despite hyping it up in her stories like it was at the Cafe Del Mar, it was actually due to take place outside Domino’s Pizza while staff from her agency picked up a free lunch. Ash is gutted because she’s not sure she’ll ever reach such dizzying heights again, but hopes in the future other pizza takeaway companies will want to book her as she is still very talented.
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Ashley James #24 She’s an absolute car crash. It’s ok though, her dad was a fireman

Thread title credit to @willowtree2

After us tattlers saying Alfie was cold all winter, Ashley finally warmed his room up in April and he slept beyond 6am! Follow us for more parenting tips.

Ashley can’t have a moment alone because baby Ad has to be held at all times. This is okay, though, because Ash is her home.
When Alf was newborn and needed similar closeness, he was clingy and demanding.

Ash is back at ‘work’ with everything featuring baby Ad too because she can’t be put down.

Ash can’t do anything around the house, or even tidy up after herself, because - you guessed it! - Ad.

Poor Alf is being solo parented by Tommy, until today when Ashley stepped in and managed to look after both of her children alone for a few minutes!

Ash has had a ‘mummy MOT’ and her prolapse has gone away all by itself!

She’s managed to travel into central London alone with baby Ad for a full day, but she says she can’t pick Alf up for a cuddle.

Alf has been forced shown saying the letters of the alphabet, and what word they’re for, not being allowed to hold the letter tile despite repeatedly asking for it, until he’d performed for the camera. Top parenting there from both Ash and Tommy.

Alf has apparently regressed slightly as a cry for attention 😔 Ash has been told that this is normal by her childminder. Lovely day x

Total of Ashley’s gifted baby carriers, car seats and pushchairs: £6409.90

In case you didn’t know:
• Ashley was single for 6 years before meeting Tommy (although they appear to be permanently sleeping in separate bedrooms)
• She was a Grade A student (and we’ve seen the GCSE art work)
• She hates the patriarchy
• She trusts her ✨instinct✨ with motherhood and does her own research (please, no one else ever follow her lead)
• She claims to have a telepathic link to Alfie to know his needs
• She never wanted a boy, and makes this clear
• Alf’s diet consists of grated cheese, watermelon and not much else
• Alf knows the ‘days of the month’, can count to 100, and his favourite number is 91 - according to Ashley
• Ash is incapable of being alone with Alfie, so either Tommy or his mum are always there to step in if he’s not at the childminder (lovely day x) or with the Nanny
• Snoop is Ash’s dog who is occasionally seen, he was sent away when Alf was little because neither Alf nor Snoop were given any kind of boundaries by Ash
• Ashley is quick to cry troll, but is infact the biggest troll of all

TNB is Tommy (no balls)
NNB is Nana (no balls - Tommy’s mum)
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literally the only thing my husband and I thought about when I was pregnant with our 2nd is how it would affect our 1st. I'm not even sure how it's possible to NOT think about your other child??? the mind boggles!

and that comment on her post was spot on. spend one on one time with your child! less than 2 weeks after giving birth I was taking my first kid out to gymnastics (and yes I was exclusively breastfeeding), bouncing on a trampoline while I was still bleeding profusely. this was obviously aside from the time I was spending with her everyday at home too but it was important to me to get out of the house with her just us 2. it's really not rocket science Ash. aren't you a grade A student?
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