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Thanks for the new thread!

More of the same shit then with our old mate Ashley:
- life isn't over at 30
- men sexualize my boobs
- my body has changed shape
- please don't define me as 'just a mum' even though all my profitable content centres around being a mum
- my baby's not-SIDS-safe sleep journey
- I can't wait to be a girl mum (look at all these floral items I've been gifted but I don't buy into gender stereotypes)
- being a working mum is SO hard
- I rely on TNB to do everything for me including lay out my PJs because fuck the patriarchy; and
- here I am exploiting followers through a barrage of affiliate links on cotton wool.

Lovely day x

I just wanted to mention this as well, correct me if I'm wrong in my interpretation and I am NOT a Piers fan but I feel like she has taken his quote totally out of context. Yes it's a fucked thing for him to say but I think his comment is trying to be bigoted in relation to gender identity and perhaps against transgender women who claim to be women, where he considers a defining factor of being a 'woman' is owning a womb and female reproductive organs. Ashley sems to be using this quote to support her agenda that the patriarchy believe unless women use their womb they have no worth?? But to me his tweet doesn't seem to be related to her argument.

There seems to be a pattern of her doing this lately - Trash if you're going to use an article/clinical study/quote to push your agenda at least make sure there is a contextual link.
I don’t think it’s particularly bigoted to say that female biology is an essential component of our identity, given that historically and currently our bodies are the site of labour (unpaid work, especially in the home) and labour (childbirth), sexual violence, rape and coercive control, forced pregnancy (half the US states after the overthrow of Roe vs Wade, Afghanistan etc), domestic violence and lack of public safety (Sarah Everard; the Met Police’s response to the Sarah Everard vigil), unequal pay and career progression in the workplace, the glass ceiling that prevents women from rising to CEO level without quotas being enforced, 33+% of women and girls having been sexually assaulted and 75% of 13-24yo receiving unwanted/threatening male attention… but we don’t need arch-misogynist Piss Morgan (who has never known what it is like NOT to walk through the world as a heterosexual white privileged male) to say it on our behalf, and we certainly don’t need bloody Ms James pretending to be a feminist champion when she can’t even pretend to hide her gender preferences/stereotypes.
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I get the feeling when she says ‘build baby girl a room’ shes on the beg for some company to come and gift them a new built in fitted bedroom with bed/play area etc especially after her video this morning. She’s such a beggy cunt.
Alf genuinely seems so much happier to see the childminder than he ever does his own mum!
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Chatty Member
That reel is so shit. And no shade to Alf because it’s not his fault, it’s hers as his parents, but that kid always looks completely dishevelled. Trousers are always too small, as are his socks and he just looks exhausted all the time.
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She’s just a laughing stock at this stage. Unbelievable 😂

If she was a legit feminist why has she waxed? Who’s she waxing for? Why take body hair off at all?
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I know the child of every parent with a tattle thread at some point is accused of being autistic.

im aware social media is not an appropriate way to diagnose either…

But there are signs of ASD for Alf - the delayed walking/unusual gait, lack of balance and coordination, repetitive language (ie learning letters/numbers/days of the week from TV and repeating them, but not actually talking a lot), lack of eye contact, possible food issues / struggles with tastes and textures, unusual sleeping patterns, his facial expressions aren’t particularly expressive a lot of the time… but I’m aware autism looks different for many people and we are ultimately just seeing snippets.

the reason I mention this - is Ash on the spectrum too I wonder.

many people (especially women) don’t get diagnosed/become aware of their own neurodiversity until they see it in their child(ren). Ie Christine mcguinness.

ashley has few friends / struggles to maintain friendships, is obsessive about certain subjects, can come across as quite blunt/matter of fact… could her eye fluttering be a way of coping with eye contact…? Sorry if this is offensive to ASD people.
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I know she’s done her research and courses and it’s so good of her to share all the realities of it all.
I bet she puts the C-section course on her CV. Right next to ‘presenting course’, ‘DJ course’ and ‘life-coach course’.
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This woman who’s supposed to be the biggest advocate for loving the body you’re in and not having to change yourselves to feel validated in society blah blah blah really makes herself look like the biggest bimbo on social media with her constant need to look good by having her hair/makeup/nails/tan done and I get the need for these for her modeling job reel making but to have a fucking Caesarian? Is she actually ok mentally?
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I've had confirmation from a senior medical professional ,( of 35 years standing) and family member( who also happens to be a medically qualified medical negligence Barrister ) that nail varnish is not to be recommended when having a caesarean section ( elective or emergency) whatsoever ....despite what Professor Ashley seems to think!...but hey, you do you hun, you're obviously an expert who's done their research 🙄
.....but you'd better pop some nail varnish remover in that hospital bag Ash poppet do you need a label for it?
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Chatty Member
Bet she’s not happy that TNB gets to ‘return to his normal routine’ while she’s ‘stuck with a baby and a toddler’. She can’t avoid parenting two kids forever, and I’m here for the shit show that is about to unfold. Isn’t it Easter hols soon? No childminder…how will she cope?!
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Unreal that a woman who takes a tripod to the hospital is trying to play coy like she's enjoying the private moments. It's all about cashing in, nothing organic about sharing the baby. Disgusting that a child is so monetised.
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Oh she must be LIVID that is Tattle trolls guessed the name so easily.

So she's only been hiding Ada for the magazine deal, nothing to do with protecting their time together. No doubt now she will be shoved in our faces and told how much happier she is this time round.
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I can’t believe He’s managed to keep her off insta for nearly 48 hours. I was expecting an instagram live of her birthing the 2nd coming of Christ.
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